
Oct 25, 2017
He was just answering a question

Scott brings it up himself when answering the previous question



Oct 26, 2017
The scripts in superhero movies aren't "awful". They're just very simple, straightforward, and formulaic, which is why you're impressed by them in the moment and you forget about them after that. They're designed to sound good while you watch, so you get that maximum impact in the theater, then you're onto the next one a few months later.


Oct 25, 2017
Ridley Scott has also made a lot of extremely poorly written movies, but he's not wrong, most superhero scripts are garbage. A big part of why I think that Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is still the best MCU movie is that its just got a script that fucking works, building drama, allowing character wants and needs to come into conflict, and escalating due to meaningful choices that the people in the damn movie actually make. It stands out in how purely functional it is compared to like all the other shit coming out.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Shitting on them collectively isn't fair at all but I do agree with a general sentiment they aren't well told stories outside of a few and there is some good character work too, it just gets lost in the cookie cutter which is a shame because they could be better.


Oct 25, 2017
The scripts in superhero movies aren't "awful". They're just very simple, straightforward, and formulaic, which is why you're impressed by them in the moment and you forget about them after that. They're designed to sound good while you watch, so you get that maximum impact in the theater, then you're onto the next one a few months later.
I don't know, there's a sort of "bar of character agency" that I think a lot of superhero movies of the last decade or so are really failing to clear. A tremendous amount of modern plotting is just characters reacting to things, or maybe at like one point in the movie they make the choice to "pursue something" and then they do.


Oct 25, 2017
Why is no one talking about Scott saying Alien and Blade Runner are superhero movies? That's bonkers.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm not a huge Ridley Scott fan but he made Duellists, Alien and Blade Runner so he's okay in my book. Going by that quote, I don't think he's put as much thought into this stuff like Scorsese but that's alright, I'm still interested in his opinion. It's weird that he called some of his films super hero movies though. Like, aren't they just hero movies?

Does race always need to be brought up on this forum? jfc.

Especially in this context. Like, do people expect if Oscar Michaeux was somehow still alive that he'd like superhero movies?


Jun 10, 2020
Are entertainment gonna stop asking auteur actors/directors about superhero movies some day?? I know it's like in vogue right now, but asking people like Scorsese and Scott, who would probably have done a Marvel and DC already if they wanted at this point when you already know the answer makes the interviewers look like idiots and the interviewees like assholes.

That being said, Scott clearly doesn't know what a superhero is, considering he thinks "Blade Runner" and "Alien" are superhero movies.

Also complaining about bad scripting only saved by Special Effects when Exodus, Robin Hood and the Alien prequels are in your filmography is some mighty hypocrisy there.


Oct 26, 2017
That poster's statement doesn't seem to really define having a very good experience. You're too hung up on the word enjoyable. You can simultaneously find something "enjoyable" and bad at the same time.

Okay. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I think saying an entire collective... genre (if "superhero films" can even be called a genre) is bad is a bit weird, but whatever.


Oct 27, 2017
All the people shitting on Ridley for this take because he directed Prometheus. Call me when a Marvel movie reaches the heights of Bladerunner or Aliens and I'll be the first one in the theatre. Marvel movies are fun popcorn flicks and that's okay.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
It always seems to be less this than the former, at least in my view.

Me not caring what someone thinks about something I like isn't me handling criticism poorly lol

Not caring is normal, but he was just asked a question and people say he's jelaous, old (lol), his movies suck...

If he said "all superhero fans suck" the hate would be justified, but he didn't


Oct 25, 2017
I think cherry picking his bad movies is absolutely fine. He's generalizing too so who cares.

Not really. His credentials are proven. Mentioning 2 "bad" movies, which by the way both have majority positive critical consensus, is purposefully ignoring his filmography of which he has the experience to talk about the craft of filmmaking. His opinion comes from a strong place of knowledge. The posts that simply bring up his "bad" movies show no perspective at all.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm going to be unreasonable about one thing and only one thing: he's never written a superhero movie.

Other than that? His opinion is his opinion. I've got no reason to shit on his films, I've never seen them. I know he's considered a legendary director and his opinion on the subject carries more weight than mine.


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
look not all superhero movies are a CGI fest so while I disagree to his points to some extent, the dude is entitled to his opinion.

still, it is hilarious to see all these old school directors come in one-by-one to dunk on an obviously winning formula.


Oct 25, 2017
It is a horror film where the story is essentially the circle of life and how aliens make man, man creates machines, machine kills aliens all wrapped up in some form of evolution / religious wrapping. Yeah, he swung for the fences there.
Where is the part where a couple have loud steamy sex so loud they can't hear the alien part in that wrapping?


Oct 26, 2017
All the people shitting on Ridley for this take because he directed Prometheus. Call me when a Marvel movie reaches the heights of Bladerunner or Aliens and I'll be the first one in the theatre. Marvel movies are fun popcorn flicks and that's okay.

Fun Popcorn Flicks aren't automatically "bad" though. If a movie didn't set out to be Citizen Kane, can you really criticize it for not being Citizen Kane?


Nov 2, 2017
All these threads in a nutshell :

Director : I don't like superhero movies and here's why

Marvel Fans : Well lots of people go see them and you have some shitty movies in your repertoire

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
The scripts generally do suck. 100% agree there. Of course, that's not why people see superhero movies


Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
Y'all about to have me defending Prometheus… 🤦🏽‍♂️ what is the world coming to?


Oct 28, 2017
The guy who directed Alien: Covenant is now the authority on good scripts...

I like shitting on superhero movies as much as the next contrarian but this dude needs to sit the fuck down for what he has done to the Alien franchise.

butcher execs for that there are some youtube that show how different the movie would've been had it not got chopped.


Oct 25, 2017
Not caring is normal, but he was just asked a question and people say he's jelaous, old (lol), his movies suck...

If he said "all superhero fans suck" the hate would be justified, but he didn't

Which brings me back to my first post; I never understand what anyone is supposed to do with this information, especially here.

If there's an interesting, rousing discussion to be had on the quality of superhero movie scripts here, I doubt the inciting event is gonna be one of these interviews.


Oct 27, 2017
I agree with on his special effects comment. It's just not special anymore. A giant cg fest at the end of the movie is a yawn now.

The movies he put up as super hero movies are definitely not in my book. Alien is a sci Fi space horror. Blade runner is a sci Fi detective noir, and gladiator is an action movie set in the Roman empire.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
This Ridley Scott?

‘Exodus: Gods and Kings’ Director Ridley Scott on Creating His Vision of Moses

The ideal place to meet Ridley Scott would be on a raging battlefield, in the furthest reaches of outer space, or in the midst of any of the other vast canvases on which he creates his movies. Instead, we’re sitting in a basement salon at London’s trendy Ham Yard Hotel, where the 76-year-old...

"I can't mount a film of this budget, where I have to rely on tax rebates in Spain, and say that my lead actor is Mohammad so-and-so from such-and-such," Scott says. "I'm just not going to get it financed. So the question doesn't even come up."


Oct 25, 2017
White old people saying white old people thing.
Kevin Feige is an old white guy. Most of the directors of Superhero films have been old white guys.

I don't understand why people are saying the scripts of super hero films haven't been shit. They aren't meant to be great works. They are very work-person like. They are punched up genre scripts without rarely elevated by the director.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Fun Popcorn Flicks aren't automatically "bad" though. If a movie didn't set out to be Citizen Kane, can you really criticize it for not being Citizen Kane?
But I mean, Scott isn't not out there directing esoteric, upsetting, arthouse films. Stuff like Alien and Gladiator are very much mass market, blockbuster fare. They're both fun watches that appeal to wide audiences AND good movies with solid storytelling, acting, and directing. You can have both.

People don't want another Citizen Kane, they want another, like... Terminator 2, or Jaws, or Indiana Jones.


Oct 25, 2017
Kevin Feige is an old white guy. Most of the directors of Superhero films have been old white guys.

I don't understand why people are saying the scripts of super hero films haven't been shit. They aren't meant to be great works. They are very work-person like. They are punched up genre scripts without rarely elevated by the director.
Why does it matter?


Oct 25, 2017
Ridley Scott has also made a lot of extremely poorly written movies, but he's not wrong, most superhero scripts are garbage. A big part of why I think that Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is still the best MCU movie is that its just got a script that fucking works, building drama, allowing character wants and needs to come into conflict, and escalating due to meaningful choices that the people in the damn movie actually make. It stands out in how purely functional it is compared to like all the other shit coming out.

This is it for me too; too many Marvel films are totally by the book and super predictable (origin movies are the worst and worst offender) (BP was a stroke of luck).
Oct 26, 2017


Defend the megacorps at all cost
One of the most obnoxious elements of anti-marvel sentiment is when people have convinced themselves that they're morally superior for doing so.
Congratulations, you hate something that's popular! wow, you're so unique!
I hate a lot of what Disney stands for as a company and their business practices, but the whole anti-Marvel circlejerk is just good old fashioned nerd elitism.

Ridley has directed some of my all time favourite movies, Bladerunner and Alien are top 5 for me but the way he's been shitting all over the Alien franchise in the name of profit means he doesn't really have a leg to stand on here.