
Gotham's Finest
Oct 28, 2017
I have a friend who is a big fan of RE, but won't play the old games because she is too scared to lol. I personally don't think they are scary, some moments make me jump, but I'm not continually freaked out, I think one of the only series to really put me on edge is the Silent Hill series.


Oct 27, 2017
As of September 30, 2017

Resident Evil 0 = 2.95 million copies sold ( 1.25 million GC, 1.7 million HD)
Resident Evil (2003) = 3.45 million copies sold (1.35 million GC, 2.1 million HD)
Resident Evil 4 = 6.9 million copies sold (1.6 million GC, 2.3 million PS2, 2.0 million Wii, 1.0 million HD)
Resident Evil 5 = 10.5 million copies sold (7.2 million 360/PS3, 2.3 million Gold, 1 million HD)
Resident Evil 6 = 8.2 million copies sold (7 million 360/PS3, 1.2 million HD)
Resident Evil 7 = 4.1 million copies sold

For those that want Steamspy data added:

Resident Evil 0 = 3.3 million
Resident Evil (2003) = 4 million
Resident Evil 4 = 7.8 million
Resident Evil 5 = 11.6 million
Resident Evil 6 = 9.5 million
Resident Evil 7 = 4.6 million

I'm happy about the overall sales for the RE franchise. Feels good to know this series is no danger.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Everything scares somebody, it doesn't make that thing scary by nature. The atmosphere of the games have low tension due to the limitations of the design/hardware, hence the 'scary' moments people always mention being the dog through window type shocks.

It doesn't do much to raise tension through gameplay above what any game can bring from for example, putting pressure on a player, almost achieving something but then dying. RE uses a horror theme is easy to attribute the feeling to being scary despite experiencing it in games with no horror theme where it not labeled as such.

Don't know if explained that clear enough, basically it's downtime when not engaged with enemies sucks and the 'fear' of facing them and dying not different to the fear of dying in any game after making progress. It's the shocks that give RE the rep.

I mean, you could say that if you completely ignore that RE was made to be a spiritual successor of Sweet Home, which was considered a horror game even to Capcom themselves. But about your argument, i can't really understand what you are trying to say with: "Everything scares somebody, it doesn't make that thing scary by nature". So you are saying that a game with zombies, a sinister and eerie location with a lot of gore and horrific creatures isn't scary by nature? I think the whole argument works better in the other way around. Just because something isn't scary for you doesn't mean that it doesn't work in that way with other people.

Fear and horror can resonate with most people in different levels. If you say that a title has zombies and things from the horror genre inside it, many people would be already sweating their hands while playing. But for others, it's the perspective controled by the developers which toys with you and makes your situation even harder to deal with, or even considering that slow and methodic gameplay and the limited resources as well. The truth is, that the classic RE, has something for most people. You can't keep comparing your perspective blindly to everyone else because mainly, people will be scared and lose their shit even with things that you don't even care about. Wether you consider it effective (to yourself only) or not, the original Resident Evil games were made to appeal into the horror genre, build from the ground up to scare people and make you uncomfortable while playing.

Of course that you'll even find someone that has played P.T. and will say: "well, it had a corridor, a ghost walking around and a boring loop with nothing really happening. It felt like a walking simulator, didn't worked for me", but it doesn't mean that Kojima himself didn't tried his best to make it the most frightening and dreadful experience as he could. Saying that RE was never scary it's like ignoring the entire impact it had on the entire industry, making newer and even scarier horror titles appear because they had something to go from. And also to say that a entire legacy build upon a entire franchise was a straight up lie and people who consider it scary are just wrong.

Deleted member 1162

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The major factor is RE0 has aged far better than CVX. Especially when you don't have to deal with jank FPS sections.
Aside from that even if the ideas weren't fully there I think the overall package of 0 is fine. The only big negatives I'd give it is a few backtracking sections if you don't know what to do with your inventory.
Such as the grapple hook if you didn't go back and pick it up. But most of that is negated on other play throughs.

CVX on the other hand I just feel is more of a mess. You have the bandersnatchers that hit you off screen. Then there's the hunters that can stun lock you (The monkey's in RE0 can as well but I felt it wasn't as common).
I will say CVX has a better story over RE0. The whole Marcus and leech opera singer angle was really dumb compared to CVX.

This just goes back to what i've been saying forever though. If they just remade CVX and tightened it up. It jump up a lot of in my series ranking.
Since it has the story and environments going for it.
i agree with this.

I think it's a okay game. It definitely didn't killed the classic RE formula because the market, player's tendencies and even the mainline titles were organically evolving as the franchise became saturated with the same style/format. There was a fatigue emerging and games like RE0, REmake and Code Veronica were not appreciated as much like the main trilogy.
more than fatigue, i'd also add that Capcom didn't help themselves for 2 generations of machines. they was pretty arrogant at the time making these "flagship" games exclusive to non Sony systems such as dreamcast, then N64 (RE0) gamecube. so many couldn't play these exclusive titles. I can't find the quote but they felt they could drive dreamcast systems sales alone hot on the heels of resident evil 2. (it was when Mikami came out wearing the STARS vest to announce the exclusive deal. (re3 felt like leftovers) i know dino crisis was pretty new but by the time dino crisis 2 hit, people stopped caring as much about the formula and resident evil cause nobody really had a dreamcast and gamecube.
good thing re4 was ported over to ps2 and every sony machine in existence there after bc it was stuck on a low sale system for a while.

It's funny because we are basically on the same transition phase as RE4 was on it's first years
if capcom wants to follow the formula they need to make all resident evil games exclusive to Scorpio for the next 4 years.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, you could say that if you completely ignore that RE was made to be a spiritual successor of Sweet Home, which was considered a horror game even to Capcom themselves. But about your argument, i can't really understand what you are trying to say with: "Everything scares somebody, it doesn't make that thing scary by nature". So you are saying that a game with zombies, a sinister and eerie location with a lot of gore and horrific creatures isn't scary by nature?

Twilight and Zombieland. Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies, gore. Not scary films, though you'll find them in the horror sections just the same.

Fear and horror can resonate with most people in different levels. If you say that a title has zombies and things from the horror genre inside it, many people would be already sweating their hands while playing. But for others, it's the perspective controled by the developers which toys with you and makes your situation even harder to deal with, or even considering that slow and methodic gameplay and the limited resources as well. The truth is, that the classic RE, has something for most people. You can't keep comparing your perspective blindly to everyone else because mainly, people will be scared and lose their shit even with things that you don't even care about. Wether you consider it effective (to yourself only) or not, the original Resident Evil games were made to appeal into the horror genre, build from the ground up to scare people and make you uncomfortable while playing.

Of course that you'll even find someone that has played P.T. and will say: "well, it had a corridor, a ghost walking around and a boring loop with nothing really happening. It felt like a walking simulator, didn't worked for me", but it doesn't mean that Kojima himself didn't tried his best to make it the most frightening and dreadful experience as he could. Saying that RE was never scary it's like ignoring the entire impact it had on the entire industry, making newer and even scarier horror titles appear because they had something to go from. And also to say that a entire legacy build upon a entire franchise was a straight up lie and people who consider it scary are just wrong.

When asked for scary moments nobody answers "Standing in a room with no enemies, doing nothing, completely safe" because the games fail to be scary. When engaging with enemies and with risk of death the game functions no different to any game with such a risk of death, the tension and panic of those moments is no different, it not scary unless you wanna label Mario scary because you can get tense and panic in that too.

When you're in a room alone with no enemies, doing nothing, that is where the scariness should be highest, because you should be scared of something happening. Instead the scariness is absent as you are perfectly safe, as the game was designed.


Gotham's Finest
Oct 28, 2017
I answer tomorrow, too late here to keep typing.
Can't wait!


Also, you peeps see that there will be no keynote or press conference at PSX?

E3 2018 it is then.


Oct 25, 2017
Hi everyone. I've been a huge fan of RE since the very beginning. I remember my mother letting my little brother and I rent the PS1 at Blockbuster in '96. Gaming mags like EGM, GamePro and GameFan were hyping the crap out of Resident Evil at the time, so I knew I had to play it. Prior to owning our own PS1 and a copy of the game in '97, it was always one of the games we'd rent along with the PS1. We had no memory card at the time, so I was forced to get as far as I could without dying. I played it so many times, I could eventually finish it without saving (which isn't very difficult once you know what you're doing). There was even a time when I fell asleep during a long session in the middle of the night, only to be startled by the scream that occurs during the blood spray just before the logo. Almost shit my pantaloons.

RE1 legitimately scared me. And while no other RE has given me quite the same feeling since then (probably because I'm desensitized now), I'm still pretty passionate about the franchise. I have yet to finish RE:0 because a friend scratched the hell out of my original copy for GameCube before I could even finish it (I've since purchased the HD port for PS4 but have yet to play it). RE2 and the REmake were effing spectacular. I thought 3 was lame at the time, but it eventually grew on me. Everyone knows Code: Veronica was the real RE3 and how great it was. 4 was pretty good at the time, but most agree that it marked the decline of the series. I'm one of the few that actually liked 5. Wasn't a huge fan of 6, but I did enjoy the story. As for 7, I thought the first 2/3 of it were really good, but the rest fell a little flat. I didn't mind the first-person, but I felt disconnected from Ethan since you never see his reflection in anything. I've been meaning to play the Revelations games, but haven't found the time to play those either.

I think that about covers it.

TL;DR: I like RE a lot.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
RE2 probably has my favourite overall soundtrack; though Code Veronica and the first Revelations had some notable individual pieces - the Darkside Chronicles orchestrations are still some of my favourite pieces in the entire franchise.

I'm interested in how they'll adapt it for the remake - I'm expecting a lot more of the original score to be kept compared to REmake, looking at how it's been referred to and arranged in later games much more than RE1's as a whole; which barely gets anything other than constant reiterations of the save room theme. After DSC in particular, I definitely don't see them throwing out the key points of the soundtrack, though certain pieces like the iconic station hall cue wouldn't really fit a more viscerally oppressive horror atmosphere (i.e. REmake / 7). The stripped-down piano-led version of the track in DSC could serve as an indicator of that sort of tone - the save room theme would also transition well to a more haunting and atmospheric arrangement. Similarly, the Birkin boss themes might be arranged with a more cinematic flair than DSC and the orchestral anniversary album's traditional take. Where they choose to add original music (that isn't ambient atmosphere) will also be interesting to see.

Also, I wonder what they'll do for the second ending theme...
Oct 25, 2017
Bio G Medley is still my gavorite score/track of any game ever and should retain the whole form including the variations.

It's a master piece in all the senses.


Nov 3, 2017
I've never been able to get along with tank controls as an adult, as a kid it was fine as that's all I really knew but I just can't enjoy the older RE titles now so I've been trying more modern ones. I've just finished TEW1 & TEW2 which I thoroughly enjoyed (yeah I know they're not RE but close enough) and I'm currently playing Revelations 1 which feels very mediocre, the script is awful and the game just feels cheap? The mob design is so bland thus far (episode 6) and the game just feels a bit clunky in general. The combat is still fun though which is why I'm still playing it but it's more out of boredom than enjoyment. I'm wondering what major improvements were made to Revelations 2? It's next on my list but I haven't bought it yet.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
I've never been able to get along with tank controls as an adult, as a kid it was fine as that's all I really knew but I just can't enjoy the older RE titles now so I've been trying more modern ones. I've just finished TEW1 & TEW2 which I thoroughly enjoyed (yeah I know they're not RE but close enough) and I'm currently playing Revelations 1 which feels very mediocre, the script is awful and the game just feels cheap? The mob design is so bland thus far (episode 6) and the game just feels a bit clunky in general. The combat is still fun though which is why I'm still playing it but it's more out of boredom than enjoyment. I'm wondering what major improvements were made to Revelations 2? It's next on my list but I haven't bought it yet.
In my opinion Rev 2 feels cheaper than the 1st game which gets a pass on some things since it was a portable title first. The first episode Of Rev 2 is free so you can try it before you buy.

Deleted member 671

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The Character Interactions and CG cutscenes are easily the best part of the game.
Though much like RE7 there's a few story elements that are a bit too dumb
Mind Transfer & Virus based off fear

How is it that we ended up with not one, but TWO creepy little girl villains in consecutive games (REV 2 then RE 7)? C'mon, Capcom.


Gotham's Finest
Oct 28, 2017
I'm wondering what major improvements were made to Revelations 2? It's next on my list but I haven't bought it yet.
It's a much better game. Improves on everything. If you can endure Rev 1 even when you're not that into it, then you should be fine with Rev 2.

Also, dunno if anyone else is into these remixes, but this was just posted in my subs.



Oct 28, 2017
Bio G Medley is still my gavorite score/track of any game ever and should retain the whole form including the variations.

It's a master piece in all the senses.

The track I love the most in RE2 is this one, it's as creepy as it is entrancing and eerie, I could listen to it for hours. Legit helped me for some harsh deadlines.
Oct 25, 2017
Actually, that video perfectly captured my thoughts on the game being rather special in its own way out of the rest of the other games.

The scale and story scope was rather personal and intimate, with Ethan looking for his wife and how the main enemy was just one BOW subject that infected the Baker family.

The series has been going on for so long now that its scope of scale and horrors has been all different levels of human extinction events that it was rather refreshing to play through a fresh pair of eyes in the world of resident evil with its rich history. A game like this couldn't be made that would make you appreciate the weight and pacing in this chapter compared to the others.

The family are incredible. They felt so grandeur and how they all had distinct characteristics that went far and beyond in recent memory that can make me put them to the greats such as Lisa Trevor, Nemesis, Mr X, T-002, Leo and so fourth. Every generation Capcom still brings their A-game to legendary fictional monsters that are still remembered even now. It's one of the reasons why I love this series much because they are still very creative and giving the player a sense of unease on their beloved Franken creations.

Combine those two and having a focus of horror with better graphical fidelity on a new perspective has made this game deserve the 7 in the continuation of the franchise,


Oct 25, 2017
The family are incredible. They felt so grandeur and how they all had distinct characteristics that went far and beyond in recent memory that can make me put them to the greats such as Lisa Trevor, Nemesis, Mr X, T-002, Leo and so fourth.

I really liked the family until the explanation, after that all the questions and wonder that were built up in my mind about them went down the drain and I just didn't see them the same.
Oct 25, 2017
About RE7 I really like how they channeled that Texas Chainsaw Massacre/The Hills have Eyes vibe, it was cool to see RE going beyond Romero's zombie outbreak influence.

Would love to see a RE that borrows heavily from the Asian Horror themes and tropes.
Oct 25, 2017
I really liked the family until the explanation, after that all the questions and wonder that were built up in my mind about them went down the drain and I just didn't see them the same.

That's some of the beauty with the lore and universe with Resident Evil. They were a normal Christian loving family with good values and were not afraid to help out a stranger in a time of need. It's so tragic that their little peaceful abode was destroyed by the legacy of Umbrella's never ending curse upon the world by playing God with nature.
There's a very philosophical sense of identity when you look at this game with how it portrays evil and human nature.

Lucas was twisted and evil before any of the events of the ship come along. A true rotten to the core but his family loved him and the whole virus outbreak made him feel like a kid in the candy store and unleashed his true self with torturing the unfortunate victims that would soon stumble into his home. He was definitely one of the highlights because he was completely in control and playing along for the ride as long he got to do what he loved the best and inflicting pain and suffering.

So many layers with the Baker story. I love it.


Oct 28, 2017
The family are incredible. They felt so grandeur and how they all had distinct characteristics that went far and beyond in recent memory that can make me put them to the greats such as Lisa Trevor, Nemesis, Mr X, T-002, Leo and so fourth. Every generation Capcom still brings their A-game to legendary fictional monsters that are still remembered even now. It's one of the reasons why I love this series much because they are still very creative and giving the player a sense of unease on their beloved Franken creations.

I thought you meant The Family and I was "how in everlasting hell are they good"


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I did a cheat assisted speed run earlier this year and still only managed 1 hour and 30. This was with all doors unlocked lol.
Was cool skipping whole sections of the game though.

I have yet to finish Claire and Leon B scenarios, i keep hearing that they are different like Chris and Jill on REmake (maybe not as much because of limitations of the time), so that's enough to keep me interested until REmake 2.

Actually, that video perfectly captured my thoughts on the game being rather special in its own way out of the rest of the other games.

The scale and story scope was rather personal and intimate, with Ethan looking for his wife and how the main enemy was just one BOW subject that infected the Baker family.

The series has been going on for so long now that its scope of scale and horrors has been all different levels of human extinction events that it was rather refreshing to play through a fresh pair of eyes in the world of resident evil with its rich history. A game like this couldn't be made that would make you appreciate the weight and pacing in this chapter compared to the others.

The family are incredible. They felt so grandeur and how they all had distinct characteristics that went far and beyond in recent memory that can make me put them to the greats such as Lisa Trevor, Nemesis, Mr X, T-002, Leo and so fourth. Every generation Capcom still brings their A-game to legendary fictional monsters that are still remembered even now. It's one of the reasons why I love this series much because they are still very creative and giving the player a sense of unease on their beloved Franken creations.

Combine those two and having a focus of horror with better graphical fidelity on a new perspective has made this game deserve the 7 in the continuation of the franchise,

Quoting myself: "Resident Evil 7 has a multilayered story that didn't resonate with most people after it's superficial levels, making a deep and complex plot about the concept of family that deserves more atention. It was a powerful journey to finally be put on the level of a personal story inside the RE universe. When i started to know more about the serie's lore, i always wanted to see more plots like Lisa Trevor, Brian Irons or Alexia/Alfred Ashford.

And now that RE7 arrived, i want to see more scaled down perspectives inside the rich and bizarre world of the Resident Evil series. Outbreak once showed how it felt to be in the shoes of a civilian inside Raccoon City, now that potential is finally being used again, and i couldn't be more happy."

Wholeheartedly agree with everything you said. There's basically endless potential while dealing with every aspect of this giant universe, and changing the perspective alongside setting, scale (of locations, plot and enemies you encounter) was a brilliant idea if you think of the entire scope inside the RE world and the entire idea of being just a civilian inside there. It can tell excellent, fresh stories from this specific point of view and 7 was a strong start considering the incident of the Baker family.


Oct 25, 2017
That's some of the beauty with the lore and universe with Resident Evil. They were a normal Christian loving family with good values and were not afraid to help out a stranger in a time of need. It's so tragic that their little peaceful abode was destroyed by the legacy of Umbrella's never ending curse upon the world by playing God with nature.
There's a very philosophical sense of identity when you look at this game with how it portrays evil and human nature.

Lucas was twisted and evil before any of the events of the ship come along. A true rotten to the core but his family loved him and the whole virus outbreak made him feel like a kid in the candy store and unleashed his true self with torturing the unfortunate victims that would soon stumble into his home. He was definitely one of the highlights because he was completely in control and playing along for the ride as long he got to do what he loved the best and inflicting pain and suffering.

So many layers with the Baker story. I love it.

You make it sound nice and poetic but
it was just a normal family on a normal farm that got mind controlled by a little girl

Up to the point of the reveal I had all these questions as to who they were, their origins, the history of where they lived, what kind of lives they lived to become the 'freaks' they were etc. And all that got answered with a simple explanation that pretty much devalued all that I had built about the characters in my mind. All I see when I look the father now is a good old dude that ran into some bad luck.
Oct 25, 2017
You make it sound nice and poetic but
it was just a normal family on a normal farm that got mind controlled by a little girl

All I see when I look the father now is a good old dude that ran into some bad luck.

That's the beauty of it though. Running into bad luck into this world can turn you into a monster without a moments notice and chaos ensues.

This was really out of there in America and then this family gets completely taken over and twisted. Just like that. It's what makes this world so interesting, even when you take it at face value.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
You make it sound nice and poetic but
it was just a normal family on a normal farm that got mind controlled by a little girl

Up to the point of the reveal I had all these questions as to who they were, their origins, the history of where the lived, what kind of lives they lived to become the 'freaks' they were etc. And all that got answered with a simple explanation that pretty much devalued all that I had built about the characters in my mind. All I see when I look the father now is a good old dude that ran into some bad luck.

Quoting myself again (sorry people):

"Her influence inside the head of each individual, part of her "brainwashing" effect, is demanding things that gets more complicated and brutal with time, slowly making the victim to loose their sense of ego using their own feelings against them, like insecurities, fears, grudge and anger to manipulate their actions. Most of Jack's behaviours inside the game reflects his fear of being replaced, this desire to have a great and "normal" family that he never had (Lucas and even Zoe never met exactly with his expectations) and his pride of being the unstoppable patriarch, the big man of the family.

Evie wanted Mia to be her mother, but that didn't go well. So, in her mind, the way to accomplish that, was turning Ethan into a part of her family, being her father and Mia's husband. Jack didn't like that, at all. He feels replaced, as if this new guy was the best thing, putting him down to a lower and somewhat, insignificant level.

Her twisted vision of family, created by surreal and imaginative thoughts about a real one is something that i wouldn't expect ever of a RE plot. It talks a lot about abusive relationships as whole, expecting things that are completely unreal and then demanding it by force, like it was the victim's fault for not delivering things the way she hoped.

It's an amazing take on spoiled people, and how they become even more threatening when power comes to their hands, just like we see on the reality. Considering that the initial thought behind RE7 was the idea of encountering a monster on real life, Eveline was a perfect fit for the role. Each member of the family had their own problems to deal with, and she used them to get what she wanted.

Mia for an example, is afraid of Ethan not really loving her, leaving her completely and conspiring behind her back. Lying to her, having secrets and similar things that she actually does to him. That's how Evie controls people, she gets inside their heads, manipulate them and toys with their own feelings to make them act the way she wants. It's not simply a "go and do that thing".

There is a lot of layers and nuances between everything that went down inside that place, it's a deep/complex story that resonates a lot with Takeuchi's concept for the game. Narrow but deep.

About RE7 I really like how they channeled that Texas Chainsaw Massacre/The Hills have Eyes vibe, it was cool to see RE going beyond Romero's zombie outbreak influence.

Would love to see a RE that borrows heavily from the Asian Horror themes and tropes.

I would love to see that.


Oct 25, 2017
That's the beauty of it though. Running into bad luck into this world can turn you into a monster without a moments notice and chaos ensues.

This was really out of there in America and then this family gets completely taken over and twisted. Just like that. It's what makes this world so interesting, even when you take it at face value.

Quoting myself again (sorry people):

Agree to disagree I guess, I'm glad that you guys liked them but to me it was all anticlimactic compared to what was built up in my head up to that point through various scenes and the gameplay.

Instead of building actual depth and history it was just a basic explanation in my book.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Agree to disagree I guess, I'm glad that you guys liked them but to me it was all anticlimactic compared to what was built up in my head up to that point through various scenes and the gameplay.

Instead of building actual depth and history it was just a basic explanation in my book.

That's completely fine, it's more about sharing enthusiasm than anything else.

Thinking about this more personal and twisted stories inside the RE universe, i'm very curious to see what they did with Brian Irons on REmake 2. There's a lot of potential in that part of the game, but like almost everything from the original Resi 2, i'm actually scared to see they changing things for the worse. I just hope that the newer voice actor did a respectful job compared to the original, i loved the original's work:



Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
Agree to disagree I guess, I'm glad that you guys liked them but to me it was all anticlimactic compared to what was built up in my head up to that point through various scenes and the gameplay.

Instead of building actual depth and history it was just a basic explanation in my book.

I think the biggest issue is capcom did jack all to really hammer things home.
Like a lot of talk before the game came out had so many great ideas that we never saw.

Like what if there were VHS tapes and others that showed how dark the family could be. Or how fucked up Lucas was as a child. Then later tapes that show a slow descent into madness rather than the way too fastly paced Sisters DLC. There was a lot of potential to build up the Bakers more than they did. But sadly only Jack currently really got anything since he had the most screen time and memorable presence. Lucas will probably be fixed up in the DLC though.

Regardless of that overall I feel this was a case where more would've been better than less. Since the memos in RE7 that hint at cool things are too few and far between. Kinda just goes back to my major complaint of RE7 being way too much of questions over answers. That is one main component of RE7 i do NOT want to see again for RE8. You can have a good jumping on point for newcomers while still offering more to fans in the base game than what RE7 did.

Because i'm all for more personal RE stories in this universe. But I suppose I just expect more from it. Since I felt even the stuff with Mia and Ethan wasnt as well established as a personal story compared to some of the story elements in the Outbreak Series. Which to me nailed that idea far better than RE7. Though I think part of that falls back on the whole "Ethan is the player" thing which thankfully capcom seems to be backing away from.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
I sound like i'm always coming off really mean to RE7. Just know my criticalness of it is more aimed at how the game had a LOT more potential in terms of it's story than what it actually tapped in to.


Oct 25, 2017
That's completely fine, it's more about sharing enthusiasm than anything else.

I do appreciate you guys posting your views, my ideas of depth were shattered but if I ever replay the game I'll try to see it how you guys did.

I think the biggest issue is capcom did jack all to really hammer things home.
Like a lot of talk before the game came out had so many great ideas that we never saw.

Like what if there were VHS tapes and others that showed how dark the family could be. Or how fucked up Lucas was as a child. Then later tapes that show a slow descent into madness rather than the way too fastly paced Sisters DLC. There was a lot of potential to build up the Bakers more than they did. But sadly only Jack currently really got anything since he had the most screen time and memorable presence. Lucas will probably be fixed up in the DLC though.

Regardless of that overall I feel this was a case where more would've been better than less. Since the memos in RE7 that hint at cool things are too few and far between. Kinda just goes back to my major complaint of RE7 being way too much of questions over answers. That is one main component of RE7 i do NOT want to see again for RE8. You can have a good jumping on point for newcomers while still offering more to fans in the base game than what RE7 did.

Because i'm all for more personal RE stories in this universe. But I suppose I just expect more from it. Since I felt even the stuff with Mia and Ethan wasnt as well established as a personal story compared to some of the story elements in the Outbreak Series. Which to me nailed that idea far better than RE7. Though I think part of that falls back on the whole "Ethan is the player" thing which thankfully capcom seems to be backing away from.

Yeah from the initial reveals it felt like there was a lot of potential to the story this time which is why I went into media blackout not too long after reveal.

There is a pretty big lack in depth in general when it comes to the individual characters and how they handled Ethan was just bad, especially with how personality filled the characters have been in the previous games. They basically created a lead that feels empty, a non-character.

Guess in a way what bothers me about RE7's story/characters is that they didn't create much that I would want them to carry over, not in terms of story or characters. And the reasoning they came up with for Chris to be with Umbrella is just silly. Felt like something that was created to shock at first sight and that's it.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I do appreciate you guys posting your views, my ideas of depth were shattered but if I ever replay the game I'll try to see it how you guys did.

Yeah from the initial reveals it felt like there was a lot of potential to the story this time which is why I went into media blackout not too long after reveal.

There is a pretty big lack in depth in general when it comes to the individual characters and how they handled Ethan was just bad, especially with how personality filled the characters have been in the previous games. They basically created a lead that feels empty, a non-character.

Guess in a way what bothers me about RE7's story/characters is that they didn't create much that I would want them to carry over, not in terms of story or characters. And the reasoning they came up with for Chris to be with Umbrella is just silly. Felt like something that was created to shock at first sight and that's it.

I understand both criticisms, as much as i like the main story from the game. RE7 had an incredible potential and even thinking that the depth of those characters (outside Ethan, which is basically a version of the player inside that world) was actually there, many things were cut from the project to save time and money, due to the limited scope and budget of the game. If you see the developer's doc series talking about the production of Resi 7 (or read the Inside Report), you'll know that this fresh start was very important to the RE team because it basically opened the flood gates and gave those people a new and exciting thing to work upon, generating incredible ideas and flowing the creativity from the developers in unexpected ways. Just seeing that whole section of concept arts attached to their wall inside the office shows how much cool concepts they had in the first stage of the production:




But as i was saying before, this was mainly on the first stage of production (concept phase). They began to work on RE7 before the technology was there for them, as their main tool to implement those ideas. Most of which became hard to find a space inside the title while not compromising the overall pacing, structure and quality of the game, and because of the budget side or the feedback that was given to them later.

Some of those ideas worked and went into the final version of the title, but much more was explored and they experimented a lot before getting the definitive result.

You can pin on Makoto Kadono as the main reason behind some of these cuts. He managed the costs and budget for Resident Evil 7 alongside Masachika Kawata (which was focusing more on the market/publicity, rather than production like Kadono). His nickname inside Capcom is "the butcherer", basically because he was known to relentlessly cut content inside any project if they were to damage itself in the long run, like, mercilessly. Takeuchi considered him one of the biggest reasons behind the success of RE7, so it was a necessary evil.

So, speaking in general terms, Resident Evil 7 needed a unsustainable amount of time and money to reach it's full potential. We know that's impossible inside gaming development.

Now i can understand easily why Nakanishi was comparing RE7 before the release to the original Resident Evil 1, especially saying that it's not the REmake type of job. In many ways, Resi 7 was a proof of concept and a new start for a trilogy/series, and they were trying a lot of new things and twitching the core aspects of the game to find a great formula. That's exactly what they did on the production of RE1, with only REmake reaching it's full potential years later. Because of that, i'm very excited about the future of the mainline RE titles.

I think it's an amazing title by it's own and one of the strongest starts of a new series to date (RE4 laughs at this but i don't think that we'll ever see another title like that ever), being my personal game of the year and generation. But yes, it lacks some aspects from more recent and complete titles, including variety and consistent implementations of ideas in the final product. It's not perfect by any means, but seeing it for what it really is, it's a damn fine game.

My dream right now is to see a remake of RE7 in the near future, with Nakanishi and Takeuchi behind it, maybe at the end of the PS5 cycle. I can see what they could do with enough time, budget and new learning experiences, and it's brilliant.
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Oct 25, 2017
I enjoyed RE7 but seeing all of that cut content or ideas that didn't make into the game really makes me sad.


Oct 25, 2017
I understand both criticisms, as much as i like the main story from the game. RE7 had an incredible potential and even thinking that the depth of those characters (outside Ethan, which is basically a version of the player inside that world) was actually there, many things were cut from the project to save time and money, due to the limited scope and budget of the game. If you see the developer's doc series talking about the production of Resi 7 (or read the Inside Report), you'll know that this fresh start was very important to the RE team because it basically opened the flood gates and gave those people a new and exciting thing to work upon, generating incredible ideas and flowing the creativity from the developers in unexpected ways. Just seeing that whole section of concept arts attached to their wall inside the office shows how much cool concepts they had in the first stage of the production:

But as i was saying before, this was mainly on the first stage of production (concept phase). They began to work on RE7 before the technology was there for them, as their main tool to implement those ideas. Most of which became hard to find a space inside the title while not compromising the overall pacing, structure and quality of the game, and because of the budget side or the feedback that was given to them later.

Some of those ideas worked and went into the final version of the title, but much more was explored and they experimented a lot before getting the definitive result.

You can pin on Makoto Kadono as the main reason behind some of these cuts. He managed the costs and budget for Resident Evil 7 alongside Masachika Kawata (which was focusing more on the market/publicity, rather than production like Kadono). His nickname inside Capcom is "the butcherer", basically because he was known to relentlessly cut content inside any project if they were to damage itself in the long run, like, mercilessly. Takeuchi considered him one of the biggest reasons behind the success of RE7, so it was a necessary evil.

So, speaking in general terms, Resident Evil 7 needed a unsustainable amount of time and money to reach it's full potential. We know that's impossible inside gaming development.

Now i can understand easily why Nakanishi was comparing RE7 before the release to the original Resident Evil 1, especially saying that it's not the REmake type of job. In many ways, Resi 7 was a proof of concept and a new start for a trilogy/series, and they were trying a lot of new things and twitching the core aspects of the game to find a great formula. That's exactly what they did on the production of RE1, with only REmake reaching it's full potential years later. Because of that, i'm very excited about the future of the mainline RE titles.

I think it's an amazing title by it's own and one of the strongest starts of a new series to date (RE4 laughs at this but i don't think that we'll ever see another title like that ever), being my personal game of the year and generation. But yes, it lacks some aspects from more recent and complete titles, including variety and consistent implementations of ideas in the final product. It's not perfect by any means, but seeing it for what it really is, it's a damn fine game.

My dream right now is to see a remake of RE7 in the near future, with Nakanishi and Takeuchi behind it, maybe at the end of the PS5 cycle. I can see what they could do with enough time, budget and new learning experiences, and it's brilliant.

Thanks for the detailed breakdown man, much appreciated.

Hopefully they can realize some of those ideas in RE8. Just please go back to third person.


Oct 25, 2017
What did he all miss out?

The N64 version of RE2 has different character models, they're better than other versions, but the textures are much less detailed making the characters look worse overall. Also for the cutscenes aside from what he pointed out several are edited with bits cut out. Only small moments, nothing important.

For PAL regions, several versions rank requirements are different, notably all harder especially for time requirements which not only are shorter, but PAL running slower than NTSC meant it literally takes longer to complete.

The original PS1 PAL release, and just the PS1 PAL release, allows you to earn an S rank. All other ports/versions seem to be based on US dualshock edition, which PAL never received on PS1 (probably why others are based on US Dualshock version, or versions based on that).

Are minor voice line differences between ports/regions, but I forget specific examples.


Gotham's Finest
Oct 28, 2017
The N64 version of RE2 has different character models, they're better than other versions, but the textures are much less detailed making the characters look worse overall. Also for the cutscenes aside from what he pointed out several are edited with bits cut out. Only small moments, nothing important.

For PAL regions, several versions rank requirements are different, notably all harder especially for time requirements which not only are shorter, but PAL running slower than NTSC meant it literally takes longer to complete.

The original PS1 PAL release, and just the PS1 PAL release, allows you to earn an S rank. All other ports/versions seem to be based on US dualshock edition, which PAL never received on PS1 (probably why others are based on US Dualshock version, or versions based on that).

Are minor voice line differences between ports/regions, but I forget specific examples.
Ah OK. I wonder why he forgot all that lol. I'm so glad we don't have PAL 50HZ anymore. Those were dark days.

Anyway, talking about the soundtracks, I watched X-Files a few years ago and there is a scene where music plays in the background and I swear it's the exact same track that plays when you are on the island in RE4.

I guess it's a royalty free track or something.