
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Fuck Jack Dorsey for actively seeking out the shittiest in humanity and amplifying them.

Deleted member 20284

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
I'm no Zuck-fan but goat is a pretty common food around the world. The Italian family my brother married into had a big family dinner and proudly served a full goat's head as the centre piece to the meal. You just picked off what you wanted to eat, actually it was fairly tasty but needed a sauce due to dryness. Wife and I had some cheek.

He actually reduced his meat consumption that year too. It's not that different to your supermarket behind the scenes, in fact likely even more human conditions in reality. A good mate of mine runs a small business farm and we buy sheep from him, he pays for slaughtering and butchering separately but it's delicious meat that we share with our close family members. Know where your food comes from.


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Wait help, I'm so confused about how the goat was served.

Is goat normally served cold? He says the goat is in the oven, and then they wait 30 minutes, and when he serves it, the meat is cold.

Did he cook it and then chill it? Was it... just sitting in the oven, not cooking, and thus served... raw?
Nov 8, 2017
"...He kills it with a laser gun and then the knife. Then they send it to the butcher.

A . . . laser gun?
I don't know. A stun gun "

Can we just appreciate the fact that if the interviewer didn't ask we would now think that Zuckerberg hunts Goats with Laser guns because the twitter CEO doesn't know the difference between the tools farmers use to stun cows and the guns Stormtroopers wield in fucking Star Wars.

*obnoxious fanboy voice*

Excuse me but in Star Wars they use Blasters and only refer to them casually as lasers in conversations. Blasters are actually charged plasma bolts that make use of Tibanna gas to...


Oct 25, 2017
*obnoxious fanboy voice*

Excuse me but in Star Wars they use Blasters and only refer to them casually as lasers in conversations. Blasters are actually charged plasma bolts that make use of Tibanna gas to...
Honestly never realised star wars went deeper than space magic. I mean like all space sci fi is space magic but thought only trek went into all the b.s about how shit works.

Oct 27, 2017
This reminds me of the time I went over to my buddy Doug's place and the apartment stank like industrial glue. For hours he just sat on the floor, peeling tape off dozens of giant rolls of packing tape his roommate brought home from work, and made a giant tape ball.

Too much time on one's hands leads to strange behavior.


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
The CEO of Twitter being so fucking dumb he mistakes a taser for a "laser gun" explains a whole lot about Twitter in general.


Oct 25, 2017
Couldn't make this up. We know he doesn't know what toast is, add an oven to the things he is stumped with.


Oct 25, 2017
So this is about to be to petty rants as a Gamma Ray Burster is to a birthday candle.

But can we talk beyond the toast -- to the kitchen itself ?


That's a nice kitchen. Decent espresso maker. Lower end microwave and that's not a great toaster. But if that was my kitchen, I'd be like "daaaaamn. I have a nice-ass kitchen! I made it to the upper middle class maybe but chintzed on the appliances just a bit."

But that's not Zuckerberg's kitchen. (Maybe it is but that would ruin my rant) It's a rented or borrowed set. Designed to look nice but not gross or ostentatious. Mark Zuckerberg has lots of houses obviously, as I would if I had his money. Mark Zuckerberg's maids quarters probably have a nicer kitchen.

But I wouldn't pay $30 million dollars to snatch up four or five surrounding luxury homes just to knock them down get a bigger privacy fence like he did in Palo Alto.

And I certainly wouldn't pay THREE times the market rate for a $10 million townhome right slap bang on the topmost edge of the most offensively gentrified neighborhood in San Francisco - the Mission - a place where San Francisco's amazing Latino community used to live.

A few still do but the working and shadow economy class immigrant backbone of the now excruciatingly trendy and hipster neighborhood was already starting to look like a Disney epcot recreation of itself ten, fifteen years ago. If you want Mexican food it is AMAZING. If you're a Mexican line chef cooking that food, you can no longer afford to live there at all.

His neighbors, already mostly well off tech people or lucky hardworking OG residents - often can't park anywhere near their houses because of his massive fleet of suburbans and limos for his security detail - and their property taxes were readjusted as soon as the paint was dry on his exquisite remodel - something that continues to push out old ladies who thought paying off the mortgage in 1981 was the beginning of a safe retirement. That happens everywhere in San Francisco but the Mission is among the hardest hit in that specific regard.

Works great for the wealthy because it accelerates the gentrification and makes their neighbors richer and the houses nicer and that's the cycle.

I'm a hypocritical jerk here - I partially contributed to the gentrification of San Francisco in the late 90s early oughts by buying the only small condo we could afford in an undesirable corner that's now desirable.

But if I had Zuckerberg money I wouldn't spend it pretending to be one of the cool young hipsters just managing to afford their first place in the Mission - which when the gentrification started became the poster child for the negative phenomenon. Every single adult in San Francisco is aware of that. It's on the front page of the hip and the terrible newspaper.

And there are a dozen more capacious already -rich spots he could have chosen, from SeaCliff to Tiburon to the array of anonymous luxury on Nov Hill and the Marina and on and on.

He could have gotten more for less in the much, much ritzier Pacific Heights. But it's kinda the real estate version of an edwardian-bearded sleeve tattoo blond haired Yale grad with fresh whitewalls on his vintage handmade lowrider bicycle, grabbing some civet espresso at this one secret spot. He moved there to be cool.

It shouldn't bother me that it's not really his kitchen, but it does. It's none of my business what he does with his money.

I also get irrationally upset at tv commercials where they pretend a group of attractive or quirky professional actors are "real customers" who apparently are too dumb to realize the Chevy sedan isn't a Mercedes S-Class because there's a sticker hiding the steering wheel badge.

Ironically if he literally recreated Tony Stark's cliff house I'd be down with that. Jealous even. I don't begrudge him super yachts or helicopters or bonsai live Tigers, but Dolores? Come on dude.


Oct 27, 2017
So not only is Mark Zuckerberg a traitorous piece of shit, he also kills animals in cold blood to justify his hunger, for either meat or murder, it's unclear.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
So this is about to be to petty rants as a Gamma Ray Burster is to a birthday candle.

But can we talk beyond the toast -- to the kitchen itself ?


That's a nice kitchen. Decent espresso maker. Lower end microwave and that's not a great toaster. But if that was my kitchen, I'd be like "daaaaamn. I have a nice-ass kitchen! I made it to the upper middle class maybe but chintzed on the appliances just a bit."

But that's not Zuckerberg's kitchen. (Maybe it is but that would ruin my rant) It's a rented or borrowed set. Designed to look nice but not gross or ostentatious. Mark Zuckerberg has lots of houses obviously, as I would if I had his money. Mark Zuckerberg's maids quarters probably have a nicer kitchen.

But I wouldn't pay $30 million dollars to snatch up four or five surrounding luxury homes just to knock them down get a bigger privacy fence like he did in Palo Alto.

And I certainly wouldn't pay THREE times the market rate for a $10 million townhome right slap bang on the topmost edge of the most offensively gentrified neighborhood in San Francisco - the Mission - a place where San Francisco's amazing Latino community used to live.

A few still do but the working and shadow economy class immigrant backbone of the now excruciatingly trendy and hipster neighborhood was already starting to look like a Disney epcot recreation of itself ten, fifteen years ago. If you want Mexican food it is AMAZING. If you're a Mexican line chef cooking that food, you can no longer afford to live there at all.

His neighbors, already mostly well off tech people or lucky hardworking OG residents - often can't park anywhere near their houses because of his massive fleet of suburbans and limos for his security detail - and their property taxes were readjusted as soon as the paint was dry on his exquisite remodel - something that continues to push out old ladies who thought paying off the mortgage in 1981 was the beginning of a safe retirement. That happens everywhere in San Francisco but the Mission is among the hardest hit in that specific regard.

Works great for the wealthy because it accelerates the gentrification and makes their neighbors richer and the houses nicer and that's the cycle.

I'm a hypocritical jerk here - I partially contributed to the gentrification of San Francisco in the late 90s early oughts by buying the only small condo we could afford in an undesirable corner that's now desirable.

But if I had Zuckerberg money I wouldn't spend it pretending to be one of the cool young hipsters just managing to afford their first place in the Mission - which when the gentrification started became the poster child for the negative phenomenon. Every single adult in San Francisco is aware of that. It's on the front page of the hip and the terrible newspaper.

And there are a dozen more capacious already -rich spots he could have chosen, from SeaCliff to Tiburon to the array of anonymous luxury on Nov Hill and the Marina and on and on.

He could have gotten more for less in the much, much ritzier Pacific Heights. But it's kinda the real estate version of an edwardian-bearded sleeve tattoo blond haired Yale grad with fresh whitewalls on his vintage handmade lowrider bicycle, grabbing some civet espresso at this one secret spot. He moved there to be cool.

It shouldn't bother me that it's not really his kitchen, but it does. It's none of my business what he does with his money.

I also get irrationally upset at tv commercials where they pretend a group of attractive or quirky professional actors are "real customers" who apparently are too dumb to realize the Chevy sedan isn't a Mercedes S-Class because there's a sticker hiding the steering wheel badge.

Ironically if he literally recreated Tony Stark's cliff house I'd be down with that. Jealous even. I don't begrudge him super yachts or helicopters or bonsai live Tigers, but Dolores? Come on dude.


Oct 25, 2017
Zuckerberg is just a few shades of skin color away from being able to play Data in a Star Trek TNG reboot.


Damn it's been done.

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Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Who hasnt gone through a phase where they kept six goats, and only ate after stunning and killing one of them every day? Totally relatable, just like us.


Oct 28, 2017
I fucking hate goat! Lasers you say? I'm still good thank you. Wow! This salad dressing is amazing!


Oct 30, 2017
I've heard the story before about Mark eating only what he kills and always assumed it meant he went hunting, didn't know he just walked into his backyard and just stunned and knifed a bunch of goats.


Oct 25, 2017
Being uber rich just seems to totally warp you as a person. It feels like I'm reading about a sociopath describing his dinner date with a psychopath.