Deleted member 3812

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Oct 25, 2017
Reuters has reported that Elizabeth Warren confirmed that Bernie Sanders indeed disagreed with her regarding if a woman could become POTUS against Trump:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Elizabeth Warren took the unusual step on Monday of confirming a report that fellow Democratic White House contender Bernie Sanders told her during a 2018 meeting that he did not believe a woman could win the 2020 presidential race.

Warren and Sanders are fellow U.S. senators, friends and their party's progressive standard-bearers who agreed early in the nominating contest to an informal non-aggression pact.

But amid escalating tensions between the two rivals and with the first nominating contest looming in early February, Warren pushed back against Sanders' denial of a CNN report detailing the meeting in which he told her he did not believe a woman could beat Republican President Donald Trump.

"I thought a woman could win; he disagreed," Warren, a U.S. senator from Massachusetts, said in a statement released late on Monday describing the two-hour meeting in December 2018.

"I have no interest in discussing this private meeting any further because Bernie and I have far more in common than our differences in punditry," Warren said.

Despite Warren's direct confirmation, there's videos of Sanders publicly stating that women can become POTUS.

Link to previous thread:

CNN: Bernie Sanders told Elizabeth Warren in private 2018 meeting that a woman can't win, Bernie denies(Update: NYT & Buzzfeed Confirming)

The description of that meeting is based on the accounts of four people: two people Warren spoke with directly soon after the encounter, and two people familiar with the meeting. I'm interested to see if Warren responds to this. A simple yes or no to "did he say this?" should be sufficient.

Here's Sanders' statement made prior to Warren's confirmation of this CNN report:

Sanders denied the characterization of the meeting in a statement to CNN.

"It is ludicrous to believe that at the same meeting where Elizabeth Warren told me she was going to run for president, I would tell her that a woman couldn't win," Sanders said. "It's sad that, three weeks before the Iowa caucus and a year after that private conversation, staff who weren't in the room are lying about what happened. What I did say that night was that Donald Trump is a sexist, a racist and a liar who would weaponize whatever he could. Do I believe a woman can win in 2020? Of course! After all, Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump by 3 million votes in 2016."
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Oct 27, 2017
I feel the same. I think the American General Populous is not there yet. This is more of a shame on us and not shame on him.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Gotta love the American media doing their best to create turmoil out of nothing. They rather have Trump to report for 4 more years than any actual decent President.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
you just know this will come up in the next debate

and both sanders and warren will answer "that doesn't matter, what matters is what Trump is/has been fucking up"

and the world goes on

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
you just know this will come up in the next debate

and both sanders and warren will answer "that doesn't matter, what matters is what Trump is/has been fucking up"

and the world goes on

I mean... Sanders campaign called her camp liars about this.


Oct 27, 2017
that seems like a definitive enough of a confirmation if Bernie isn't going to clarify how he disagreed

well, hope y'all like Biden


Jun 1, 2019
Fort Wayne
User banned (2 days): Antagonizing other members.
So what you're telling me is that all the hair-on-fire screaming about how this was all a smear against His Holy White Maleness, Saint Bernie of Vermont by the shadowy forces of The Media and The Status Quo...

... Was all bullshit.

And not one goddamned person here who was doing said screaming will apologize for the things they said, nor even admit they were wrong, because "yeah well it wasn't *exactly* that so we were right, really".

And the Bernscrimination narrative will continue unabated.


Nov 30, 2017
literally a non-issue. Additionally, Sanders has previously announced that he plans on having a woman VP. This is just the Warren camp playing dirty because Sanders is eating their lunch in every major primary


Oct 29, 2017
a LOT of Democrats think a woman can't win. doesn't mean they won't vote for a woman. it means they know a good portion of the country won't vote for a woman.


Oct 25, 2017
West Coast, USA
Wouldn't defend it if Bernie did say this, at all. But the timing of this drop right as Bernie is surging and being seen by Trump as the front runner does make me raise my eyebrow. She could have brought it up at literally any other time. I still think Bernie is our best shot. And has the most integrity.

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
literally a non-issue. Additionally, Sanders has previously announced that he plans on having a woman VP. This is just the Warren camp playing dirty because Sanders is eating their lunch in every major primary

So, your contention is that the conversation did not take place then?


Oct 25, 2017
Get ready for daily smear articles. At this point Trump doesn't even have to do anything, moderate Democrats will let him without having to go on the offensive
The corporate media would rather have four more years of Trump than Bernie Sanders because:

a) Trump = sales, eyeballs and clicks

b) Bernie = omg socialism
Oct 31, 2017
Oh, classic Bernie. Torpedo your campaign right when it starts to matter.

So what you're telling me is that all the hair-on-fire screaming about how this was all a smear against His Holy White Maleness, Saint Bernie of Vermont by the shadowy forces of The Media and The Status Quo...

... Was all bullshit.

And not one goddamned person here who was doing said screaming will apologize for the things they said, nor even admit they were wrong, because "yeah well it wasn't *exactly* that so we were right, really".

And the Bernscrimination narrative will continue unabated.

WaPo disputes it. This doesn't seem to be the story some are trying to make it.

Two people with knowledge of the conversation at the 2018 dinner at Warren's home told The Washington Post that Warren brought up the issue by asking Sanders whether he believed a woman could win. One of the people with knowledge of the conversation said Sanders did not say a woman couldn't win but rather that Trump would use nefarious tactics against the Democratic nominee.

"What I did say that night was that Donald Trump is a sexist, a racist and a liar who would weaponize whatever he could," Sanders said in the statement. "Do I believe a woman can win in 2020? Of course! After all Hillary Clinton beat Donald Trump by 3 million votes in 2016."

Also, it's kind of weird how people just call him a white male and forget he's Jewish. You know we've never had a Jewish president, but I guess only some things are worth breaking barriers for? It's also a reminder that stuff that Sanders and Yang are proposing are stuff MLK Jr. proposed.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean... Sanders campaign called her camp liars about this.

I think what one infers from can still make both points valid.

Bernie could have said it's unlikely for a woman to win, due to the rampant sexism in society. Warren can disagree with that, but that's not to say women can never win, making that a point for the campaign to object to. I think this could be an issue of intention versus impression. Bernie's been clear he supports women running for three decades, so I'd wager this is more on him implying it's an unlikely task, not an impossible one.

Remember, this is the same culture that thinks a walking, stumbling, sniffing hamburgerman is in good health but one bout of illness for Hilldawgs had people chomping at the bit about how she had Parkinson's. I can already imagine the remarks of "well she lied about her heritage, she'd lie about illness too!" pieces from Fox News. Lest we not forget what happened when Barack Obama got into office and how that led to the literal hollowing out of the entire Republican party, leaving only the most hellish individuals to fill in its roles. This country has a massive anti intellectual pit to overcome, and the problems of sexism swim right through it.
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Dec 4, 2018
You know what, this is one of those cases when you take one for the team and bite your lips, as Bernie is positioning himself as the collective counter response to Trump.

This will only hurt then both.


Oct 25, 2017
Get ready for daily smear articles. At this point Trump doesn't even have to do anything, moderate Democrats will let him without having to go on the offensive
This came from Warren's camp. You guys are just calling anyone you dont like a moderate now.

And please get over this Bernie persecution narrative. Previous front runners had to deal with worse smears coming from the far left. Folks were pushing the Biden is a sexual assaulter narrative for months.
Oct 25, 2017
There's a difference between publically saying a woman could be elected President in general, and expressing that you don't think a woman can beat Trump specifically in 2020
That's true, but it still goes against what he's been saying for decades and seems really out of character. He most likely said how Trump would weaponize being a women and get his base further rallied up, making it more difficult and thus a man running a better option. But these reports imply a misogynist tone to his words which is… really bad lol

This came from Warren's camp. You guys are just calling anyone you dont like a moderate now.

And please get over this Bernie persecution narrative. Previous front runners had to deal with worse smears coming from the far left. Folks were pushing the Biden is a sexual assaulter narrative for months.
This report came from CNN initially. The Warren campaign decided to capitalize off it (understandably)
"Far-left" smear campaigns come from a series of posts on Twitter, moderate Democrat smear campaigns get TV and newspaper coverage for many, many more people to see. Moderate democrats run most of the media in this country
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Oct 25, 2017
Well in the last general election a woman who served as Senator and Secretary of State lost to the most unqualified person to ever run for office but Sanders said that the American electorate might be too sexist to elect a woman so I guess his campaign is over now 🤷‍♂️


Nov 30, 2017
wtf do you guys really believe this? Something no one has any proof of, that is supposed to have happened one year algo and she just remembered when Warren's polling are worse than ever and Bernie is in position to win?

PS: I'm a Spaniard, not associated with any candidate.

Deleted member 38573

User requested account closure
Jan 17, 2018
Every spin on this still amounts to a giant nothing burger
This came from Warren's camp. You guys are just calling anyone you dont like a moderate now.

And please get over this Bernie persecution narrative. Previous front runners had to deal with worse smears coming from the far left. Folks were pushing the Biden is a sexual assaulter narrative for months.

Warren has been rebranding herself as a moderate for a few weeks at least. Hearing the usual moderate buzzwords... "factionalism"....."unity"

And Biden is a creep

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Every spin on this still amounts to a giant nothing burger

Warren has been rebranding herself as a moderate for a few weeks at least. Hearing the usual moderate buzzwords... "factionalism"....."unity"
Someone saying unity in a presidential race doesn't mean they're all of a sudden trying to be a moderate jesus christ
Oct 27, 2017
Saying Bernie disagreed is so vague. It doesn't tell us the actual substance of what was said, so it can read as anything from "women can't be president" to something more reasonable like that WaPo quote.


Oct 25, 2017
It sounds to me that Sanders is being cynical of our current Culture against Women... that while improved over previous generations is still stacking the deck against women in positions of power

So sure maybe he shouldn't have pointed it out but is it inherently bad to recognize this imbalance? I thought this was the entire point of having this discussion

Bernie is absolutely right in that any Woman running for the highest office in the country will be unfairly smeared by well... everyone you would expect and then some

Go ask Hillary

Media Nothingburger, disinformation smear campaign, divide and conquer 101

Expect this all to get worse as things continue to heat up

Deleted member 38573

User requested account closure
Jan 17, 2018
Someone saying unity in a presidential race doesn't mean they're all of a sudden trying to be a moderate jesus christ

Moderate relative to Bernie and Biden

Ain't nothing wrong with that, it's an understandable position to take given her position in the polls

Same buzzwords Mr Sensible Keir Starmer has been using in the UK. Her team are clearly paying attention to his campaign.

Deleted member 4552

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I think a woman running to be president should be able to handle a private conversation with a generally politically aligned rival about whether a woman can win an election in America.

Espcially given that last time the woman didn't win. And lost to Donald Trump of all people.

The question isn't are women capable of being president, it's are the voting public capable of electing a female president.

You could ask the same question of any other demographic, Black, Asian, Jew, Catholic, Muslim, combos of demographics or whatever,and have a range of opinions on what would happen.

None of them make you intolerant.

Is it a particularly good argument against someone running for president, not really, but again the person running for president should be able to handle something as soft as that.

As for the actual answer, I'm not completely sure.
Hilary did get more votes, and I think a lot of the distaste about her, was her personally.

I think Warren avoids some of those things.

Imo the only people cabale if beating Trump are Bernie and Warren and I'm not that sure about her.

Bernie has the cantankerous non establishment aura to him.
The people who voted for Trump would respond to him snarking at Trump it the host in the debate.


Oct 25, 2017
There is a world of difference between "a woman can't be president" and "America is not ready to elect a woman president". The context and actual words in the conversation matter.

Fall Damage

Oct 31, 2017
If he privately shared thoughts on how misogynistic Trump voters are I don't see what the problem is? If Warren wants to get more specific I'm all ears.


Oct 27, 2017
I've seen plenty of people here, especially Hillary supporters from 2016, say the same exact thing. Go back and look at threads and you will repeatedly see people saying, "America is too sexist to elect a woman president", which makes this whole thing bullshit.