
Fallen Guardian
Oct 27, 2017

  • Platinum: Added support for replaying certain Act 1 & Act 2 Trophies
  • Platinum: Added support to retroactively award Trophies which cannot be replayed
  • Platinum: Added additional locations for Scout Logs 9, 34, 35 & 46 to appear more often
  • Platinum: Fixed an issue where 1 Cipher was sometimes unobtainable for Biome Survey Trophies
  • Platinum: Fixed an issue where some Activity Cards displayed an incorrect count
  • UI: HUD labels for items are now hidden when Selene is firing a weapon
  • UI: Fixed an issue where 2 actions could be mapped to a single button after switching controller presets
  • Cinematics: Fixed a rare audio sync issue in the secret ending
  • Audio: General mix improvements across the experience
  • Audio: Improved surround sound setup support across the experience
  • Audio: Added more DualSense haptics across cinematic moments for deeper immersion
  • Audio: Added DualSense haptics when using the Icarian Grapnel
  • Audio: Improved the dynamic range recommendations system
  • Audio: Allow users to override the dynamic range recommendations
  • Audio: Allow users to change audio output from the game menu

RETURNAL PATCH 1.4.0 — Housemarque

Patch 1.4.0 is set to release on Monday, June 14th at 12PM (GMT+3) Reminder that if you have the automatic updates turned on, the game will close while in rest mode in order to install the update. Patch Notes: Highlights: Platinum: Added support for replaying certain Act 1 &

Fixes a ton of stuff, including making some scout logs and cyphers easier to find and retroactively awarding trophies that didn't pop for some people. Clink the link for the full list, I only included the highlights. Time for me to get that platinum finally!


Oct 25, 2017
I'm proud of myself for getting the platinum as the game currently is but they should add saves


Jul 21, 2018
Lettssss Gooooo!! This is exactly what I needed! Can finally secure that Plat this weekend! Had some bugs prevent me from getting the last trophy


Jun 4, 2019
Brasília, Brazil
  • Platinum: Added support for replaying certain Act 1 & Act 2 Trophies
  • Platinum: Added support to retroactively award Trophies which cannot be replayed
  • Platinum: Added additional locations for Scout Logs 9, 34, 35 & 46 to appear more often
  • Platinum: Fixed an issue where 1 Cipher was sometimes unobtainable for Biome Survey Trophies
  • Platinum: Fixed an issue where some Activity Cards displayed an incorrect count



Oct 27, 2017
Just finished the game the other day and am about to start the Plat grind, was worried when I read the horror stories of people getting stuck with doing countless runs for one item or log. Glad that will be fixed.


Jun 24, 2020
F them for no saves. My wife and I share our PS5, and not being able to save and quit kills my ability to play this game. Screw the arrogance of the developers.


Oct 27, 2017
I have a few more glyphs in B2, B3, and B6, so looks like I'll get those next week.


Feb 26, 2019
I experienced the audio being out of sync during the ending cinematic. Was really weird. Glad they are fixing it!
Mar 2, 2019
I was interested in picking this up- but what was the big "saving" issue people were having? Should I wait on this?
The game doesn't support mid-run save and quit. So if you can't finish a run in one sitting, you need to rely on PS5's rest mode to hold your run. Whether that's enough reason to hold off on the game is entirely dependent on your own gaming habits, how long your gaming sessions tend to be, and if you or anybody else might want to use the console for any reason other than playing Returnal during the time of a run.


Dec 12, 2017
Lancashire, United Kingdom


Oct 26, 2017
This is a godsend ... I've spent hours looking for scout log 9 and had no idea if certain Ciphers were bugged on biomes 2 and 3


Fallen Guardian
Oct 27, 2017
F them for no saves. My wife and I share our PS5, and not being able to save and quit kills my ability to play this game. Screw the arrogance of the developers.
I don't think they're arrogant, I think they just didn't realize the problems this would cause people. I have no doubt they're working on it but it's going to be a while, the game came out about a month ago so give it some time.


Oct 26, 2017
While the lack of saves wasn't a big issue for me especially since you can just start the game and reach the third biome in like 5 minutes, they really should just add it since people clearly demanding it.


Oct 25, 2017
With them fixing trophies I might get back to it, only ones missing being biome surveys for me.
Lack of adressing saving or extremes RNG is disappointing.

Ha, my friend plays Overcooked with his wife a lot, and there's been some heated convos about Returnal in that household.

Yep. Was playing It takes Two with my wife, and the kids were playing Bugsnax and some PS4 titles around the time I was playing Returnal.
Was great to hear from some here that "a save function is not needed".
Last edited:


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
Wonder if they balanced those TIE fighters lol This patch comes after I over a hundred runs for scout log #9 lol


May 2, 2018
Those platinum fixes are huge, having so much difficulty getting the scout logs to spawn. Hopefully it'll be easier now


Chicken Chaser
Dec 28, 2017
Clearwater, Florida
I was interested in picking this up- but what was the big "saving" issue people were having? Should I wait on this?

The issue is just that there are no mid-run saves. Every run has to be completed in that session or it's forfeit. Unlike something like Slay the Spire or Hades, where you can close the game and it saves the most recent room.

The only respite is using Rest mode, but that's finnicky and also locks the console into 1 game. You're also at the mercy of the game bugging out, which, while there have been patches, happened a decent amount of times when the game first released.


Jun 24, 2020
I don't think they're arrogant, I think they just didn't realize the problems this would cause people. I have no doubt they're working on it but it's going to be a while, the game came out about a month ago so give it some time.
That's true. Just frustrated that I can't really play it since it wouldn't be fair to hog the PS5 from my wife.

Really hope they add a save and quit feature. Was a big oversight.


May 7, 2018
The only thing that keepsme from continuing after clearing the first boss is that every run has to be long, as in I cant play for an hour or two. It sucks becayse I really want to play this game more 😅


Oct 25, 2017
For real, this is just dumb if you ask me. Especially since there isnt anything in there related to crashing either.
I didnt have any crashes after first couple of patches and have played around 50 hours since then.

Continued multiple runs using rest mode too, and once you've beaten the game runs are much faster because you blaze trough rooms looking for collectibles.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Surprised that they still haven't added saving yet, though better not to rush it. They really mustn't have expected it to be a common request.


Alt account
Jan 17, 2020
ctrl-f "save"

big rip
For real, this is just dumb if you ask me. Especially since there isnt anything in there related to crashing either.
I was interested in picking this up- but what was the big "saving" issue people were having? Should I wait on this?
yeah, hopefully sooner rather than later. I'm not buying it without a save option

I think adding saves would hurt the game experience. If you save before a boss, then upload your save to the cloud, then die on the boss, you can start again right before the boss by downloading your save. This is the reason saving mid-run is not an option. All of sudden you could just keep fighting bosses over and over until you win. The game is good because of how intense the boss fights are. Knowing you can just save scum and be right back at the boss in a minute vs 45 minutes takes away the intensity of these fights in my opinion.

I have no idea who is putting together multi-hour runs and losing their progress in rest mode. Like how can any run take that long?? I'm only on biome 3 but all of my runs are around 45 minutes or less and I scour every item and every alternate path on the way to a boss.


Oct 28, 2017
Already got my platinum, but really glad for anyone hunting for trophies, i've spent literally five days fishing for scout log 9 (like in old days for pure bladestone in DS); this game is no doubt my goty so far, but the grinding was a bit too much …


Oct 27, 2017
I want to platinum this game and I may eventually do it. This makes it easier which is great.


Oct 28, 2017
Basically this.

I was so excited for the game, but hearing the stories of many losing their hours of progress because the game crashed or the power went off or simply a cheap death... yeah not going there myself.

Dying will always lose you progress. There will never be a patch that prevents you losing everything when you die.