John Frost

Oct 27, 2017

I can't believe he kept the shitty haircut
He looks so fucking good.


Oct 27, 2017
while i've no doubt the inevitable RE1 remake will be great it's probably the least interesting RE thing i'm interested in


Oct 30, 2017
Leon again? For f*ck's sake
I do like him but I really hope that Jill is the co-protagonist...

Also, a new remake of the 1st game was a given at this point.


Nov 2, 2018
If Leon ever got a haircut people would gripe that RE was replacing iconic characters with generic protagonists


Oct 25, 2017
Third person shooter gameplay is not inherently superior to other forms of gameplay.
TPS and FPS are both inherently superior in my personal opinion. I love the classic RE games, but I don't enjoy replaying then these days as much as the modern remakes.

A remake of 1 would be a dream.

Saying that... Maybe I'll replay RE1 Remake when I'm done with my current games. It is amazing, no doubt.


Nov 27, 2017
I guess my one concern is I hope this aims to be more like RE7 than RE2 through 4makes. Spencer Manor needs to feel intimate the way the Baker Estate did.
Apr 5, 2022
They should make Zero a DLC for 1. Focus on Rebecca, Richard and Enrico; drop Billy, the leeches, bring back item boxes, etc.

Well if they did something with Zero I think they might incorporate it into the RE1 narrative. If it was "DLC" it wouldnt be based on RE0 if I had to say, it would be kinda based on the Umbrella Chronicles chapter if you remember it when Rebecca and Richard went through things. I feel Billy's partnership with Rebecca is way too important to cut imo.
Apr 5, 2022
I guess my one concern is I hope this aims to be more like RE7 than RE2 through 4makes. Spencer Manor needs to feel intimate the way the Baker Estate did.

RE2 Remake is incredible I just didn't like how Mr.X was implemented and how the A/B scenarios worked, both felt the same and Mr.X did not need to be in the 1st run of RE2. That's why I'll always appreciate OG RE2 more but RE2 Remake is far from a bad game. RE7 did WELL with horror but didnt Capcom say fans thought RE7 was too scary hence it got toned down in 8??


Oct 25, 2017
I guess my one concern is I hope this aims to be more like RE7 than RE2 through 4makes. Spencer Manor needs to feel intimate the way the Baker Estate did.
For this reason I would personally prefer first person. It would never happen though, they would no doubt want to keep the Remake's aligned.
Feb 5, 2018
The right way to go tbh. It seemed weird why they skipped it in the first place but there seems to be a strategy tied behind some of the recent remakes and if RE9 really is another Leon game (and was in concept in 2018), then it makes complete sense why they remade RE2 and 4. RE3 was essentially a bonus package on 2 anyway and takes place at the same time, so evidently thats why they did that one too and why the timeline there works.

But if they are going to entirely focus on Wesker then it makes sense that they start from the beginning. RE1 should be first (RE0 a close release project like RE3, or maybe even included or as DLC), then Code Veronica, then RE5 Remake.

At that point, I can see RE10 being a Chris and Claire game, or even a game with all main characters in it, since Jill is a major character in 1 and 5. Both this and a possible RE6 Remake can cap off the original cast.


- RE2 and 4 are Leon centric and why they were prioritized for 9.
- RE1(0?), CV, and 5 are Chris/Jill/Claire centric with Wesker, so startinf back with one makes sense.
- Hypothetically, RE6 Remake and 10 could cap off all of the main cast, maybe 10 could give the reigns back to Claire or Jill for once too (since Chris got heavy focus in RE7/8)
Feb 5, 2018
All of you complaining of an RE1 Remake are wild lol. 20+ years since the last time it was remade with aging controls, dialogue, etc. It absolutely does not fit the with the rest of the modernized games, and they definitely should not remake RE5 without 1 or CV first.

Also, if RE9 matches current time, he'd be younger than 50. Thats younger than Joel in LoU, not an issue.
Apr 5, 2022
The right way to go tbh. It seemed weird why they skipped it in the first place but there seems to be a strategy tied behind some of the recent remakes and if RE9 really is another Leon game (and was in concept in 2018), then it makes complete sense why they remade RE2 and 4. RE3 was essentially a bonus package on 2 anyway and takes place at the same time, so evidently thats why they did that one too and why the timeline there works.

But if they are going to entirely focus on Wesker then it makes sense that they start from the beginning. RE1 should be first (RE0 a close release project like RE3, or maybe even included or as DLC), then Code Veronica, then RE5 Remake.

At that point, I can see RE10 being a Chris and Claire game, or even a game with all main characters in it, since Jill is a major character in 1 and 5. Both this and a possible RE6 Remake can cap off the original cast.


- RE2 and 4 are Leon centric and why they were prioritized for 9.
- RE1(0?), CV, and 5 are Chris/Jill/Claire centric with Wesker, so startinf back with one makes sense.
- Hypothetically, RE6 Remake and 10 could cap off all of the main cast, maybe 10 could give the reigns back to Claire or Jill for once too (since Chris got heavy focus in RE7/8)

What I really dont like though is that Capcom p;ut the Rose RE8 DLC taking place yearssss after the events of RE8 not because she rapidly aged. So are we saying that "bioterrorism" that Chris/Jill/Leon/Claire and other characters fought so hard to fend off is still going on since then? I was kinda hoping during that time in Shadows of Rose the looming threats would of been long gone. So I'm guessing the games that are coming out now are filling in those gaps, huh?
Feb 5, 2018
What I really dont like though is that Capcom p;ut the Rose RE8 DLC taking place yearssss after the events of RE8 not because she rapidly aged. So are we saying that "bioterrorism" that Chris/Jill/Leon/Claire and other characters fought so hard to fend off is still going on since then? I was kinda hoping during that time in Shadows of Rose the looming threats would of been long gone. So I'm guessing the games that are coming out now are filling in those gaps, huh?
Tbh, even if RE9 and/or 10 "cap off" the main cast and it takes place before that DLC, i doubt the franchise is done. I just expect it go in another new direction like with Ethan or something.


Feb 8, 2024
Hopefully this isn't a sign of Capcom not wanting to continue the remake timeline further/beyond Remake 4.

I really need those RE5 and RE6 remakes.

The scope of a remake of the first game is likely much smaller than remaking 5, 6 or CV, it's also the origin of Wesker and Chris which haven't really been covered at all in the remakes, so I'd say it makes sense to get it out before 5. Arguably CV should also come before 5, but I sadly have less faith in that.

Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY
Kinda surprised they're going with RE1 first instead of RE0, as i figured they'd do the Wesker trilogy remakes chronologically. That said, nice to see it happening (even if we all saw it coming)


Oct 29, 2017
Booooo bring Sheva back dammit and remake Veronica

I get it y'all got a solid Leon actor on call but give this character a freaking break
Feb 5, 2018
Kinda surprised they're going with RE1 first instead of RE0, as i figured they'd do the Wesker trilogy remakes chronologically. That said, nice to see it happening (even if we all saw it coming)
I see them making 0 a big DLC/expansion to 1 or releasing 0 as a full title exactly a year after 1, similar to RE2/3. The issue with 0 is how much of it needs to be fundamentally improved to be tolerable imo lol. Unlike the other remakes which had good bases already (3R being the mixed bag).

That being said, if they Remake 0 and actually recreate its plot to fit the RE Engine scope/timeline properly, then I actually moderate hopes for an RE6 Remake because that shit needs to be gutted lol


Oct 27, 2017
....does anyone at Capcom remember Jill Valentine exists?

Are we just doomed to constantly ping pong back and forth between just Chris and Leon?


Oct 27, 2017


Just imagine Spencer Mansion in RE Engine…. It's going to be best atmospheric survival horror game EVER.

This makes me wonder if Capcom is going to at minimum make the foyer of Spencer Mansion larger for the remake, I think the fixed camera angles did a lot of heavy lifting for making things seem more spread out/expansive. Also after the one two punch of Village and RE4 remake I also wonder if they're gonna scale back the gothic aesthetic and opt for something a bit different to shake things up. How about something inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright architecture? :P

As for new content I don't really want them adding many new rooms since REmake's layout and flow is as sublime as it is already. Perhaps some expanded outdoor areas would help. I just hope they don't feel the need to pad it out too much to extend the length.


Oct 25, 2017
It is perfection, but I guess it's sorta an odd man out from the rest of the recent remakes in terms of gameplay. I definitely think it can have its place amongst the new Remake series. Additionally I'd actually enjoy RE1R first, instead of them jumping right into RE5R without first established the Chris/Wesker storyline.

I agree. Narratively and mechanically, RE remakes are about to get crazy (judging from RE4 remake) but it makes sense to go back and establish RE1 again before we get the insanity that is RE5 and 6. Once those genies are released, there's no going back to the more subtle gameplay of the original.

I'm actually pretty hype for a new iteration of the RE4 remake system in 5 and 6. Melee attacks, slides, quickshots, contextual actions, taunts. All of these reimagined with the new engine will be cool, but I don't feel they can be shoehorned into an RE1 remake.

Chris and Jill aren't the uber badasses we see in later games. It's a much more grounded experience. I suppose it might be like RE2 remake then but with some new ideas.
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2019
....does anyone at Capcom remember Jill Valentine exists?

Are we just doomed to constantly ping pong back and forth between just Chris and Leon?

The last two mainline entries had Ethan Winters, a new character. But then they killed him off.

Imo they should be expanded and cultivating the cast with a next generation of characters. Remakes, Spinoffs and Movies can be reserved for the OG cast, but these characters are starting to age out. Leon, Claire and Ada are pushing 50, and Chris pretty much is 50. In 10 years it's going to get really noticeable when they're 60 and still doing this shit. That's practically retirement age.

Unless their plan is to do a full blown reboot of the entire series, because they can't let these characters go, it's going to get pretty silly soon. I know Ethan wasn't everyone's cup of tea, but goddamn was it refreshing to play a regular guy, a Systems Engineer, in a Resident Evil game. It added to the horror elements that you weren't a trained officer or soldier. We need a fresh cast.


May 6, 2019
It's just wild that since RE7 the franchise has gone from strength to strength, and things aren't looking to slow down. By the time everything comes full circle (presumably with RE5 remake in 2027ish... unless they do the unthinkable and actually attempt an RE6 remake) it'll have been at least a full decade of practically solid gold. It's had its down moments in my opinion (RE3R, Village), but what other franchise has had a run like this?

And yeah, there's still such fertile ground in the next few years! The time is right for another RE1 remake, which could be the perfect followup to RE2R's brilliant modernization of classic survival horror, something there's a ton of desire for judging by RE2R's continued strong sales. A modern interpretation of Outbreak seems totally viable too with the rise of extraction shooters and nontraditional PvE multiplayer games like Lethal Company.

RE9 can experiment, safe in the knowledge that there are surefire hits in the chamber with the remakes. Maybe it'll go in a more open direction with explicit side content like Village started doing? Village showed enough weakness to make me nervous, but the dual structure of the franchise at this moment means that a single failure won't sink it, so go blaze new trails, RE9!

And of course the as-good-as-confirmed RE5 remake has a strong foundation in RE4R. That game is a whole barrel of potential in itself, since it'll need extensive reworking just to make it palatable to a current audience.

Seriously, what a moment. Has there been a gaming franchise that's been revitalized this successfully? It's just ridiculous how bright the future looks. If anything, I'd say push RE9 back as far as possible to make sure it sets a great foundation for the future when there's nothing left to remake. They have the space to do it, after all.

T002 Tyrant

Nov 8, 2018
Ugh, Daniel RPK 🙄 Daniel RPK makes nerd fan fiction and "anti-SJW" rumor pieces. And just adds the parts of truth from other accurate leakers. I wish we'd stop using him as a source.


Oct 25, 2017
More interested in Remake 2 than RE9. I just love the Spencer Mansion so much. Did anyone say when it'll be revealed?

That said, RE9 will be interesting to see where they go gameplay wise. I like RE4 remake right now but maybe that will be iterated on in the remake series instead. I hope we get something relatively new. I have a feeling it will have crouch and block like 7 and 8 at least.


Jan 24, 2018
....does anyone at Capcom remember Jill Valentine exists?

Are we just doomed to constantly ping pong back and forth between just Chris and Leon?
She was a major plot point in the latest Resident Evil animated movie (which I believe is canon?) so there's definitely new Jill stuff around.