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Oct 25, 2017
Wasn't there a bandwidth factor in the PS4 pro, which enabled the massive gulf we saw in some titles vs xbox one X? Some games were 100% more resolution right?

Maybe there are certain situations that a similar result happens with the PS5 vs the Series X? but ona smaller scale due to the smaller gap in specs?
say maybe a 50 percent increase or something?
Due to ram bandwidth/CUs etc?


Oct 29, 2017
But also: Define what struggle means?
If you mean a game at Y settings runs at 60 frames on the Series X @4k and runs at 50 frames on PS5, that's struggling?

That's pretty much fully expected given the spec difference between the two machines.

So yeah, saying something like this using the word "Struggling" is just pure FUD bs.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account.
Oct 28, 2017
Leaving aside the implied bias from the useage of the term "fake 4k", I'll take upscaling at a higher framerate any day if the only way to see the difference is to zoom in on individual frames. I play games, not teraflops.

Implied bias? Sounds like he just prefers native 4K over checkerboarding. Not sure he's showing a console bias there.


Oct 30, 2017
The 9tf thing is crap, Cerny himself said that in a worst case scenario a drop of 10% power consumption may be seen which equates to a 2 - 3% drop in frequency, dropping it by .2 - .3 to to 10tf.
Exactly. 9tf camp keep giving u git hub from May 2019 where ps5 has rdna1 chip running at 2 ghz (xsx was also 1.6ghz then) once they got delivered the rdna2 chip from amd both went up by 0.25ghz .


Oct 25, 2017
Ray tracing gonna be the real killer as this gen goes. Shits gonna look baller, but it's def gonna eat up performance both on consoles and even the new PC GPUs.

4K 60 with crazy ray traced lighting ain't gonna be the norm if you want the rest of the game to look top tier.


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
I actually enjoy Dusk's post a lot but I think he will get a lot of flack for this comments in the future. Games in dev are always fluctuating in performance and most of the time they get where they need to be on the 11th hour or after that now that we are in the age of patches.

Majora's Mask

Oct 26, 2017
Is that why the Resident Evil 8 trailer looked choppy as hell? I never knew if it was intended or what but it was off putting when viewing the trailer.


Mambo Number PS5
Oct 27, 2017
Not surprising, a difference in resolution is expected considering the specs of the two consoles.


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The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Ah shit, you're right lol

Better stock up on snacks.

I got my gif ready.


It's going to be a bloodbath, and I'm happy to just watch.


Oct 25, 2017
So that's two respected insiders saying the same thing.
We also got conflicting information from 2 other respected sources, so...

Jeff Grubb isn't an insider, but it seemed to be that he was speculating about what he thought could happen. Did I miss something explicit about this information coming from any dev sources of his?
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017
Dynamic resolution and reconstruction techniques are a great thing and let you push visuals in other ways.

Developers will find the best balance between graphics settings for their games on different platforms.

Until we get the games in front of us there's no reason to start freaking out.

Deleted member 2791

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Oct 25, 2017
Dusk Golem's claims on anything outside of Resident Evil have been very spotty if not downright absurd sometimes.

Wouldn't blindly trust him on broad claims like those.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Oct 25, 2017
I actually enjoy Dusk's post a lot but I think he will get a lot of flack for this comments in the future. Games in dev are always fluctuating in performance and most of the time they get where they need to be on the 11th hour or after that now that we are in the age of patches.
Agreed, I think it's extremely premature to say this when most PS5 games in development are likely a year out from release.


Nov 3, 2017
Consider my 2080 have to runs lots of thing in sub 4k also I am not surprised. Xbsx also.

White Glint

Oct 25, 2017
Feels like the only people who care about the difference between native 4K and checkerboarding are people who are already pretty knowledgeable on it and can tell a difference at a glance, or console warriors looking for a new weapon to bludgeon the competition.
Anyone who keeps up with this stuff knows that modern reconstruction and especially AI Upscaling can be superior to native 4k rendering with drastically better performance.

Deleted member 24021

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Oct 29, 2017
It's not constant though. That's what people are saying. The clock rates can adjust. The max is 10.28, but it can be lower if the situation calls for putting more power to the CPU. I don't know what the lowest number is and nor do I care, but even based on what Cerny said it is not a locked 10.28 so it can drop to power the CPU.

Cerny said that in the most extreme scenario, which is extremely unlikely to reach, the GPU would drop only 2% in frequency, meaning the PS5 GPU would be 10.07TF instead of 10.28TF


Dec 16, 2019
It's fine by me. 4K seems like a waste of resources. I much prefer nice graphics over resolution
The Epic demo still the best graphics I've ever seen

Beef Supreme

Oct 25, 2017
As long as it's 1080p 60fps w all the bells and whistles, I couldn't care less about 4K. It's a nice feature and all, but not worth it to sacrifice the artist's vision.

Still, I am somewhat surprised by this.


Prophet of Regret
Apr 17, 2020
It's just a console war narrative to make the PS5 look more inferior.
Similar, albeit a bit more dumb than the 18% narrative. I literally can't wrap my head around people saying TF don't matter and than state that the difference between rhe consoles is 18%, which is calculated with the TF numbers of these machines.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not surprised or even upset, native 4K is a waste of energy at the current point in time. Better to put that energy into refining upscaling techniques.


Oct 26, 2017
Interesting, there must be something else causing the 4k gap wonder what it is

Why wouldn't that be enough? I mean, if a game is ALU bound at native 4K on the series x, I'd expect the PS5 resolution to be proportionately lower (i.e. not native 4K) just for that difference alone.

In general I don't get the controversy with the suggestion of the rumour - it should only be controversial if PS5 'struggles' in a way that is disproportionate for its spec. If it's simply 'struggling' to reach 4K in certain games because devs in said games are pushing per-pixel fidelity, for my taste that's not a bad thing. I'd much prefer - within reason - for devs to prioritise fidelity over a guarantee of reaching 4K native in every game on a given spec.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Do you think the "4K gap" is XSX running at 4K while PS5 has to run at 1080p? There will likely be a 20% resolution gap in multiplat titles that aim for the same frame rate on XSX and PS5. That's it. 1800p will look absolutely fine on a 4K display.

If you're talking specifically about the single example of RE8, even Dusk himself doesn't think there will be a large gap when the game releases. He's claiming it has performance issues NOW, well before release.

Matt, a developer, has already commented on people implying that this one case has broad implications for the general state of the PS5 vs. XSX and said it's nonsense.
He said the final release will be better but that it still won't be 4k is what I was going by


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
With how good some of these upscaling techniques are, I feel like I'd rather have console games aim to be more performant. Whether this will be the case, well we'll see I guess.


Oct 26, 2017
this reminds me the 1080p stuff in the PS360 era. very few actually were 1080p native, although this was one of the most used argument people used, when they tried to convince me about getting a console, those times


Oct 25, 2017
Technically knowledgeable people were saying this is what would happen and that it was the best thing for Sony ever since the specs were released.

Microsoft will chase the native 4k route as a bullet point for their power advantage and Sony will just use 4k CB etc to make up the difference and the games would essentially be exactly the same for the user experience.

Of course this will be painted as ps5 as inferior when at the end of the day games on both platforms will run essentially the same when it except for some slight differences in RT (better on XSX) and potentially texture load in (ps5).


Oct 25, 2017
do you think the bandwidth will be the limiting factor for resolution? any info on if Sony increased the number from 448GB/s ?

unlike pro->1X, ram bandwidth is approximately proportionate to TF difference. So both should scale pretty evenly.

at a pure % difference assuming equally efficient - a native 4k game on XSX would run at 1900p (if thats a thing). Or a 1440p game on PS5 would run at 1600p on XSX. With reconstruction/temporal AA to scale up to 4k


Oct 31, 2017
It's going to get even worse once the games come out and we see comparison videos.
which might even be tougher to tell a diff considering the gap is even smaller. Plus youtube and other video compression. maybe the next measure is slow down the video to 1/4 speed and watch pop in come up slower on Series X vs PS5 because of the IO speed diff. lol oh man i fear...


Oct 27, 2017
Is there a comparison of fake 4k vs true 4k? Presumably DF have done one? Is there a huge difference


Dec 8, 2017
All this crap is driving me nuts. I just want every game to be minimum 60fps then work from there I can't stand playing 30fps games after playing 60+ with freesync. Just can't do it.


Oct 25, 2017
What about VRS? I have seen PC benchmarks where VRS can almost double the framerate if you apply it aggressively enough. Even if you go with the least aggressive option, the performance improvement was almost 20%. Wouldnt that double the 18% tflops difference?

Xbox also has better VRAM bandwidth and 44% more ray tracing hardware. Cerny had mentioned that both 3d audio and ray tracing is very taxing on the memory bandwidth. Is it possible that all of this stuff starts to add up even if the GPU spends all of its time at max clocks?
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