
Layout Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Bothell WA
I think we have official confirmation before that.
I kind of agree. I was just playing it safe.
Oh no I get that. It's just the continuity stuff I think is really weird.
Me too. It makes the most sense logically for these movies to be set in the past before Man of Steel, but we all known WB is going to want this Batman to interact with Wonder Woman, Aquaman, etc, so they have to find a way to make it work. Either time travel/Flashpoint BS or they just ignore everything and don't make any mention of it (which again, would be SUUUPER weird). I hate when stories do that. I want continuity and explanations of things in my movies.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Sep 2, 2018
I wouldn't be surprised if they just have another actor and never even acknowledge that he's young now.
Probably for the best if they just do this. If they'd want to do another JL(which they most likely will if they can string together decent solo films) it'd be silly to have two Batmen in the same universe.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't see him as being a good Bruce Wayne


the best casting has always come from making me believe in someone I normally wouldn't like, so prove me wrong once again.

So someone who has been a Bat-Man (pun intended) as a Vampire in Twighlight gets to be a Batman.


Bill Skarsgard who was a Clown in IT should be the Clown Prince himself The Joker for this film series


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
These movies AREN'T connected to the shared universe. At least for now. My hopes are that one day they will all be brought together. In a post MCU world, I do agree that not having a shared universe is lame, but it is what it is.

Pattinson is the new Batman. No, he is not the young Affleck. Yes, I hope that all these characters interact together again, but there is no way this happens without a soft reboot.

I don't think Cavill will be Superman ever again either.

Here is how you all should think:

Do you love the DC Universe? Amazing, I do too. I loved Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Shazam. I'm excited as fuck for James Gunn's Suicide Squad and I'm hoping Birds of Prey is good. But the only way we will see these characters together again is of the universe goes through some sort of... crisis, do you know what I mean? Snyder's take in these characters is gone, and I'm glad for those that enjoyed that we had that. But these characters are bigger than these actors or directors, so let's hope that if that's the direction they are going, they do it right.

I feel like Matt Reeves Batman is the very start of this direction. And if this leads for a new actor taking over the Superman role, then so be it. I'm eager as much as you all for more epic DC shared universe stories. But right now this is clearly the start of a new take on Batman, one that hopefully will one day meet Gal's Wonder Woman, Momoa's Superman and Levi's Shazam, but not really a "prequel" to Batfleck.


Nov 13, 2017
Orlando, Florida
Fuck me in the ass daddi



Oct 27, 2017
Pattinson's become a really interesting actor, and I can already see his Bruce Wayne being an off-putting weirdo, like Michael Keaton's.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
This movie is part of the DCEU unless things changed since he said this:

Being part of the DC Universe isn't being part of the DCEU. Joker for example is part of the DC Universe, but not the DCEU. I know that there are fans of Batfleck, but think like this: you are a studio exec and you have to deal with the BvS and JL fallout. It clearly didn't work, regardless if either of those three first films definitely have fans. You get a talented director, an actor that looks absolutely nothing like the previous actor and you do... a prequel? I mean, I wouldn't understand a prequel of I don't know, Iron Man if Marvel Studios ever decided to drop RDJ, and that was successful as hell. The "DCEU" is a dead end with a few interesting parts that could definitely work in a shared universe in the future. The problem is that neither their Batman or their Superman are part of that.

And look, I have no doubts whatsoever that Ben or Cavill could play THE SHIT out of the characters they were cast for. But it's the Garfield's Spidey situation all over again, but a lot more complicated because some bits of this universe DO work. I don't see this Batman crossing paths with Wonder Woman or the rest of the shared universe without a soft reboot. My two cents on the subject.


Layout Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Bothell WA
Being part of the DC Universe isn't being part of the DCEU. Joker for example is part of the DC Universe, but not the DCEU. I know that there are fans of Batfleck, but think like this: you are a studio exec and has to deal with the BvS and JL fallout. It clearly didn't work, regardless if either of those three first fans definitely have fans. You get a talented director, an actor that looks absolutely nothing like the previous actor and you do... a prequel? I mean, I wouldn't understand a prequel of I don't know, Iron Man if Marvel Studios ever decided to drop RDJ, and that was successful as hell. The "DCEU" is a dead end with a few interesting parts that could definitely work in a shared universe in the future. The problem is that neither heir Batman or their Superman are part of that.

And look, I have no doubts whatsoever that Ben or Cavill could play THE SHIT out of the characters they were casted. But it's the Garfield's Spidey situation all over again, but a lot more complicated because some bits of this universe DO work. I don't see this Batman crossing paths with Wonder Woman or the rest of the shared universe without a soft reboot. My two cents on the subject.
Except Reeves put that tweet out like 2 years ago when everyone was flipping out about it not being in the DCEU and the WB people don't call it the DCEU. So when Reeves says, "the DC Universe" he does mean the DCEU.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
Except Reeves put that tweet out like 2 years ago when everyone was flipping out about it not being in the DCEU and the WB people don't call it the DCEU. So when Reeves says, "the DC Universe" he does mean the DCEU.
With all my heart, and I truly don't want to be mean: I honestly don't know how there are still people believing that. It is obvious for me that this is a reboot. But if you all need to take your time to accept that, let's wait then.

Deleted member 32563

User requested account closure
Nov 11, 2017
So Batman is the new Spider-Man.

No shame.

DC you ain't shit.

Marvel is running circles around DC. Got Ant-Man and Groot as more likable characters than Superman and Batman.

Shaking my head. Gal is carry DCU on that strong beautiful back of hers. WW 1984 and Aquaman 2 is all they got.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 8, 2017
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart both got a bad rap for Twilight, playing roles they seemingly hated. They're both talented actors when they're well-directed in a project they're actually interested in.


Oct 28, 2017
I mean, they just recently had to recast Batman and the Joker because WB casting dropped the ball the first go around....and Ezra Miller is done as Flash, doubt they'd bring back Jesse Eisenberg as Lex.

Not really feeling the meme that the early reaction is always wrong.


Oct 25, 2017
Ugh, hate robert pattinson, i like Nicholas but not as batman. Aaron taylor Johnson could act it but hes so short...
Of that list, I'd take Armie Hammer over all of them.


Oct 25, 2017
With all my heart, and I truly don't want to be mean: I honestly don't know how there are still people believing that. It is obvious for me that this is a reboot. But if you all need to take your time to accept that, let's wait then.
I even said plans could have changed but as far as we know it's still part of the DCEU, which goes against you just matter of factly stating it isn't. You'd think that the director disagreeing with you might make you reconsider but nope, you tried and make it seem like Matt Reeves was talking about something completely different to try and make it seem like you're still right.

I don't get why you always word your speculation as being factual.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
I even said plans could have changed but as far as we know it's still part of the DCEU, which goes against you just matter of factly stating it isn't. You'd think that the director disagreeing with you might make you reconsider but nope, you tried and make it seem like Matt Reeves was talking about something completely different to try and make it seem like you're still right.

I don't get why you always word your speculation as being factual.
Because it is obvious. This is a reboot. Reeves wouldn't accept to be limited to Affleck's Batman, not even if it was "in the past'. Pattinson doesn't look nothing like Affleck. Limiting themselves to please the hardcore DCEU fans is just something it doesn't make sense. Why not a Nolan's Batman prequel, if that made even more success?

This is obviously part of the DC Universe. Batman will be Batman, played by Robert Pattinson. No lies from Reeves end. That doesn't mean that it is part of the shared universe at all. The fact that Pattinson is the actor they are going for clearly cements that in my book.


Oct 25, 2017
This is obviously part of the DC Universe. Batman will be Batman, played by Robert Pattinson. No lies from Reeves end. That doesn't mean that it is part of the shared universe at all.
Jesus Christ.

Are you just going to pretend you didn't reply to this post?
Except Reeves put that tweet out like 2 years ago when everyone was flipping out about it not being in the DCEU and the WB people don't call it the DCEU. So when Reeves says, "the DC Universe" he does mean the DCEU.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
Jesus Christ.

Are you just going to pretend you didn't reply to this post?
Like I said, this is what DCEU fans wanted to see from that tweet. It is clearly not what the tweet actually says. ManaByte, halp?

EDIT: I truly don't know how to deal with this. Here, let me try this again: IN MY OPINION, it is obvious to me that Matt Reeves is rebooting Batman. Not a prequel, not related to the shared DCEU, nada.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616

That tweet could now be wrong in 2019 if the plans changed but when he made that tweet is was in direct response to people saying the movie WASNT in the DCEU, like Wingfan19 explained.
It was a cop out. Something to calm down the fans. People have been interpreting like this since THR made SEVERAL articles previous to Justice League claiming that his Batman wasn't related to the DCEU whatsoever. If you want. I can provide you the links. The talk about this been a reboot has substance since before Justice League was even out. I assumed you knew that, but here you go.


Oct 25, 2017
It was a cop out. Something to calm down the fans. People have been interpreting like this since THR made SEVERAL articles previous to Justice League claiming that his Batman wasn't related to the DCEU whatsoever. If you want. I can provide you the links. The talk about this been a reboot has substance since before Justice League was even out. I assumed you knew that, but here you go.
You assumed I knew the thing I literally just said that Tweet was in response to? Yes, you assumed right.

Deleted member 2109

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Pattinson is a great choice. Twilight was shit but he is great.

I just wanna know who else is gonna be in it. Who's Alfred, Gordon, the villain? Can't wait.

As much as I love Batfleck I am glad this is going to the past and getting away from the Snyderverse.


Nov 21, 2017
I dont think he could pull batman. He just doesnt have that skill, to be harsh he is not that good of an actor. But i could see him coming from toilet.. oops sorry i mean twilight. He is a vampire in twilight, and vampire is associated with bat

Deleted member 2793

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Good pick. Not that into Batman anymore, but this will probably be good and I never liked Affleck, so I'm happy they went for someone young and talented.

Deleted member 2109

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I dont think he could pull batman. He just doesnt have that skill, to be harsh he is not that good of an actor. But i could see him coming from toilet.. oops sorry i mean twilight. He is a vampire in twilight, and vampire is associated with bat

Have you seen any of his post Twilight work?He is a great actor and entirely capable of playing the bat.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
You assumed I knew the thing I literally just said that Tweet was in response to? Yes, you assumed right.
Alright, my mistake.

Let's start from the beginning. It all started with this podcast that flew under everyone's radar:

"When they approached me, what they said was: 'look, it's a standalone, this isn't part of the extended universe," Reeves said. He also confirmed that he has an idea for a trilogy in his head. Reeves said he's "totally fine" not making a Batman movie if Warner Bros. doesn't want to make the movie that he wants to make. So far, though, he said he and WB have been on the same page. You can listen to The Batman talk around the 23:39 mark on the podcast I've linked above.

Please, notice context. This happened in July of 2017, ie long before Justice League's release but NO ONE noticed that this podcast above even existed. Everyone was talking about SDCC and this below happened one day before Ben Affleck and the rest of the Justice League cast made their appearance at SDCC, with obviously everyone going nuts:

Ben Affleck is heading to Comic-Con this weekend to promote Warner Bros.' upcomingJustice League movie, set for a Nov. 17 release. But how many more times is he likely to put on the Batsuit? Probably not many, if ever again.

Yes, Warners' film studio chief Toby Emmerich tells The Hollywood Reporter, "Ben is our Batman. We love him as Batman. We want to keep him in the cowl as long as we can." And Matt Reeves, who will direct the studio's still-undated (and unwritten) The Batman, has said that he means to keep Affleck in the role. But a source with knowledge of the situation says that the studio is working on plans to usher out Affleck's Batman — gracefully, addressing the change in some shape or form in one of the upcoming DC films.

Exactly when and how that might happen has yet to be determined, but it would be wise to bet against Affleck starring in The Batman. He has already stepped away from directing the film and Reeves is dropping the script that Affleck wrote with D.C. Entertainment's Geoff Johns.

Reeves also has acknowledged that he has a Batman trilogy rolling around in his head, and given his success making two-thirds of a trilogy out of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and War for the Planet of the Apes, it seems fair to anticipate that Warners will want him to realize his vision.

In addition, Affleck will turn 45 in August, so he would be pushing 50 before The Batmanarrives in theaters. If Reeves makes a trilogy, Affleck would be in his mid-50s at best by the time that's done. Maybe Tom Cruise could pull that off, but Affleck's body hasn't exactly been a temple.

And while male stars have been able to stretch their action-film relevance further in an age when there are fewer bankable young stars (Robert Downey Jr. is 52 and going strong as Iron Man), studios favor the fresh-faced — look what happened with Spider-Man, successfully rebooted with 21-year-old Tom Holland. (Affleck also just dropped out of the Netflix project Triple Frontier, and it's not clear what his next movie will be. His reps declined to comment.)

Warners could hypothetically create dual Batmen, keeping Affleck in the role for a planned Justice League follow-up, while letting Reeves cast his movie with a different star. But that hardly seems likely. The first Justice League already is at an inflection point: Director Zack Snyder has stepped away in mid-production and his successor, Joss Whedon, is said to be doing extensive reshoots. (Note that Justice League member Superman is played by Henry Cavill, 34, The Flash is Ezra Miller, 24, Aquaman is Jason Momoa, 37, and Wonder Woman is 32-year-old Gal Gadot.) And a second Justice League movie would be years down the road. THR reported Thursday that Shazam!, with a yet-to-be-cast title star, will be the next DC movie to shoot.

Of course, Batman transitions have happened before. Starting in 1989, Warners has made films with Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale and Affleck. As a source with ties to the situation observes, there is precedent in the Batman comics for Bruce Wayne handing off the mantle to others, and even for two different Batmen cleaning up the streets of Gotham simultaneously.

The landmark 1993 Knightfall storyline left Wayne temporarily paralyzed, leading him to appoint a vigilante called Azrael as his Batman replacement. When Azrael went rogue, Wayne came out of retirement to stop him and then swiftly retired once more, appointing Dick Grayson (AKA Robin) as the new Batman. That was so successful that when Wayne was assumed dead in 2009, Grayson took on the cowl for a second time. (Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises even went this route, with Joseph Gordon-Levitt's John Blake getting the keys to the Batcave after Bale's Bruce Wayne was presumed dead.)

In the comics, Grayson stayed on as Batman even when Wayne returned to work as The Dark Knight, with the two different Batmen splitting appearances between the various comic books. Bruce Wayne took Batman Inc. and Batman and Robin, while Grayson's stories ran in Batman and Detective Comics. Grayson also appeared monthly in the Justice League of America series during this period, arguably making him the more high-profile of the two characters.

Warner Bros. could even go with the Batman Beyond approach. The fan-favorite animated series (1999-2001) saw an elderly Bruce Wayne train a young man called Terry McGinnis as his apprentice, with Wayne teaching him to take over the role as Batman. Of course, there's a downside to the passing-the-torch scenarios: It's hard to imagine fans or Reeves being excited about following someone who is not Bruce Wayne for a Batman trilogy.


Notice that the same person that broke the news that Affleck wouldn't come back after Justice League AND the person that interviewed Matt Reeves are the same person: long time reporter for The Hollywood Reporter Kim Masters. Internet went crazy, maybe with reason, since Justice League wasn't even out yet, but articles about how this film just like The Joker wouldn't be related to the DCEU kept showing up, with DCEU fans choosing to not believe it was true, neither that Ben Affleck wouldn't keep playing the role.

I'm having trouble to find the links, but my TL;DR point is, Matt Reeves himself said that it wasn't connected to the extended universe. Internet goes crazy and harass the man on twitter to oblivion. He posts that response, and they have been holding on to that answer as proof that it is connected. When it is obvious as the day that it isn't. Pattinson's casting only further proves that.

Deleted member 2793

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm having trouble to find the links, but my TL;DR point is, Matt Reeves himself said that it wasn't connected to the extended universe. Internet goes crazy and harass the man on twitter to oblivion. He posts that response, and they have been holding on to that answer as proof that it is connected. When it is obvious as the day that it isn't. Pattinson's casting only further proves that.
There will be movies with Wonder Woman and Aquaman meeting Batman. This Batman won't be Ben Affleck, so I don't think it's crazy to assume it will be Pattinson at all.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
There will be movies with Wonder Woman and Aquaman meeting Batman. This Batman won't be Ben Affleck, so I don't think it's crazy to assume it will be Pattinson at all.
I want this to happen. But for that to work, I don't see how you reconcile those logically successful and great franchises with Batman —— or a potential Superman recasting / reboot. The best way I can see it happening is, like I've said earlier, some kind of soft reboot.


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Oct 28, 2017
Eh. Why the hell not?
I hope they emulate the MCU or do a shared universe propely this time.