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Oct 27, 2017

I wonder if cross gen will be even shorter this time around.

edit: I have a feeling that MGS titles intended for mid to late 2021 are going to quietly be moved to XSX/XSS only.

If it won't be shorter overall, it looks like some publishers are jumping to next gen sooner vs this gen.

I've said it before, the first 2 years will be interesting.


Oct 25, 2017
One option is to hand the game off to another team to port it down to the previous gen consoles.
yep, this has been done before. we saw titanfall and rise of tomb raider get ported down to the xbox 360 this gen. however, both games had a cross gen feel to it. tomb raider's level design was very last gen especially compared to the large open areas of uncharted and lost legacy. who knows how that wouldve translated.

titanfall looked dated when it launched, and was on the source code. And thats just the graphics, jaguar cores were basically on par with the ps3 and 360 CPUs. with next gen games utilizing the cpu, i dont know he well they will be able to scale down a game thats using a CPU thats 8x more powerful.


Jan 6, 2020
There's nothing wrong with targeting next gen. But it's also a fuck you too your previous 100 million customers.

I don't think all games are going to take advantage of next gen hardware even if it's exclusive to next gen.

What industries abandon their previous customers en masse? Maybe I'm thinking to narrowly.

I'm always looking forward to the next experience, but nothing really wows me anymore. Guess I'm just jaded.

I don't know where this thinking came from. When the Xbox 360 and PS3 came out there wasn't as big a marketing and development effort towards cross gen titles. Despite 100 million sales for the PS2. Games were still developed for the PS2 up until I think 2014 but people moved on to the new gen. Same thing with the PS1 to PS2. No need to treat consoles like mobile phones that get updated every year. These are machines you have for 5-7 years. Had my PS2 from 2003-2007. Had my PS3 from 2007-2013. Had my PS4 from 2015-2020. I'll be keeping my XSX from 2020 -2026-2027 when the next gen comes out. And with BC there's more of an incentive to move forward.


Oct 27, 2017

If it won't be shorter overall, it looks like some publishers are jumping to next gen sooner vs this gen.

I've said it before, the first 2 years will be interesting.

Suspiciously looks like Shroud.

I'm not saying that Shroud is the child of Phil and Don, but I'm not not saying that either.


Oct 25, 2017
The whole debate on this has been really weird to me.

Cross-generation releases were always going to happen for the first couple years of a console's life. Developers and publishers aren't going to simply drop an install base of 150M.
Precisely. Which is why the entire point of having first party studios is to have next gen games ready at launch. to give gamers a reason to upgrade because third parties wont.

The reason why Phil Spencer was given so much grief over this was because he was going against the grain here by saying the xbox first party would support the xbox one for two more years after launch. We know now that it wasnt entirely true since Halo was pretty much the only first party AAA title to be cross gen so it was kinda bizarre for him to even talk about this stuff.


Jan 6, 2020
The whole debate on this has been really weird to me.

Cross-generation releases were always going to happen for the first couple years of a console's life. Developers and publishers aren't going to simply drop an install base of 150M. For some games it'll work, for others it won't. Games are more scalable than ever, but some games will really need the SSDs and the extra CPU power and just won't be feasible on current consoles.

Microsoft has some cross-generation games coming out, but AFAIK haven't they already announced some games that are next generation exclusive?

The whole thing just seems like a non-issue. People placing way too much on what was said rather than what we've seen.

The issue was that some major games that should have been a showcase of next gen would be held back by current gen. Halo Infinite is most likely proof of this. They should have changed development to focus on next gen then ported back to current gen, nw they've delayed the game because it looks nothing next gen. There have always been cross gen titles in previous gens but it wasn't as big of a deal because most major games focused on the new gen. Games were developed for PS2 up until 2014 but most major games were being developed on the PS3 and X360. No reason to launch a new gen with such a high emphasis on cross-gen especially when you have such a new revolution in storage(SSDs). It makes it even worse thinking about cross gen tbh.


Oct 25, 2017
I remember Guerrilla Games said they wanted flying machines in Horizon ZD but eventually couldn't as the PS4 wasn't powerful enough. Now imagine there are flying machines in Horizon FW, but Guerrilla had to have a PS4 version... that would mean they would have to remove the flying sections to match.

Previous gen versions can definitely hold back games, but it also depends on the type of game.


Oct 26, 2017
So how did devs ever scale The Witcher 3 to run on Nintendo Switch ? lol.

Witcher 3 got gutted to run on PS4/XB1 before it was even released! Lmao.

I actually have no idea how far along the original version shown got, but it lives on as an infamous downgrade. Maybe the original version was bringing beastly PCs to their knees, who knows.

But something like The Witcher 3 or Doom was not developed with the Switch's specs in mind. Those were impressive ports done after the fact, which is fine. Like Dead Rising got a Wii port, but it took some serious reworking to get there. If the original release targeted the Wii the 360 version would have suffered.


Oct 25, 2017
But Driveclub, InFamous etc. doesn't count?
Infamous was the first time i saw genuine next gen excitement on this forum. i remember how so many photomode threads were created for it. i believe they became so popular Sucker Punch patched in what would become a current gen staple.

I still remember this shot 6 years later.

which is weird because Ryse and KZSF had come out earlier and had phenomenal next gen graphics, but there was something about an open world game looking better than linear games that really blew people away.


Jan 6, 2020
Lol that revisionist history is totally bonkers.

Infamous and Killzone: Shadowfall were "next-gen" and certainly a leap from PS3 games, as was The Order 1886, Driveclub or Ryse: Son of Rome

Facts. I think we need another thread for this. Where did people rewrite the history of next gen titles. A lot say that true next gen games come out years later but its not true. Kill Zone and Ryse were next gen. Ryse looks better than a lot of games up to today.


Oct 27, 2017
well, day ruined.

to be fair, i have seen many digital foundry comparisons of switch games that hit 480p with some going down to 360p and they love it. and they are tech geeks. so who knows, maybe xbox one owners will be pleased to play next gen games in 480p. there was a thread today about how switch games look fine on 4k tvs. most people dont really notice these things.
Lmao. I can't tell with you sometimes..

I would like to see that actually, now that you mention it. Next gen games at 480p on XBO.

I think some may have missed John also mentioned the PS4.

Its time to move on. The games released in the last couple of years that the base consoles struggle with should be enough evidence. It's just that it's gonna be worse for Xbox games.


Jan 6, 2020
And those tens of millions of people have over 2000 games to play on their system, not to mention cheaper games and cheaper hardware if they bought late. Current gen customers (like me) are not owed releases for their hardware till the end of time. 7 years is not only a huge amount of time to retain support, but much more than that stifles technological, graphical and design advancements in gaming, which is a massive negative.

And yes, I haven't bought a next gen system and have the choice in whether I buy one or not, but at the same time the argument about less value proposition still stands. With fewer or no games designed specifically for said next-gen hardware (eg next-gen only games), next-gen customers get less value proposition.



Jan 6, 2020
Infamous was the first time i saw genuine next gen excitement on this forum. i remember how so many photomode threads were created for it. i believe they became so popular Sucker Punch patched in what would become a current gen staple.

I still remember this shot 6 years later.

which is weird because Ryse and KZSF had come out earlier and had phenomenal next gen graphics, but there was something about an open world game looking better than linear games that really blew people away.

This looks amazing tbh for a game that launched roughly during the launch year. Ryse Son of Rome as well, looks unbelievably good in almost every aspect of the game. It's unbelievable. And it was a launch game. Next gen experiences can be delivered during launch.


Jan 6, 2020
It's crazy that it's now anti-consumer to make a next gen only game. This reminds me of when moms were upset that they had to buy whole new hardware for kids to play new Super Nintendo games. I remember laughing at this video because it was an older generation not understanding how new tech works and naturally replaces old tech but now look at us lol.

Honestly saw this video and was surprised that these same statements are echoing now. Continuing support for current gen is good but video game consoles are not mobile phones. It's always better for these companies to focus on BC and move consumers over to the next gen with some cross gen support.


Aug 21, 2018
wellington , new zealand
i think what this whole issue has clearly underlined is that when people say something is scale-able ..its in ref to framerate and rez ... all the typical things PC based gaming is familiar with.

i mean its just logical ... IF there was such a button .. why the hell do we need human game developers ? just hit that build game button every 12 mths and we are good. oh and fire all the humans

this kind of "upgrade" does not cut it for console gamers ...we expect game design to take generational leaps. there is no "scale up game and level design" button.

MS tried to manage expectations .. it blew up in their face PR wise as badly as the alwaysonline/kinect debacle last time


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
Infamous was the first time i saw genuine next gen excitement on this forum. i remember how so many photomode threads were created for it. i believe they became so popular Sucker Punch patched in what would become a current gen staple.

I still remember this shot 6 years later.

which is weird because Ryse and KZSF had come out earlier and had phenomenal next gen graphics, but there was something about an open world game looking better than linear games that really blew people away.
Man, this game was a god damn marvel at the time, I remember taking so many fucking pictures in photomode.


Jan 6, 2020
i think what this whole issue has clearly underlined is that when people say something is scale-able ..its in ref to framerate and rez ... all the typical things PC based gaming is familiar with.

i mean its just logical ... IF there was such a button .. why the hell do we need human game developers ? just hit that build game button every 12 mths and we are good. oh and fire all the humans

this kind of "upgrade" does not cut it for console gamers ...we expect game design to take generational leaps. there is no "scale up game and level design" button.

MS tried to manage expectations .. it blew up in their face PR wise as badly as the alwaysonline/kinect debacle last time

You hit the nail on it's head. It just feels like they have mixed up PC gaming with console gaming a bit in their strategies. This is 100% on point. It doesn't cut it for us to be honest. We want new experiences.


Jan 15, 2020
You'd imagine Ryan McCaffery would know this based on how long he's reported on video games?
Dec 11, 2017
Lockhart / Xbox Series S will also hold back Xbox Series X, to a degree anyway, Obviously not to the extent that Xbox One holds it back.

Sony would be wise to exploit this to their advantage.
Series S and Series X both have better CPUs than PS5, right? If that's the case CPU-limited games would be held back by the PS5.

The big difference between S and X is the GPU, and I doubt games would be designed principally around the fidelity the S is capable of. Devs will probably make the games look good on X and PS5, then reduce the resolution/textures/etc to get it to run acceptably on the S.

I don't think the S will be holding back game design much this gen due to its GPU; stuff will just look worse on it. Based on what we know now the "lowest common denominators" affecting game design will probably be stuff like the PS5's CPU and Xbox's slower SSD.

Time will tell I guess.


Oct 25, 2017
This looks amazing tbh for a game that launched roughly during the launch year. Ryse Son of Rome as well, looks unbelievably good in almost every aspect of the game. It's unbelievable. And it was a launch game. Next gen experiences can be delivered during launch.
Luck for us not a lot of people remember Ryse cuz you need to be more interesting than just visuals. I'll take a previous gen game with next gen upgrades over a game like Ryse.


Oct 25, 2017
The worry is overblown. There's no real next gen AAA software until next fall anyway, and Xbox said "a year or two" their stuff will run on Xbox One. Forza and Fable didn't have "Xbox One tags on them" specifically in the showcase. They'll be next gen only. So by '22 - - which is about when both PS5 and Xbox will have the full steam behind them.

Look at last gen - -the first true Sony next -gen PS4 first party game was Bloodborne, in Spring '15, 1.5 years after launch. The second was Uncharted 4 in 2016.
Not true.

First next gen title was KZSF at launch.

Spring 2014 - Infamous Second Son

Fall 2014 - DriveClub

February 2015 - The Order

March 2015 - Bloodborne
Fall 2015 - Until Dawn - one of the lowkey best looking games on the PS4.

Ratchet - Looked straight up CGi. Released a month before Uncharted 4.

You missed out on a lot of next gen games this gen bruv.


Apr 9, 2020
It is just Marketing/Positioning and largely a red herring !
Believe Bill Stilwell !

Wall of Bill

So I tend to stay out of console debates, but heck, I'm not on the team. That is a false choice.

At no point in our journey towards compatibility did the concept of limited future development intrude on the ability of a developer to take advantage of the latest tech. 1/x

In fact, the blockers on compat are more biz/legal. Yes, some custom work was sometimes an issue, but there were work-arounds.

Now you could engineer a problem into the system, but that was going to hold you back regardless 2/x

This is just not how the real world works. Developers have been writing code that can handle improvements in CPU and GPU since forever. It is sort of rhe hallmark of the way software should get written.


Maybe 1st party weirdness, but most titles are already written for multilateral anyway, including PC.

Consoles are the only systems that still try to push this narrative today.

Its just Marketing/Positioning and largely a red herring 4/4



Jan 6, 2020
Series S and Series X both have better CPUs than PS5, right? If that's the case CPU-limited games would be held back by the PS5.

The big difference between S and X is the GPU, and I doubt games would be designed principally around the fidelity the S is capable of. Devs will probably make the games look good on X and PS5, then reduce the resolution/textures/etc to get it to run acceptably on the S.

I don't think the S will be holding back game design much this gen due to its GPU; stuff will just look worse on it. Based on what we know now the "lowest common denominators" affecting game design will probably be stuff like the PS5's CPU and Xbox's slower SSD.

Time will tell I guess.

The PS5 CPU and XSX SSD won't hold back games as well. The PS5 could use unified L3 cache and thus save CPU cycles when getting data. Also considering the PS5's DMAC has one feature not present in the XSX DMA engines, the XSX CPU still has to do some tasks such as check in and load management to determine where in RAM the data the DMA controller is sending will be in RAM. So most likely the XSX and XSS CPU advantage over the PS5 will be negligible even when the variable frequency kicks in and drops the frequency in the PS5 CPU. The SSD as well seems like the XSX solution is sufficient. There is only 13-14 GB of RAM for games. The effective throughput of both devices with their customizations will be above 5GB/s(1-3 seconds to reload data, which won't always be the case due to locality and spatiality). The PS5 has the advantage here but the XSX/S will still be able to load into RAM virtually equivalent data thanks to SFS.

So for me the issue with XSS comes down to having devs spend time to create ports for XSX games onto the XSS. Is it really economically worth it to create games playing on last gen resolutions? I don't think so but the market will decide. And how will this affect development if the XSS outsells the XSX. Will devs still be incentivized to develop XSX first?
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Nov 12, 2017
Microsoft already have their lower-end "scalable" console in the XS, having a third tier that's tied to 7 year old hardware is extreme overkill. Especially when they're trying to sell a cloud service as well. Especially especially when they did the worst out of the big three this gen and have the least to lose in terms of audience carryover from the One. Literally, there hasn't been a better time to cut their losses and forge a path for the future of Xbox. Handicapping their AAA showcase titles just to hang on to the One stragglers and have one extra tick on the feature list is just dumb. The focus should be on making the best games possible.


Jan 6, 2020
Luck for us not a lot of people remember Ryse cuz you need to be more interesting than just visuals. I'll take a previous gen game with next gen upgrades over a game like Ryse.

I think there's a lot of people that remember Ryse! The terrible reputation of the Xbox One brand during launch didn't help but it was a solid showcase of graphics and the gameplay wasn't bad either.


Oct 25, 2017
This looks amazing tbh for a game that launched roughly during the launch year. Ryse Son of Rome as well, looks unbelievably good in almost every aspect of the game. It's unbelievable. And it was a launch game. Next gen experiences can be delivered during launch.
Ryse looked incredible. it looked so good i played it all the way till the end despite hating every second of it. just like the order and kzsf.


Killer Instinct had some sick particle effects.


Forza 4 also looked very next gen.

Nov 5, 2018
Saitama, Japan
The other day people including Ryan joked about how a Sony marketing guy said ps5 has the best launch lineup In playstation history and chalked it up to pr. I hope people take everything Phil says with a grain of salt as well and that he is trying to put his product in the best possible light. He may be a good guy but doesn't mean everything he says is genuine.
Exactly this.


And a recent disappointment about 'Japanese Games'...

At this point I'm more inclined to believe an IGN guy who actually talked to developers.


Jan 6, 2020
Ryse looked incredible. it looked so good i played it all the way till the end despite hating every second of it. just like the order and kzsf.


Killer Instinct had some sick particle effects.


Forza 4 also looked very next gen.


These graphics are unbelievable tbh. I can't believe we have such powerful hardware this time. Better dev tools. I'm honestly excited to see what happens in the coming months. We need a real next gen launch line up.


Oct 26, 2017
Guessing Halo drops Xbox one support.
I think it'd have to get a pretty significant delay for them to do that before release, like missing most if not all 2021, which I don't see happening. I do think it'll pretty quickly drop XB1 support after release, similar to how stuff like GTA Online did not long after it released on PS4, XB1 and PC (I think was like 6 months after PC).


Jan 6, 2020
Not true.

First next gen title was KZSF at launch.

Spring 2014 - Infamous Second Son

Fall 2014 - DriveClub

February 2015 - The Order

March 2015 - Bloodborne
Fall 2015 - Until Dawn - one of the lowkey best looking games on the PS4.

Ratchet - Looked straight up CGi. Released a month before Uncharted 4.

You missed out on a lot of next gen games this gen bruv.

Honestly hadn't seen Until Dawn before it looks unbelievable!! and RC looks as good as what was showcased with the PS5. Nota s many particle effects but it looks CGI as well.
Dec 11, 2017
So for me the issue with XSS comes down to having devs spend time to create ports for XSX games onto the XSS. Is it really economically worth it to create games playing on last gen resolutions? I don't think so but the market will decide. And how will this affect development if the XSS outsells the XSX. Will devs still be incentivized to develop XSX first?
My expectation is that Series S versions will be decent at the start of the gen and then become more and more of an afterthought as the gen progresses.


Oct 27, 2017
Love Ryan, I'm a PS guy but listen to podcast unlocked + unfiltered on the regular, feel like he's one of the most level-headed, candid and seminal voices in gaming.


Oct 25, 2017
I like Ryan, but this dude has been in the industry way too long to be this generally misinformed on stuff. Or he should be at least humble enough to say he's uninformed on something instead of arguing something he knows little about.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly hadn't seen Until Dawn before it looks unbelievable!! and RC looks as good as what was showcased with the PS5. Nota s many particle effects but it looks CGI as well.
I had the privilege to play ratchet on my pro on a 1080p tv downsampled from 4k, and tbh it looked better downsampled than it did on my 4k tv that i bought a couple of months later. The downsampling eliminated all jaggies and gave it this thick AA that made it look like a Pixar movie. The IQ was perfect on a 1080p tv. i havent seen anything like it since.

Well..... until i saw this shot in Horizon on PS5.


Oct 27, 2017
Absolutely obvious.

The number of people falling over themselves in that "Phil says" thread thinking otherwise was a little embarrassing.

A game written in 2020 to run on a 2013 Jaguar processor is going to require some compromises. Let's see games designed for generation 9 consoles, and generation 9 SSDS.

Deleted member 70824

User requested account closure
Jun 2, 2020
I believe in cross-gen gaming but there is obviously a line in the sand that must be drawn.

Multiplayer has the most obvious cross-gen benefit. Without cross-gen compatibility the next generation user base will have a diminished experience, due to a much smaller number of users.

For single player games, being next-gen only is absolutely fine. Even so, not every next generation game is going to need the full power of these new consoles. There are still many game types which are perfectly fine for cross-gen. It's just a developer choice.


Apr 28, 2020
At the beginning of this gen, EA and other big pubs were saying ps4/x1 were outselling ps360 >3:1 in 2013 and into 2014. An install base isn't the same as active user base.
As for MS, what choice did they have? All their next gen games are ~1-2 years out. They had to put a positive spin onto something that's very much a regular occurrence only this time, with no big 1st party titles.

now Microsoft really have no choice but I think they should have been prepared for a console launch and to this, they should have to designed some of his developers To start working in nextgen only games Like 2 or 3 years ago.
It was at least a bad management in my opinion.


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
It's crazy that it's now anti-consumer to make a next gen only game. This reminds me of when moms were upset that they had to buy whole new hardware for kids to play new Super Nintendo games. I remember laughing at this video because it was an older generation not understanding how new tech works and naturally replaces old tech but now look at us lol.

lol......That's an awesome throwback video. You'd think we would know better by now when it comes to technological advances.......I guess
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