
Oct 27, 2017
Here is where it kills me to even get into this conversation........I loathe her. I see what she is. She can't tell the truth because she either doesn't know what truth is or she is absolutely evil.

I just think blow for blow just hurts the country.

More and more people start denial of service. You can't walk into a restaurant without proclaiming what political affiliation you are.

Me saying I don't agree with it isn't the end of the world. It's just my opinion that I would like it if we are better than that.

Don't hurt me

This is not about political affiliation, if this current admin happened to just be Democratic, it wouldn't make a lick of difference.

Beyond the blood this adminstration has on their hands for whats currently happening to Palestinians. Beyond all the international conventions Trump is breaking. Beyond the trade wars. Beyond the Muellers Investigation. Beyond the response this adminstration has to school shootings. Or how Trump dealt with Charlottesville. Or the kneeling in the NFL.

Beyond all that. There are serious human rights violations going on, right now at your border that this adminstration and that women are lying about/covering up/manipulating the facts of and more so, using as a barganning chip to push for further hateful policies. Children, in cages, used a political barganing chips.

She and all her peers/cohorts in that adminstration need to be reminded everyday/hour/min/sec that what they represent is no longer normal and normal, friendly discourse is no longer on the table.


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
I totally think she deserves it

All I'm trying to get at is that it sucks that this country is so fucked up. Everyone hates everyone and I just don't see how you can get through to Republicans when their brain chemistry is so fucked up. We all want to get through to them. That's all we want to do. We want to shake the ignorance and hate out of them.

I understand the frustration with what I posted.

i don't hate everyone. just people that aid and abet this administration in all its terrible actions


Oct 27, 2017
Appeasement doesn't work, folks.

Just ask Neville Chamberlain.

You know why the right thinks the left are a bunch of pushovers? Because it's true.

It's time you stop thinking acting like angels solves everything.


Oct 25, 2017


User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
They really need to make political affiliation a protected status for discrimination, imo.

Can we try to protect those classes that are already supposed to be protected first? If a gay couple cant get a cake I'm not shedding any tears for religious bigots who support kidnapping kids and throwing them in cages.


Oct 25, 2017
They were going to do that REGARDLESS of whether or not this restaurant served Sanders. There is no causality here.
That's exactly my point though. They will do ANYTHING to justify their stance like give all these false equivalencies and what not. I was only saying these specific arguments were used by them to help self justify what they are really thinking.

Essentially, they are smart enough to know what not to say to not get banned, but don't understand (or care about) the underlying principals of WHY it's wrong, and what situation A (SHS incident) is fundamentally different from situation B like the baker that didn't want to make a gay couple their wedding cake.


Oct 25, 2017
So this is the thread some of you missing Trump supporters choose to comment in. Didn't have shit to say about children in interment camps, but Sarah Sanders not getting food services is what really gets to you. Fucking gross.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
All y'all "take the high road" types do realize why "so much for the tolerant left" became a meme, right?

Republicans have been accustomed to the Democratic Party's belief in the inherent goodness of humanity for decades now. They know it makes us weak, more likely to roll over and give up or settle for a compromise compared to actually fighting for what we know is right until we win. Republicans have known this about us for a long time and they have taken advantage of it over and over and over again. It's the reason the party has been able to survive as long as it has, because they will push the limits of depravity but we always stop short of ever doing anything to stop it or truly do anything about it.

I love President Obama. He's a great man and I don't regret voting for him for a second, but his naivety and his foolhardy belief that finding common ground with the GOP was possible was his tragic blind spot.

But when Democrats finally started getting angry enough to really fight back instead of just trying to middle-ground things, Republicans started getting SCARED. That's why "so much for the tolerant left" happened. They know that a galvanized, truly enraged Democratic Party, if focused correctly and carried by the right leadership, could destroy everything they stand for, because none of the GOP's beliefs actually stand up to any real scrutiny.


Graphics Engineer
Oct 27, 2017
This isn't about beliefs anymore folks. These people are actively harming a bunch of destitute men,women, and children while peddling lies about what they do in this country. Good on the owner for refusing service.
Don't know why people can't see this. This entire administration are a bunch of vile human beings. They are embarrassing to people that don't think like them, but look like them. They hate brown people. They hate gay people. They don't like science. They physically and verbally hurt people. They don't like poor people...I mean, what the heck else do they have to do to prove to you that they are evil as hell?


Oct 25, 2017
Appeasement doesn't work, folks.

Just ask Neville Chamberlain.

You know why the right thinks the left are a bunch of pushovers? Because it's true.

It's time you stop thinking acting like angels solves everything.

The "greatest generation" is called that by most because they went to Europe and fucking KILLED NAZIS. they didn't coddle them. They didn't worry about "but this will make them hate us even more!". Yet nobody cried about both sides. Nobody cried about "stooping to their level". The people now concern trolling are being disingenuous as fuck. And if you aren't, then take a long fucking look in the mirror and really think about what hill you are choosing to die on here, and what that really says about you.


Oct 25, 2017
Of course the ones going "Let's take the high road!" aren't responding anymore .Either they're naive and dense as hell or they're not arguing in good faith.


Oct 25, 2017
I sometimes like to play the game 'show ignored content' in these types of threads. Without fail, the posts are as dumb as usual. Like Corrik and Hokahey were already on my list, what a coincidence.


Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
I cannot fucking believe we have people in here defending her bullshit and pretending she deserves to be served just like any person.

She is the mouthpiece for an administration that has a policy of open racism and child abuse.

Fuck her.
It's the Boogie Fence Sitter Club. You know, the mythical Sane and Logical Middle, which is neither sane nor logical. "Let's treat neo nazi's and their enablers as equals, that way we can bring them to our side." There is nothing logical about that line of reasoning. Neo Nazi's don't see you as equals and they never will. Not to mention, why the fuck would you want a neo nazi on your side in the first place?


Oct 25, 2017
For anyone who's somehow found a moral dilemma in not serving this mound of horse shit and need to figure out how you can rejoin humanity and agree with that action, consider this! It's the owner of the restaurant's responsibility to make sure that their establishment is a place you can eat without being grossed out or subjected to unsanitary conditions. Sanders and the administration's actions have been so vile you can't help but visibly see any of them and become sick to your stomach. They were only thinking of the other customers!


Graphics Engineer
Oct 27, 2017
For anyone who's somehow found a moral dilemma in not serving this mound of horse shit and need to figure out how you can rejoin humanity and agree with that action, consider this! It's the owner of the restaurant's responsibility to make sure that their establishment is a place you can eat without being grossed out or subjected to unsanitary conditions. Sanders and the administration's actions have been so vile you can't help but visibly see any of them and become sick to your stomach. They were only thinking of the other customers!


Oct 27, 2017
So we support a restaurant owners right to deny service to someone based on their beliefs?

I can't agree with this.

Sarah Sanders is a liar and has a belief system I am staunchly opposed to, but public institutions should have no right to discriminate.

Institutions have rights to deny doing business with criminals, and she's a part of a criminal scum ring.


Oct 30, 2017
Good good. In a sane world, nazi should be afraid to even come out of their house with their dangerous beliefs. Fuck all those people.

Mr. X

Oct 25, 2017
So we support a restaurant owners right to deny service to someone based on their beliefs?

I can't agree with this.

Sarah Sanders is a liar and has a belief system I am staunchly opposed to, but public institutions should have no right to discriminate.
Purposely making orphans and defending those that do isn't a belief


Oct 26, 2017
Are people just naive, or do they really not understand this already happens to the vast majority of minorities, LGBTQ community for awhile now?

Those that keep implying "this is irony" or "this is setting a dangerous precedent" or "take the high road", where have you actually been in the past...decades...centuries?

I have a hard time understanding people sometimes, especially those that like to play faux social justice, and then when it comes to an issue like this, they just don't get it.
Right! That's my question too. These people need to get their head out of the sand and look around.

This is not the low road.
Oh yes I agree. I'm saying in general I am done being nice to those who hate me.

"I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so"

That's not true.
Bet Jim Acosta doesn't feel very respected.


Oct 26, 2017
When we're putting right wing mouthpieces in "chain link fenced camps" you can talk about stooping or levels.
Oct 25, 2017
For anyone who's somehow found a moral dilemma in not serving this mound of horse shit and need to figure out how you can rejoin humanity and agree with that action, consider this! It's the owner of the restaurant's responsibility to make sure that their establishment is a place you can eat without being grossed out or subjected to unsanitary conditions. Sanders and the administration's actions have been so vile you can't help but visibly see any of them and become sick to your stomach. They were only thinking of the other customers!
And you can really make this argument memes aside. If you're an ends justify the means person, you could argue the ostratization of people like Sanders to demoralize the Trump administration would be a net good even being weighted against her and her family not being able to eat at a restaurant or if you're not an ends justify the means person, the precedent of making it OK to not serve major political leaders you disagree with that serve you, which is a pretty light consequence IMO anyway.

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
No, I wont be bullied off the forum for thinking it wrong to support discrimination of any kind.

If someone put up a sign that said "No Liberals Served" I suspect the reaction here would be much different.

I don't support discrimination against belief systems, period. It's what has made me a staunch supporter of civil rights for all and I won't compromise my beliefs even when the person being discriminated against opposes me.

We have standards, or we don't.

You might think you're being pious with this shit but you're not. This has nothing to do with civil rights. I'm not sure you even know what civil rights mean.

And "no liberals served" is a false equivalence. That much should be obvious to you since there's no evidence the restaurant doesn't serve conservatives.

I think the real issue is you don't have a problem with what Sarah Sanders does and whom she works for. You don't think she willfully lies to Americans, spreads Trump's lies and propaganda shamelessly and tells people not to trust the media so she can continue to lie without being held accountable. You don't have a problem with the very real damage she does with her words.

And that's why you're here spewing this civil rights shit. You need to think very carefully about what you're saying. It's clear you haven't put much thought into it up to now.
Oct 25, 2017
She's a liar and propagandist for a terrible regime, she deserves nothing but contempt. Slight discomfort in public is a minor consequence for her actions.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI

Her job -- one that she says she is proud to have -- is to spread lies and propaganda from a racist and sexist monster who is kidnapping children from their parents.

Fuck her.