
Oct 25, 2017
"Civility" is also how Democrats lost the German government to Hitler.

They were weak, thought they could work with him, appease him, constrain him etc.

Deleted member 11046

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I'm a brown Muslim, harassed by white folks in Midwest and PA where I have lived and worked, im not losing my high ground because some bigots who have shoveled their own morality and discourse below normal human standards shout and scream. I am not going to spit at them below I would rather give my hand and bring them back up like a mature person (which is rare these days )
Spitting? What does it say about your intentions in this discussion and your worldview that you repeatedly mischaracterize the incredibly polite and civil actions of this particular restaurant owner in the most hyperbolic and negative light.

Sanders was cordially asked to leave. She was not harassed, hounded, or chased out of an establishment.

Sweeney Swift

User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
All this comes across as is an insult to people who literally have had to and continue to fight for their basic humanity and human rights to this very day. US history is filled with "rude" gays, women, and minorities who stood up for what was right by actively pushing back against their oppressors. Calling a display like this immature is sick and disrespectful to those who suffer on top of minimizing the reality of the inhumanity going on right now
Pretty much

Rude gay here to say (on Pride month, whether the president recognizes it and Stonewall or not) I'm taking the low road with a smile on my face because sometimes surviving means you aren't polite


Oct 25, 2017
I mean basically, it's nice to want things. I want an America like the fucking United Federation of Planets. But in reality, we have an America that happily elected Trump. This America is going to eat you up and spit you out, Mr. Nice guy/gal. It's just how it is.


Oct 25, 2017
Cuck Zone
The amount of hand wringing about this while immigrant children are being put in internment camps and Dear Leader tweets about wanting to deport people without due process is absolutely embarrassing.

Sarah Huckabee-Goebbels does not deserve one second of peace in public. She should be relentlessly hounded and shamed until the day she dies, just like every other piece of shit in this administration. She 100% announced this the way she did to get red meat for the base. And it worked.

I love Michelle Obama, and "we go high" sure sounds nice, but going high has led us to this moment in history. And I'll be god damned if I'm taking the high road about literal fucking Nazis.


Oct 25, 2017
Fiddler's Green
I'm a brown Muslim, harassed by white folks in Midwest and PA where I have lived and worked, im not losing my high ground because some bigots who have shoveled their own morality and discourse below normal human standards shout and scream. I am not going to spit at them below I would rather give my hand and bring them back up like a mature person (which is rare these days )
And yet, instead of doing that, you're here lecturing people. You've decided that a wise use of your time is to scold people that vote against the people who would like to put you in camps, deport you, and keep anyone like you from coming here. Frankly, that seems pretty uncivil to me. You may be willing to go down politely disagreeing with the people that put you down, but not everyone is. The time for civility ended with the jailing of children and the rhetoric of infestation. If you really think politely discussing that with its supporters is going to help, then I suggest you go do that and let us know how it works out.


Oct 25, 2017
Remember that the GOP will have no qualms taking your voters away with unabashed voter restrictions laws next time you say 'omg we are losing civility!!!!!'. You can;t vote with civility. You can't buy food and housing with civility. You can't get health insurance with fucking civility.


Oct 29, 2017
Remember that the GOP will have no qualms taking your voters away with unabashed voter restrictions laws next time you say 'omg we are losing civility!!!!!'. You can;t vote with civility. You can't buy food and housing with civility. You can't get health insurance with fucking civility.
But it sure does help with feeling morally and intellectually superior to peons like us who happen to get so "emotional" about politics


Oct 28, 2017
I'm a brown Muslim, harassed by white folks in Midwest and PA where I have lived and worked, im not losing my high ground because some bigots who have shoveled their own morality and discourse below normal human standards shout and scream. I am not going to spit at them below I would rather give my hand and bring them back up like a mature person (which is rare these days )

Pol how cute, how mature you are when someone whom does not have your same view point means spiting at the racist cunts. When not welcoming racist scumbag to dine at the place you own is the same as spiting at them. How's the air up there boo?
Sanders was cordially asked to leave. She was not harassed, hounded, or chased out of an establishment.

It is interesting btw that this point is being completely ignored by the "we go high when they go low" crowd. It is as if, oddly, any form of actual resistance - not just words and statements of disapproval - unsettles certain people. I don't know. Perhaps actual resistance makes all this suddenly real - the prospect of a real conflict, a real "civil war", even if not a war fought with armies and guns.


Oct 25, 2017
The amount of hand wringing about this while immigrant children are being put in internment camps and Dear Leader tweets about wanting to deport people without due process is absolutely embarrassing.

Sarah Huckabee-Goebbels does not deserve one second of peace in public. She should be relentlessly hounded and shamed until the day she dies, just like every other piece of shit in this administration. She 100% announced this the way she did to get red meat for the base. And it worked.

I love Michelle Obama, and "we go high" sure sounds nice, but going high has led us to this moment in history. And I'll be god damned if I'm taking the high road about literal fucking Nazis.
I would consider this going high. She didn't shame or harass her, she politely asked her to leave. She took a stand for those with decent morals and voiceless victims of abuse in a way that made national news.

If that ain't going high, I don't know what is.

Deleted member 9330

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Remember that the GOP will have no qualms taking your voters away with unabashed voter restrictions laws next time you say 'omg we are losing civility!!!!!'. You can;t vote with civility. You can't buy food and housing with civility. You can't get health insurance with fucking civility.

This is a great point. You also can't vote FOR civility as voter rights are continually eroded. It's really a snake eating itself.


Oct 25, 2017
It is interesting btw that this point is being completely ignored by the "we go high when they go low" crowd. It is as if, oddly, any form of actual resistance - not just words and statements of disapproval - unsettles certain people. I don't know. Perhaps actual resistance makes all this suddenly real - the prospect of a real conflict, a real "civil war", even if not a war fought with armies and guns.
I think most people are used to Democrats not fighting back, instead just taking it on the cheek. Maybe they're even uncomfortable with Democrats doing anything else but being submissive. It's not helpful for this country though. It's time to stop being comfortable.


Oct 29, 2017
It is interesting btw that this point is being completely ignored by the "we go high when they go low" crowd. It is as if, oddly, any form of actual resistance - not just words and statements of disapproval - unsettles certain people. I don't know. Perhaps actual resistance makes all this suddenly real - the prospect of a real conflict, a real "civil war", even if not a war fought with armies and guns.
Yep. I'm willing to call that attitude cowardice though. If they want to stick their heads in the sand, it'd be fine. Instead they want to hide and try and tell us we're just as bad as the bad guys because we acknowledge reality and choose to struggle and fight in the face of being destroyed.


Oct 27, 2017
I think most people are used to Democrats not fighting back, instead just taking it on the cheek. Maybe they're even uncomfortable with Democrats doing anything else but being submissive. It's not helpful for this country though. It's time to stop being comfortable.
Probably just generally afraid of conflict would be my guess. That is my impression of most people in media positions.


Oct 26, 2017

Going to unroll the entire thing here because I feel it deserves it:

1. Unsurprisingly, this bit of kneejerk onanism from the WaPo editorial board completely misses the significance of this whole episode. In fact, it gets it wrong in exactly the same way Very Serious People have been getting in wrong in DC for decades.

2. The salient fact about US politics is that the right has been going steadily more crazy for decades -- breaking the law, disregarding norms, sinking into a hermetically sealed media bubble filled with paranoid conspiracy theories, seeking to disenfranchise opponents, etc.

3. At every stage, it gets worse. Norms & values we thought inviolate are crapped on, lawlessness becomes more brazen, ugly prejudices we thought buried, or at least suppressed, roar back to the surface. And with every increment, the question re-presents itself:

4. What should the rest of us do? The ~25% of Americans who believe & want horrible, illiberal shit ("deplorables," you might call them) have taken over the GOP. They are driving it toward fascism as fast as the system will allow them. What's the right response?

5. For years, lefties have been warning about this devolution of the GOP, going back to Reagan. They have bene dismissed as crazy partisan hippies, condemned as "uncivil," told they are part of the problem, because being mad about illiberalism is just like illiberalism.

6. The question has always been, where do you draw the line? At what point in the GOP's devolution do we say: OK, that's too far. We're no longer in Normal Politics. We're in a crisis situation, on the verge of losing our democracy. Where is the line?

7. The most insidious thing about the descent into illiberalism is that it is incremental. There's no dramatic moment, no Rubicon. Every step seems bad, but only a little worse than the previous step. Smart autocrats are careful not to provide that moment.

8. As this slide into illiberalism has continued, the mainstream DC establishment, including the sorts of Very Serious People that write major newspaper editorials, have *helped prevent that moment*. They have normalized, normalized, normalized, greasing the skids.

9. When lefties have tried to draw a line, create a moment, force a reckoning, the establishment has united in a single voice to say: calm down. Let's be civil & work together. Let's not raise our voices or be shrill. Both sides do it. We're still in Normal Politics.

10. Now here we are with a president who very openly pines for tyranny, explicitly disregards laws & norms, is nakedly racist, lies as often as he breathes, and oh yeah, is now JAILING TODDLERS TO DETER LEGAL IMMIGRATION.

11. By jailing toddlers, Trump has potentially made a mistake. Instead of incremental illiberalism, this seems like a jump, something to shock the conscience. It is yet another opportunity for a Moment, a time for the rest of us to say: no. This is not normal. It's not ok.

12. That what's the owner of the Red Hen was doing by refusing to serve Sanders: saying, No. This is not just a normal political dispute that can remain confined to the political sphere. You cannot support this & still expect to be treated like a normal, decent person.

13. The owner was trying to draw a line, disrupt the normal daily patterns of civility & accommodation, create a Moment around which people can rally to echo the message: No. This is not normal, not "just politics." We must stop pretending it is; we must snap out of hypnosis.

14. And so, right on cue, the Very Serious People ride to the rescue of the aspiring tyrants, saying, yet again: Calm Down. Let's not get crazy here. Let's not be RUDE. Heavens no. We must retain our decorum at all costs.

15. WaPo editors say that accepting incivility (gasp) is a "slippery slope." But that gets it exactly wrong. WE ARE ALREADY ON THE SLIPPERY SLOPE. It's a slope that leads to illiberalism, violence, & collapse. It's a slope greased accommodation & civility.

16. What the Red Hen owner (& others) are trying to do is jerk us awake, push of OFF the slippery slope. They're trying desperately to draw a line, to cease the slide. And every time they try -- even now, even to this day, even with toddlers in cages -- the MSM scolds them.

17. The Very Serious People who serve as tone police in DC need to decide what they value more: democracy or civility. Because we're just sliding, sliding, sliding down this slope, pretending all the while that things are still Normal. To get off the slide ...

18. ... will, almost by definition, require a break with Normal. It will require some sand in the gears, some raised voices, some violations of decorum and precedent. I dunno if restaurant service is the right mechanism, or even a good one. No one knows.

19. The WaPo editorial board, like the MSM establishment more generally, has been utterly fucking useless in slowing our slide to illiberalism. They've done nothing but obscure what's happening behind a veneer of Normal. They have failed. But for the luvagod ...

20. ... the very least they can do is refrain from concern trolling citizens who are (RIGHTLY) in a panic about the loss of their country. Maybe the agents of this cruelty, the ones lying on its behalf, should feel a little discomfort. There are worse things in the world. </fin>​

Some people, private citizens like you or me, are doing their best to draw the line in the sand any way they can that's sustainable. WaPo, CNN and the rest of the left tone police, are keep trying to scuff it up, blur the boundaries, so that we're not quite sure where the line is, or if there's even a line. As alluded to above, there are those of us who feel we're already engaging in a cultural civil war. That's where I am right now.


Oct 29, 2017
A lot of the tone policing you see from mainstream media outlets is self interested anyway.

They don't actually believe in the civility thing they need to keep the powerful placated because it maintains their access, which in turn maintains their status. Remember the WH Correspondents dinner?


Oct 26, 2017
A lot of the tone policing you see from mainstream media outlets is self interested anyway.

They don't actually believe in the civility thing they need to keep the powerful placated because it maintains their access, which in turn maintains their status. Remember the WH Correspondents dinner?
Yes, that's exactly it. And to an extent, I do feel it's necessary, we do need access to the WH internals, but I wish they'd stop leaning on powerless citizens exercising whatever feeble ability they have to protest, to raise their voice above the din.


Oct 25, 2017
Going to unroll the entire thing here because I feel it deserves it:

1. Unsurprisingly, this bit of kneejerk onanism from the WaPo editorial board completely misses the significance of this whole episode. In fact, it gets it wrong in exactly the same way Very Serious People have been getting in wrong in DC for decades.

2. The salient fact about US politics is that the right has been going steadily more crazy for decades -- breaking the law, disregarding norms, sinking into a hermetically sealed media bubble filled with paranoid conspiracy theories, seeking to disenfranchise opponents, etc.

3. At every stage, it gets worse. Norms & values we thought inviolate are crapped on, lawlessness becomes more brazen, ugly prejudices we thought buried, or at least suppressed, roar back to the surface. And with every increment, the question re-presents itself:

4. What should the rest of us do? The ~25% of Americans who believe & want horrible, illiberal shit ("deplorables," you might call them) have taken over the GOP. They are driving it toward fascism as fast as the system will allow them. What's the right response?

5. For years, lefties have been warning about this devolution of the GOP, going back to Reagan. They have bene dismissed as crazy partisan hippies, condemned as "uncivil," told they are part of the problem, because being mad about illiberalism is just like illiberalism.

6. The question has always been, where do you draw the line? At what point in the GOP's devolution do we say: OK, that's too far. We're no longer in Normal Politics. We're in a crisis situation, on the verge of losing our democracy. Where is the line?

7. The most insidious thing about the descent into illiberalism is that it is incremental. There's no dramatic moment, no Rubicon. Every step seems bad, but only a little worse than the previous step. Smart autocrats are careful not to provide that moment.

8. As this slide into illiberalism has continued, the mainstream DC establishment, including the sorts of Very Serious People that write major newspaper editorials, have *helped prevent that moment*. They have normalized, normalized, normalized, greasing the skids.

9. When lefties have tried to draw a line, create a moment, force a reckoning, the establishment has united in a single voice to say: calm down. Let's be civil & work together. Let's not raise our voices or be shrill. Both sides do it. We're still in Normal Politics.

10. Now here we are with a president who very openly pines for tyranny, explicitly disregards laws & norms, is nakedly racist, lies as often as he breathes, and oh yeah, is now JAILING TODDLERS TO DETER LEGAL IMMIGRATION.

11. By jailing toddlers, Trump has potentially made a mistake. Instead of incremental illiberalism, this seems like a jump, something to shock the conscience. It is yet another opportunity for a Moment, a time for the rest of us to say: no. This is not normal. It's not ok.

12. That what's the owner of the Red Hen was doing by refusing to serve Sanders: saying, No. This is not just a normal political dispute that can remain confined to the political sphere. You cannot support this & still expect to be treated like a normal, decent person.

13. The owner was trying to draw a line, disrupt the normal daily patterns of civility & accommodation, create a Moment around which people can rally to echo the message: No. This is not normal, not "just politics." We must stop pretending it is; we must snap out of hypnosis.

14. And so, right on cue, the Very Serious People ride to the rescue of the aspiring tyrants, saying, yet again: Calm Down. Let's not get crazy here. Let's not be RUDE. Heavens no. We must retain our decorum at all costs.

15. WaPo editors say that accepting incivility (gasp) is a "slippery slope." But that gets it exactly wrong. WE ARE ALREADY ON THE SLIPPERY SLOPE. It's a slope that leads to illiberalism, violence, & collapse. It's a slope greased accommodation & civility.

16. What the Red Hen owner (& others) are trying to do is jerk us awake, push of OFF the slippery slope. They're trying desperately to draw a line, to cease the slide. And every time they try -- even now, even to this day, even with toddlers in cages -- the MSM scolds them.

17. The Very Serious People who serve as tone police in DC need to decide what they value more: democracy or civility. Because we're just sliding, sliding, sliding down this slope, pretending all the while that things are still Normal. To get off the slide ...

18. ... will, almost by definition, require a break with Normal. It will require some sand in the gears, some raised voices, some violations of decorum and precedent. I dunno if restaurant service is the right mechanism, or even a good one. No one knows.

19. The WaPo editorial board, like the MSM establishment more generally, has been utterly fucking useless in slowing our slide to illiberalism. They've done nothing but obscure what's happening behind a veneer of Normal. They have failed. But for the luvagod ...

20. ... the very least they can do is refrain from concern trolling citizens who are (RIGHTLY) in a panic about the loss of their country. Maybe the agents of this cruelty, the ones lying on its behalf, should feel a little discomfort. There are worse things in the world. </fin>​

Some people, private citizens like you or me, are doing their best to draw the line in the sand any way they can that's sustainable. WaPo, CNN and the rest of the left tone police, are keep trying to scuff it up, blur the boundaries, so that we're not quite sure where the line is, or if there's even a line. As alluded to above, there are those of us who feel we're already engaging in a cultural civil war. That's where I am right now.

They can eat in peace. Somewhere else. Who is stopping them from eating in peace? Start eating at places that have servers with MAGA hats.]

Anyway, yeah I agree with your take on this.


Jan 5, 2018
The Pool
The amount of hand wringing about this while immigrant children are being put in internment camps and Dear Leader tweets about wanting to deport people without due process is absolutely embarrassing.

Sarah Huckabee-Goebbels does not deserve one second of peace in public. She should be relentlessly hounded and shamed until the day she dies, just like every other piece of shit in this administration. She 100% announced this the way she did to get red meat for the base. And it worked.

I love Michelle Obama, and "we go high" sure sounds nice, but going high has led us to this moment in history. And I'll be god damned if I'm taking the high road about literal fucking Nazis.



Oct 25, 2017
I'm a brown Muslim, harassed by white folks in Midwest and PA where I have lived and worked, im not losing my high ground because some bigots who have shoveled their own morality and discourse below normal human standards shout and scream. I am not going to spit at them below I would rather give my hand and bring them back up like a mature person (which is rare these days )

For fucks sake

As another brown Muslim dude, I am hundo percent going to give the middle finger to bigots and nazis who threaten the lives of my family and everyone I care about.

Look at this shit

You dont give your hand and raise up pieces of shit like this. You tell him to fuck off and make him afraid to pull shit like this ever again.


Oct 25, 2017
For fucks sake

As another brown Muslim dude, I am hundo percent going to give the middle finger to bigots and nazis who threaten the lives of my family and everyone I care about.

Look at this shit

You dont give your hand and raise up pieces of shit like this. You tell him to fuck off and make him afraid to pull shit like this ever again.

Its quite clear you did not did grasp what i meant.

If a person display bigotry like that as in the video, identifying the person so they take a loss and realize what they have done wrong through a job loss for example and through proper means is one of the proper approaches. But when it comes to your turn to respond later you show the person you are. Follow the ettiquetes of society you say you want to bring back after the filth from Trump folks.
Do you think those girls in the video were weak for trying to educate this bigot or do you think a better alternative for them was to curse him and walk away. The women held their ground, didnt get cowered and stayed as a muslim is supposed to be, composed.

Ask Qasim Rashid who is a fellow Ahmadi muslim who i know if we need to be civil with bigots or curse or punch them, i can tell you what his response will be


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
Remember that the GOP will have no qualms taking your voters away with unabashed voter restrictions laws next time you say 'omg we are losing civility!!!!!'. You can;t vote with civility. You can't buy food and housing with civility. You can't get health insurance with fucking civility.

This definitely aint the time for it. Whats the worst thing that Sanders had to do that day, eat somewhere else?? This fucker in office just said he wanted to just deport people without due process and given the way he's been acting and the people backing him up, the law is merely a minor inconvenience at this point. Her basic rights as a human being are not under constant assault but she's a willing participant in an adminstration who is more than willing to take those things away from people they dont like for whatever reason.


Oct 25, 2017
Its quite clear you did not did grasp what i meant.

If a person display bigotry like that as in the video, identifying the person so they take a loss and realize what they have done wrong through a job loss for example and through proper means is one of the proper approaches. But when it comes to your turn to respond later you show the person you are. Follow the ettiquetes of society you say you want to bring back after the filth from Trump folks.
Do you think those girls in the video were weak for trying to educate this bigot or do you think a better alternative for them was to curse him and walk away. The women held their ground, didnt get cowered and stayed as a muslim is supposed to be, composed.

Ask Qasim Rashid who is a fellow Ahmadi muslim who i know if we need to be civil with bigots or curse or punch them, i can tell you what his response will be

The Daryl Davis method doesn't work on a large scale, and barely works on a small one.


Oct 25, 2017
As a gay man, this civility shit is exactly my problem with Log Cabin Republicans who insist that I be civil with them. No, I fucking cannot. Not with you not with your organizations, not your other members and definitely not your ideas. When you actively support an idea, a cause and a party that does not value you as a human being, or even treat you as one and still stay with them there is something wrong with you. I would have no problem with it if not for the fact that Log Cabin Republicans are actively undermining the other community they are largely a part of by being the 'my best friend is black' meme that the GOP use to justify their anti-gay policies as not anti-gay. Most of them also donate to Republican causes. Fuck that shit. Fucking traitors.


Oct 25, 2017
The Daryl Davis method doesn't work on a large scale, and barely works on a small one.
It doesn't work for him either.
Also, fuck Daryl Davis.
Not all of the witnesses were present at the exit from Emancipation Park. Daryl Davis, a black musician who's known for befriending Klansmen to understand why they hate him in hopes of dispelling that, testified he's known Preston for five years and they both live in the Baltimore area.

Davis said he put up 50 percent of Preston's bond and was going to take him to see the African American Museum of History in Washington, but Preston's house arrest prevented that visit. And when shown apparently racist comments Preston posted on Facebook after August 12—those were not read in court—Davis said he regrets those sentiments.

"I'm testifying because he's my friend," said Davis. "He's in trouble and I'm trying to help."


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Understand this: this is a form of protest, not discrimination. It isn't even civil disobedience, the kind of protest that has been happening in the U.S. for the past century. It's just a civil request.

People who wring their hands over this are wasting their fucking time.


Oct 25, 2017
Also people seem to forget that Sander's response was waaaaay worse than any slight people perceive happened here. She basically set out to sink this business using her position. Not that she will.


Apr 6, 2018
Using denial of service as a protest tools seems...volatile. But I think I understand where the majority of posters are coming from - correct me if I'm wrong. More and more people are viewing this not just as an opposing political party but as an illegitimate political viewpoint. That it's no longer Republicanism it's Trumpism. That it's for real fascism in the making?

I think I get that, but thing is, there's just too many in the country that are along for the Trump reality show ride for this approach to work.


Apr 4, 2018
I've been T'ing and P'ing non stop over the past couple days to support the Sanders flock during this difficult time.


Oct 25, 2017
Just an FYI for everyone that is super concerned about how she was treated, don't worry guys most likely nobody knows your prejudices so it won't happen to you.


Oct 26, 2017
I think I get that, but thing is, there's just too many in the country that are along for the Trump reality show ride for this approach to work.
The true believer Trumpsters are a lost cause, it's an uphill climb just trying to get the centrists/establishment to admit Trumpism is untenable.


Oct 25, 2017
But I think I understand where the majority of posters are coming from - correct me if I'm wrong. More and more people are viewing this not just as an opposing political party but as an illegitimate political viewpoint. That it's no longer Republicanism it's Trumpism. That it's for real fascism in the making?
That's a coward's take on the whole situation. Trump is mainstream American conservatism minus some of the popular euphemisms.


Oct 27, 2017
Using denial of service as a protest tools seems...volatile. But I think I understand where the majority of posters are coming from - correct me if I'm wrong. More and more people are viewing this not just as an opposing political party but as an illegitimate political viewpoint. That it's no longer Republicanism it's Trumpism. That it's for real fascism in the making?

I think I get that, but thing is, there's just too many in the country that are along for the Trump reality show ride for this approach to work.

There's too many, but they are still a minority and they need to remember that.

....yes, I realized I referred to them as a minority. You know what I mean.

And I get the reaction to this behavior, but this administration has gone full on with their Nazi like behavior. That's not an exaggeration. They are behaving like Nazis and at some point they need to be called out on it. Our "leaders" aren't doing it. So who the fuck will?


Oct 29, 2017
Using denial of service as a protest tools seems...volatile. But I think I understand where the majority of posters are coming from - correct me if I'm wrong. More and more people are viewing this not just as an opposing political party but as an illegitimate political viewpoint. That it's no longer Republicanism it's Trumpism. That it's for real fascism in the making?

I think I get that, but thing is, there's just too many in the country that are along for the Trump reality show ride for this approach to work.

Protest is inherently volatile. You are challenging a power structure that is liable to turn around and murder you.

The poster boys for non-violent peaceful protest, MLK and Gandhi were both assassinated.


Dec 1, 2017
The GOP lack morality and empathy. All you do by taking the high ground is give them the freedom to be as corrupt and cruel as they possibly be. Unless they face real consquences for their actions, they will continue to get everything they want. You have your pride sure, but they're fine with having no pride as they rob you and this country blind. So go ahead and take a moral stand. They don't fucking care. They don't even notice.