Everyday Math

Oct 25, 2017

View: https://x.com/deepstate_ua/status/1789776179274174902?s=61&t=ibsS0wDgi_2qddo-rUQe1g
Activation of Muscovites in Kharkiv Oblast

🛑 District n.p. Lyptsi: the enemy actually occupied the settlements of Morokhovets-Oliynikove-Zelene and continues its movement in the direction of the village of Lyptsi. Active fighting continues for Lukyantsi, which the enemy has almost completely occupied. Katsaps try to gain a foothold in Hlyboky, attempts are made to advance by infantry, but they are under constant fire, in particular, from FPV-drones of the Defense Forces, which greatly complicates movement, but, unfortunately, this does not stop them.

🛑 District n.p. Vovchansk: the enemy continues to advance to Vovchansk, entrenching itself on the outskirts for further entry into the city. Our fighters meet Katsap with fire and make efforts to hold back the onslaught. The city is under heavy shelling, the evacuation of the civilian population is ongoing. There were numerous reports of occupation by the enemy, e.g. Gathyshche, but the information is being clarified. The fighting continues.

⚔️ Today Muscovites have focused on trying to gain a foothold on existing borders for further advancement. Damage from the Defense Forces complicates movement, the enemy regroups in places and focuses more attention on shelling populated areas, thereby using the opportunity to establish additional reserves.

🟡 Today we heard many different versions of the reasons for the border breakthrough and the development of events. But the whole situation cannot be described in one post, because there are many questions and problems. We paid attention to some, but you should be very careful in your conclusions, because you need to check the information and have it for any kind of analysis. This applies both to fortifications and to the overall development of events that have taken place today. The battle continues...

Everyday Math

Oct 25, 2017
Nov 23, 2019
RRT4 ▶︎▶︎▶︎




Donetsk region, Terny/Klyschiivka/Andriivka, view from ru side

View: https://twitter.com/neXus_mastiff/status/1789887899795628297
Nov 23, 2019
RRT4 ▶︎▶︎▶︎
So apparently Belousov is snake oil salesman :)

This is what he promised to putin two months ago
The Russian economy should grow by 20% in the next 6 years, First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov said at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin on Thursday.

Правительство пообещало Путину рекордный за два десятилетия экономический рост - Русская служба The Moscow Times

Российская экономика в ближайшие 6 лет должна вырасти на 20%, заявил в четверг первый вице-премьер Андрей Белоусов на совещании с президентом Владимиром Путиным.По словам Белоусова, столько должен прибавить российский ВВП, чтобы выполнить цель, которую Путин поставил в послании Федеральному...

and some context
Russian Federation has not experienced such rates of economic growth for a comparable period in about two decades
The Russian economy added only 9.5% during Putin's entire fourth term (2018-2023), and only 10.2% since the annexation of Crimea, meaning it grew at an average rate of about 1%.
Between 2008 and 2014, Russia's GDP added 12.7%.

It took the Russian economy the last 13 years (2011-2023) to grow by 20%.

even better
Belousov noted that the key goal for the Russian economy is to become one of the world's four largest economies by 2030
Last edited:
Nov 23, 2019
RRT4 ▶︎▶︎▶︎

View: https://twitter.com/shaunwalker7/status/1789751355252396394
The following prison details stick in my mind from this interview I did with a Ukrainian prisoner of war who has now returned, on life in Russian prison:

6am-10pm no sitting or lying permitted, only standing up.

The speaker system played radio programmes about Ukrainian Nazis on loop.

Twice a day routine of standing legs apart while being beaten with truncheons and electric shockers

Forced to read poetry begging forgiveness from "fraternal Russians" while being beaten


‘You say you are a musician, they beat you more’: the Ukrainian sax player who survived Putin’s torture prisons

Yuriy Merkotan played in a military band and, after being caught up in the Mariupol siege, spent nearly two years in various jails
During the daily beating ritual, the men were forced to recite poems begging forgiveness from the "fraternal Russians" for Ukraine's errant ways. They had to memorise the poems, and were beaten harder if they forgot lines or if the guards considered they were not putting enough emotion into them.
Months later, Merkotan could still remember the long poems by heart. One fragment went: "There is no Ukraine without Russia / It's as pointless as a lock without a key / We are all one family, even if we argued / But arguments can happen in a family."


Oct 25, 2017
Cape Town, South Africa
Heads up on this video as it is very distressing to watch and I personally couldn't finish it, but journalists from the Kyiv Independent have done an outstanding job covering the impact the Russian's bombing campaign has had on civilians in Vovchansk

View: https://youtu.be/KdAaDApLGmY?si=lO9uXBDiUTJFQbcN

Finally, just a huge word of thanks again to everyone in this thread for making it a goldmine of ongoing updates, information, and for generally being cool enough to thoughtfully respond to questions from people like myself who know little about defense, warfare, military tech, etc.
Oct 28, 2017
Heads up on this video as it is very distressing to watch and I personally couldn't finish it, but journalists from the Kyiv Independent have done an outstanding job covering the impact the Russian's bombing campaign has had on civilians in Vovchansk

View: https://youtu.be/KdAaDApLGmY?si=lO9uXBDiUTJFQbcN

Finally, just a huge word of thanks again to everyone in this thread for making it a goldmine of ongoing updates, information, and for generally being cool enough to thoughtfully respond to questions from people like myself who know little about defense, warfare, military tech, etc.

Damn when he shows that cat, it's hard to take
Oct 27, 2017
Russia expanding the scope of their invasion needs to be deterred. Any restrictions about the use of Western weapons on Russian territory should be withdrawn, as all this arbitrary rule does is encourage Russia to launch new attacks from new sectors.


Oct 26, 2017
From what I can gather, Russia pushed hard in a direction where there were little fortifications most likely to try and force an over reaction from Ukraine. I do not know how Ukraine decided to counter the Kharkiv attack, but it does appear to be slowing. And from videos you can find, a LOT of the infantry is completely unsupported, which makes them pretty ineffective in the long run and open to huge casualties if spotted.

I do not think they have a goal of heading towards Kharkiv or doing anything related to that city, and is most likely planning to try and put pressure to the east for supporting another offensive that has been rumored for sometime.

As per western weapons, they need to be allowed to conduct full counter battery into Russia proper (if they are not, as I'm unsure artillery shells have any restrictions to be honest) when the supplies do come and that should help somewhat. The long-term pain of glide bombs and ballistic missile launches pretty much can only be solved by adequate air defenses, but those need to be supported by clearing artillery away as well.


Apr 26, 2020
At this point Ukraine should just ignore the West requests saying they can't use Western Weapons inside Russia. They ignored the West's request to not bomb Oil Refineries due to fear of "escalation" and higher oil prices but it looks like neither of those things happened.


Nov 1, 2019
Sounds like previous military head of the Kharkiv region (he was replaced yesterday I think?), put the direct border in a grey zone that was sort of planned to be ceded if a large formation crossed the border and put defensive fortifications closer to Kharkiv. Perhaps didnt have enough men to build more fortifications? Not sure.


Oct 28, 2017
Sounds like previous military head of the Kharkiv region (he was replaced yesterday I think?), put the direct border in a grey zone that was sort of planned to be ceded if a large formation crossed the border and put defensive fortifications closer to Kharkiv. Perhaps didnt have enough men to build more fortifications? Not sure.

What I've read seems to more indicate that the commander had fortifications built in the wrong places, apparently neglecting to account for elevations and strategic high grounds.


Feb 28, 2018
Europe is all kinds of fucked and simply refuses to learn from history - you have member states of NATO and the EU that are full-blown Russian puppet states vetoing and mucking shit up to Russia's advantage. The fact that countries like Hungary and Austria (which have literally always been on the wrong side of history btw) are not getting punished is wild.


Oct 27, 2017
What I've read seems to more indicate that the commander had fortifications built in the wrong places, apparently neglecting to account for elevations and strategic high grounds.
I have really hard time believing those rumours because those are so basic and fundamental things to consider when planning defences.


Oct 28, 2017
I have really hard time believing those rumours because those are so basic and fundamental things to consider when planning defences.

Quite possible, and an artifact of the information distortion we are limited to dealing with. I take it regardless as a good reminder that for all the expectations for Ukraine's army to somehow move mountains and defeat russia for the EU/US/West they are an army trying to transition to western quality and standards mid-war, and at times overcome issues like what the russian army is mired in.

Makes it all the more crazy that Ukraine has managed what it has, and all the more ridiculous how the west has laid back and done the minimum.


Digital Foundry
Oct 26, 2017
Berlin, 'SCHLAND
Europe is all kinds of fucked and simply refuses to learn from history - you have member states of NATO and the EU that are full-blown Russian puppet states vetoing and mucking shit up to Russia's advantage. The fact that countries like Hungary and Austria (which have literally always been on the wrong side of history btw) are not getting punished is wild.
It is indeed infuriating.


Oct 26, 2017
Wake me up when they actually do it.

UA bunching stuff up together again. I hope they're decoys.

View: https://x.com/warvehicle/status/1790058073999937935?s=61&t=ibsS0wDgi_2qddo-rUQe1g

Vehicles weren't there at time of the strike, which makes it strange just to leave UAVs like that in the open, even for a decoy realism wise (but most likely because who would leave real items like that?). Though Russians have struck very obvious and unrealistic decoys before, then put videos out bragging about it for propaganda purposes so...

Edit: Something with the shadowing looks off too. Just doesn't look right.


Oct 28, 2017
does that mean they are gonna be flown already or are the pilots not trained yet?

Since the fall of 2023 specialists from The Danish Defence have been training Ukrainian technicians and pilots in Denmark. The plan is for them to be ready to receive and use the F-16 fighter Jets, Ukraine is planned to receive in 2024 to strengthen the country in the fight against and aggressive Russia.

but who know if they will be forced into front-line service from the start