
Oct 25, 2017
Yep. Say they adapt that scene from Rebels for this movie, how do you satisfactorily tie it in? You'd have to have numerous Maul flashbacks throughout, otherwise Maul showing up to confront Kenobi is just a random scene that has no real bearing on the rest of the movie.
I don't think they would even attempt to adapt it. I'd say this movie will happen halfway between RotS and ANH, which is years before the Maul encounter.

Rebels kind of boxed them in on that one; I think Maul flat out says that he hasn't seen Obi since Clone Wars and has been waiting for the rematch
Maul actually finding where he is was a huge plot point, so yea there's no way Maul is gonna be in this. It might be a stretch for the casual audience anyway.

That was my second favourite episode of Rebels after Twilight of the Apprentice. The way they handled that fight was just perfect, Obi-Wan changing stances before Maul attacks was such a lovely touch.


Oct 28, 2017
Obi-Wan's already stuck his nose in Jabbas buisiness unintentionally and indirectly to the point where Jabba send a wookie assassin at one point to go to kill him. (again though, no one really knew who he was minus owen and beru)

Fits in well with what the comics have setup. I hope they chuck in a scene where he findsout Vader's alive though.


Oct 25, 2017
You're probably joking about it but if they just have to do something with the old characters in this specific time period I would actually be into this. Exploring high society in the empire from the perspective of a young girl of nobility.


Would be something relatively fresh.

This would be great but they're running out of time with her growing up.


Oct 27, 2017
Personally I was hoping for something with little more scope. An example seeing Obi-Wan riddled with dust off those detective skills and traveling under the name "Ben" trying to investigate the prophecy of the chosen one and how the Jedi got it wrong. Of course bounty hunters or maybe inquisitors (technically he could even face Vader without breaking continuity) pick up his trail and we get some action as well.


Oct 25, 2017
Personally I was hoping for something with little more scope. An example seeing Obi-Wan riddled with dust off those detective skills and traveling under the name "Ben" trying to investigate the prophecy of the chosen one and how the Jedi got it wrong. Of course bounty hunters or maybe inquisitors (technically he could even face Vader without breaking continuity) pick up his trail and we get some action as well.
There's no way of them doing this without making serious changes. They could maybe do a force vision, but even then, Vader couldn't be mentally there.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle WA
I mean I'd rather not have it set completely in desert land, but given the canon there's not really much scope for him to move about.

I'm still in either way.
I don't think it would break anything if he had to leave Tatooine for a brief excursion. But I don't see him running some mission for the rebels. It would have to be something else, like hunting a dark sider who found out about Luke or even to Alderaan to check on Leah.

I would want to see a Krayt dragon fight at some point.
Oct 25, 2017
While I kinda dig the idea of a more personal star wars story, and seeing Ewan Mcgregor as Obi-Wan again...

Tatooine is one of the most overused planets in Star Wars.


Oct 25, 2017
Well now we know why the third lesson got cut from TLJ.
It was cut cos it was a boring scene and slowed the film down too much :)

While I kinda dig the idea of a more personal star wars story, and seeing Ewan Mcgregor as Obi-Wan again...

Tatooine is one of the most overused planets in Star Wars.
It's the most important planet in the saga, everything started there, and tbf outside of ANH it's only featured in relatively small doses. Also you can't do an Obi-Wan story and not set it there. I expect we will see a more lawless borderland side to the planet which should keep it interesting.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
It was cut cos it was a boring scene and slowed the film down too much :)

Just wanted to point out how fake this story is because Lucasfilm officially would have lost it if they have a script being filmed that has a lesson for the main character as a plot point and meanwhile have another spin-off in the works that completely disregards that plot point doing a 180.


Oct 25, 2017
Just wanted to point out how fake this story is because Lucasfilm officially would have lost it if they have a script being filmed that has a lesson for the main character as a plot point and meanwhile have another spin-off in the works that completely disregards that plot point doing a 180.
OK you have lost me here.


Oct 25, 2017
Please tell me it's the next one. And focuses on dealing with the events of EP3 (emotional weight of Anakin becoming Darth Vader).

There's a lot they can do to flesh out Obi-Wans character and reflect on the events of the PT (Anakin's fall).

This is the one main character spin-off that actually makes sense to me


Oct 25, 2017
OK you have lost me here.

Third lesson TLJ: a true Jedi would preserve balance and if Rey would defend the caretakers this time the bandits would come back in greater numbers the next time.

So that's in Johnson's script that Kennedy and I presume the entirety of the Story group know at that point. It's not a stretch that in the meantime a draft is being written for the Obi-Wan script.

According to that TMZ leak Obi-Wan does exactly the opposite of what, according to Luke (in Johnson's TLJ) a true Jedi would do. That's basically the crux of the film if this rumor is to be believed. And I don't believe for a second that Kennedy in conjunction with the story group would sign off on this script. Because at that point they wouldn't have known that scene would be cut.


Oct 25, 2017
They should recast hayden if they want the flashbacks to have any emotional impact.
Yup. I've seen him in other things and he is just not a good actor. Although I'm sure almost anyone else could get a better performance out of him in comparison to the PT, I'd rather they just pick somebody who would do those scenes justice.


Oct 25, 2017
Third lesson TLJ: a true Jedi would preserve balance and if Rey would defend the caretakers this time the bandits would come back in greater numbers the next time.

So that's in Johnson's script that Kennedy and I presume the entirety of the Story group know at that point. It's not a stretch that in the meantime a draft is being written for the Obi-Wan script.

According to that TMZ leak Obi-Wan does exactly the opposite of what, according to Luke (in Johnson's TLJ) a true Jedi would do. That's basically the crux of the film if this rumor is to be believed. And I don't believe for a second that Kennedy in conjunction with the story group would sign off on this script. Because at that point they wouldn't have known that scene would be cut.

Did you miss that Luke was wrong?
Oct 25, 2017
Edit: oh it's BS

Early 2019 production would put it on track for a 2020 release, and continues to line up with what I've been expecting:

2019 - Ep. IX
2020 - Obi-Wan
2021 - Rian 1
2022 - Benioff and Weiss 1
2023 - RJ 2
2024 - B&W 2
2025 - RJ 3
2026 - B&W 3
2027 - Ep. X on the 50th anniversary


Oct 25, 2017
Third lesson TLJ: a true Jedi would preserve balance and if Rey would defend the caretakers this time the bandits would come back in greater numbers the next time.

So that's in Johnson's script that Kennedy and I presume the entirety of the Story group know at that point. It's not a stretch that in the meantime a draft is being written for the Obi-Wan script.

According to that TMZ leak Obi-Wan does exactly the opposite of what, according to Luke (in Johnson's TLJ) a true Jedi would do. That's basically the crux of the film if this rumor is to be believed. And I don't believe for a second that Kennedy in conjunction with the story group would sign off on this script. Because at that point they wouldn't have known that scene would be cut.
I think you are reading a bit too much into it, and also taking a rumour as gospel.


Oct 27, 2017
Edit: oh it's BS

Early 2019 production would put it on track for a 2020 release, and continues to line up with what I've been expecting:

2019 - Ep. IX
2020 - Obi-Wan
2021 - Rian 1
2022 - Benioff and Weiss 1
2023 - RJ 2
2024 - B&W 2
2025 - RJ 3
2026 - B&W 3
2027 - Ep. X on the 50th anniversary

So they're going to have two different trilogies running at once? Yeah that's not going to confuse the general audience.
Oct 25, 2017
So they're going to have two different trilogies running at once? Yeah that's not going to confuse the general audience.
I'd be surprised if they didn't, because otherwise they announced the Benioff and Weiss series like, a decade to soon if it had to wait for Rian's entire trilogy to complete before releasing.

I'm not sure why it would be particularly confusing though.


Oct 30, 2017
Please tell me it's the next one. And focuses on dealing with the events of EP3 (emotional weight of Anakin becoming Darth Vader).

There's a lot they can do to flesh out Obi-Wans character and reflect on the events of the PT (Anakin's fall).

This is the one main character spin-off that actually makes sense to me

I would rather they just make a Western that stands on it's own. Obviously Obi-Wan would be a more downbeat and aloof character than before but they should avoid trying to tie it too directly into the prequel story.

Make a Fistful of Dollars - Star Wars Edition.


Oct 25, 2017
I would rather they just make a Western that stands on it's own. Obviously Obi-Wan would be a more downbeat and aloof character than before but they should avoid trying to tie it too directly into the prequel story.

Make a Fistful of Dollars - Star Wars Edition.

The ST already directly ties into the PT, especially with TLJ. I think it could be done incredibly well. It doesn't have to be the prequels, just use some of the storylines introduced with them. As TLJ did.


Oct 27, 2017
I'd be surprised if they didn't, because otherwise they announced the Benioff and Weiss series like, a decade to soon if it had to wait for Rian's entire trilogy to complete before releasing.

I'm not sure why it would be particularly confusing though.

It's the reason why Disney titled Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and Solo: A Star Wars Story and not "Star Wars: Rogue One" and "Star Wars: Solo" so the audience wouldn't confuse it with the sequel trilogy. Unless they don't begin one of the next two trilogies with "Star Wars" as the beginning of the title, it's going to create confusion.


Oct 26, 2017
What I want from this:

Obi-wan dealing with the guilt, disappointment and loss of Anakin as he watches over Luke, with flashbacks of Hayden.

Sadly they probably won't bring back Hayden for this. :'(


Oct 25, 2017
The synopsis makes sense if they wanted Ewan McGregor to reprise his role. Idk, but this just seems excessive at this point. They are trying to make the universe bigger by having more individual character movies, but I'd rather them just do new stuff.
I think if this one has Ewan it makes sense; same actor who was well received in that role.

Otherwise I agree with you. I actually think these individual films make the universe seem smaller. Han Solo is introduced in ANH as a great, fully formed character. Any back story is implied, rather than spelled out. Solo will no doubt make bank, but it can't possibly add to Han's character in the OT; on the contrary, it might certainly cheapen it by explaining all those things that were left to our imagination and, as such, more wondrous.

I want to see great new characters in great new stories.


Oct 25, 2017
Ewan McGregor or bust
No way they don't get him. He said multiple times that he's down but that there's nothing official happening (but maybe it is now). LF is probably waiting for EP9 to release before they do his story because they probably tie it into whatever happens at the conclusion of the current trilogy.

They'd have to go out of their way to not pick up Ewan for reprising his role


Oct 27, 2017
All I want is Ewan/Obi-Wan spin off and then they should kill all OT spin off nostalgia banking and make new stuff with new characters.


Oct 25, 2017
All I want is Ewan/Obi-Wan spin off and then they should kill all OT spin off nostalgia banking and make new stuff with new characters.
This is where I'm at. Obi-Wan is something fans have wanted since the Disney deal and it actually makes sense to get Ewan back and give him rich content to work with.

Luckily RJ's trilogy is all brand new shit and I'm assuming D&D's is as well.

But yeah I hope SWS are all about brand new experiences after his film


Oct 27, 2017
This movie is all I ever wanted from a Disney owned SW universe. I hope Ewan is reprising, if not, I will have the mother of all meltdowns.

This is really the only spin off i ever wanted.


Oct 27, 2017
What I want from this:

Obi-wan dealing with the guilt, disappointment and loss of Anakin as he watches over Luke, with flashbacks of Hayden.

Sadly they probably won't bring back Hayden for this. :'(

Why not? I wouldn't be surprised if his presence at the last SW Celebration was gauging fan reactions.