
Oct 27, 2017
Three articles from today:

Vanity Fair:
"This Thing Has Tentacles We Have No Idea About": Mueller's American Target List Is Becoming Clearer
The document's 29 pages were filled with granular details about the clandestine, overseas 2016 election-interference operation. Yet the indictment's greatest significance may be buried in the facts that Mueller underplayed, and in the possible conspirators—Americans—whose identities the special counsel only teased.

"The thing that this indictment completely changes is it says that the hacking conspiracy wasn't complete before all of these communications between Russians and Americans took place," says Susan Hennessey, the executive editor of the blog Lawfare. "It was ongoing, even after WikiLeaks released the D.N.C. material in July 2016. It endured in the period in which we know members of the Trump campaign were communicating with indicted conspirators about the topic of the conspiracy. Whether or not we're talking about Donald Trump Jr. or someone on the periphery, we still have a lot of missing pieces. But it pretty dramatically increases the possibility that someone actually did cross the line."

Trump Jr. and his dad's presidential campaign have denied trafficking in stolen Democratic e-mails. The special counsel keeps chipping away, though. "Mueller's work says these Russian guys were in touch with Americans all over the place," one congressional investigator says. "And there is a point in the 2016 timeline, after which, if you talked to these people—whether or not you believed they were Russian agents—and said, 'Hey, I love what WikiLeaks is putting out there. Can you give me some more?,' you are soliciting goods that you know to be stolen. And that's a crime."

Mueller's indictment makes reference to five Americans who were in touch with the Russians through Guccifer 2.0, the hackers' online front. Two of those individuals have essentially raised their hands: Roger Stone, the gleeful political dirty trickster and longtime Trump adviser, and Lee Stranahan, a reporter for Breitbart News and then Sputnik, a Russian government-controlled media outlet. Both have denied knowing that Guccifer was peddling stolen e-mails. The Smoking Gun, an investigative-journalism Web site, also volunteered that it is the "reporter" who Mueller says was offered stolen e-mails by Guccifer. Mueller describes a fourth American as a "state lobbyist and online source of political news," who received 2.5 gigs of stolen Democratic data from Guccifer. That fits with the profile of Aaron Nevins, a Florida Republican operative who blogged under the pen name Mark Miewurd (get it?), and who has claimed he was acting as a journalist in seeking out the hacked e-mails.

The fifth and murkiest American, "a candidate for U.S. Congress," sought and obtained damaging information on his or her opponent, according to Mueller. Speculation has centered on four Florida Republicans: Carlos Curbelo, Brian Mast, Matt Gaetz, and Ron DeSantis. Democrat opponents of each had to contend with the public release of hacked internal campaign information; all four won their races, and all four have denied any link to Guccifer. (DeSantis has called for an end to Mueller's investigation, and Gaetz introduced a resolution calling for the impeachment of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.)

'Manhattan Madam' met with Mueller's team
Kristin Davis, the woman famously known as the "Manhattan Madam," met with special counsel Robert Mueller's team for a voluntary interview on Wednesday, according to four sources familiar with the situation.

Investigators appear to be interested in her ties to longtime Donald Trump adviser Roger Stone, whom she has known for a decade. Sources said investigators expressed interest in having Davis testify before a grand jury -- the latest indication that prosecutors are still aiming to build a case against Stone.

USA Today:
Roger Stone aide must testify before Robert Mueller grand jury at 'earliest date available,' judge says
An aide of former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone was ordered Thursday to testify before special counsel Robert Mueller's grand jury, losing a bid for a judge to dismiss the investigation as unconstitutional.

Andrew Miller's bid to block subpoenas for records and a grand jury testimony centered on the belief Mueller's appointment was "unconstitutional." That quest was shot down in a 93-page ruling Thursday by U.S.District Chief Judge Beryl Howell.

And then a few minutes ago:
So... Sam Nunberg just told @AriMelber that he expects Roger Stone to be indicted on "broad charges of conspiring against America ... backed up by some financial charges." He also said Mueller is looking into Stone's personal finances​


Tattoo Nixon on my back if old


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
I can't say I ever expected to hear about the Manhattan Madam again...

Tex Murphy

Nov 2, 2017
Stone is the twisted, black heart at the very center of the beast that is currently destroying American democracy. The dude can't spend enough time in prison for what he has done.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Stone is the twisted, black heart at the very center of the beast that is currently destroying American democracy. The dude can't spend enough time in prison for what he has done.
THIS. If no one else, this is the guy I was hoping Mueller would take down. Stone is a human pile of sewage waste that deserves to rot behind bars.


Oct 27, 2017
A lot of people have been expecting stone st get indicted. Stone himself said he expected to be indicted.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Trump really dragged all these scumbags into the cross airs. It's pretty funny actually


Oct 27, 2017
Roger Stone update...

Mueller subpoenas Randy Credico, who Roger Stone says was his WikiLeaks back channel

Special counsel Robert Mueller has subpoenaed Randy Credico to testify before a grand jury next month, according to Credico's attorney.

Martin Stolar told CNN he received a subpoena Thursday and Credico intends to comply and testify on September 7.
Credico, a comedian and radio show host, will likely meet with Mueller's team for a voluntary interview first. Credico previously declined a request from Mueller's team for a voluntary interview.

Roger Stone claimed Credico was his back channel to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange during the 2016 campaign.
Stolar said it's unclear exactly what Mueller's team wants to question Credico about.

"My speculation is that they probably want to talk to him about Roger Stone and Julian Assange," Stolar said.

Judge holds Roger Stone associate in contempt for refusing to testify in Russia investigation

Breaking: Judge holds Roger Stone associate in contempt for refusing to testify before grand jury in Russia investigation. Andrew Miller, a former aide to longtime Trump confidant Stone, had fought and lost a court battle to quash a subpoena from special counsel Robert S. Mueller III to testify to the grand jury. Earlier this month, a judge issued a 93-page opinion saying Miller must testify. But prosecutors told the court Friday that Miller still refused to comply. This is a developing story and will be updated.


A federal judge has found a witness in contempt for refusing to testify before the grand jury hearing evidence in special counsel Robert S. Mueller III's investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

U.S. District Chief Judge Beryl Howell made the ruling Friday after a sealed hearing to discuss Andrew Miller's refusal to appear before the grand jury. Miller is a former aide to longtime Trump confidant Roger Stone.

After the hearing, Miller's lawyer Paul Kamenar said Miller was "held in contempt, which we asked him to be in order for us to appeal the judge's decision to the court of appeals."

Howell stayed her order while Miller's legal team appeals the judge's decision.

Miller worked for Stone during the 2016 presidential campaign, handling duties such as setting up media interviews. He is one of at least a half-dozen of Stone's associates to be called to testify. Others include his driver, John Kakanis, and a social media consultant, Jason Sullivan. Kristin Davis, who gained notoriety in the 2000s as the "Manhattan Madam" when she ran a high-end prostitution ring, is also expected to testify to the grand jury.


Oct 27, 2017
"Credico, a comedian and radio show host"... Okay this guy has to be involved, considering we already have British music publicist Rob Goldstone mixed up in this.... Plus like Goldstone he looks straight out of a Coen brothers movie:


Day one of principle photography was proof to me and members of my crew that Credico was not your average man. As he arrived to set, holding his dog and huffing down on his vape pen, I greeted him at the door with our production coordinator. Cranky, seemingly inebriated, disoriented and not thrilled with having to be on set that day, Credico made his way up the stairs.

My coworker and I were taken by surprise as we followed him. His pants were falling down revealing light blue women's underwear. To each their own, but this was enough for me to understand that Randy was in no way a "by the book guy."



Oct 27, 2017
August 13...

'Prepare to Die C*ck Sucker': Mueller Reportedly Looking into 'Threatening' Roger Stone Emails

Special Counsel Robert Mueller's examination of former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone reportedly includes asking the question of whether he sent threats over email to Randy Credico, a radio host/comedian acquaintance of Stone's, who Stone reportedly asked to contact WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

In case you missed it, Credico has declined a request for a voluntary Mueller interview, in part, because he doesn't want to be known as a "rat." Mueller has responded with a subpoena.

According to Mother Jones, emails revealed to have existed in May, including one from Stone that said, "prepare to die cock sucker," are on Mueller's radar. Credico's lawyer Martin Stolar said that he believes Mueller is interested in the Stone-Credico-Assange connection to the 2016 hack of the DNC and dirt on then-candidate Hillary Clinton.

Two unnamed people "familiar with the matter" added that Mueller's team "saw some emails" and are investigating if Credico was threatened. The email we've highlighted above has been the subject of some dispute.

While Stone said that he was responding to Credico telling him"he had terminal prostate cancer," Credico said he never said anything of the sort and did not have prostate cancer. Some might find this an odd thing to say in that situation, anyway.

CNN: Roger Stone ally: Mueller has 'concern' about Stone's 2016 predictions
Kristin Davis, a former employee and close friend of Roger Stone, said after testifying before a grand jury, she sensed special counsel Robert Mueller's team was concerned with what Stone might have had prior knowledge of before the 2016 election.

"I think there's the general concern for some things that he seemed to predict," Davis said on CNN's "Cuomo Prime Time" Monday night.

Davis pointed to "the Podesta tweet" in particular -- an apparent reference to a tweet Stone sent in the heat of the 2016 campaign, where he said, "It will soon the Podesta's time in the barrel." That tweet in August came weeks ahead of WikiLeaks' publication of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta's emails, which were hacked by Russia, according to the US intelligence community.

A previous CNN review showed that outside of that tweet, Stone repeatedly claimed he knew about future WikiLeaks dumps.

August 14...

Vanity Fair:
The special counsel is ramping up interviews with Stone associates, and paging through potentially damning e-mails.
As Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference churns on, the list of individuals the special counsel hasn't interviewed is arguably as interesting as those he has. And given his communications with WikiLeaks and Russian hacker Guccifer 2.0, professional ratfucker and longtime Donald Trumpconfidant Roger Stone ranks near the top. Stone has yet to be called in for questioning himself, but reports suggest Mueller has taken an interest in Stone, probing said WikiLeaks links, as well as his relationship with Rick Gates, the former deputy chairman of the Trump campaign who's cooperating with the government. And at the end of last week, Mueller's escalating probe engulfed two more known Stone associates: Randy Credico, a comedian and radio-show host, and "Manhattan Madam" Kristin Davis, a former employee and close friend of Stone's, adding to a growing list of people in the Republican operative's orbit to come under the microscope of the F.B.I.

The role of Credico in the Russian melodrama that has captivated Capitol Hill for the past two years is a curious one. Stone has claimed that Credico gave him information from WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who appeared on the latter's radio show, about plans to release hacked e-mails from the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Of course, true to form, Stone's account has shifted over time. In August 2016, Stone said, "I actually have communicated with Assange." Months later, Stone walked back this assertion, claiming that a "journalist"—whom he later identified as Credico—acted as an "intermediary" between him and the WikiLeaks founder. Then, in September 2017, Stone's lawyer told the Senate Intelligence Committee, "Mr. Stone concedes that describing Credico as a go-between or intermediary is a bit of salesmanship." Credico, meanwhile, has maintained that he did not act as an information broker between the two, but simply directed Stone to Assange's public statements. (Stone has denied any wrongdoing.)

Regardless, Credico's involvement has long piqued Mueller's interest. After Credico rejected a request for a voluntary interview, the special counsel subpoenaed the radio-show host for a grand jury interview on September 7, according to his lawyer, Martin Stolar. Stolar told CNN that it is unclear what Mueller seeks from Credico, but speculated, "They probably want to talk to him about Roger Stone and Julian Assange." Citing two sources familiar with the matter, Mother Jones reported Monday that investigators are also reviewing a batch of e-mails Stone sent Credico after the latter disputed his claims about the contacts with WikiLeaks—specifically, the special counsel is reportedly interested in the extent to which Credico interpreted them as threats. "I am so ready. Let's get it on. Prepare to die cock sucker," Stone reportedly wrote to Credico in an e-mail dated April 9.

Roger Stone shares image of himself and Trump as 'Space Force' wearing swastikas
