
Oct 25, 2017
Probably because you quoted your response and it's hard to see that it's an addition to your post. I didn't see it
I'm sorry as much as you've been complaining about ppl defending these racist white kids in this thread. You seem super fine at deflecting any discussion of the other group that sounds just as hateful. Like it or not they're part of this story and it doesn't seem to offend you a all. I've been watching this thread for awhile and you've been super quick to tell off anyone that brings up the other hate group. Fuck em both.


Nov 11, 2017
I'm get the humor in this and I'm letting it go, but I do want to reiterate that you and I are mostly in agreement on this particular incident. These are kids who live in a particularly racist part of the country, have racist parents, and live in a little racist bubble. They're racists. I see this as a "learning opportunity" for kids in a way that I wouldn't necessarily extend to adults, and I get that we disagree on that point.

Yes, a lot of people see rampant racism as some sort of learning opportunity for those involved. Poor misguided little fellas.

Unfortunately its an option only available to white people. Mainly because the western world sees white kids, as kids. And thats what they are. That olive branch doesn't apply to minorities living in a world of white supremacy and privilege. They're executed and incarcerated for their entire life, for the same thing little mr.racist jr here will have dozens of opportunities to not only live, but to keep making mistakes and getting the benefit of the doubt.

If the world you live in, was equally applied, I'd have nothing but agreement with you. Unfortunately, its lopsided. The rules are different for different people. So I hope this guy gets the opportunity to be productive, and maybe help some minorities along the way. I hope the best for anyone. Just a shame about that systemic racism america suffers from, that isn't going to be resolved by course correcting racists after the fact.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm sorry as much as you've been complaining about ppl defending these racist white kids in this thread. You seem super fine at deflecting any discussion of the other group that sounds just as hateful. Like it or not they're part of this story and it doesn't seem to offend you a all. I've been watching this thread for awhile and you've been super quick to tell off anyone that brings up the other hate group. Fuck em both.
So calling people out for defending racist kids is complaining now, alright. If you're gunna call me out, maybe you should go back and actually fucking read my posts. I've condemned them several times and even said "fuck them" at least twice:


What I haven't said is that we should blame this shit on the black Israelites that were there because these kids were racist to native Americans all by themselves. Many people have been arguing that the kids didn't actually start the confrontation, which is absolute bullshit.

You wanna whine about anything else or just go back to thinking you know what I'm fucking saying?
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Alt account
Jan 18, 2019
Ahh, now we've arriived to the point when people who'd otherwise never bother to enter a thread about racism come in to throw a cape on for these MAGA brownshirts and act as if corner store crackpots who preach about spaceships are just as bad as an entire class of wealthy and entitled teenagers and their adult supervisors visiting the capitol while dressed up as modern day Nazis.


Midnight Jon

Oct 25, 2017
We've now arrived at the point where "Hoteps started it!" magically excuses these shithead teenagers' racist-as-hell conduct toward Nathan Phillips
Oct 26, 2017
So from what I can gather from the video and accounts, the Black Israelites were harassing the kids (probably because of their MAGA hats), the kids responded by performing a school cheer and possibly Trump chants like "build the wall," Phillips intervened in the conflict but targeted the kids because they outnumbered the black protestors (and probably also because of the MAGA hats), and engaged Sandmann with his chants to which he responded by smugly facing him down until the scene cleared? It seems like both accounts are partially inaccurate, with the story Phillips gave to NYT/WP not aligning with the video footage and the Sandmann response clearly biased towards trying to convey full innocence (and probably written by a lawyer).

I mean please correct me if I'm wrong on this but I think the media has gotten some of the story wrong.


Oct 25, 2017
So calling people out for defending racist kids is complaining now, alright. If you're gunna call me out, maybe you should go back and actually fucking read my posts. I've condemned them several times and even said "fuck them" at least twice:


What I haven't said is that we should blame this shit on the black Israelites that were there because these kids were racist to native Americans all by themselves. Many people have been arguing that the kids didn't actually start the confrontation, which is absolute bullshit.

You wanna whine about anything else or just go back to thinking you know what I'm fucking saying?
You made one minor point to condemn them which I already read. You made dozens of posts on these stupid kids and are really quick to remind ppl this is about them and not about the BI every time someone mentions them. If it was white ppl in the streets saying the hate speeches like the BI were, there would be a 500 post thread about with you as a top poster in going by this thread
Nov 20, 2017
You made one minor point to condemn them which I already read. You made dozens of posts on these stupid kids and are really quick to remind ppl this is about them and not about the BI every time someone mentions them. If it was white ppl in the streets saying the hate speeches like the BI were, there would be a 500 post thread about with you as a top poster in going by this thread

OK, and? No one is actually caping for the Black Israelites. In the meantime, plenty of people willing to go 'uwu poor boys did nothing wrong!'. Not to mention that this is a clear attempt to deflect from the boys' racism, with the offensive actions of someone else who is NOT Nathan Phillips.


Oct 25, 2017
You made one minor point to condemn them which I already read. You made dozens of posts on these stupid kids and are really quick to remind ppl this is about them and not about the BI every time someone mentions them. If it was white ppl in the streets saying the hate speeches like the BI were, there would be a 500 post thread about with you as a top poster in going by this thread
No, I made other complaints about them and said, on multiple occasions, that their speech is vile, gross, etc, you just are picking and choosing what you want to make it look like I didn't call them out, when I did many, many times, in both threads.

Do you want me to go get those too so you can drop this bullshit narrative that I am not calling them out? I'll do that for you since you're having some serious trouble reading. You're wrong, so I'd appreciate it if you stop talking about me if you don't know what the fuck you're saying.

Which group do you think is more of a concern.. random 4 or 5 guys shouting bullshit/racist/homophobic shit on a corner or 100 kids who represent a much larger, more active and dangerous group (millions of Trump supporters) bashing Native Americans and wearing MAGA hats?

That's why I have more posts about them. Because they're more of a threat to the country. Is this hard to understand?

You said fuck both groups, which is something I've said multiple times. But one groups racism is completely and totally independent from the other's, and blaming one for the other is fucking nonsense and takes responsibility away from the MAGA kids.


Oct 25, 2017
OK, and? No one is actually caping for the Black Israelites. In the meantime, plenty of people willing to go 'uwu poor boys did nothing wrong!'. Not to mention that this is a clear attempt to deflect from the boys' racism, with the offensive actions of someone else who is NOT Nathan Phillips.
I was responding to another poster that was not caping, but deflecting any mention of the other hate group.


Oct 30, 2017
These crackpots exist in every urban area and most that live in these cities experience them all the time. These kids from Kentucky had obviously never seen or heard their insane blather and decided to engage. One knows never to engage but these idiots wearing Trump hats decided to do so and got pulled into a shit storm because of it. Now they're acting as if their group are the victims for taking on conspiracy theorists while wearing the hat that represents a president who openly supports a host of conspiricy theories of his own. I don't care for black Israelites or these dumb white kids. They both should fuck off..
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Oct 25, 2017
No, I made other complaints about them and said, on multiple occasions, that their speech is vile, gross, etc, you just are picking and choosing what you want to make it look like I didn't call them out, when I did many, many times, in both threads.

Do you want me to go get those too so you can drop this bullshit narrative that I am not calling them out? I'll do that for you since you're having some serious trouble reading. You're wrong, so I'd appreciate it if you stop talking about me if you don't know what the fuck you're saying.

Which group do you think is more of a concern.. random 4 or 5 guys shouting bullshit/racist/homophobic shit on a corner or 100 kids who represent a much larger, more active and dangerous group (millions of Trump supporters) bashing Native Americans and wearing MAGA hats?

That's why I have more posts about them. Because they're more of a threat to the country. Is this hard to understand?

You said fuck both groups, which is something I've said multiple times. But one groups racism is completely and totally independent from the others, and blaming one for the other is fucking nonsense and takes responsibility away from the MAGA kids.
They're both a concern honestly. A bunch a pussy white kids that think they're bad ass rockin the MAGA spouting racist bullshit and a bunch of grown men spouting homophobic bullshit.


Oct 25, 2017
They're both a concern honestly. A bunch a pussy white kids that think they're bad ass rockin the MAGA spouting racist bullshit and a bunch of grown men spouting homophobic bullshit.
I never said the BIs aren't a concern. You just took some bullshit narrative about my posts and ran away with it without actually reading anything.

You think one isn't more important than the other? Then you're completely out of touch.

You done making shit personal now?

EDIT: Last I'm going to say to you on this because of the mod post.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
The MAGA hat kids are racists who are lying about their interaction with the aboriginal elder (video proves this kid's testimony is largely BS).

The Black Israelite protesters are hateful bigots.

Both these things are true at once and neither one excuses the other, period.

Now, it would be nice if y'all could stop shouting at one another over this. There's no need for hostility here.


Oct 25, 2017
The MAGA hat kids are racists who are lying about their interaction with the aboriginal elder (video proves this kid's testimony is largely BS).

The Black Israelite protesters are hateful bigots.

Both these things are true at once and neither one excuses the other, period.

Now, it would be nice if y'all could stop shouting at one another over this. There's no need for hostility here.
Which is what I've been saying


Oct 30, 2017
Smells like horseshit. The video speaks for itself, and needless to say, it doesn't match his account.

I love the notion in this thread that wearing a MAGA hat in a public place now officially constitutes provocation of any minority group in the vicinity, and any confrontation that ensues is on the hat-wearer.

People are just getting nutty now.
It's a racist symbol. A rallying call for bigots. Don't deny it. Don't even try.
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May 27, 2018
So anyone else notice on Twitter that suddenly a bunch of obvious bot accounts with a name and a bunch of numbers as an @ with a stock white person face have suddenly appeared defending these kids in every tweet related to this?

Deleted member 42758

User Requested Account Closure
Apr 29, 2018
Somebody pulled the receipts on how fucking racist this school is.. so it's probably safe to say your experiences don't reflect the history of the school, wouldn't you say?

I would say you are an angry person who has no reservation projecting that anger on complete strangers on an internet forum over an experience that was not yours.


Oct 25, 2017
I would say you are an angry person who has no reservation projecting that anger on complete strangers on an internet forum over an experience that was not yours.
I'm angry at the school and what it stands for, what people are saying personally happened to them. There are many many accounts online opening up about blatant bullying, racism, even reports of child abuse, etc. All I'm saying is maybe you should look around and see that your experience might not reflect the way the school actually is, not that I know what your experience there was like.

I am not an angry person. That's not the same as being angry about something.


Dec 25, 2017
Just watched the Nathan Phillips interview on AM Joy and he said the students and Black Israelites were going back and forth for over an hour. The students would leave and come back in greater numbers. He stepped in between them to play his prayer song because he thought the students were about to attack.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
The MAGA hat kids are racists who are lying about their interaction with the aboriginal elder (video proves this kid's testimony is largely BS).

The Black Israelite protesters are hateful bigots.

Both these things are true at once and neither one excuses the other, period.

Now, it would be nice if y'all could stop shouting at one another over this. There's no need for hostility here.

I'd also say a fair bit of blame should also be reserved for the faculty present. Who were, well, supposed to be the adults, and not just slightly larger children.
Oct 25, 2017
Why did the adults who were supposed to be supervising these kids allow them to go back and forth with these people in the first place.

Deleted member 42758

User Requested Account Closure
Apr 29, 2018
I'm angry at the school and what it stands for, what people are saying personally happened to them. There are many many accounts online opening up about blatant bullying, racism, even reports of child abuse, etc. All I'm saying is maybe you should look around and see that your experience might not reflect the way the school actually is, not that I know what your experience there was like.

I am not an angry person. That's not the same as being angry about something.

What I was trying to convey is that my experience was similar in that there were many instances of bullying, racism and intolerant behavior within the student body. What I do not agree with is the narrative that this type of behavior is a product of the institution or the core values of the community that supports it.


Oct 27, 2017
Why did the adults who were supposed to be supervising these kids allow them to go back and forth with these people in the first place.

Because it's a feature of the institution, have to teach this brave young men how to be racists assholes in the outside world as well.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
I spent hours this morning watching the full video of this incident, The implication that his defiant smirk was actually a prayer for the veteran's soul... is disgusting.

It does not matter that the indigenous protesters approached the group. It does not matter that the black Israelites were shouting derogatory jeers.

The group started the conversation before ever opening their mouth by sporting the four word slogan of an inflammatory, anti-immigrant administration. Once engaged, they were behaving like a mob, with one boy ripping his sweater and shirt off during a chant directed towards the Israelite protesters. By all accounts, the indigenous people approached because of the students' escalation.

The kid squared off against and stared mockingly at Mr. Phillips while his classmates surrounded them like a mob. A woman can even be heard in the video claiming they were behaving like a mob. Every student there visibly turned Mr. Phillips approach into an opportunity to express their glee in dissenting on the minorities.


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck the black Israelites or whatever the fuck they called for giving these shitstains the minuscule amount of credibility needed to shift the narrative. It's so fucking obvious that the kid is lying through his teeth with that Statement. Everyone knows what that hat stands for. Garbage kids, Garbage community, Garbage Parents, Garbage School.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
Fuck the black Israelites or whatever the fuck they called for giving these shitstains the minuscule amount of credibility needed to shift the narrative.
You really think the presence of black people was needed to shift the narrative for a bunch of Trump-loving, racist-ass white kids in America???


Oct 27, 2017
You really think the presence of black people was needed to shift the narrative for a bunch of Trump-loving, racist-ass white kids in America???

lol, no your right people would have found something. In fact, people were tripping all over themselves trying to excuse these kids from the get-go. It's sad to see that none of the kids present will learn anything from the experience though. Garbage like i said.


Dec 10, 2017
What I was trying to convey is that my experience was similar in that there were many instances of bullying, racism and intolerant behavior within the student body. What I do not agree with is the narrative that this type of behavior is a product of the institution or the core values of the community that supports it.
So all of this sprang up out of the ether? Where did it originate if not from the institution or community? You even said in one of your previous posts this behavior ran rampant. Something like that doesn't occur without the community looking the other way or actively supporting such behavior.

If such things were undesirable to the institution they would have put a stop to it and curtailed it from happening. Instead it's lead to this public disgrace and a lens focusing on just who these people really are. But keep trying to say that spontaneous racism/bigotry/etc. just happen and there is nothing a community can do about it.


Oct 27, 2017
What I was trying to convey is that my experience was similar in that there were many instances of bullying, racism and intolerant behavior within the student body. What I do not agree with is the narrative that this type of behavior is a product of the institution or the core values of the community that supports it.
Widespread racism requires support from a community and institutions to exist. Just because it's not codified in their alma mater or something doesn't mean it isn't there.


Oct 27, 2017
User banned (1 week): trolling
The kids did absolutely nothing wrong here, the 105 min video of the entire event makes that very clear. They are the victims here and continuing to attack them and make baseless allegations says volumes about yourself and your mindset.

Deleted member 4783

Oct 25, 2017
The kids did absolutely nothing wrong here, the 105 min video of the entire event makes that very clear. They are the victims here and continuing to attack them and make baseless allegations says volumes about yourself and your mindset.
"Please, be intellectually honest with you"

Your comment and ignoring what they did says a lot more about you


Oct 30, 2017
The kids did absolutely nothing wrong here, the 105 min video of the entire event makes that very clear. They are the victims here and continuing to attack them and make baseless allegations says volumes about yourself and your mindset.


Why is the standard defense of conservative nonsense always "that's taken out of context! You need to watch all forty-seven hours!"


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The kids did absolutely nothing wrong here, the 105 min video of the entire event makes that very clear. They are the victims here and continuing to attack them and make baseless allegations says volumes about yourself and your mindset.
I watched nearly the entire thing as well and I feel like the teens were being mega-assholes to the native. Mocking him, shouting at him, pantomiming the dances from earlier, pantomiming like they were throwing a tomahawk, screaming like a caricature of a native. I'll make no excuses for the BI, they were truly horrible people and honestly deserve as much outrage as the teens but acting like the teens didn't do anything wrong is one hell of a take away from that video.