
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe saving it for the 10-year anniversary? Or waiting for console sales to dip a bit? It's a big chip to cash no doubt.

Timing it closer to the rumored movie maybe? Sony seem pretty big on that multimedia approach now.

If I had to guess I'd say it's probably because From had to be involved, and they were busy with their own new stuff so schedules never lined up. (also in terms of other Sony ports etc.)

I'm sure it'll still happen eventually though: while there's plenty of other cult hit stuff they could being back unlike those Bloodborne would also be a safe bet In terms of return on investment.
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Oct 25, 2017
At some point within the next ten years, you will see Bloodborne and Demon Souls on PC. However, the sequels will not show up on PC for another ten years.


Aug 26, 2022
Literally still can't understand how/why From and Sony haven't dedicated a small group to port and release this on PS5 already. Even if it was a bare minimum re-release it seems like it would be an easy money maker.
I suppose it's better to not release anything, rather than releasing a phoned in effort.

This *will* happen one day, but they probably want to get from soft involved in some capacity, which means it will take longer than if Sony just did it themselves.


Oct 25, 2017
Next year is the tenth anniversary, they could announce something by then, but then again, if they were developing something, I'm sure we would've heard it by now.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm pretty sure From would have done the exact thing as Bluepoint if given the technology, the only time I can agree with the statement is with the Tower of Latria, they definetly changed it too much. But I'm pretty sure Boletarian Palace wasnt suppose to look like shit as the original, the PS3 technical limitation was a real thing with Demon's Souls

Nah, both videos do a good job talking about how the art style changes missed the mark repeatedly. FROM is VERY deliberate with their environmental design, so you have to really pay attention when changing stuff.


Dec 23, 2017


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
Nah, both videos do a good job talking about how the art style changes missed the mark repeatedly. FROM is VERY deliberate with their environmental design, so you have to really pay attention when changing stuff.


While I enjoyed the remake, Bluepoint took far too many liberties with it artistically/visually. Only FromSoftware can do what they do.

I don't trust Bluepoint to do this justice.


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▲ Legend ▲
May 7, 2020
While I enjoyed the remake, Bluepoint took far too many liberties with it artistically/visually. Only FromSoftware can do what they do.

I don't trust Bluepoint to do this justice.


Like Demon's Souls I'm convinced the only way the original will be properly preserved is if/when it becomes playable through emulation.
Nov 19, 2019
Nah, both videos do a good job talking about how the art style changes missed the mark repeatedly. FROM is VERY deliberate with their environmental design, so you have to really pay attention when changing stuff.



I think one thing these criticisms miss is that they deny the possibility for works to be transformative.

Going off the first video's criticism of the Boletaria, I'll use the "plant growth" example.

So in OG Demon's Souls Boletaria is a workmanlike, functional castle. Allant might be considered--based on this context--to be a guy who reached out to Soul Arts and fucked everything up because he was in a harsh world and genuinely was doing something pragmatic (like his castle): get greater power to better defend his people.

In Remake, it's overgrown with leaves and shit. The analysis is like "well, Ostrava says he's been gone for a bit, and came back, which means that all this overgrowth only happened while he was gone, which is literally impossible as it would take decades to occur. Therefore Bluepoint misunderstands timelines but just did it because of the rule of cool."

The more generous (and more interesting) interpretation is that this is just a different world in a different context. The video points out that Boletaria is more opulent and stylish in remake than the original: couldn't it instead be assumed from context it follow that Allant (or Boletaria's leaders, generally) has a habit of letting his reach extend his grasp? He had the opulent castle built, but couldn't maintain it...maybe the overgrowth was there before Ostrava even left? And in this version, Allant reaches for the Soul arts without considering the consequences or his own ability to control the outcome?

All of this is subtext in either game anyway, but if there's enough for the player's imagination to connect the dots, then I think that's fine, even if those dots are in slightly different places.

I prefer the OG to the Remake, but I also don't think changes--even big ones--are inherently bad, and stories have changed in retellings since forever. DS Remake is perfectly cromulent IMO.


Dec 4, 2017
I wonder if the thought was "if we just make a port of this onto PC and PS5 it still won't even look as good as the DS remake from Bluepoint so it'll likely disappoint a lot of people into not buying it."

I really don't want to have to keep a PS4 or 5 around 10 years from now just to be able to play one of my favorites. I have a few PS3's in my closet for PS2/3 stuff that never got proper ports or remasters and I hate it.


Nov 29, 2022
I think one thing these criticisms miss is that they deny the possibility for works to be transformative.

Going off the first video's criticism of the Boletaria, I'll use the "plant growth" example.

So in OG Demon's Souls Boletaria is a workmanlike, functional castle. Allant might be considered--based on this context--to be a guy who reached out to Soul Arts and fucked everything up because he was in a harsh world and genuinely was doing something pragmatic (like his castle): get greater power to better defend his people.

In Remake, it's overgrown with leaves and shit. The analysis is like "well, Ostrava says he's been gone for a bit, and came back, which means that all this overgrowth only happened while he was gone, which is literally impossible as it would take decades to occur. Therefore Bluepoint misunderstands timelines but just did it because of the rule of cool."

The more generous (and more interesting) interpretation is that this is just a different world in a different context. The video points out that Boletaria is more opulent and stylish in remake than the original: couldn't it instead be assumed from context it follow that Allant (or Boletaria's leaders, generally) has a habit of letting his reach extend his grasp? He had the opulent castle built, but couldn't maintain it...maybe the overgrowth was there before Ostrava even left? And in this version, Allant reaches for the Soul arts without considering the consequences or his own ability to control the outcome?

All of this is subtext in either game anyway, but if there's enough for the player's imagination to connect the dots, then I think that's fine, even if those dots are in slightly different places.

I prefer the OG to the Remake, but I also don't think changes--even big ones--are inherently bad, and stories have changed in retellings since forever. DS Remake is perfectly cromulent IMO.

It is a remake so it's their own style ultimately made to be their own thing not a 1:1 but had it included a toggle or even just included a port of the original I don't think the push back would exist as strongly.

That way remake style can be acknowledged not as something of a replacement/'we made it better' but more as it's own interpretation. I feel personally this is one of the ongoing problems of games vs film or other media is that rarely is it carried into the future. A remake of a film doesn't come with the same disregard of its prior incarnation.
Nov 19, 2019
It is a remake so it's their own style ultimately made to be their own thing not a 1:1 but had it included a toggle or even just included a port of the original I don't think the push back would exist as strongly.

That way remake style can be acknowledged not as something of a replacement/'we made it better' but more as it's own interpretation. I feel personally this is one of the ongoing problems of games vs film or other media is that rarely is it carried into the future. A remake of a film doesn't come with the same disregard of its prior incarnation.
You get it.

I'm sure games will get there backwards compatibility/continued support gets better, I think that will help a lot.

Like you said, if OG Demon's Souls came on the disk (or even if you could buy OG Demon's Souls today, right now, on PS5 and it ran ok at a modern resolution) I expect people wouldn't make as much of a fuss.

Games are unique in that remakes often feel like "this is the official game, now, and that older version is never coming back". With movies or books, you aren't limited by hardware obsolescence. If A Star is Born 2018 really grinds your gears, switching back to A Star is Born 1978 just means putting in another DVD to the same player (usually).


Oct 27, 2017
I think one thing these criticisms miss is that they deny the possibility for works to be transformative.

Going off the first video's criticism of the Boletaria, I'll use the "plant growth" example.

So in OG Demon's Souls Boletaria is a workmanlike, functional castle. Allant might be considered--based on this context--to be a guy who reached out to Soul Arts and fucked everything up because he was in a harsh world and genuinely was doing something pragmatic (like his castle): get greater power to better defend his people.

In Remake, it's overgrown with leaves and shit. The analysis is like "well, Ostrava says he's been gone for a bit, and came back, which means that all this overgrowth only happened while he was gone, which is literally impossible as it would take decades to occur. Therefore Bluepoint misunderstands timelines but just did it because of the rule of cool."

The more generous (and more interesting) interpretation is that this is just a different world in a different context. The video points out that Boletaria is more opulent and stylish in remake than the original: couldn't it instead be assumed from context it follow that Allant (or Boletaria's leaders, generally) has a habit of letting his reach extend his grasp? He had the opulent castle built, but couldn't maintain it...maybe the overgrowth was there before Ostrava even left? And in this version, Allant reaches for the Soul arts without considering the consequences or his own ability to control the outcome?

All of this is subtext in either game anyway, but if there's enough for the player's imagination to connect the dots, then I think that's fine, even if those dots are in slightly different places.

I prefer the OG to the Remake, but I also don't think changes--even big ones--are inherently bad, and stories have changed in retellings since forever. DS Remake is perfectly cromulent IMO.

Well, for one what you're talking about above is changing the story of the original. Which, okay sure, but then why did they publicly seem to be adamant they were doing no such thing but doing an as accurate as possible remake?

But secondly, if this interpretation were to hold true, that Boletaria is obsessed with aesthetics in a very gaudy way, then why is that not seen elsewhere outside of the outward facing gothic architecture?


Oct 25, 2017
I just want a port. I do not want a remake. Demon's Souls already burned me because I felt it got so much wrong.

Mocha Joe

Jun 2, 2021
How can anyone look at this and think it needs a remake. It looks prefect and only needs to be played on higher settings on PC/PS5.
Im totally fine with a port and I'd personally prefer that. If it ends up getting a remake instead, I'd hope there is a way to change between old and new graphics like in Halo CEA. I feel like that's the best of both worlds.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I am just fine with 2015 PS4 graphics, just cleaned up and at 60 FPS. Would probably run great on Steam Deck.

I finished Lies of P and absolutely adore this kind of setting in a Soulslike.
Nov 19, 2019
Well, for one what you're talking about above is changing the story of the original. Which, okay sure, but then why did they publicly seem to be adamant they were doing no such thing but doing an as accurate as possible remake?

But secondly, if this interpretation were to hold true, that Boletaria is obsessed with aesthetics in a very gaudy way, then why is that not seen elsewhere outside of the outward facing gothic architecture?
I was just positing it as a theoretical, it's not my actual reading.

I didn't even really bother to "read" the remake too much. I played the everloving fuck out of the OG, so for me I approached DS Remake as almost like a museum tour or amusement park personally...oh, that's nifty. Oh that change I don't like. The music here is good. They really should've touched up those maneater animations, geez. I like this weird blacksmith apron armor set!

Basically I'm pointing out that it is still possible for a player to have dialogue between their experience and the game environment. That might result in something that's not quite a 100% reflection of the original vibe, but I think the fact that that give-and-take can still happen means Bluepoint basically "gets it" from my view, even if some of the notes hit a little different. A movie comparison for me would be Nosferatu vs. Werner Herzog's version. Very, very similar, but just different enough and

I think trying to "100%" any work like that is a bit of a fool's errand. If that's what Bluepoint actually set out to do, a lot of these "BZZT, WRONG!" takes would have more merit.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
What if a Bloodborne remake had a separate mode that was just the original game but 4K60?


Sep 6, 2023
Imagine getting ports of Xbox games on PS5 before Bloodborne port; a fuckin first party game. What the hell Sony?


Nov 15, 2017
Sony doesn't realize that they could realize a Bloodborne Remaster which is literally the exact same game with a 60 FPS frame rate, sell it at full price for $70, and that, personally, I would write multiple tweets about what a rip off it is before immediately buying it on release day.


Oct 27, 2017
Proper frame pacing
Higher res
60 fps

Via patch or remaster would make me crazy happy.
No remake needed.


Oct 25, 2017
At some point within the next ten years, you will see Bloodborne and Demon Souls on PC. However, the sequels will not show up on PC for another ten years.

Yeah, but only becasue sequels aren't happening. The buffer for their PC stuff is obviously only going to get shorter.


Oct 27, 2017
I take it that it would've been a port? Would love to see one with chromatic aberration removed, or toggleable at least.


Oct 25, 2017
Only reason why I would maybe want a remaster is if it overhauled multiplayer but sadly out of all things thats the shit that probably wouldn't change.

Just give me a higher res 60 fps patch
Sep 14, 2023
Nah, both videos do a good job talking about how the art style changes missed the mark repeatedly. FROM is VERY deliberate with their environmental design, so you have to really pay attention when changing stuff.



I absolutely despise the art direction in the remake, it's so tacky that it feels like anti-From. There are armor sets that look like the costumes in the god awful Bee Gees Sgt. Peppers movie from the 70s. It's a disaster, which is a shame because it's an impressive job on every other front. I still play it, but it's like the weird 80s Sean Connery Bond film that just doesn't sit right in the oeuvre.


Oct 27, 2017
On one hand, I really don't want to wait another 4 years for a remake of this game.

On the other hand....I can't imagine how unbelievably gorgeous a Bloodborne remake built from the ground up for PS6 will look.


Oct 27, 2017
I've been waiting forever for Demon's Souls. Thought it would come after the average performance, and then after the Elden Ring hype, then after the 2 year window...

GoT too.
Those two games (alongside Bloodborne) were exactly the ones I was thinking about while making that post. It's pretty mind boggling that not even one of these has even been announced.