
The Old Guard
Oct 24, 2017
EDIT: This article and thread isn't about your opinion of TLJ.


In Plain Sight: How White Supremacy, Misogyny, and Hate Targeted the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy and…

Aided by an analysis of over 1M tweets & 1K YouTube videos, this is the full story of alt right radicalization in the Star Wars fandom. Fr

There's a really great article that came out yesterday regarding a lot of common topics that have been combining together, namely alt-right, gamergate, star wars, and more. It feels like a natural extension of a lot of conversations I see on this forum (for better or worse), and I think it is worth sharing for discussion. Fair warning, it is a ~70 minute read, and it is dense. I've included a primer below and the outline of the article that the author provided.

Primer (regarding TLJ):
However, it is not enough to call these people "fans" simply pushing back against The Last Jedi's themes of diversity or change. Nor is it enough to label them "trolls," "cry babies," or the often misused term "incels."

We need to talk about the fact that almost 40% of negative YouTube videos mentioning The Last Jedi are from radical right wing or alt right accounts. These accounts have also dedicated their channels to hate campaigns against Captain Marvel star Brie Larson, former SNL cast member Leslie Jones, and feminist YouTuber Anita Sarkeesian.

We need to discuss how the leaders of hate mongering against the film are radical conservatives including Ben Shapiro, founder of right-wing website The Daily Wire and former editor-at-large of Breitbart News. Breitbart is notably responsible for pushing alt right ideology mainstream.

We need to discuss how the hashtag campaigns calling for fans to boycott Solo: A Star Wars Story over hatred of The Last Jedi are led by bloggers who spread white supremacist ideology under the cover of pop-culture reporting.

We need to discuss that the racist #BoycottStarWarsVII hashtag aimed at The Force Awakens actor John Boyega was started by members of an organization designated as a hate group by a leading United States civil rights organization, yet was written off as mere internet trolling. This kickstarted a slew of racist harassment against Lucasfilm employees, authors and actors that made Star Wars fandom a hot bed for alt-right recruitment in the ongoing 21st century "culture wars."

We need to talk about how this so-called "fan backlash" is part of a larger movement to change and control culture put into motion by former White House Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon, in 2014. And it was a movement that successfully lead to far right governmental shifts in the United States, the UK, India, Italy, and Africa.

Leveraging over one million tweets and greater than one thousand YouTube videos, this article will track the successful rise of radical right wing hate, white supremacy, and misogyny in fan spaces starting with Gamergate and leading up to The Rise of Skywalker.

This article is an analysis of the closely connected networks that enable hate to spread from influential white supremacist groups to mainstream YouTubers. It is a warning about the dangers of apathy and lack of education around organized hate in highly evolving technological spaces that will only continue to develop at a faster rate. But, most of all, this article is a plea for any entity that has enough power to control a narrative — whether it be major corporations like Disney or entertainment journalists at Vanity Fair — to be aware of how hate is designed to manipulate those narratives without most people ever realizing it.

What Will Be Discussed:
I. Defining 21st Century Culture Wars: Gamergate, Cambridge Analytica, & The Rise of the Alt-Right
-Timeline of Outrage Media
-What is Gamergate?
-White Nationalism Targets the Star Wars Franchise

II. The New Gamergate: The Rise of Alt-Right Ideology in Star Wars Fandom
-Was "The Last Jedi" Polarizing?: A Twitter Analysis
-All Roads Lead to YouTube: An Analysis
-The Star Wars Alt-Right Recruitment Problem

III. How Far Right Hate Turns Into Fact
-The Danger of "Click Bait" Headlines
-Socks, Bots, and Super Users
-Hashtags and Boycotts
-Lack of Education About the Dangers of Online Conversation

IV. The Generational Cost of Hate: The Alt-Right's Successful Political Attack against Progressive Culture
The Targeting of Progressive and Diverse Creatives
-Mission Completed: The Rise of Skywalker Retcons The Last Jedi

V. What We Never Learned From Gamergate
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Oct 25, 2017
Fan reviews of TLJ were very positive before alt right review bombing.

It's okay to dislike the movie, even if it's the best Star Wars film. It's also okay to admit the public discourse was shaped (and continues to be shaped) by foreign actors, white supremacists, and misogynistic assholes.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
"I was grateful to Rian Johnson for so many things that he did but the greatest for me was casting Kelly Marie." Never forget.


Oct 27, 2017
People who still try to deny this is not the case drive mr insane, it was so blatant and obvious even while it was happening.


Sep 27, 2019
Fan reviews of TLJ were very positive before alt right review bombing.

It's okay to dislike the movie, even if it's the best Star Wars film. It's also okay to admit the public discourse was shaped (and continues to be shaped) by foreign actors, white supremacists, and misogynistic assholes.

It's okay to like the movie, even if it was the worst Star Wars film since Attack of the Clones. It's also okay to admit that a shitty subsection of the disapproval is its own hell hole, completely detached from a large swath of people that vehemently dislike the movie on the merits.

That said, I'm interested in the analysis and will give it an honest read. There is no doubt that alt-right grifters found a gold mine with TLJ and used it as a radicalization tool.
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Oct 27, 2017
It's okay to like the movie, even if it was the worst Star Wars film since Attack of the Clones. It's also okay to admit that a shitty subsection of the disapproval is its own hell hole, completely detached from a large swath of people that vehemently dislike the movie on the merits.

That said, I'm interested in the analysis and will give it an honest read.
It wasn't.
Like gamergate, it was their hate campaign, you were the barrier to deflect on when the harassment campaign became to obvious.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 17, 2020
Whew, there's a lot of detail in here. The article is far more about how right-wing YouTubers used the Last Jedi as a springboard to help establish their channels, essentially using the movie the way Gamergaters used Zoe Quinn as a scapegoat for all the heinous shit they did, so even if you don't like the movie, the article may be interesting to read.

I'm pretty sure we can all agree that the rise of the right-wing, anti-sjw chud "media criticism" channels that came about because of this is bad, regardless of our opinions on certain movies.


Oct 25, 2017
Whew, there's a lot of detail in here. The article is far more about how right-wing YouTubers used the Last Jedi as a springboard to help establish their channels, essentially using the movie the way Gamergaters used Zoe Quinn as a scapegoat for all the heinous shit they did, so even if you don't like the movie, the article may be interesting to read.

I'm pretty sure we can all agree that the rise of the right-wing, anti-sjw chud "media criticism" channels is bad, regardless of our opinions on certain movies.

Amazing how true this is.
So many rightwing, anti-sjw chanels launched their career by target TLJ.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
It's okay to like the movie, even if it was the worst Star Wars film since Attack of the Clones. It's also okay to admit that a shitty subsection of the disapproval is its own hell hole, completely detached from a large swath of people that vehemently dislike the movie on the merits.

That said, I'm interested in the analysis and will give it an honest read. There is no doubt that alt-right grifters found a gold mine with TLJ and used it as a radicalization tool.
You watched a different Attack of the Clones then I did.


Nov 17, 2017
Fan reviews of TLJ were very positive before alt right review bombing.

It's okay to dislike the movie, even if it's the best Star Wars film. It's also okay to admit the public discourse was shaped (and continues to be shaped) by foreign actors, white supremacists, and misogynistic assholes.
Yup, the initial reaction thread here felt incredibly positive.

The whiplash pretty much soured me on the entire Star Wars fan community.


Oct 25, 2017
It's okay to like the movie, even if it was the worst Star Wars film since Attack of the Clones. It's also okay to admit that a shitty subsection of the disapproval is its own hell hole, completely detached from a large swath of people that vehemently dislike the movie on the merits.

That said, I'm interested in the analysis and will give it an honest read. There is no doubt that alt-right grifters found a gold mine with TLJ and used it as a radicalization tool.

The first part of your post is pure OOF.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017

You enjoyed AotC? Certainly your right.

Read what I responded to, and recognize the parody.
If you put a gun to my head I'd watch every star wars movie, holiday special included. Even Ewoks.

If you forced me to watch AotC id ask why you aren't pulling the trigger faster.


Nov 12, 2017
There is another thread being derailed by people whining about TLJ at this very moment. OP, you're a more patient and thoughtful human being than I. There are a lot of very important points being made in your post--- just brace yourself.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
That is a lethal amount of alt-right youtube thumbnails.

The breakdown of how much RotS catered to these chuds really cements it as the worst.


Oct 27, 2017
It's crazy how these corporate blockbuster movies somehow became the center of a culture war. The last thing Disney wanted with their 4 billion dollar investment buying the franchise from Lucas was any kind of controversy.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
"Sure, but I didn't like the film for other legitimate reasons!"

That's not what this is about. That's not what we should be focusing on. Large parts of the Star Wars fanbase has always been so energetically toxic and hateful, I'm not really surprised alt-right grifters used it as a jumping off point.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
One thing I genuinely don't get is that even if you really dislike any of these movies in good faith, which is like your strictest right, having seen how fucking toxic the discourse surrounding them is, why do you keep going on and on?

By now, most of these people have already had dozens of times to express their displeasure, but they still feel the need to be super obnoxious about it while giving cover to far right assholes.
Oct 26, 2017
Not every TLJ hater is alt-right... but it sure seems that every alt-right will be a TLJ hater, as well as a Captain Marvel and Ghostbusters 2016 hater. I don't think it's necessarily coordinated, but any grifter without morals can see that this content does really well with the algoritm, which leads to all these videos eventually funneling viewers towards the actual alt-right. And even watching related material which is totally opposite, like Brie Larson's super friendly channel, makes this shit pop up in recommendations and in generic Youtube notifications on my phone.


Dec 17, 2020
It's crazy how these corporate blockbuster movies somehow became the center of a culture war. The last thing Disney wanted with their 4 billion dollar investment buying the franchise from Lucas was any kind of controversy.

I've noticed that lots of nerds have this strange mentality where they think that someone doing new things differently somehow means that old things are going to get taken away from them. It applies universally to movies, comics and video games.


Oct 25, 2017
One thing I genuinely don't get is that even if you really dislike any of these movies in good faith, which is like your strictest right, having seen how fucking toxic the discourse surrounding them is, why do you keep going on and on?

By now, most of these people have already had dozens of times to express their displeasure, but they still feel the need to be super obnoxious about it while giving cover to far right assholes.
For me I'm just sad to see one of my favorite franchises just be in this fucked up state right now.
I've noticed that lots of nerds have this strange mentality where they think that someone doing new things differently somehow means that old things are going to get taken away from them. It applies universally to movies, comics and video games.
The mindset I generally see in that regard is usually "This was OUR safespace. Why does it have to change to appeal to people who were not into it when we've been here this whole time?" I"m not saying I agree with this mindset but I do kind of understand it.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
One thing I genuinely don't get is that even if you really dislike any of these movies in good faith, which is like your strictest right, having seen how fucking toxic the discourse surrounding them is, why do you keep going on and on?

By now, most of these people have already had dozens of times to express their displeasure, but they still feel the need to be super obnoxious about it while giving cover to far right assholes.

For me I'm just sad to see one of my favorite franchises just be in this fucked up state right now.
Star Wars is literally the second most popular IP in the world atm second only to the MCU, It's not in any sort of fucked up state due to ONE bad rushed film from JJ and the BvS writer. Stop perpetuating a false narrative. 👏


Oct 25, 2017

Star Wars is literally the second most popular IP in the world atm second only to the MCU, It's not in any sort of fucked up state due to ONE bad rushed film from JJ and the BvS writer. Stop.
I'm referring to the culture war and drama surrounding it as well. I also disliked TLJ too however. I'm also concerned about all the spinoffs. I'm worried its gonna be oversaturated as hell.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I'm referring to the culture war and drama surrounding it as well. I also disliked TLJ too however. I'm also concerned about all the spinoffs. I'm worried its gonna be oversaturated as hell.
Yearly film releases aside. SW was more oversaturated and way less curated when it was under George Lucas.


Oct 25, 2017
For me I'm just sad to see one of my favorite franchises just be in this fucked up state right now.

Star Wars has like 5 TV shows and new movies on the way. The Mandalorian in particular is was well received too. Also, there's video games, comic books, and more novels as well. this franchise is likely in the most active period it's ever been. I don't know why you feel this way.


Oct 25, 2017
Star Wars has like 5 TV shows and new movies on the way. The Mandalorian in particular is was well received too. Also, there's video games, comic books, and more novels as well. this franchise is likely in the most active period it's ever been. I don't know why you feel this way.
I don't mean I'm worried about no more content, I'm worried about oversaturation and being milked to dust. Also I'm just sad about all the culture war and abuse and things like that relating to a franchise I enjoy. Its not a fun association to make.

Deleted member 4461

User Requested Account Deletion
Oct 25, 2017
I noticed that ERA treated all dislike of the sequel trilogy as if this were the case after it came out.

Then, Boyega came out and criticized his role in the films and it became okay for people to hate the film.

I don't know if this swings the pendulum back - it's no Boyega - but interesting to see all the same.

(Haven't even watched the films, but EtcetERA loves the sequel trilogy like gaming side loves Xenoblade.)


Oct 25, 2017
It is very important to click all the links in the article as well, it provides a very full picture.

Exhibit A:

We almost got Darth Icky....DARTH ICKY!

And Darth Maul clones. Not to be confused with the clones.

For some reason I can't help but feel yearly movies can cause more franchise fatigue, but then you slap I'm Han Solo on the table so...touche.


Game on motherfuckers
Oct 25, 2017
even if people have legit reasons to dislike the movie, it's galling to see them giving a pass to the alt right trolls by regurgitating their vitriol at every fucking opportunity.

too stupid to realize how they're being used.


Dec 4, 2018
One thing I genuinely don't get is that even if you really dislike any of these movies in good faith, which is like your strictest right, having seen how fucking toxic the discourse surrounding them is, why do you keep going on and on?

By now, most of these people have already had dozens of times to express their displeasure, but they still feel the need to be super obnoxious about it while giving cover to far right assholes.

So basically what you're saying here is that its ok to say that you love this movie and that its the best star wars movie as many times as you want, but the people who hated this movie for legitimate reasons should apparently shut up about it?

I disliked this movie, but then again I disliked the first movie of the new trilogy too and didn't even bother wasting my time watching the last star wars movie. I don't really feel the urge to go on endlessly about how much I disliked them, but I think people who disliked it should have the same rights to state their opinion about it as the people who loved it does.


Oct 27, 2017
Not every TLJ hater is alt-right... but it sure seems that every alt-right will be a TLJ hater, as well as a Captain Marvel and Ghostbusters 2016 hater. I don't think it's necessarily coordinated, but any grifter without morals can see that this content does really well with the algoritm, which leads to all these videos eventually funneling viewers towards the actual alt-right. And even watching related material which is totally opposite, like Brie Larson's super friendly channel, makes this shit pop up in recommendations and in generic Youtube notifications on my phone.

I have been amazed how often I'll find a new Star Wars channel with pretty decent content, and within four or five videos I find one that just straight up parrots the alt-right talking points about why TLJ is the worst thing ever that wants to steal Star Wars from white men forever or some shit. I'm not sure how many of them really fell for that stuff or how many just know it's good business to appeal to desperate shitheads with bad taste, but it's shockingly ubiquitous.

TLJ is phenomenal, and the best film in the SW series by a nose over ESB in my book. I saw it about a week early, and everyone walking out of that screening was over the moon about it. The first thing I heard someone say after the credits rolled was "That was some pretty fuckin' great Star Wars right there." The reaction online a week or so later was a big "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills" moment, especially as so many of the criticisms are flatly nonsensical. This article really helps bring all that into line with the usual nonsense people like Shapiro spout to the willing rubes. Manipulating straight white nerds online seems to be one of the only things the hard right has left as a strategy.

So basically what you're saying here is that its ok to say that you love this movie and that its the best star wars movie as many times as you want, but the people who hated this movie for legitimate reasons should apparently shut up about it?

I disliked this movie, but then again I disliked the first movie of the new trilogy too and didn't even bother wasting my time watching the last star wars movie. I don't really feel the urge to go on endlessly about how much I disliked them, but I think people who disliked it should have the same rights to state their opinion about it as the people who loved it does.

9 times out of 10 I will only state how much I like TLJ in response to a wave of knee-jerk hatred toward it. This, it should be noted, is only something I encounter online. I know only one person in real life who hates the movie. And come to think of it he parrots the same alt-right shit about it, too. Interesting.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I do blame kk for the sequel trilogy and I'll give her credit for the mandalorian. Baby yoda is much bigger win than the sequels being better movies.

Im pretty ambivalent towards the sequels these days but they just weren't overseen well. Rian is a great director but tlj doesn't fit well after tfa. And honestly tfa is boring a fuck

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
So basically what you're saying here is that its ok to say that you love this movie and that its the best star wars movie as many times as you want, but the people who hated this movie for legitimate reasons should apparently shut up about it?
The people who disliked this movie probably would've had a stronger base to stand on if they didn't start parroting bad faith arguments from alt right channels constantly, FFS we even had era members for no reason whatsoever complaining about Holdo's purple hair, saying that Rose should've been played by the more traditionally pretty actress who played her sister, calling Rey a mary sue, blaming Kathleen Kennedy for creative AND business decisions made by men, etc. etc.