
Oct 25, 2017
Men are trash. White men are the scourge of this planet.

Instead of an ad hominem, maybe name a single group of people that does more damage than the white man?

I knew you wouldn't answer. White men are the biggest threat to western democracies and the survival of our planet. It's fact.

How is not using eco friendly products out of their control? How is voting for Trump out of their control? How is all of this trash,that we as white men are doing, out of our control?

What are you doing here?

I didn't know white men in Spain and France voted for Trump.
I didn't know the north european countries, leaders in green energy, were bereft of white men.
I didn't know a whole fucking group of people in the order of millions were all exactly the same.

Maybe you should step back from the computer and think before writing, realizing your own little bubble is not the whole fucking world.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 16, 2017
The concept of masculinity is all sorts of fucked up. Ever since I was young and learning about the differences between "femininity" and "masculinity", I always just thought to myself "oh, so being feminine is just being a decent human being and being masculine is being a shithead".

There are positive examples of masculinity like protecting those weaker than you but there's still a lot of shitty norms.


"Our own research" meaning our own OPINION. Nothing to see here unless you value random opinions. I don't see how articles like this are any different from some random dude on a street corner with a megaphone.
A random dude on a street corner published a paper with the Journal of Consumer Research?
Nov 11, 2017
Instead of an ad hominem, maybe name a single group of people that does more damage than the white man?
In terms of the environment? Guess you haven't seen the devestation of the rain forest? The pollution in India/China? Has nothing to do with race.

And the most eco-friendly nations are majority white. And that has nothing to do with them being white.

And if you think white people are personally responsible for the damage white people have done you are wrong, just like they aren't responsible for the success of western culture. Any race could swap eachother out and would have done the same. To think otherwise is just flat out wrong and racist.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe I'm a tech guy, but I find few things manlier than well designed, well engineered eco friendly tech. I want to pop a boner at the idea of getting my house powered by solar panels or heated geothermally. Its like im bending nature to my will to benefit me instead of hurt.

PS electric cars have more torque, run quieter, etc. They're just flat out better sans the long trip charging limitation, and thats nearly figured out.


Oct 25, 2017
Captain Planet should have worn pants and hit on Gaia and maybe, just maybe, a whole generation of men would have been gung ho for going green.


Oct 25, 2017
funny, i can't think of anything more manly, related to "status" and "power" and being green than rolling up in a tesla model s/x especially the more expensive ones.

not that these things are actually important, unfortunately they are to too many.


Oct 26, 2017
Imagine being so fragile that you think taking care of your home is weak.

Some take pride in not taking care of "their home":

Oct 25, 2017
It's an interesting result that will allow us to market and design green things to appeal to men more. I'm curious about exactly how much "more likely" this is though? Is it barely outside a standard deviation or is it a large result. Also, using products it makes you wonder what the controls were. Did they control for color? Other forms of marketing? Interesting to find out. Doesn't really matter much though.

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
There is definitely a segment of the population that this applies too but I think it's more generational than anything.


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe I'm a tech guy, but I find few things manlier than well designed, well engineered eco friendly tech. I want to pop a boner at the idea of getting my house powered by solar panels or heated geothermally. Its like im bending nature to my will to benefit me instead of hurt.
But you cannot use solar panels to extend you penis size. You need loud, oil consuming, black smoke exhaust methods for that. Add in a few gun compartments for maximum extension.


Oct 25, 2017
Toxic masculinity at work again, it's sad. The need to address it will be a fact of life for a while yet.

Yes. I've had it in myself and it's horrid.

Figure it out. Untangle it and see the poison for what it is.

Men aren't the problem, but red pillers red pilling are. And those that manipulate others to dance to that tune.


Oct 28, 2017


Oct 28, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
As someone who's heard "If you're eating vegetarian, then I'll just have to eat twice as much meat to compensate!" more time than I wish, this doesn't surprise me in the slightest.


Oct 28, 2017
The part where it's their own research. If the people involved in the research are manipulated to give a certain reaction then it really isn't research is it? It's junk. How many men do you know that seem like they want to trash the planet? Men and women do shitty things pretty equally these days.

That's not how research works, do you want to point out what specifically is wrong with the study?

This is referenced by scientific american, one of the most prestigious scientific institutions in the world.. not by some clickbait website; but I bet you know better than those morons
Nov 9, 2017
I'm proud to do my best to help take care of our environment. We all gotta live here together, we need to make the best out of it we can.


Oct 26, 2017
Know this all too well as a vegetarian. It's not manly to not eat meat.

Double whammy here as not eating meat is the #1 thing an individual can do to combat climate change.


Oct 27, 2017
I think this might be more of an American (and Chinese I guess) thing, because in Europe there are plenty of pro ecology men around.


Oct 28, 2017
That's not how research works, do you want to point out what specifically is wrong with the study?

I just did. They manipulate participants into giving answers that support whatever agenda they want to push. Shitting on males is getting pretty damn old. Again shitty people do shitty things no matter the gender.


Oct 28, 2017
I just did. They manipulate participants into giving answers that support whatever agenda they want to push. Shitting on males is getting pretty damn old. Again shitty people do shitty things no matter the gender.

Lol how did they manipulate? Can you stop making stuff up and provide something in objective reality and not feelings?

Again; why are you more credible than Oxford Uni or Scientific American?


Oct 25, 2017
Sounds about right. One thing I've come to accept as a male, i was raised to shun away any inherent femininity I had in me, and I'm worse for it.


The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
I can definitely see this. I know plenty of people who base their "manliness" on having bigger, louder stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
newport beach, CA
The part where it's their own research. If the people involved in the research are manipulated to give a certain reaction then it really isn't research is it? It's junk. How many men do you know that seem like they want to trash the planet? Men and women do shitty things pretty equally these days.
Well my dad actively disbelieves in climate change, so that's a start.

You seem like you don't know what peer reviewed research is, so I'll drop this.


Oct 26, 2017
I just did. They manipulate participants into giving answers that support whatever agenda they want to push. Shitting on males is getting pretty damn old. Again shitty people do shitty things no matter the gender.

This is not how research works. This is not how respected journals decide to publish reports.

No one is attacking men.

This information is important to everyone, especially marketers and product developers.


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
This is true. My ex saw me as less of a man when I decided to buy a Volt instead of a Jag XF. Can't worry about what others think especially when it comes to saving the planet and money.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm a straight white male in Oklahoma. When I got my first bank card, I chose the light pink, "girly" design. Had it for years. So many people -- men and women -- acted so stupidly when I used it. Like, it completely threw some people off. A gah dang color. Hilarious and sad.


Oct 28, 2017
The irony; project more... sorry a scientific study is more credible than your feelings.

So you're saying it isn't obvious that there is and has been a CLEAR attack on males and "masculinity" in recent history? And scientific studies mean absolutely nothing these days considered they do nothing but push whatever agenda needs to be pushed. Shouldn't they be helping solve the worlds ills? Cure diseases? Help the hungry? Is how a man throws his trash away really a concern when at the end of the day this "research" won't be used for anything other than the daily dose of "let's shit on the male population"?