
It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
The biggest problem is how often he breaks the law and violates clauses of the Constitution with no consequences.
The thing is, that Trump and co tried to play off ending DACA as something they had no choice in 'because it was unconstitutional', but that it made them feel bad doing because they 'felt' for the people who were brought here as children illegally through no fault of their own.

The reason they messaged it like that is because DACA has bipartisan support from voters. That's why I think he'll probably be too cowardly to kill it now that such rhetoric has fallen on its face.

But given how racist he is, and given how he seems to only really care about the base anymore, I can't rule out him having another go at it.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm assuming some of the republican judges have become more moderate?
Nah. Roberts is just a Bush appointee who is more dedicated to the rule of law that pushing conservative issues like the other conservative members. Roberts is very focused on the court's image and civility in general. To the point that he usually makes the prosecution and defense refer to each other as "my friend" during cases. It's safe to say that Roberts must hate what Trump represents more than him becoming more moderate. The Chief Justice has no intention of allowing himself to be a blind conservative "win" as the swing vote.

The whole conservative plan to chase Kennedy into retirement in order to replace him with Kavanaugh has been slightly muted because Roberts likes having a swing vote on important cases (that said, the court still regularly goes 5-4 conservative on less high profile cases)


Nov 2, 2017
Bronx, NY
Hey trump,


Hold that.


Info Analyst
Jan 3, 2019
Also the rule he tried to push to remove trans healthcare rights was harshly denied by the Supreme Court.


Oct 25, 2017
The thing is, that Trump and co tried to play off ending DACA as something they had no choice in 'because it was unconstitutional', but that it made them feel bad doing because they 'felt' for the people who were brought here as children illegally through no fault of their own.

The reason they messaged it like that is because DACA has bipartisan support from voters. That's why I think he'll probably be too cowardly to kill it now that such rhetoric has fallen on its face.

But given how racist he is, and given how he seems to only really care about the base anymore, I can't rule out him having another go at it.

If he is somehow re-elected you can bet your bottom dollar they will do away with DACA. The ruling more or less provides a guideline on how to do it. So we need to go out and vote.

Rad Bandolar

Oct 25, 2017
The gist I'm getting is that had a competent Republican administration done this, the ruling would've gone the other way.

It was overturned simply because Trump is a buffoon.


Oct 25, 2017
So what you're telling me is that if Trump is not replaced, DACA will be gone. BIDEN / PRESIDENT indeed.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't see what the legal basis would be for the SCOTUS to release against releasing Trump's taxes... Again, it's not his personal taxes (though, we could discover that as the process moves forward) it's at the request of a criminal investigation into his organization. Unless the argument that not only is Trump exempt from legal jeopardy, but his companies are as well.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah. Roberts is just a Bush appointee who is more dedicated to the rule of law that pushing conservative issues like the other conservative members. Roberts is very focused on the court's image and civility in general. To the point that he usually makes the prosecution and defense refer to each other as "my friend" during cases. It's safe to say that Roberts must hate what Trump represents more than him becoming more moderate. The Chief Justice has no intention of allowing himself to be a blind conservative "win" as the swing vote.

The whole conservative plan to chase Kennedy into retirement in order to replace him with Kavanaugh has been slightly muted because Roberts likes having a swing vote on important cases (that said, the court still regularly goes 5-4 conservative on less high profile cases)

This is where we also sort of lucked out on Gorsuch because he isn't actually a social conservative. 99% of "textualists" would not have conceded to the argument, but Gorsuch seems like a true libertarian instead of dogmatic so he bit.

GoldenEye 007

Roll Tide, Y'all!
Oct 25, 2017
So what you're telling me is that if Trump is not replaced, DACA will be gone. BIDEN / PRESIDENT indeed.
Yes. He'd actually do it within whatever rules needed, and it'll be gone for good. Him being gone is critical if someone wants DACA to continue while also having the possibility of outright citizenship.
Oct 27, 2017
This was from November, not sure if this played into it:

DACA advocates tailor their appeal to Chief Justice John Roberts -- with his own words

Lawyers trying to save an Obama-era program that defers the deportation of certain undocumented young adults are strategically directing their arguments to one man: Chief Justice John Roberts.

Lawyers trying to save an Obama-era program that defers the deportation of certain undocumented young adults are strategically directing their arguments to one man: Chief Justice John Roberts.
They have found ammunition in his own words, from a Supreme Court ruling last June, when he sided with the court's four liberals to cast the decisive vote against the Trump administration plan to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census.
Lifting a page from Roberts' decision ripping apart the justification for the census question, the new challengers suggest the administration's reasons for rescinding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program are not "true" or "genuine." Instead, they argue, using language from the census case, the reasons were "pretextual" and would require the justices "to exhibit a naiveté" to buy what the administration is selling.


Oct 27, 2017
Lima, Peru
Im glad Roberts cares about his self-image more than his ideology

seriously tho, this is really good news. I personally know one dreamer and this just makes me glad for her and for so many people. Hopefully Biden pushes for further and significant immigration reform if he wins.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah. Roberts is just a Bush appointee who is more dedicated to the rule of law that pushing conservative issues like the other conservative members. Roberts is very focused on the court's image and civility in general. To the point that he usually makes the prosecution and defense refer to each other as "my friend" during cases. It's safe to say that Roberts must hate what Trump represents more than him becoming more moderate. The Chief Justice has no intention of allowing himself to be a blind conservative "win" as the swing vote.

The whole conservative plan to chase Kennedy into retirement in order to replace him with Kavanaugh has been slightly muted because Roberts likes having a swing vote on important cases (that said, the court still regularly goes 5-4 conservative on less high profile cases)

At least some people have standards


Oct 25, 2017
Bush's only good legacy is putting Roberts on the supreme court. He could very well be the Kennedy of his generation.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Here's the thing, if you believe a law or whatever put in place by the former administration is illegal... you send it to the courts. The supreme court will rule on it, and if they agree that it *is* illegal, then it will be struck down.

That's how it's supposed to work. That's always been how it's supposed to work.

Heck, if you think you have the votes to update or change any law, then do that. But if your argument is 'this is illegal' the courts are the ones who should make that determination. Thomas, as is often the case, is full of shit.


Oct 25, 2017
Also means we really need to win in November because they're going to try this again.
yup thats the main difference ive seen with Republicans and "Democrats"

republicans will hold their nose and vote for trump all day every day because of the supreme court and federal justices. I'll never forget, i was in Orlando Florida in October 2016 and im walking out of the building and this group of white guys were standing around talking and one of them says something along the lines of trump sucks but we have to have the supreme court. Meanwhile dems here are like hmm idunno if joe biden is liberal enough for me to vote for.


Nov 1, 2017
Suomi Finland
not American but this and the LGBT decision bring some hope for the country, yes? i hope some day the whole SC is liberal leaning.

now where's Trump's taxes??? what happened to that?
Apr 25, 2020
This Supreme Court might be hostile to the Left but they are clearly having none of Trump's shit so for that they get credit.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Thank you!

Amazing, and nice to see Roberts join the progressives in two consecutive consequential rulings. I do believe that if Roberts weren't chief justice, he wouldn't be so flexible. He doesn't want "The Roberts Court" to be seen as historically regressive, but mixed, tip-toeing on the rail.

Of course I can't help but bring it back to politics -- Paradoxically, though, this is like a political bailout for Republicans and Trump. DACA is a very popular program, most Americans think that DACA recipients should be given some sort of permanent status or citizenship, and if the Trump admin won this case it would put the pressure on Trump to go ahead and revoke status for DACA recipients, something that only the narrowest, most xenophobic part of his base really wants him to do.

The Biden camp has to start rolling out the ads about how Trump wanted to revoke status, immoral AND unconstitutional. Really pin this on him. THey can't let Trump off the hook for this politically, because it's one of those issues that Trump is slithery on ... In interviews, he always says he is with DACA recipients and he wants legislation from Congress to address DACA, but in practice, his administration has continually tried to strip protected status from them, and it's opposed all legislation that Congress has offered on DACA.

Joe Biden should come out and say that on the first day of his presidency hes going to issue an executive order extending status for DACA recipients, and then ask congress for legislation that he;ll sign within his first 100 days extending permanent status to DACA recipients.
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Aug 22, 2018
It's hard to feel good about such basic rights being arbitrarily decided on the toss by a handful of political appointees, most of whom are already compromised.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm honestly really surprised. I wasn't expecting this at all. I'm going to dig into the decision now.