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volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
There are plenty of LGBTQ+ actors and people who want to get their foot in the door of the industry, who would love to be part of any of these films, who are constantly ignored or pushed aside because studios feel more comfortable working with straight actors despite how progressive they claim to be

When it comes to telling our stories, they don't want us being involved in the telling of them

There are two definitely salient points here. For a story like this I think it's more important to have people from the trans community involved behind the camera to craft the story than to cast a trans actor for the role. If casting decisions were made like that, a lot of LGBTQ actors would lose out on cis character roles.

At the same time, it absolutely is terrible that LGBTQ actors aren't more often considered for roles relevant to their sexuality because of studio discomfort. Trans actors especially suffering from long held "icky" prejudices and THAT absolutely is disgusting.


Oct 27, 2017
I liked GITS great art direction. Too bad it got vilified (I may get vilified for saying I liked it). It could have open doors for more Anime movies with budgets. Oh well I have the artbook.
The movie was meh. It could've been better given the material. The "whitewashing" was the least of it's worries.
Scarlet Johanson has not been picking good movies and I don't know why she would even work with Rupert Sanders again. Probably going to be another flop on her resume.
I can only assume that Scarlett had a great time on set making GitS and really enjoyed working with Rupert Sanders.


Oct 25, 2017
It would have been a perfect opportunity for her to promote hiring someone trans for the role.

I'm sorry, I'm tired of Cis White Hollywood.
Remember when Ed Skrein gave up a role in the Hellboy reboot so the the Asian character wouldnt be whitewashed? The guy is barely a C-lister. If he can do that imagine what A list actors with influence could do.


Oct 27, 2017
She's likely playing the wife Cynthia you sillies :P

Gil is on the left and cynthia is on the right.


Lol yeah she looks just like that woman. I can't see either her or Ruby Rose being quite right to play the dude.
Jun 28, 2018
Remember when Ed Skrein gave up a role in the Hellboy reboot so the the Asian character wouldnt be whitewashed? The guy is barely a C-lister. If he can do that imagine what A list actors with influence could do.

And as much as I wasn't ever a fan of him as an actor, he'll always have a place in my heart for that move.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
I never understood this train of thought that a trans person has to play a trans character. Honestly, shouldn't we be pushing for trans people to play non-trans characters? Acting is acting, you're playing a part. I mean I definitely get it for whitewashing which is removing a PoC, but this isn't that. To me, a cis person playing a trans person is the same as a Christian person playing a Muslim or something.


Oct 27, 2017
Ghost in the Shell wasn't bad because it didn't have an Asian lead. It was bad because the script was boring.


Oct 27, 2017
It doesn't help that the Hollywood system generally sticks to making movies with a handful of star talent, very rarely taking a shot with anybody who isn't a celebrity. People like ScarJo get cast in stuff like this because her name will sell it.
Peoplle cast star talent because of the perception it will sell it. I've always said it has more to do with getting the financing and the project greenlit than whether it will succeed at the box office.


Oct 25, 2017
If you look up Dante Gill this is actually a completely bizarre casting choice for reasons totally unrelated to Johannson's gender. She doesn't physically match the part whatsoever. Gill's circumstances are such that I think the part could be played by pretty much any actor regardless of gender if they were physically close enough but this seems like a casting that will require ridiculous amount of prosthetics because the only thing she has is height.

Edit: Playing the wife would make 10000x more sense.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
They could've gotten an actual trans person to play the role. Speaking of, how many trans Hollywood people are there?

We have no idea who is playing the transmasc role though.

I never understood this train of thought that a trans person has to play a trans character. Honestly, shouldn't we be pushing for trans people to play non-trans characters? Acting is acting, you're playing a part. I mean I definitely get it for whitewashing which is removing a PoC, but this isn't that. To me, a cis person playing a trans person is the same as a Christian person playing a Muslim or something.

It actually is similar to whitewashing for trans people. Cis people are not trans. They do not represent us.


Oct 25, 2017
I never understood this train of thought that a trans person has to play a trans character. Honestly, shouldn't we be pushing for trans people to play non-trans characters? Acting is acting, you're playing a part. I mean I definitely get it for whitewashing which is removing a PoC, but this isn't that. To me, a cis person playing a trans person is the same as a Christian person playing a Muslim or something.
Think of the issue as if all the Muslim parts were being played by Christians or a lack of parts in general. Most people just want representation and work.


Oct 27, 2017
I never understood this train of thought that a trans person has to play a trans character. Honestly, shouldn't we be pushing for trans people to play non-trans characters? Acting is acting, you're playing a part. I mean I definitely get it for whitewashing which is removing a PoC, but this isn't that. To me, a cis person playing a trans person is the same as a Christian person playing a Muslim or something.
It would be ideal for trans people to be able to portray non-trans characters, yes, but at the bare minimum they should be prioritized in playing historical trans characters. How can they even get in the door to portray cis characters if they aren't even given a chance as trans characters?


Oct 25, 2017
People should also consider that often times these projects are pitched as a package deal. As in ScarJo and the director want to work together again, they find this script among many options, and the whole combo is then presented for potential funders. Based on the Deadline story, that's what happened here. It's not always a case of a major studio having the rights to something, and then proceeding to find the talent to bring in.


Oct 25, 2017
We have no idea who is playing the transmasc role though.

It actually is similar to whitewashing for trans people. Cis people are not trans. They do not represent us.
I'll ask again. Was Tom Hanks' critically acclaimed and oscar winning role as a gay man in Philadelphia offensive because he wasn't gay in real life?


Oct 25, 2017
I would say it's a bit different for non-trans Queers.
Some people here are saying LGBT characters should be played by LGBT actors. That would include gays as gays only which I'm sorry but I find ridiculous. They're actors, for crying out loud. Otherwise we'd be here all day since I should be outraged that Sombra from Overwatch was played by a Colombian woman instead of a Mexican one.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Some people here are saying LGBT characters should be played by LGBT actors. That would include gays as gays only which I'm sorry but I find ridiculous. They're actors, for crying out loud. Otherwise we'd be here all day since I should be outraged that Sombra from Overwatch was played by a Colombian woman instead of a Mexican one.
I'm okay with LGB people being played by non-LGB people. I'm not okay with Cis actors playing Trans actors.


Oct 25, 2017
So, is blackface okay then? White people can now play black people in historical dramas? Good to know we wouldn't hear an uproar if Gary Oldman played Nelson Mandela.
There are limits and we've established them. A straight cis person respectuffly acting as an LGBT character is not the same as blackface, for God's sake.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll ask again. Was Tom Hanks' critically acclaimed and oscar winning role as a gay man in Philadelphia offensive because he wasn't gay in real life?

No, but then again the difference here might be that there are quite a few gay cis actors out there to fill gay roles but very few trans actors to fill trans roles.


Nov 14, 2017
It doesn't help that the Hollywood system generally sticks to making movies with a handful of star talent, very rarely taking a shot with anybody who isn't a celebrity. People like ScarJo get cast in stuff like this because her name will sell it.

That, and the fact that she can actually act, yes.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
At least stuff like Pose is bein pretty great about casting actual trans actors, from what I've seen at least. I'd guess for movies it's that they want "big name stars" and there's not a large pool of trans actors to pull from for that. Which sure doesn't excuse it, but it's maybe why FX can make the inroads it's making while Hollywood seems incapable.


Oct 29, 2017
I would rather Trans actors get more conventional roles and get casted in an action movie or big budget effects flick as the protag than a movie about being Trans
This is like the problem of Hispanic or black actors mostly getting gangster or slave roles.

If Scarlett can portray a short, fat and balding trans man, then all the power to her

At least stuff like Pose is bein pretty great about casting actual trans actors, from what I've seen at least. I'd guess for movies it's that they want "big name stars" and there's not a large pool of trans actors to pull from for that. Which sure doesn't excuse it, but it's maybe why FX can make the inroads it's making while Hollywood seems incapable.

You know how you make a star? Cast them in big blockbusters or big dramas or something, not niche biopics
Millicent Simmonds was great in A QUIET PLACE where she portrays a deaf girl while herself being deaf
And guess what, the movie is NOT about being deaf and the struggles of being deaf
That's what Trans folks need.

I suppose the Elephant Man movie should have cast the man himself or an actual elephant then


Oct 27, 2017
I mean it's not a secret. The actors/ awards givers in Hollywood aren't giving awards to the most nuanced performance but to the biggest transformation.

Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
For someone that champions progressive values so much, she sure loses sight of that when there's a pay check attached.

Gay actors play straight people all the time and vice versa. James Franco is in so many gay movies and Neil Patrick Harris plays many straight roles. Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger we're both straight and played one of the most famous gay movie couples of all time (Brokeback). The cast of Queer As Folk is like half straight. I'm pretty sure the main actor in Love, Simon isn't gay either.

Why is this particular casting a problem? Is it out of fear that ScarJo is going to insensitively try to fake acting masculine to portray a trans man with a wife or something? I don't assume it will be tasteless, I'll wait and see.

If it's about LGBTQ+ actors wanting an opportunity like this, I'm sure they do, and it just sucks that they didn't get to because this particular director wants to do it first and ScarJo happens to have a relationship with him. People like to work with people they know. It's why the same actors show up in Tarantino movies. Could Tarantino have given Django or Ingloriously different leads that were young obscure starlets? Sure, but he didn't, so this isnt just a queer issue, it could also be a networking result of hollywood.

If ScarJo has a good relationship with this director and they want to make this movie they have every right to.

I say this having found GitS to be racially problematic, and I myself am in a same sex marriage.


May 17, 2018
ScarJo playing the wife and Alex Borstein from The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel playing Dante Gill. I could see that.


Just waiting for that phone call...

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