PhaZe 5

Oct 27, 2017
Biggest offender of Marvel Spidey I think isn't Iron Man's presence but the complete lack of Manhattan vibe, even though he's in Queens, you get so much suburban locale, then you get DC. It didn't feel right.

Gaia Lanzer

Oct 25, 2017
I liked Spider-Man 2, but after a while, I kinda agree with some of the flaws Martin talked about on Double Toasted:


Oct 27, 2017
Nah the cheese and the tone is deliberate and Riami nailed that. 1 is a little tootentative but 2 is perfect and is where they perfectly balanced the humour, action, cheese and serious elements. 2 is top tier GOAT CBM.

3 definately gets messy with too much going on and a shoehorned in venom but it's still a lot of fun.

Personally I'd still position most of the trilogy ahead of recent CBMs and neither MCU or DCEU has produced anything as tonslly and consistent good as SM2.
Oct 25, 2017
Can y'all motherfuckers just enjoy Homecoming and leave our shit alone.

Y'all got the "accurate" Spider-Man you always wanted.
And the rest of us got a GOAT superhero movie 14 years ago.

I was never crazy about Spider-Man 1 as a kid and 3 while a total mess, has some great moments so I'll give it that, but when you come after 2, we got a problem.

You know why this is so funny, because the movie wasn't doing it every 2 minutes to compensate for lack of character development.


Prophet of Truth
Dec 8, 2017
Nah, they are among the only superhero movies directed with some personality and style.

1 and 2 anyway.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Can y'all motherfuckers just enjoy Homecoming and leave our shit alone.

Y'all got the "accurate" Spider-Man you always wanted.
And the rest of us got a GOAT superhero movie 14 years ago.

I was never crazy about Spider-Man 1 as a kid and 3 while a total mess, has some great moments so I'll give it that, but when you come after 2, we got a problem.

You know why this is so funny, because the movie wasn't doing it every 2 minutes to compensate for lack of character development.

Maybe don't be such a dick about it? You can like one thing without shitting on another. It's possible. No one is harming or taking your precious movie away from you.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
They're bad. Toby drags the series down, he can't act convincingly
Oct 29, 2017
I honestly don't have fond memories for Raimi's Spider-Man movies at all.

Found SM1 and 2 competent but not-in-a-good/charming-way cheesy. I don't think Tobey played a good Peter/Spidey, and really didn't like Dunst in the MJ role. Heard SM3 was trash shortly after release so I didn't bother watching it.

I honestly liked ASM1 marginally better than either Raimi film I saw. Not by a whole bunch, but it was better. Spider-Man Homecoming is honestly the best of the bunch by a decent margin, but it's still not a perfect film: I don't like that MR. STARK MR. STARK MR. STARK MR. STARK MR. STARK was such a prevalent presence in the film, and that the suit was basically Iron Man feat. Siri. The Spider-Man IP needs way more breathing room within the MCU, but since he came in so late and Marvel Studios wanted him in for that sweet sweet crossover cash as soon as possible, he got shoved into the larger universe at a breakneck pace and he doesn't have much of an identity yet IMO. I hope Far From Home rectifies that.
Oct 25, 2017
I honestly don't have fond memories for Raimi's Spider-Man movies at all.

Found SM1 and 2 competent but not-in-a-good/charming-way cheesy. I don't think Tobey played a good Peter/Spidey, and really didn't like Dunst in the MJ role. Heard SM3 was trash shortly after release so I didn't bother watching it.

I honestly liked ASM1 marginally better than either Raimi film I saw. Not by a whole bunch, but it was better. Spider-Man Homecoming is honestly the best of the bunch by a decent margin, but it's still not a perfect film: I don't like that MR. STARK MR. STARK MR. STARK MR. STARK MR. STARK was such a prevalent presence in the film, and that the suit was basically Iron Man feat. Siri. The Spider-Man IP needs way more breathing room within the MCU, but since he came in so late and Marvel Studios wanted him in for that sweet sweet crossover cash as soon as possible, he got shoved into the larger universe at a breakneck pace and he doesn't have much of an identity yet IMO. I hope Far From Home rectifies that.
All of that was my issue with Homecoming, that and I felt like the character regressed so much from where we found him in Civil War and it was like, do I really have to watch this whole movie to wait for him to get the perspective he ALREADY had before any of this started?


Oct 25, 2017
Urinated States of America
1 sucks, 3 is okay (a terrible mess with great action akin to a trainwreck you can't pull away from to make an analogue for it), 2 is probably the best at being a sweeping and classical film, moreso than any other adaptation starring the character.


Oct 25, 2017
That's shitting on something?

That's a low bar.

THIS is shitting on something, and I don't even think it's that mean. Or is it because it because you inferred a diss on the movie YOU liked?
I liked both movies actually, I just found the post where you make a slight dig at one film after saying can't others leave something alone funny.


User requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
Those movies should have been even cheesier. Feels like Raimi was holding down, and the result was an awkward compromise.


What Are Ya' Selling?
Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Im sorry but they're just perfect to me.

Even 3 is great outside of the bar scene, and venom could have looked better.

Nothing wrong with some good Ole American cheese


Oct 25, 2017
Spider Man 1 was still peak superhero movie for me until Infinity War. It's a great trilogy - especially the first two.


Happy New Year!!
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
spider-man 2. a movie about a guy trying to juggle his school life, work live, love life, friendships, and being a super hero. and he can't do it. the film takes us through a journey of parker failing in every aspect of his life as being a superhero weights down on him. so he quits the superhero part and the rest of his life improves, dramatically. the movie is fantastic.


Oct 27, 2017
I think Spiderman 1 would hold up better if it wasn't for that green goblin costume, it looks too silly.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Someone mentioned Moviebob earlier and how this seems to be a pesudo response to his (excellent) Really That Good video on the first two Spidey films.

He's...not impressed.


Oct 29, 2017
The melodrama is the only part of the trilogy I find unbearable. I love the implausible cheese/corniness and the action is still very well choreographed.

Professor Beef

Official ResetEra™ Chao Puncher
Oct 25, 2017
The Digital World
I like Spiderman 2 *despite* Toby's performance as Sad Sack Peter, not because of it. I think that middle to end part of the movie where he's down in the dumps drags on for far too long and probably could've been shot better.


Oct 27, 2017
I enjoyed them all back then, and recently rewatched most of the first one. It's a bit cheesy, but still good. Haven't seen the second one in years, but always preferred the first.

I'm not going to die on a hill defending the third, because it's nothing special, but I never thought it deserved all of the hate it got.


Mar 18, 2018
Someone mentioned Moviebob earlier and how this seems to be a pesudo response to his (excellent) Really That Good video on the first two Spidey films.

He's...not impressed.

That's a weird response.

He's right that the video's wrong, ofcourse, but isn't the Cosmonout guy black?


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
You're all entitled to your opinions that AMS1/2 and Homecoming are better movies than the Spider-Man 1/2..

...but neither reboot holds a candle to this shit:


Oct 27, 2017
Can y'all motherfuckers just enjoy Homecoming and leave our shit alone.

Y'all got the "accurate" Spider-Man you always wanted.
And the rest of us got a GOAT superhero movie 14 years ago.

I was never crazy about Spider-Man 1 as a kid and 3 while a total mess, has some great moments so I'll give it that, but when you come after 2, we got a problem.

You know why this is so funny, because the movie wasn't doing it every 2 minutes to compensate for lack of character development.

One of these rare moments where we agree.

The majority of MCU films feel like they come off an assembly line without barely any remaining imprint left of the director, the few exceptions being Gunn's Guardians films. Meanwhile, Raimi-Man are true auteur films brimming with his particular vision, style, and heart. Spider-Man 2 is the goddamn peak and just masterclass filmmaking that not only is a great superhero film but an ode to classic Hollywood cinema itself.

That's a weird response.

He's right that the video's wrong, ofcourse, but isn't the Cosmonout guy black?

Marcus and I disagree here, but he gonna have to slap Bob for that white nonsense.
Oct 25, 2017

Dafoe is what holds one up, but I'm just not crazy about the movie as a whole. The high school scenes, Bonesaw, the fight at the parade, just eh ..., but it's got a lot of heart and there is a lot to admire.

Also, I LOVE awkward dinner scenes, but that was TOO awkward.


Oct 27, 2017
Well that was an entertaining watch. I knew those movies didn't age well and don't know why people kept holding Spider-Man 2 so highly. Nostalgia is a funny thing.


Oct 25, 2017
Really not trying to drive by, but these types of videos are trash

This is also my dilemma.

Don't drive by post my thread and my prime example is some YouTube opinion is weak.

I re watched the trilogy recently and I still like them, Raimis brand of camp is good with me and I like it. I like Toby, I like the villains and the action scenes are fun and easy to follow. The first one is largely under appreciated and came out at the perfect time.

Also the GOAT version of JJJ


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Well that was an entertaining watch. I knew those movies didn't age well and don't know why people kept holding Spider-Man 2 so highly. Nostalgia is a funny thing.
Eh, if you're talking about the video the op. That person got a lot wrong and misrepresented the movie greatly. I took it in stride and not as an insulting critique, but do yourself a favor & don't base your opinion entirely on that video.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
It's been a while since I saw all three films. I don't think I've even seen 1 in one full sitting, which I'd like to do.

But from what I do recall 2 is legit great though, and 3 while it's definitely flawed still has some cool and funny moments.

Haven't seen the ASM films or Homecoming yet.

those movies are great and gave us GOAT JJJ

holy shit i'm so done lmao