
Oct 25, 2017
The John Jackson Miller novel is really good, and I feel like it was written specifically as an answer to all the people calling for a western-inspired Obi-Wan movie, so it would be nuts but kinda cool if they just ended up adapting it.

John Jackson Miller has already left a large mark on canon (he wrote the first new canon novel, and a character he created helped found the First Order), so who knows.


Oct 25, 2017
If it means seeing it in live action as a movie, so be it. I loved Clone Wars and Rebels, but c'mon, they're just cartoons. Most casual fans will never even watch them. Anything outside the movies is usually ignored by people, same as all the comics/novels.

Let it happen in a movie.
This logic is baffling on so many levels.

Deleted member 11157

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Oct 27, 2017

We'll get the backstory on this guy too. Turns out he was a jedi that also fought alongside Luke's dad in the clone wars.


Oct 25, 2017
Yup. The very first Clone Wars story was about Jabba's son being kidnapped. Anakin and Ahsoka were bringing the kid back and Obi-Wan met with Jabba to convince him the Jedi hadn't been behind the kidnapping plot.
No no. I remember that one, just couldn't remember how many more times afterwards.
They aren't, lol. Someone just copypasted the synopsis for one of the Obi-Wan Kenobi novels.
Ohh. Well, i still think it's the best way to go.


Mar 28, 2018
If it means seeing it in live action as a movie, so be it. I loved Clone Wars and Rebels, but c'mon, they're just cartoons. Most casual fans will never even watch them. Anything outside the movies is usually ignored by people, same as all the comics/novels.

Let it happen in a movie.

What the point to form Story Group then ?


Oct 25, 2017
You're probably joking about it but if they just have to do something with the old characters in this specific time period I would actually be into this. Exploring high society in the empire from the perspective of a young girl of nobility.


Would be something relatively fresh.

Political drama.


Oct 25, 2017
Yawn... I wish they'd explore new areas. We know what bookends this movie. Just an inspiring choice once again...


Oct 25, 2017
Comics or tv shows have no bearing on what story will be told. Just because an event happened in a comic does not mean it wont happen on the big screen in a different perspective.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm imagining it like Baby's Day Out, except Luke is the baby and Obi-Wan get's into all sorts of antics trying to save the kid.
I picture it to be like this Futurama montage of Leela growing up

I don't know why they wasted Maul in Rebels. He deserved one last shot on the big screen, and this would've been perfect for it.

It's probably because he's essentially dead in the films and really only existed as a character because they brought him back to life and fleshed him out in the cartoons in the first place.
Nov 2, 2017

It's probably because he's essentially dead in the films and really only existed as a character because they brought him back to life and fleshed him out in the cartoons in the first place.
What's the point of wiping the old Canon for consistency if theyre not gonna let it cross over into the movies anyway? The Clone Wars redeemed Maul, and he would've been great in a movie.

People say casual fans might have been confused by him being alive again, but honestly, it doesn't really matter much. Just about every person I've talked to in person about Star Wars, even prequel haters, have loved Maul. Him showing up and looking cool again with some actual dialogue would've been amazing, and casual fans would've taken it in stride.

I'm a huge Maul fanboy though. Sad with what Rebels did with him. He deserved one more shot on the big screen


Jan 8, 2018
I guarantee eventually the cartoons/comics will be contradicted by the movies. There's no reason movies should be chained to decisions made in spinoff material. Movies are watched by millions of people, the cartoons and comics...much less.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 20, 2017
Whats worrying me is the only reason they may not have announced it yet is because they haven't locked down Ewan yet. They could announce it now without him but then it creates uncertainty and potential negative speculation around the project. If they announce it with the one two punch the movie is happening and they have Ewan it will go over so much better.


Oct 29, 2017
Call me a spoilsport, but I'd actually prefer to have no Kenobi story. I like the idea that between RotS and ANH, Ben Kenobi was just there, sitting on Tatooine, biding his time. Yeah, doesn't seem grand and spectacular and exciting, does it? But life is like that sometimes. Often, actually. And I consider it authentic for Obi-Wan's life to have a period of, well, nothingness in it, when all seems lost and dark, until the time of ANH comes.

Besides, we all know how a movie like that would go. It would feature an opening with Ben in the desert, showing his boring daily routine, with long silent sequences with melancholic music while he does his solitary hermit business, with close-up shots of various war relics, possibly a few flashbacks to what happened in the prequels, especially when he is touching / looking at what once was Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber (cue echo-like sound of Vader's iconic breathing noise in the background when Obi-Wan looks down on the floor, shaken by the memory of what his old friend had become). He would dramatically sit around and rewatch his own warning holorecordings to the Jedi over and over. Occasionally, he would have contact with his old friend, Bail Organa, because the writers saw Rogue One and remembered how fans liked to have a cameo of Jimmy Smits in the movie.
Then, a conflict arises! Something exciting enough for him to step out into the open once more, returning to his former days of a noble Jedi Knight. Ultimately something that does not matter in the grand scheme of things, but maybe it would prevent the sand people from abducting or the Empire from discovering Luke Skywalker. The young boy, played by Jacob Tremblay, would be rescued by Obi-Wan without even knowing, possibly due to being knocked-out when the obligatory lightsaber action happens or something, only to wake up back at the farm.
Cut to a wide total shot of the moisture farm, when Luke is happily reunited with his uncle and aunt who were worried sick (more chance for some prequel love in bringing the young actors of Lars and Beru back!). And in the dark and out-of-focus foreground, a hooded figure is watching over the scenery, his gaze turned towards the sinking twin suns of Tatooine, while the force-theme kicks in mightily and transitions into the classic Star Wars credits. Wow, what a movie! Too bad we had most of this already in that one Rebels episode.


Oct 25, 2017
Whats worrying me is the only reason they may not have announced it yet is because they haven't locked down Ewan yet. They could announce it now without him but then it creates uncertainty and potential negative speculation around the project. If they announce it with the one two punch the movie is happening and they have Ewan it will go over so much better.

I thought he went on record saying that he's up for it and is just waiting for LucasArts' call


Oct 28, 2017
People here really lack imagination if they think there's no material to mine here. You've got western standoffs and obi Wan dealing with the destruction of the Jedi order, the republic, and having to carry on the Jedi legacy by himself. Plus, from the last scenes in rots you can bring back Neeson's qui gonn for the wizened mentor party. Throw in some good action and stakes and there's definitely a movie to be made here. If course, execution is another thing entirely. But it's gotta be Ewan's Obi Wan, Disney isn't that blind.


Oct 25, 2017
Not to ruin the fun or anything, but do we have any concrete evidence this movie exists and is still in production? Some points:
  • This movie was originally reported in August 2017 with Daldry as director in the Hollywood Reporter, a reliable industry trade. But this is the only time any reliable source has commented on the film
  • The film has never been acknowledged by Lucasfilm or Disney and has never been given a release date
  • The presumed May 2020 release dates are all taken. Memorial Day 2020 is taken by Godzilla vs. Kong. There is an "untitled Disney live action movie" coming on May 29, 2020 that I guess could be Obi-Wan, but you'd think they'd want to stick with either Memorial Day or December (December 2020 is taken by Avatar 2)
  • The only other reports we've heard about the film are rumors from lesser websites that are just rehashing the original Stephen Daldry report from August. In December 2017, Omega Underground reported the "Joshua Tree" working title and said filming would begin in early 2019
  • This TMZ report is obviously false. It's reporting the Joshua Tree, Stephen Daldry, and 2019 filming date rumors from before and adding what is obviously a copied and pasted plot synopsis of the 2013 novel Kenobi by John Jackson Miller
  • Lucasfilm already has a movie coming in 2020, Indiana Jones 5. While they could be making two movies in a year, they have never announced that they're prepared to do so


Oct 27, 2017
Not to ruin the fun or anything, but do we have any concrete evidence this movie exists and is still in production? Some points:
  • The presumed May 2020 release dates are all taken. Memorial Day 2020 is taken by Godzilla vs. Kong. There is an "untitled Disney live action movie" coming on May 29, 2020 that I guess could be Obi-Wan, but you'd think they'd want to stick with either Memorial Day or December (December 2020 is taken by Avatar 2)
I don't think that really matters. If Disney announces a Star Wars movie for Memorial Day Weekend, Godzilla vs. Kong will simply move. Disney is not reshape their plans because they're afraid of a Godzilla movie.
  • Lucasfilm already has a movie coming in 2020, Indiana Jones 5. While they could be making two movies in a year, they have never announced that they're prepared to do so
Yeah this is something I'm not sure of either. Episode IX starts shooting late this summer and Indy 5 starts shooting at Pinewood next April. Is there enough time in between those two blocks to squeeze in another Star Wars? Seems like that'd be a tight turnaround, especially if they end up needing the space for any Episode IX or Indy pickups later on.

edit: just checked, and the original Making Star Wars rumor about when Obi-Wan would start production says it starts shooting April 2019, which is exactly when Spielberg said he'd be filming Indy at Pinewood. So that seems doubtful.

Agent Unknown

Oct 26, 2017
I'm conflicted, I definitely want an Obi Wan movie and obviously as long as they get Ewan I'm on board but having the whole movie set on Tatooine? Ehhhhhh. But the premise of Obi Wan helping farmers being raided in a Yojimbo style story sounds pretty cool and has the added bonus of apparently contradicting what Luke said to Rey in the "raiding party" deleted scene that any Jedi would just stand by and do nothing to help the poor Ach To villagers if they were about to be slaughtered in his third "lesson." (and that's NOT hating on TLJ, I loved the movie)