
Oct 25, 2017

Did you make this? Cause I know what I'm going to start plastering everywhere.


Oct 28, 2017
So we support a restaurant owners right to deny service to someone based on their beliefs?

I can't agree with this.

Sarah Sanders is a liar and has a belief system I am staunchly opposed to, but public institutions should have no right to discriminate.
If a bakery can legally not make a cake for a gay couple then it can go both ways
Oct 25, 2017
Pontificating about being better than them is laughable when it consistently yields little to nothing and the other side keeps seeing you as a muppet to be easily walked all over. Timidly sticking to decorum achieves nothing. It will never make the other side suddenly act in good faith or treat you with any more respect. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is willingly and knowingly continuing to dedicate her efforts for an administration committing multiple tangible acts of evil and I'm supposed to take seriously the notion that liberals should also pause for a moment and consider not being very mean to her (even though refusing her service isn't even being that mean - boo hoo to their victim narrative).

If you ever want to achieve equitable pushback against current acts of evil, be fucking ruthless with your messaging and your campaign. None of this stupid "when they go low, we go high". If a prospective undecided voter decides it's worth giving Trump or his cavalcade of evil, slobbering baboons their vote, influenced considerably by what they perceive to be liberals doing or saying some mildly mean things (as opposed to say, kidnapping young children from their families and shoving them into camps (for concentration)?), guess what? This person was always going to be a gormless Trump voter!


Oct 25, 2017
There's always delivery.

Until the delivery man throws the pizza on the roof after recognizing you.


Graphics Engineer
Oct 27, 2017
Denying them service is nowhere near stooping to their level of atrocities. Why would I serve a lying, heartless, racist?
Last edited:


May 12, 2018
in a perfect world, a situation like this would give her pause; "maybe I am doing the bidding of someone evil."

lol jk these bona fide nazis have no self-awareness.


Oct 27, 2017
I agree. Don't stopp to their level.

Stooping to their level would be creating child concentration camps at the border.

Good luck with that.

Meanwhile, a restuarant refusing to serve an official of the Trump adminstration that is responsible for pushing the adminstrations narrative of lies and propoganda out to the public is not even close to their level.

You'd need to have a functional moral compass to do this.


Oct 25, 2017
A society that tolerates the actions of the trump administration is not a polite society.


Oct 25, 2017
If I owned a restaurant I would refuse service to OJ Simpson. I would refuse service to Bill Cosby. I would refuse service to David Duke. I would refuse service to Milo. I would refuse service to Richard Spencer. That does not put me on the level of a murderer, or a rapist, or a bigot, or a nazi. Not taking a stand and serving them anyway doesn't magically make them less of a murderer, or rapist, or bigot, or nazi.

It's mind boggling that some of you don't realize how stupid the shit you are saying is.

Deleted member 5809

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Let us show them how much better we are than them by being nice and polite to them while they march us over the cliff into the sea.

That'll prove we were the good guys after all.

I mean we'll all be dead, but think of how much work it will be for them to bury us on these high horses.


You'll have your standards, won't you! And you can bear your standards all the way into the fucking Atlantic Ocean where everyone can admire them.


Oct 30, 2017
Gotta love her name dropping the name and location of the business to try and sic the horde on them.


She says she's politely left, that the owners action say more about him/her than herself, and that she'll continue to treat people even those who she disagrees with respectfully, when that tweet is showing the complete opposite.

She should shove her tongue up her asshole and keep quite


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
If I owned a restaurant I would refuse service to OJ Simpson. I would refuse service to Bill Cosby. I would refuse service to David Duke. I would refuse service to Milo. I would refuse service to Richard Spencer. That does not put me on the level of a murderer, or a rapist, or a bigot, or a nazi. Not taking a stand and serving them anyway doesn't magically make them less of a murderer, or rapist, or bigot, or nazi.

It's mind boggling that some of you don't realize how stupid the shit you are saying is.

alternatively i would serve them all but make them sit at a table together


Oct 25, 2017
Hey guys, Joseph Goebbels just walked into my restaurant. Should I serve him? This is apparently a hard decision???!?!1!


Oct 25, 2017
Good. These people are so far removed from consequences of fucking over America daily. They need to start feeling the shit they are doing to people. All it took was one time for DHS to be chased out of a Mexican place for her to get shook. They can eat at the White supremacy restaurants of their choice.

Also laughing at the idea the Democrats need to be perfect angels or they give the Right fuel. That's just how you lose elections, people don't respect boring spineless people, and Fox will always find something to complain about anyway be it mustard or a comedian using naughty words.


Oct 27, 2017
So honest question to all of those saying we should be taking the 'high road' how has that been working out so far? In my view these shit-stains are taking that high road kindness for weakness and fucking us all even harder. Why the hell should we continue to let them?
Are people just naive, or do they really not understand this already happens to the vast majority of minorities, LGBTQ community for awhile now?

Those that keep implying "this is irony" or "this is setting a dangerous precedent" or "take the high road", where have you actually been in the past...decades...centuries?

I have a hard time understanding people sometimes, especially those that like to play faux social justice, and then when it comes to an issue like this, they just don't get it.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
Awesome. Her whole family is garbage (aside from the kids) and deserve whatever they get. Hell, if I owned a restaurant I would do the same for all of Trump's cronies. Let them have a taste of what minorities and LGBT people have been facing for decades.


Oct 25, 2017
Are people just naive, or do they really not understand this already happens to the vast majority of minorities, LGBTQ community for awhile now?

Those that keep implying "this is irony" or "this is setting a dangerous precedent" or "take the high road", where have you actually been in the past...decades...centuries?

I have a hard time understanding people sometimes, especially those that like to play faux social justice, and then when it comes to an issue like this, they just don't get it.

Some people are being really disingenuous, others are just stupid.


Oct 31, 2017
So we support a restaurant owners right to deny service to someone based on their beliefs?

I can't agree with this.

Sarah Sanders is a liar and has a belief system I am staunchly opposed to, but public institutions should have no right to discriminate.

What Republicans and the current administration stand for is not just a different set of beliefs but rather they are actively immoral, hurtful, and down right dangerous. We cannot act like they just have a different way of doing things, they are literally destroying lives and the world.


Oct 25, 2017
I have a hard time understanding people sometimes, especially those that like to play faux social justice, and then when it comes to an issue like this, they just don't get it.
It's actually VERY easy to understand. "I've been told I'm not allowed to say this, so I'm going to make sure NO ONE can say this!" It's a very self centered and childish world view. All the while, they are still wanting to do the former and and are just looking for any sort of justification that they can.

So in this SHS example, the next step is "Well if they are allowed to stop her from eating there for that, I should be able to keep gay people from eating at my restaurant! What? It's not the same? Supporting gays is a political stance too! So I totally can!"

Anything to justify what they REALLY want.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Longwood, FL
Well, that wouldn't have been my course of action had I been the owners/restaurant, but political beliefs aren't a protected class.

So you just have to pound sand. Or write a Yelp review.


Oct 25, 2017
Good. She wasn't born a lying, enabling, asshole. Her actions are helping ruin the lives of countless people. That's more than enough reason for a business to deny her service. I hope anyone who is a part of this administration receives the same treatment.


Oct 25, 2017
So she is not happy that because of her association with a regressive administration she is not allowed service by a private business and she is happy that a private business is denying service to folks with a different orientation than her


Oct 28, 2017
This isn't about beliefs anymore folks. These people are actively harming a bunch of destitute men,women, and children while peddling lies about what they do in this country. Good on the owner for refusing service.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
I cannot fucking believe we have people in here defending her bullshit and pretending she deserves to be served just like any person.

She is the mouthpiece for an administration that has a policy of open racism and child abuse.

Fuck her.


Oct 25, 2017
This isn't about beliefs anymore folks. These people are actively harming a bunch of destitute men,women, and children while peddling lies about what they do in this country. Good on the owner for refusing service.

"But how will they learn! Also slippery slope! Those are two words that sometimes go together, right?!? SLIPPERY SLOPE!"


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
It's actually VERY easy to understand. "I've been told I'm not allowed to say this, so I'm going to make sure NO ONE can say this!" It's a very self centered and childish world view. All the while, they are still wanting to do the former and and are just looking for any sort of justification that they can.

So in this SHS example, the next step is "Well if they are allowed to stop her from eating there for that, I should be able to keep gay people from eating at my restaurant! What? It's not the same? Supporting gays is a political stance too! So I totally can!"

Anything to justify what they REALLY want.

They were going to do that REGARDLESS of whether or not this restaurant served Sanders. There is no causality here.


Dec 20, 2017
Hey, I wouldn't serve a fleshy homunculus either. Who knows how contagious her complete lack of humanity is.

Deleted member 22750

Oct 28, 2017
I totally think she deserves it

All I'm trying to get at is that it sucks that this country is so fucked up. Everyone hates everyone and I just don't see how you can get through to Republicans when their brain chemistry is so fucked up. We all want to get through to them. That's all we want to do. We want to shake the ignorance and hate out of them.

I understand the frustration with what I posted.


Oct 25, 2017
Pontificating about being better than them is laughable when it consistently yields little to nothing and the other side keeps seeing you as a muppet to be easily walked all over. Timidly sticking to decorum achieves nothing. It will never make the other side suddenly act in good faith or treat you with any more respect. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is willingly and knowingly continuing to dedicate her efforts for an administration committing multiple tangible acts of evil and I'm supposed to take seriously the notion that liberals should also pause for a moment and consider not being very mean to her (even though refusing her service isn't even being that mean - boo hoo to their victim narrative).

If you ever want to achieve equitable pushback against current acts of evil, be fucking ruthless with your messaging and your campaign. None of this stupid "when they go low, we go high". If a prospective undecided voter decides it's worth giving Trump or his cavalcade of evil, slobbering baboons their vote, influenced considerably by what they perceive to be liberals doing or saying some mildly mean things (as opposed to say, kidnapping young children from their families and shoving them into camps (for concentration)?), guess what? This person was always going to be a gormless Trump voter!

I agree with this. For at least as long as I've been alive republicans have been taking advantage of liberals being nice. I watched it happen repeatedly during the Obama administration. And anytime there is any pushback they start playing the victim card.

Enough is enough. I have zero sympathy left for anyone who still identifies with the republicans party at this point.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not Staning for shit bags. You're not following the logic.

I'm Staning for standards and how we treat one another.

I don't like the Trump administration. But I refuse to be afraid to call out the people I align with when I think they're being unfair, unreasonable, or hypocritical.

And this is a forum that is a tough place to

do that, but I don't like the bully mentality from any side.
This ho-hum, tone policing, kid gloves approach is exactly the kind of slow-boil that led to the Trump administration and the mess we're in today. Here's a hint: one side is on the right side of history and the other is not. The quicker we smother the other side (which includes the right of a private business to deny service to abhorrent human beings complicit in humanitarian crimes) the quicker we can stop this corruption from worsening and begin the decades-long healing process. Our "hogher road" approach isn't working and only gives them more opportunity to throw sand in our eyes. If they don't fight fair, why should we be the polite ones?