
Oct 28, 2017
It's going to put some more oomph in knife-only runs rather than just rushing like rambo and kiting every enemy
Dec 6, 2017
I've never made it more than a few hours into Code Veronica. I really don't like the overall look and feel of it to the point it actively turns me off. For me, RE3 was a lot more enjoyable despite veering dangerously into massive fatigue territory.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Say what you want about 6, it had pretty cool action mechanics.

RE6 Mercenaries was so good.

The rest of course was not.

The Resident Evil Mercenaries standalone game just makes way too much sense... and yet Capcom only delivered a rather subtle release on 3DS instead of going all out.

Is there a plan for a demo to be released before launch?

Nothings been said about a downloadable demo, but they did say apparently it'll be playable in UK at an event(?) sometime this year. I imagine they'll release the demo just before release - RE5, Rev, 6 and Rev 2 all had demos before release.


Permanently banned for usage of an alt-account.
Oct 26, 2017
Is there a plan for a demo to be released before launch?
My guess is very late, like just before the game's release, they obviously have a lot of confidence in the game, but RE2 isn't really doing anything new they need to show or have multiplayer to warrant a demo months before release.
Oct 28, 2017
Played through RE3 recently and this scene made me scream YEEEAAAHHH!

Also, fuck Code Veronica and fuck the stupidity of bringing back Wesker.


Oct 26, 2017
While I think it looks amazing, isnt the camera too fast? Or the movement? I dont know it makes the gameplay looks like a mess.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
They really nailed the horror, and human aspect in this remake. The outbreak feels truly terrifying here, and it's almost weird to see Leon visibly frightened. He is a rookie here afterall. They've learned well from RE7, and are selling the rookie vibe really well, makes the player feel even more vulnerable.

This is Leon before his prime. He's a beast in RE4, but he really went through hell and back in both games!


Oct 25, 2017
The dual wielding only applies to a couple of weapons you can't even reload, and the first person view is only used in two boss fights. I admit the boss fights are good, but that's the only stand out quality thing CV has aside from its improved cut scenes.

The areas, except for the private residence and the mansion area at the very end, are all really drab looking and don't have the sense of artistry and detail that RE3's areas do. The cluttered and trashed streets, the somber clock tower, the filthy water treatment plant or the park.

Also, aside from the cut scenes, CV's presentation is shockingly bad. The incredibly stiff in game animations are awful (RE2 looks better in this regard), there's no gore or dismemberments or decapitations at all, and it even reuses some assets like Claire's pain/death screams from RE2. Some parts of CV just feel place holder.

It doesn't have ammo mixing, dodges, the critical choice system, multiple endings, varied enemy/item locations/events/cut scenes from play through to play through, and hardly any unlockables. They didn't even carry over the manual stair control from RE3 either which is just sad. The incredibly infrequent use of FPV and dual weapons don't even come close to matching RE3's features.

I am not playing old RE for action game mechanics. I got for intricate maze like locations, item management, memorablr enemies, and good boss battles. Nemesis is fantastic but it's practically one boss the entire game. The game world is more linear it never felt has interesting or well laid out as 1,2 of CV. Action is not something that I really cared to improve in that style, it's about the world and the experiences you go through it. RE4 is what I want from action RE not RE3. Plus it came out so fast after RE2, it didn't feel all that special, like a quick cash in, while CV was next gen.

Deleted member 34949

Account closed at user request
Nov 30, 2017
Just started playing the original release again. Almost kind of impressed with some of the subtler details, like Leon's head automatically looking down at the broken glass in the Licker hallway.

Also, Leon A/Claire B for life, canon be damned.
They really nailed the horror, and human aspect in this remake. The outbreak feels truly terrifying here, and it's almost weird to see Leon visibly frightened. He is a rookie here afterall. They've learned well from RE7, and are selling the rookie vibe really well, makes the player feel even more vulnerable.

This is Leon before his prime. He's a beast in RE4, but he really went through hell and back in both games!
This is my favorite thing from what I've seen in the remake. The original was sort of a B movie esque affair when it came to atmosphere, but in the remake, things are just so damn dire. It does a really good job displaying the loss/perversion of human life in the city. And I love how Leon'll say things to himself like "Ok... you got this" as he walks through the hallways.
Jan 12, 2018
Does the game explain how the player can get bit and not turn?

None of the games ever have. It is just the nature of the medium. Think Uncharted where Nathan Drake can take a hail of gunfire to the face and walk it off, but he gets shot once in a cutscene and he is near death.

Only if a character is bitten in a cutscene will they turn.

That said, in the Outbreak series, it was an actual gameplay mechanic, so the characters could turn into zombies.

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
None of the games ever have. It is just the nature of the medium. Think Uncharted where Nathan Drake can take a hail of gunfire to the face and walk it off, but he gets shot once in a cutscene and he is near death.

Only if a character is bitten in a cutscene will they turn.

That said, in the Outbreak series, it was an actual gameplay mechanic, so the characters could turn into zombies.

Actually it was explained:

The virus infection rate (at least the T-Virus) is not 100%. Meaning that some people have a natural inmmunity to the virus, specially Jill seems she has a natural resistance to all kind of virus infection.


Oct 25, 2017
I look at it like a normal virus that can be deadly. You get bitten and maybe infected. Your immune system fights against it and if it loses you get weak, die and come back as a zombie. Most of the time people though will simple die from the zombie attack anyway. Whether your body could fight off the virus or not doesn't really matter when your intestines are being eaten.
Jan 12, 2018
The virus infection rate (at least the T-Virus) is not 100%. Meaning that some people have a natural inmmunity to the virus, specially Jill seems she has a natural resistance to all kind of virus infection.

While it is true that the infection rate was not 100%, having all of the playable characters in the entire series fall into that small percentage of immunity is a pretty big stretch, even by this series' standards. It should also be noted that Jill does not have a natural resistance. She developed it after being infected with the t-Virus by Nemesis and her subsequent curing thanks to Carlos. So she does have a resistance now (we can probably also throw the t-Abyss vaccine in there as well as partially the reason), but it was not something with which she was born.

Deleted member 34949

Account closed at user request
Nov 30, 2017
While it is true that the infection rate was not 100%, having all of the playable characters in the entire series fall into that small percentage of immunity is a pretty big stretch, even by this series' standards. It should also be noted that Jill does not have a natural resistance. She developed it after being infected with the t-Virus by Nemesis and her subsequent curing thanks to Carlos. So she does have a resistance now (we can probably also throw the t-Abyss vaccine in there as well as partially the reason), but it was not something with which she was born.
Yeah, after RE3 and Rev1, Jill is pretty much a walking biological miracle.

Edit: God damn, the hands that reach out of the window in RE2 on a return trip through the corridor after the licker hallway always catches me off guard lol
Oct 25, 2017
Still can't believe how they nailed everything I imagine for a possible best scenario on this remake, and dear god they delivered. They truly get everything on all layers.

REmake 3 and REmake CVX are going to be utter incredible when the time comes to them, but for now I am pumped to see all the glory of this chapter on the last days of Raccoon City's defeat.


Gotham's Finest
Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, after RE3 and Rev1, Jill is pretty much a walking biological miracle.

Edit: God damn, the hands that reach out of the window in RE2 on a return trip through the corridor after the licker hallway always catches me off guard lol
Yeah, I would have liked to have seen that return in the remake. Also, of all the jump scares, funnily enough the one that gets me most is when the floor collapses in the library, it's so damn loud.


Dec 28, 2017
The introduction of the Nemesis is one of my favourite moments in the entire series.

I love the hidden Mikhail cut-scene where he guns down the zombies outside the cable car.

The attention to detail is so good that even if you've already used that explosive barrel, Mikhail will use a hand grenade in the cut-scene instead. I didn't trigger this scene at all until my 4th or 5th playthrough years after first playing the game, and it blew my mind.


Oct 25, 2017
I see some posts about RE2 reusing RE7 UI. Well let me tell you this: Original RE2 and RE3 reused UI from RE1. NO ONE complained. Capcom cleared saw that UI as a part of Resident Evil brand back then. So imo with this new wave of survival horror RE games Capcom will use this UI for all new games (RE7, RE2make, RE8, RE3make and so on). I do believe they will modify the UI for every game a little, but it will still be immidiately recognizable.
No one complained because it still fit the aesthetic.

The simplicity of re7's UI looks out of place and boring in a TPS, especially compared to even 4 and 6.


Oct 25, 2017
While it is true that the infection rate was not 100%, having all of the playable characters in the entire series fall into that small percentage of immunity is a pretty big stretch, even by this series' standards. It should also be noted that Jill does not have a natural resistance. She developed it after being infected with the t-Virus by Nemesis and her subsequent curing thanks to Carlos. So she does have a resistance now (we can probably also throw the t-Abyss vaccine in there as well as partially the reason), but it was not something with which she was born.
Rev2 shows Claire is clearly not immune to everything, its just canon she never got bit.

Hopefully we get the demo soon!

Dusk Golem

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
Does the game explain how the player can get bit and not turn?

Never played RE2. Only 4 and 7. Watching IGN's RE2 Remake footage.

None of the games ever have. It is just the nature of the medium. Think Uncharted where Nathan Drake can take a hail of gunfire to the face and walk it off, but he gets shot once in a cutscene and he is near death.

Only if a character is bitten in a cutscene will they turn.

That said, in the Outbreak series, it was an actual gameplay mechanic, so the characters could turn into zombies.

Actually it was explained:

The virus infection rate (at least the T-Virus) is not 100%. Meaning that some people have a natural inmmunity to the virus, specially Jill seems she has a natural resistance to all kind of virus infection.

The story probably assumes you never get bit or injured throughout the whole ordeal

The actual answer is indeed gameplay vs narrative desperity, one needs to remember that RE1/RE2 are earlier games that included a bigger story focus and full voice acting, so narrative and gameplay still had pretty big dissonance to each other. In the canon the characters are not getting chowed down every time the player does.

The in-universe answer is beimg bitten does not automatically infect you, there's an infection rate from various thimgs (air, blood exposure, contact, damage), but you won't turn until your infection rate is 100%. Once you hit initial exposure, it very slowly infects you more and more, with certain things speeding up the rate of infection. If you're able to leave an infected zone before fully infected, you can remain alive and not turn. Various people have varying levels of immunity to the virus however, or the opposite some people have strange responses to it. Some are almost completely immune to infection, while others turn into more powerful monsters (like Tyrant candidates) when infected.
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
Played through RE3 recently and this scene made me scream YEEEAAAHHH!

Also, fuck Code Veronica and fuck the stupidity of bringing back Wesker.
Ha, yea it was pretty great.

Yea, I'm mixed on it. On one hand, I fucking love Wesker, on the other, I kinda wish they had gone a different route with it.

The first three games have a pretty solid arc. Then it starts grasping for story beats post Code Veronica.

I think RE3 had some of the most intense cinematics. Some really cool stuff they pulled off back then.
It's crazy how when RE3 came out, it didn't seem to have the same level of hype that RE2 did or even as appreciated. Maybe because Code Veronica was only a few months away?

It's funny too, because Code Veronica felt like a step backwards compared to 3.