Deleted member 70788

Jun 2, 2020
This thread is moving fast, but speaking as an American, how can I help? Are there better places to give my support for Ukrainian aid that others? Nova? Doctors Without Borders? Didn't see anything in the OP.

Thanks, Era. Stay safe 🙏

Ukraine Humanitarian Relief/Support Efforts Thread

PLEASE CLICK HERE TO CHECK THREADMARKS FOR OTHER SOURCES OF RELIEF EFFORTS The following is to directly help the city of Sumy: Found this on the r/Ukraine thread and thought it would be useful sharing it here as well. These are a list of links that people can...


God and Anime
Oct 25, 2017
This thread is moving fast, but speaking as an American, how can I help? Are there better places to give my support for Ukrainian aid that others? Nova? Doctors Without Borders? Didn't see anything in the OP.

Thanks, Era. Stay safe 🙏

Ukraine Humanitarian Relief/Support Efforts Thread

PLEASE CLICK HERE TO CHECK THREADMARKS FOR OTHER SOURCES OF RELIEF EFFORTS The following is to directly help the city of Sumy: Found this on the r/Ukraine thread and thought it would be useful sharing it here as well. These are a list of links that people can...

You want this thread


Oct 25, 2017
This thread is moving fast, but speaking as an American, how can I help? Are there better places to give my support for Ukrainian aid that others? Nova? Doctors Without Borders? Didn't see anything in the OP.

Thanks, Era. Stay safe 🙏
There is a sticked thread with links to the relief efforts.
Nov 27, 2020
Russia attacked just over 36 hours ago. If they already have to slow down to re-supply that doesn't speak highly of their preparation. This also gives Ukraine time to rest and dig in. Russia may be adjusting their strategy but this still looks like a very poorly planned operation.
It's kind of mind-boggling how rushed and poorly thought out this whole operation has been by the Russians, given that planning for something like this has likely been happening for years. It could be the Russian military overestimating their own capability, or more likely, Putin ordering them on a military venture over the advice of his generals.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
It really blows my mind that Russia has only had a form of democracy for what... 9yrs out of their entire history. Maybe a slight bit of "freedom" between 1917 and 1922? Its between warlords Dukes, Tsars, Soviets and now this asshole.

If they ever get out the cycle and clean up, it would be amazing to see a Europe united that Far East including Russia working together but long way off.


Oct 29, 2017

Would probably be one of the first NATO units in contact with russian forces if it ever comes to that

1600 Soldiers doesnt sound like much considering russia is mobilizing like 100.000+ Soldiers
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Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Iceland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway
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Croatia, Romania, United Kingdom
Really bummed about germany right now. Yesterday or so a high ranking military member said that we didnt have anything, so we cant share anything (Die Bundeswehr wäre "Blank"). Then the head of the BND gets caught with his pants down in ukraine, suprised by the russians. Then we stall SWIFT sanctions and now I see that we have around 300 soldiers stationed in lithuania, which somehow is supposed to be a deterrent.
Doesnt seem like we are capable of helping in any capacity at all.

Maybe Im wrong though and 300 soldiers is more than enough, idk. Anyways, I hope it will never get even close to them having to do anything.


Oct 30, 2017
I saw some video of Chechnya's being deployed and hopefully that's just propoganda because they have quite a reputation


Jul 8, 2021
Not really, apparently they got bombed to shit because they wandered into a area they shouldn't have been even after the US checked multiple times with their command, is this your lot? So they had no chance against a bombardment. Shockingly bad command mistake I guess. It was affiliated mercs I think as well not regular army but hard to tell with Russia these days.
Yeah, that was it. Even still, this invasion is no 'shock and awe' like with Iraq.


Sep 5, 2019
Not sure why these drunk fascists are targeting neutral merchant ships, but I would hope it convinces the holdouts in the international community to excommunicate Putin's kingdom even faster.

Merchant Ships Attacked and on Fire off Ukraine

Merchant ships continue to be targeted in the escalating Russian war on Ukraine while security analy...


Oct 26, 2017
Gotta say Russia not having a back up plan to try and secure the border to minimize weapon shipments is going to come back to haunt them. Also if teams in the west can raid artillery and supply positions stationed outside Western Kyiv this could cause a lot of problems for the Russians as they are exposed on that flank.


Oct 28, 2017
Seeing a glimmer of hope that this whole thing will end up totally backfiring on every possible level because the world came together in a way Putin never thought, but part of me fears Russia knows what they're doing and is planning something that we're not capable of seeing atm.


Jan 5, 2018
This is all I've been thinking about. It's heart wrenching the amount of pain and distress the Ukrainian people are going through right now, but they are putting one hell of a fight and I can't help but admire that, so much bravery on display. And seeing the big crowds in Russia protesting too, that's courage.

Man, fuck Putin.


Oct 26, 2017
Just wanted to use this incredible man to give a shout out to all the journalists staying in an active war zone to keep us informed about what is happening, trying to confirm or deny an incredible amount of footage, rumors and reports swirling around the net. This, too, is part of what people like Putin want to keep control over, as independent journalism would be of the first things to go.



Oct 28, 2017
1600 Soldiers doesnt sound like much considering russia is mobilizing like 100.000+ Soldiers

Really bummed about germany right now. Yesterday or so a high ranking military member said that we didnt have anything, so we cant share anything (Die Bundeswehr wäre "Blank"). Then the head of the BND gets caught with his pants down in ukraine, suprised by the russians. Then we stall SWIFT sanctions and now I see that we have around 300 soldiers stationed in lithuania, which somehow is supposed to be a deterrent.
Doesnt seem like we are capable of helping in any capacity at all.

Maybe Im wrong though and 300 soldiers is more than enough, idk. Anyways, I hope it will never get even close to them having to do anything.
They're tripwire forces. Their only purpose is to hold the russians back long enough before the armies come from poland, germany and france
Oct 25, 2017
Not sure why these drunk fascists are targeting neutral merchant ships, but I would hope it convinces the holdouts in the international community to excommunicate Putin's kingdom even faster.

Merchant Ships Attacked and on Fire off Ukraine

Merchant ships continue to be targeted in the escalating Russian war on Ukraine while security analy...

I'm guessing this is some sort of blockade? Did they forget to tell everyone?


Oct 25, 2017
1600 Soldiers doesnt sound like much considering russia is mobilizing like 100.000+ Soldiers

Really bummed about germany right now. Yesterday or so a high ranking military member said that we didnt have anything, so we cant share anything (Die Bundeswehr wäre "Blank"). Then the head of the BND gets caught with his pants down in ukraine, suprised by the russians. Then we stall SWIFT sanctions and now I see that we have around 300 soldiers stationed in lithuania, which somehow is supposed to be a deterrent.
Doesnt seem like we are capable of helping in any capacity at all.

Maybe Im wrong though and 300 soldiers is more than enough, idk. Anyways, I hope it will never get even close to them having to do anything.

It's nothing for an actual invasion, but plenty for a small skirmish. Regardless, the deployments in the Baltics are really just air police and 'tripwire' troops -- fodder to cut through the excuses that will be made to avoid war in defense of those states. Nobody thinks NATO is actually capable of preventing a temporary occupation of those countries

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
He is so rich it probably doesn't even register.
Yeah it's like trying to find a way to fine Bezos or Gates. The amount of money you would have to take away before they REALLY felt it is staggering.

And even if they managed to do it in Putin's case Putin would just steal from the Russian government or his cronies.


Oct 28, 2017
CountryLocationLead nationCurrent participants
United Kingdom
Denmark, Iceland
Albania, Czech Republic, Iceland, Italy, Montenegro, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain
Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Iceland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway
United States
Croatia, Romania, United Kingdom

What about Romênia?
Moldavia I guess will not get any help...
Nov 27, 2020
Not sure why these drunk fascists are targeting neutral merchant ships, but I would hope it convinces the holdouts in the international community to excommunicate Putin's kingdom even faster.

Merchant Ships Attacked and on Fire off Ukraine

Merchant ships continue to be targeted in the escalating Russian war on Ukraine while security analy...

I'd sure like to know who exactly the Russians "think" they're shooting at. The Ukrainian Navy is tiny, and they don't have any large ships. The more this happens, the more intentional I think this is, to discourage ships from being near the Ukrainian coast, and potential arms shipments from sneaking past their forces.


Oct 25, 2017
1600 Soldiers doesnt sound like much considering russia is mobilizing like 100.000+ Soldiers

Really bummed about germany right now. Yesterday or so a high ranking military member said that we didnt have anything, so we cant share anything (Die Bundeswehr wäre "Blank"). Then the head of the BND gets caught with his pants down in ukraine, suprised by the russians. Then we stall SWIFT sanctions and now I see that we have around 300 soldiers stationed in lithuania, which somehow is supposed to be a deterrent.
Doesnt seem like we are capable of helping in any capacity at all.

Maybe Im wrong though and 300 soldiers is more than enough, idk. Anyways, I hope it will never get even close to them having to do anything.
NATO troops in the baltics arent deterrent. They are there to stall the Russians and to act as tripwire armies. Basically, they are there to die and force the countries to join the war and win some time by slowing the russians. Each hour they win, is one more hour the rest of NATO troops have to assemble and get closer to the front.
Oct 26, 2017
Yep it's truly crazy and terrifying to think about. Two country's' armies full on fighting… hasn't really happened since what, the Gulf War? And now everything is televised. It's just really surreal and sad.
I think the Vietnam War was the first time a war was truly televised, and it certainly had an impact on the American perception of the war degrading, especially after the Tet Offensive. The Invasion of Iraq was televised, but highly filtered by modern media and lessons from the past few decades of the impact of televised media. We are about to see a completely new iteration of the "televization" of war, as now the process of sharing information is as easy and fast as a person recording tanks rolling through a neighborhood on their phone and uploading it to Twitter. No need for news media to be there, no need for the information to be sent processed, just raw footage almost immediately available, where every citizen can be a journalist for their own invasion if they want to be. Will be incredible to see how it all develops and what the eventual impact will be.


Oct 27, 2017

Everyday Math

Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Russia attacked just over 36 hours ago. If they already have to slow down to re-supply that doesn't speak highly of their preparation. This also gives Ukraine time to rest and dig in. Russia may be adjusting their strategy but this still looks like a very poorly planned operation.
Was the crux of their plan based on securing the airport right at the start of the conflict? If that failure is what defanged them, they sure didn't plan many contingencies.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
This is where it gets interesting on how much of that is cash, and how much might be stored in assets held overseas

I honestly don't know how asset freezes and such work if these people don't attach their name to anything and it's all masked into shells and what not. Putin could have 100 billion split into these things but how do you know it's actually him or his cronies? Sure, you might get a boat because you see him on it or a house because he goes there but beyond that, how do they know were his wealth is?

Could it be in Switzerland but you would never be allowed to know?


Oct 25, 2017
Seeing a glimmer of hope that this whole thing will end up totally backfiring on every possible level because the world came together in a way Putin never thought, but part of me fears Russia knows what they're doing and is planning something that we're not capable of seeing atm.

Even if they have indeed only sent 1/3 of their force this looks like a massive failure thus far. The second day of the invasion is coming to an end and Russia has managed to hold basically fuck-all outside of Chernobyl. There are reports that the attack on Mariupol might have been repelled once again. They have failed to gain air superiority over Ukraine. It's still early but most expected Ukraine to be on the verge of collapse by this point and nothing of that sort happened. I would be more concerned with the other scenario - Russia had grossly miscalculated and will now fully commit to total war and that is a more terrifying thought.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah it's like trying to find a way to fine Bezos or Gates. The amount of money you would have to take away before they REALLY felt it is staggering.

And even if they managed to do it in Putin's case Putin would just steal from the Russian government or his cronies.
Putin's wealth is a lot more complicated Bezos or Gates. It's spread amongst all his oligarch friends, which is why hitting them with sanctions is so important as it cuts off Putin from being able to access large parts of his fortune.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
Just wanted to use this incredible man to give a shout out to all the journalists staying in an active war zone to keep us informed about what is happening, trying to confirm or deny an incredible amount of footage, rumors and reports swirling around the net. This, too, is part of what people like Putin want to keep control over, as independent journalism would be of the first things to go.

Unfortunately plenty of people in the West hate independent journalism. That includes US whole GOP party (i.e. at least 30% - 40% of the country), governments of Poland and Hungary, Turkey, and much more.
Oct 27, 2017
I think many underestimate Putin at this point. Ukranians are giving their all out there, but losing/ending this war is an option for Putin.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
NATO troops in the baltics arent deterrent. They are there to stall the Russians and to act as tripwire armies. Basically, they are there to die and force the countries to join the war and win some time.

Who is going to be killing NATO troops stationed in non combatant Eastern Europe NATO countries?