
Oct 25, 2017
In preparation for RE I decided to return to my favorite RE, RE5 to enjoy the stupid shit in that game and laugh at the goofyness, but I can't help but see some people hating the game.I understand some people hate RE5 because it has coop and has more action based gameplay loop but I feel that is missing the forest for the trees. Resident always has been deep down from the start is less a horor game and more a cheesy spy movie with zombies with some shared themes such as sexual tension, Capcom taking the piss with certain references and the subversion of certain tropes in the game in particular is extra funny to me.

The Magnum Opus. This game is goofy as shit and I LOVE it!

For starters there was the original criticism where in this game it looks like you are out there killing black people in droves, when the game's setting is in Africa where most people would be African similar to how in 4 you were killing Spaniards due to being in a weird part of Spain, similarly to that this is in a weird part of Africa. The only part where I will roast Capcom for being really stupid is the mid point switch to the witch doctor mask and crazy ass style mixed with Nilotic type Africans (Which actually was a pretty good representation of those people height wise and body structure since Nihlotes are the tallest group of people on the earth with the women averaging 6'3 and the men near 8 feet. The tallest NBA player Manute Bol is a example of what they are and some of them are a stone away from 8 feet tall, truly an amazing people)
but they are in a region of Africa far away from that part of Africa where you would find those types of people and environment, Capcom was really stupid on that point. But hey Capcom is always stupid as shit.

For Example the Average Niholotes as sfw as I can find them:

And the Giant Manjini:

He is notiably giant and would seem fit with the manjini of the type who would come from a Niholote

But still Capcom should have done more research and could have handled that better, but Capcom can be a very stupid company at times...

Now on to the racism angle, I can say it does look rather racially insensitive, but the game has a rather slick subversion, yes the game is in Africa and you are murdering them enmasse, but the mastermind of the whole thing is a straight up call back to the Colonial era where they have been fucked with by the attentions of a evil blonde English man (Don't make me get into the whole evil English man angle with Wesker as the more evil he gets the more English he gets because that shit kills me)Then you find out Wesker finds out he is as OP as he is because he's the brain child of the OG evil Englishman Spencer's experiment of making overmen and killing him in a masterful cutscene. The other weird thing is how they made Jill English and evil too by making her a Blonde, so now is the comical conflict of a American and a African vs two evil blonde English people:

Another Classical RE trope that the game has in spades is the sexual tension that is always unstated but so thick you can cut it with a knife, where when Chris first gets bodied by Wesker in a past cutscene until Jill sacrifices herself to save him, getting her Japanese/French self kidnapped by Wesker and made into Cammy (Capcom you obvious as shit)

And lets not get into that weird part of the fight where you rip off the control part in a obvious place..

All in all I think RE5 is as much a RE game as the others with some weird choices and comical references to Street Fighter. But all the main points are there, it's a cheese spy movie with zombies and sexual tension and some subversions of the first expectations. Capcom could have done so much better with the subversion but that's beyond what they would have been capable of, so what we got was satisfying and a great game. I am playing through this nuttery in preparation for RE2, who else finds the game interesting if flawed and just over all weird, and how much of you got the Cammy reference?



Oct 27, 2017
London, UK
Fucking Yes! Resident Evil 5 improves on everything the prior title introduced, from satisfying combat to better control systems. It's an underrated gem that sadly is the ugly duckling of the series to so many. I loved the vibrant and often dark African setting which is the total opposite to than drab Eastern Europe.

Storywise it feels like a total mess, but I love the cheesy tone and adore Albert Wesker's superhuman powers. Ridiculous but in a good way. Also liked the addition of Sheva Alomar (Bring, her back Capcom) as your partner, who despite some bad AI issues makes the game feel like a cheesy buddy cop zombie B-Movie. Capcom needs to remake this game in the future; I'd love them to adapt their vision without limitations.

PS: Sheva needs to return in a mainline game.
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Iori Loco

Nov 10, 2017
I don't know if cheesines and sexual tension (lol) is the point of the series but Resident Evil 5 is, at least, very entretaining in its idiocy. The matrix rip off was awesome (even though it was a couple years too late) and made Wesker one of my favorite capcom characters. Also, mercenaries reunion is the absolute peak of the series minigames. It had so many cool weapons, characters, costumes and melee finishers, even special attacks when pairing up specific characters.
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Oct 25, 2017
It's a shooter, but it's the most fun I had with a shooter that gen.

Sheva's AI was a definite problem, but it was great outside of that (although it forced a specific build/playstyle thet probably didn't manage to translate what an actual thinking person by your side was able to do). Wish I actually was able to play Co-Op or Mercenaries (broke my disc in transport soon after finishing it), but I still loved it alone.


Oct 27, 2017
mercenaries reunion is the absolute peak of the series minigames. It had so many cool weapons, characters, costumes and melee finishers, even special attacks when pairing up specific characters.

Came to post absolutely this, Mercs Reunion has yet to be surpassed imo. The other RE mini games are fun but I still keep coming back to 5's Mercs.


Feb 25, 2018
Fucking Yes! Resident Evil 5 is excellent.

PS: Sheva needs to return in a mainline game.

Shevas one of my favourite RE characters. So under used.

RE5 is great, and playing that opening area with a friend is on par for RE4 opening village to me. Such a great game.

The bosses are a bit boring to play since alot are a bit of a turret segment, but i enjoy everything else and the africa setting, even if a bit racially dicey as you mention


Oct 25, 2017
Resident Evil 5 is a masterpiece. Great in solo and one of the best coop games ever made.


Oct 28, 2017
What I didn't like was the unimaginative design for some of the bosses - just a mass of writhing slimy tentacles.


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Nov 2, 2017
Resident Evil is spine chilling Survival Horror gameplay. Not shitty anime poses.


Oct 27, 2017
London, UK
Shevas one of my favourite RE characters. So under used.

RE5 is great, and playing that opening area with a friend is on par for RE4 opening village to me. Such a great game.

The bosses are a bit boring to play since alot are a bit of a turret segment, but i enjoy everything else and the africa setting, even if a bit racially dicey as you mention


Fancy Clown

Oct 25, 2017
I donno about those reasons in the OP...but it's an excellent co-op game and very solid expansion of RE4's great design philosophy even if it doesn't nail the more intangible aspects that made it so good. As a coop experience it's really, really excellent though.
I really wished that it didn't feel so beholden to lift so much from RE4 in terms of scenarios and the bosses were a major step back in general, but I honestly dug the weirder bits like when chapter 4 decided that we were going to have a horror-themed Indiana Jones adventure, and the absolute madness surrounding the final fight with Wesker when it threw absolutely everything at you for the sake of variety. Making your vests take up inventory space is some next level stupid, though.


Oct 25, 2017
Yup. RE5 is a game that I can just keep coming back to, much like RE4. I love it

The Last One

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Oct 25, 2017
I'm replaying it right now and it's the worst possible game in the series to play alone. Soooo bad. I'm actually at chapter 6 and can't go on, it's horrible.


Oct 28, 2017
I still maintain REMake, 2, 3, and 4 are above it for me, but I revisited 5 on PS4 last year and had a much better time than I remember having originally. I think after some time had passed I was more willing to take it for what it was.

Good gameplay, right blend of cheese, nice visually.

Having enjoyed myself with it I decided to give 6 another go straight after it - that's still ass for me


Oct 25, 2017
Now if we want to discuss the awkard racial issue and how Capcom could have handled it better was a better look at how Wesker and Spencer would have been made better references to colonialism with how the degraded the people around them for references and tie it better to how they can be an allusion. However this is a game first and formost, they don't have the writers or the talent to put that story out, and that is fine.


Dec 13, 2017
It's genuinely brilliant at times but has some truly awful locales (on paper they're fine but execution is rancid) that can sour the experience.

Despite that, the production values are superb and the game really feels like a final chapter kind of thing. Plus it has prime Wesker, one of my favourite characters in gaming hamming it up.

A joy to play in co-op too.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
RE5 is a great game especially in co-op. Honestly they nailed just about everything - graphics, story, atmosphere, controls, sound and it was cool to see Chris and Wesker once again.



Oct 27, 2017
Holy crap, I had no idea that Capcom did a full live action story board with costumes and all.

Probably a taste of what the live action cutscenes in DMCV will look like.


Oct 27, 2017
Its ok. Some times its great and then at other times its fucking awful, especially in the second half of the game.
Oct 31, 2017
I thought it was pretty bad, especially after RE4. It felt like they lost it.

And the SP is terrible. Co-op is where the game shines as my best memory is playing the demo with a friend.


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Apr 23, 2018
RE5 one of the most RE titles? Now that's funny. Then again people think RE4 is one of the most RE titles as well ;)


Oct 25, 2017
I love at the very beginning of the game you meet Sheva, your "but not too black" sidekick, and she says "welcome to Africa". lol

Sheva's AI wasn't a huge detriment to me, and it certainly wasn't as good as RE4 on many fronts like bosses, the upgrade system, and level design, but fundamentally it didn't get any less fun to shoot and melee shit so I still enjoyed the game quite a bit. RE5's The Mercenaries is even better than RE4's, and incredibly addictive.


Oct 25, 2017
What I didn't like was the unimaginative design for some of the bosses - just a mass of writhing slimy tentacles.
I like to think I am fighting shubniggurath.
It's genuinely brilliant at times but has some truly awful locales (on paper they're fine but execution is rancid) that can sour the experience.

Despite that, the production values are superb and the game really feels like a final chapter kind of thing. Plus it has prime Wesker, one of my favourite characters in gaming hamming it up.

A joy to play in co-op too.
I don't think anybody who makes games today can get the locales in execution in my view, nobody who makes games in the budget and context have no experience or can make a proper look at the location and do it justice to me. So I won't give Capcom too much shit about that, it's out of their scope and given how they did it, they did better than I thought to give them credit for.
Oct 25, 2017
I love the game, but it's a real guilty pleasure. It's astounding how ignorantly racist it is. And the final quarter is an absolute chore to play (once the gun-wielding majini show up, and it introduces cover—the controls just don't work well for those encounters).


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
I agree, and it's one of my favorites as well.

But I still think it would have been better as a single player game. The early RE5 concepts look and sound much closer to something like RE4.


Oct 28, 2017
I do like RE5 a lot more than 6 though - hated the padding/level repetition in the latter and the bullet sponge transforming Simmons.
Oct 28, 2017
If RE5 didn't have co-op my opinion of it would be a lot higher. The AI was just so damn terrible. Sheva as a character is great. But seriously, fuck off Sheva you're ruining my gameplay. IT'S BARELY A SCRATCH YOU DON'T NEED TO HEAL ME GRRRRR!!! And of course you need ammo. Look how quickly you waste it. Why do you think I stopped giving it to you?

And obviously it didn't help that it was the follow up to RE4. Expectations were sky high.


Oct 25, 2017
RE6 is a hoot for me too but that's because it's subversion is the last fight with that big ugly mother fucker. He is fighting post humans, they should for once turn around and punch the living shit out of it. I was fine with Jake and Sherry it made me laugh.

But it's no RE5.


Oct 27, 2017
I'ts decent but ultimately a disappoint game. It had to be a follow up to one of the greatest games ever and it just fails to live up.

It lost the excellent pacing of RE4
The variety in encounter scenarios is severely lacking compared to RE4
The game is cheesy but it also weirdly takes itself seriously in many parts and it's incredibly awkward.
The game works well in co-op but Sheva's primitive A.I nearly kills the single player portion of the game.
The inventory system is a mess.
The game has about 50% of content in comparison to RE4 but it still somehow manages to be way too repetitive, which is something RE4 never suffered from.
The setting is not atmospheric or memorable.
The bosses are terrible especially the fight with Wesker, seriously it is comically bad.
The second half of the game just dives into mindless shooting and some tedious "PUZZLE" sections.

Honestly it's not some dumpster fire of a game like Zero and RE6 but it's just disappointing. Had RE4 not existed maybe i would look back on this game more fondly but it's a step back for the series.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
Resident Evil 5 is one of the best games of the 360/PS3/Wii generation. Simple as that.

Yes, it was more action than survival horror. I don't care because it's also a fantastic game. One of the best co-op experiences ever.


Oct 25, 2017
RE4 forever went on my shitlist for the qtes. That whole thing made is lose ground to re5. There was no dumb ass run from a statue or boulder QTE. RE4 was funny and cheesy as shit too though. If you understand Spanish for 4 and Swahili for 5, those games are a hoot when you hear what these fuckers are saying.


Oct 25, 2017
I liked the character designs and cutscenes...Everything else kinda sucked. The setting sucked, the enemies sucked, the combat sucked, the atmosphere sucked, AI partner sucked.

I'd certainly not call it one of the most RE games. Glad that Capcom finally realized that turning their RE franchise into dumb action drivel was the wrong move and have shifted focus back to what made RE fun


Oct 25, 2017
Just to add, Capcom used the film Black Hawk Down as one of the visual and stylistic influences. That film in particular had a very disgusting portrayal of Somalis during the conflict in Magadishu, and the movie itself was largely focused on portraying the US forces as righteous and brave. It was a very AMERICAN film, basically.

The imagery in RE5 evokes colonialism pretty hard, which makes playing through it again unpleasant. It's not enjoyable at all fighting against African caricatures chucking spears and wearing bamboo skirts. It's gross, and Capcom should have known better.


Oct 25, 2017
Josh was always a interesting character too. I think they did the player characters fine. As fro Sheva looking not African, Africa has the most divrstiy on earth, she looks completely at home there.