
Oct 25, 2017


Nearly 10 years ago we launched Rocksmith 2014 and set out on a journey of learning and playing guitar together, practicing old favorites, and discovering new ones along the way.

Greetings, Rocksmith Community!

Nearly 10 years ago we launched Rocksmith 2014 and set out on a journey of learning and playing guitar together, practicing old favorites, and discovering new ones along the way. We thank you for an incredible decade and know a big part of that was being able to feature officially licensed music to learn and play in Rocksmith 2014.

Now as we approach that decade mark, we must remove Rocksmith 2014 for purchase from all digital storefronts as of October 23, 2023. DLC packs and Singles for Rocksmith 2014 will be removed from those storefronts over time as well.

If you already own Rocksmith 2014 or any DLC from Rocksmith 2014, you will still be able to install, download, re-download, play, and use those products. You should experience no change or interruption in your access. If you do not own those products, you will not be able to purchase them digitally once they are removed from storefronts.

Many of you have shared your love for Rocksmith 2014 and its role in helping you with learning guitar and we're thrilled to be part of that journey. If you haven't already, we'd love for you to continue your guitar learning with us through our current project, Rocksmith+. In the coming months we're looking to introduce some of the biggest names in metal, rock, R&B, and more to our song library.

When will the delisting take place?

Rocksmith 2014 will be removed from all digital storefronts on October 23rd, 2023, with DLC packs and singles to follow over time. Keep an eye on the Rocksmith 2014 in-game news for details.

Can I still play or re-download Rocksmith 2014 or its DLC?

Yes. If you have purchased Rocksmith 2014 and the DLC before they have been delisted, you can continue to enjoy this content on Rocksmith 2014.

Will delisted songs be removed everywhere?

Yes. When Rocksmith 2014 and any associated DLC is delisted, it will be removed from all digital storefronts, including Steam, the Xbox Marketplace, and the PlayStation™Store.

Rocksmith® 2014 Edition – Remastered

The fastest way to learn guitar is now better than ever. Join over three million people who have learned to play guitar with the award-winning Rocksmith® method. Plug any real guitar or bass with a 14 inch jack directly into your PlayStation®4 system and you’ll learn to play in just 60 days...

Buy Rocksmith® 2014 Edition - Remastered | Xbox

Join over three million people who have learned to play guitar with the award-winning Rocksmith® method. The fastest way to learn guitar is better than ever with a customizable learning curve, expanded practice tools, stat tracking, improved menus and more. Rocksmith 2014 Edition – Remastered...

Steam version still has Denuvo DRM, FYI Apparently removed last year

Rocksmith® 2014 Edition - Remastered on Steam

The fastest way to learn guitar is now better than ever. Join over three million people who have learned to play guitar with the award-winning Rocksmith® method. Plug any real guitar or bass with a 1/4 inch jack directly into your PC or Mac and you’ll learn to play in just 60 days.
You can run custom songs on the Steam version if you buy Cherub Rock.

Rocksmith® 2014 - The Smashing Pumpkins - “Cherub Rock” on Steam

Play "Cherub Rock" by Smashing Pumpkins on any electric guitar or bass. This song includes a new Authentic Tone.
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Oct 27, 2017
Buy Cherub Rock and get all the songs in the world, don't doubt it.

BTW so weird how Rocksmith+ is just a side note in this press release, if I were Ubisoft I would be screaming it to the heavens how it's the sequel and you should play it.


Jan 6, 2019
Geez..I'll have to check if I have a physical copy I guess now. Has that new Rocksmith even come to console yet?


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Been stung by game delistings too many times before, so I went ahead and bought it and Cherub Rock. I don't have a guitar to play with, but I've wanted to learn how to play for a long time, so Rocksmith has always been on my radar.

Gives me motivation to finally save up for one lol.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I was kinda expecting this. Been buying one or two tracks I was interested in during occasional Steam sales. Hope they go on sale before they delist it, and I'll try to grab a few more.

And I don't even play guitar.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly not too surprised, they've been moving in this direction for a while now, first stopping new DLC releases with a vague "future of Rocksmith" tease, then the rough announcement and beta for RS+, through a pretty bad launch for the game proper. It's become clear that Ubisoft really wants a broader, less hardcore audience for the series and are trying really hard by focusing the new game so much more on teaching guitar and having easier songs to play. The fans that want difficulty or even just plain actual Rock songs are getting left out in the cold, and just about nobody in the community seems happy with the new game. Sorry, I'm probably rambling, but as someone who cares a lot about Rocksmith it's sad to see where it's ended up.


Prophet of Regret
Dec 7, 2017
I think they totally dropped the ball on Rocksmith+, even with all the latest improvements. Makes sense to delist this game, but Rocksmith+ is filling a totally different void than rocksmith 2014. I personally LIKE the focus on teaching (since Im a noob), but that was not what the community that kept the game alive wanted.

I don't have a way to solve Rocksmith+ issues, and I do think their solution to custom songs is reasonable (they license songs in bulk and then the community can make arrangements) since they are at already 8000 songs and fulfilling their side of the deal. But since they "betrayed" their core community that was making the custom arrangements, they shot themselves in the foot. Now the game is in a really weird place.

I just wish there was a different path than what we got. Probably making the price WAY lower for people that create content would have pleased some people?

CJCW? you seem to be a bigger fan than me, what would you have done with a Rocksmith 2? Taking into account you have to do something to stop CDLC (since it's obviously illegal)


Nov 10, 2017
I think they totally dropped the ball on Rocksmith+, even with all the latest improvements. Makes sense to delist this game, but Rocksmith+ is filling a totally different void than rocksmith 2014. I personally LIKE the focus on teaching (since Im a noob), but that was not what the community that kept the game alive wanted.

I don't have a way to solve Rocksmith+ issues, and I do think their solution to custom songs is reasonable (they license songs in bulk and then the community can make arrangements) since they are at already 8000 songs and fulfilling their side of the deal. But since they "betrayed" their core community that was making the custom arrangements, they shot themselves in the foot. Now the game is in a really weird place.

I just wish there was a different path than what we got. Probably making the price WAY lower for people that create content would have pleased some people?

CJCW? you seem to be a bigger fan than me, what would you have done with a Rocksmith 2? Taking into account you have to do something to stop CDLC (since it's obviously illegal)

Not that guy but the subscription service really was inevitable- not only from the Ubisoft side (of course they want more money), but from the licensing side as well. Licensing content for direct releases worldwide has become incredibly painful (anecdotal readings from Harmonix and Rocksmith devs/people close to them), and the entire music industry has moved to streaming, so that model makes more sense.

Not only that, but the studio needed to move off of Gamebryo as well, which IIRC shut down effectively right after RS2014 came out, so a move to an internal Ubi engine needed to happen.

I've heard *rumblings*, but nothing really confirmed anywhere, that the sub service is pared down in functionality in order to satisfy the agreements with the labels (so no Guitarcade or Session Mode, for example) but that 100% could be me talking out of my ass. Multiplayer missing really sucks but... again, streaming service, I'm sure they want that second sub.

As far as another game goes... it's really difficult. In 2013 we also got BandFuse, which had master stems, tabs, four players, and vocals. Vocals would be the easiest thing to add to the game; IIRC they were actually fully charted in RS1, but we never got the functionality. Four player mode would be nice, especially as RS+ natively supports tab right now. There's also whispers that the game will support keyboard, and Ubisoft has been hiring for the role, but nothing concrete on that yet.

Guitarcade and Session Mode, while cool, really never became popular in the entire lifespan of 2014 so I'm not entirely surprised to see them not here, nor am I completely convinced they'll come back. Seems like a lot of investment, especially when in 2014 Ubi SF had another studio (Red Storm?) do them.

Asynchronous online multiplayer would be great but that would be a huge, huge server cost overhead so it's financially probably unfeasible. Really, I'm not sure how much brand new ground you can cover in a Rocksmith title outside of new instruments. They've kind of got the core feedback loop nailed down, and if we have to box the game into a subscription service, we'll likely see new nice quality of life features over big, groundbreaking new ideas like the very first game (and to an extent, the second).

Lizard Wizard

Oct 25, 2017
I wonder how the modding community will respond. I don't think they allowed custom songs for tracks already included as DLC. Guess that's done with.

Perhaps I should check out Rocksmith+. I am a beginner and it sounds like it's better for teaching than 2014. Originally got 2014 since I wanted to avoid subscription.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Syracuse, NY
Shame it's being delisted, it's been a massive source of entertainment for me and helped with my bass playing a lot. It still has more features and looks better than Rocksmith+ so whoever wants it should get it now. The note detection is the only thing that clearly seems better in Rocksmith+


Nov 27, 2017
Well that's a shame, it's an awesome tool. Modding community fixes that bug that happened a few months back right?

I need to get back to practicing on my bass and get a better computer to do it on my toaster laptop sucks. Also still need someone to mod in Heats from Getter Robo XD


Oct 27, 2017
CJCW? you seem to be a bigger fan than me, what would you have done with a Rocksmith 2? Taking into account you have to do something to stop CDLC (since it's obviously illegal)
Honestly it's hard to say what I would even want from a new game. I came to RS having already played guitar for many years so my wants would always be much different than what a beginner is looking for. I kinda just want a steady stream of quality charts of songs that either I like or that are fun to play, preferably both. Other smaller stuff, like making note detection more accurate, a setlist feature, etc. always seemed like things they could patch in to a preexisting version but never did, and last I checked RS+ has mostly the same feature set as the last game as far as those things go. The real additions, like you said, are all the things that help beginners, which are great to have but have no use to me as an experienced guitarist, so...

I was actually looking forward to RS+ in concept, as a subscription service that gives a steady feed of new good music is something I'm very on board for (despite most of the community being against it in principle), but the catalog has been pretty underwhelming, to put it lightly. The one thing I do remember people theorizing about the new game that seemed to excite them was the potential addition of drums, which honestly seems like a nightmare to get right, but aside from that I think people mostly just want Rocksmith But Better.


Oct 28, 2017
Hopefully this paves the way for more of these songs to come to RS+. I would think that at least part of the reason a lot of the DLC tracks aren't in is because they don't want to pad out the service with songs that people can already play via DLC, thus making it less likely for people to subscribe if they own the DLC or for people to buy the old DLC if they don't.


Prophet of Regret
Dec 7, 2017
Honestly it's hard to say what I would even want from a new game. I came to RS having already played guitar for many years so my wants would always be much different than what a beginner is looking for. I kinda just want a steady stream of quality charts of songs that either I like or that are fun to play, preferably both. Other smaller stuff, like making note detection more accurate, a setlist feature, etc. always seemed like things they could patch in to a preexisting version but never did, and last I checked RS+ has mostly the same feature set as the last game as far as those things go. The real additions, like you said, are all the things that help beginners, which are great to have but have no use to me as an experienced guitarist, so...

I was actually looking forward to RS+ in concept, as a subscription service that gives a steady feed of new good music is something I'm very on board for (despite most of the community being against it in principle), but the catalog has been pretty underwhelming, to put it lightly. The one thing I do remember people theorizing about the new game that seemed to excite them was the potential addition of drums, which honestly seems like a nightmare to get right, but aside from that I think people mostly just want Rocksmith But Better.

Just to add, I can think of two big changes for me that make Rocksmith+ appealing:
- Native audio interface support
- Better bass note recognition.

But yea, the library of songs is super underwhelming for me too (even with 8000 licensed songs, only 400 are metal and of those there's an enormous lack of classic metal bands. Opeth are like one of the only ones that would interest me to play)
Oct 27, 2017
I love Rocksmith, and RS+ was a huge disappointment. I had it for a few months at launch and the track list could never live up to what I had in RS2014 + CDLC.

Honestly wish they would pivot from treating it like a game and treating it like it's own full feature guitar software. Make an official way for people to bring in custom tracks (could be MIDI like other tab software with the option to use your own MP3s). Bring in drums and other features. I'd pay a lot more than $60 for software like that, similar to other education/creative software.


Nov 4, 2017
End of an era. It was instrumental (hah) in keeping me playing guitar.

I agree they should have a sendoff sale.

Is the detection in r+ really better?


Nov 14, 2017
I just bought this over the summer due to picking up a secondhand guitar from a friend. Really enjoyed what I've used of it, and even though I'm very much a beginner I can appreciate how much care was put into the tutorials and presentation.

Might have to shift through the DLC list to see if anything worth grabbing. A sale would be nice...


Nov 8, 2017
How does Rocksmith+ (the one that I understand to still be available after this) compare to this?


Linked the Fire
Jun 4, 2019
I think I have all the DLC songs I'd want but now I'll have to play it some more to be certain. It was only a month or so ago that I figured out you could play it with an acoustic guitar if you have the right mic. Little bro took his guitar when he moved out and I hadn't been able to play it until I got my friend's guitar from Canada recently. Sucks it's being delisted


Oct 26, 2017
Hopefully a last minute sale. I've always had half an eye on getting this. Any electric guitar works, you just need the USB - phono cable,, right?


Oct 26, 2017
Last decent sale (~$20) was June 2022 - unless a key selling site decides to start offloading stock. But even then, all the bigger names (Gamebillet/Gamesplanet/GamersGate/Fanatical/GreenManGaming) don't look to have the game on their storefronts.

I'm not sure if I expect a sale, as Ubi probably wants it to go quietly into the dark and people buy Rocksmith+.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
I looked at the RS+ catalog again just to see if anything I would be interested in had been added since launch. The answer is pretty dire.

In theory, if the subscription model meant a much wider catalog of releases, then I'd understand and even be willing to pay. But I'm not paying for a subscription so I can play a tiny handful of songs from bands I like and then a whole bunch of stuff I'd probably never play. I know it's a different kind of game and a different audience, but Guitar Hero TV somehow did the licensing/sub thing better.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
I'll need to look over the list again and see if there's anything else I want to get. Dumped my wishlist once they stopped putting the DLC on sale and pushing FOMO to encourage buying as stuff got delisted.


Oct 27, 2017
Just saw the news, and now I'm going to have to pick up the last few tracks on my wishlist before they're gone forever.

At least it'll still be playable after delisting, I had a bad feeling Ubisoft was just going to shit it off entirely.

Weird that they're shutting this down everywhere while Rocksmith+ on console seems like it's never coming out (not that I'm planning on switching to a sub-based game with such a poor library).

Wishbone Ash

One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Guess I should pick up any tracks I missed out on since I stopped playing. I imagine it may get pricey, I'd think a sale on DLC would earn them some good money but I suppose that's unlikely


Oct 30, 2017
Does anyone know if the cable that came with the PS3 version still works on PS4 and PS5? I only have the old version but I heard that update on PS4 severly improved the game.


Oct 25, 2017
I really wish i could get a working cable. For whatever reason my cable doesn't work on my computer anymore and a replacement cable I got sucks too.


Jan 30, 2023
Wellington, New Zealand
I subscribed to Rocksmith+ and it was, frankly, pretty terrible compared to RS2014. It's really sad to know that RS2014 is getting delisted as well as all the music. :( I was so proud of myself when I hit 100% on one of the songs...


Oct 28, 2017
I was recently considering grabbing Rocksmith because having poured hours into Guitar Hero and gotten good but hit a brick wall as soon as I picked up a real guitar, I thought this might be a great way in for me.

Anyone have any views on if this is a good way for a complete novice to learn?