
Dec 13, 2017
She was an Angelina Jolie fan and used makeup + Photoshop to post Insta photos as a zombie version of the star. Some fans also said she looked like Tim Burton's Corpse Bride in her photos. She got to nearly half-a-million followers, before she was jailed and her Insta account deleted.


Sahar Tabar, 19, whose real name is Fatemeh Khishvand, came to prominence after posting images of herself with a gaunt, zombie-like face. At one point she had 486,000 followers on Instagram.

She was charged with corruption of young people and disrespect for the Islamic Republic. In spring she pleaded for release from detention, saying she had contracted Covid-19.

The charges against Tabar first included blasphemy, inciting violence, gaining income through inappropriate means and encouraging youths to corruption. She said she had been cleared of two of the four charges against her, but did not want to comment further because she was still hoping for a pardon.


Iranian teenager who posted distorted pictures of herself is jailed for 10 years

Instagram star Sahar Tabar says she is still hoping for a pardon after conviction for corrupting young people


Nov 5, 2017
What is the deal with these stories coming out of Iran? I read these headlines and am like "fuck that culture," but I need to be more nuanced and have a clearer opinion


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Iranian government needs to fucking go.

What is the deal with these stories coming out of Iran? I read these headlines and am like "fuck that culture," but I need to be more nuanced and have a clearer opinion
The issue with Iran has a lot to do with the government. The people themselves are not all religious zealots.

There is a timeline in the future where the Iranian people get a good government, or rather a succession of good governments, and it stays that way. Fingers crossed that it happens.


Dec 4, 2018
What is the deal with these stories coming out of Iran? I read these headlines and am like "fuck that culture," but I need to be more nuanced and have a clearer opinion
People can be stupid and be victims at the same time. More often than not the former is a consequence of the latter.


Dec 13, 2017
What is the deal with these stories coming out of Iran? I read these headlines and am like "fuck that culture," but I need to be more nuanced and have a clearer opinion

Iranians in general are pretty chill folks. Just like most other people.

They just happen to have a government that is more right wing than Trump, and smarter than him.

In short, it's the leaders not the people. Persian culture and history (and food) is rich. Don't discount that because of a crappy gov.


Oct 27, 2017
This was not what i expected.
I don't understand. Going after girls who show too much skin is their MO, not zombie cosplayers.


Nov 5, 2017
Iranians in general are pretty chill folks. Just like most other people.

They just happen to have a government that is more right wing than Trump, and smarter than him.

In short, it's the leaders not the people. Persian culture and history (and food) is rich. Don't discount that because of a crappy gov.
Yeah, I think this is a valid response. I obviously am not talking about the victims here, and am wondering about these right wing power structures that get away with these atrocities.


Oct 27, 2017
I dare the Ayatollah, to show me a historic Islamic state, any of them, that had laws this strict and backwards. Please. I wanna know their reasoning for this bullshit.