
Oct 25, 2017
Wow, a lot of those changes look fantastic especially the harpoon ziplines.


Oct 27, 2017
North East, UK
Can't wait! The last few Sat nights I've been playing with some mates as we build our guild.

We had a new 4th last night who's talked another into it, no idea how we try to make it work with a 3 and a 2 but we will.

Loved the zips in Monkey Island, looking forward to them in the arena.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Neat. As it happens I am a newly returning year 1 pirate legend trying out the game again with 3 newbie friends, hopefully we don't get blasted to bits by sweats too much. I don't claim to know the player numbers but I assume at this point in the game's life mostly the pro pirates remain.


Jan 3, 2018
Can't wait! The last few Sat nights I've been playing with some mates as we build our guild.

We had a new 4th last night who's talked another into it, no idea how we try to make it work with a 3 and a 2 but we will.

Loved the zips in Monkey Island, looking forward to them in the arena.

Wish they'd allow people to set sail with two ships (maybe two brigantines so up to 6 players).


Oct 27, 2017
That looks amazing and will hopefully make the game a lot more agile.

I hope the weapons are all standard and don't need to be unlocked or something.


Sep 7, 2018
I haven't played SoT in a long time, but they've added so much to it, I think a revisit is due.

These mechanics they're introducing in this update are all super smart, and very well timed for the incoming PS5 players.


Oct 25, 2017
Neat. As it happens I am a newly returning year 1 pirate legend trying out the game again with 3 newbie friends, hopefully we don't get blasted to bits by sweats too much. I don't claim to know the player numbers but I assume at this point in the game's life mostly the pro pirates remain.

It's honestly never really gotten to that point, but especially is true this past few days as ps5 players have trickled in.


Oct 27, 2017
Also, these little dudes for any owl enthusiasts out there 🦉

View: https://x.com/SeaOfThieves/status/1781334600196735398



Oct 27, 2017
As a PS5 player, have they made a video explaining what this game is about? I've had my eye on it but genuinely have no idea what you do in the game


May 30, 2023
As a PS5 player, have they made a video explaining what this game is about? I've had my eye on it but genuinely have no idea what you do in the game
They don't make rules, they just give you tools to be a pirate. Pirate how you want to.

I recommend watching one of the SoT partner streamers on Twitch for a couple of hours.


Powered by Friendship™
Sep 25, 2023
As a PS5 player, have they made a video explaining what this game is about? I've had my eye on it but genuinely have no idea what you do in the game
Think what would a pirate do, what that type of fantasy would be like.

Boom Sea of Thieves.

I wholeheartedly believe that it's the best pirate game to ever be conceived in multiplayer form.


Oct 25, 2017
did they ever allow full character customization?

I was put off on the 'randomizer' it has you use, and never really gave the game a chance because of it.


Apr 19, 2020
As a PS5 player, have they made a video explaining what this game is about? I've had my eye on it but genuinely have no idea what you do in the game
You sail around until you see a group of 12 year olds all happy with the mediocre loot that they've been hoarding for five hours and then you sink them, take their treasure and feast on their tears while they cry in voice chat.


Oct 10, 2018
Is this gene functional and enjoyable with just two people in your party?
100%. You can sail a sloop, which maxes out at 2 players, and gives you a small, nimble ship that isn't as cumbersome to sail.

You'll be at a disadvantage in High Seas if a larger ship and crew come after you, but you can do everything the game has to offer with just 2 people. Heck, you can do it solo, though everything takes a bit longer and you have less margin for error.


Oct 27, 2017
Will they ever…. add a third person view? I've tried SoT a couple times, but just can't get into the first person view in a game like this. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Oct 10, 2018
And heck, I'll throw it out there, if anyone is diving in for the first time this week and wants someone to show them the ropes a bit, feel free to DM me. I wouldn't say I'm a great player in PvP or anything, but I've logged hundreds and hundreds of hours over the years, and I'm excited to see more people experiencing this game!


Oct 25, 2017
Yes very much so. In many ways a 2 person sloop is ideal

100%. You can sail a sloop, which maxes out at 2 players, and gives you a small, nimble ship that isn't as cumbersome to sail.

You'll be at a disadvantage in High Seas if a larger ship and crew come after you, but you can do everything the game has to offer with just 2 people. Heck, you can do it solo, though everything takes a bit longer and you have less margin for error.
Awesome, thanks!


Oct 25, 2017
Is this gene functional and enjoyable with just two people in your party?

To further add to the other response on this; dynamic world event content also scales to the size of the crew engaging with it too.

Smaller boats/crew sizes will have an easier (but proportionally similar) time killing bosses and the like to make up for your size.


Nov 2, 2018
As a PS5 player, have they made a video explaining what this game is about? I've had my eye on it but genuinely have no idea what you do in the game
Everything is cosmetic, there is no traditional progression. You get dumped into a true open world after the tutorial and you just do what you feel like doing.

There are Tall Tales, which are more narrative-driven quests (including POTC and Monkey Island). There are Voyages, which are one-off quests that involve killing enemies, collecting treasure, or shipping materials. There are a few different factions you can sail under to earn reputation (and more cosmetics and gold as a result). They recently streamlined all the quest stuff so you can access it from the table on your ship (before you had to go around to different locations to kick things off).

Treasures get sold to factions for gold and reputation. If your ship sinks, all the treasures are forfeit unless you can manage to get back to them before they sink too. You can swipe treasures off of anyone else's ship and sell them yourself. The more people you have playing with you, the bigger the ships you can use.


Oct 27, 2017
I've been toying around with the new tools this morning. Really, really hoping I can get my old crew together for a late night session tonight.


Oct 27, 2017
100%. You can sail a sloop, which maxes out at 2 players, and gives you a small, nimble ship that isn't as cumbersome to sail.

You'll be at a disadvantage in High Seas if a larger ship and crew come after you, but you can do everything the game has to offer with just 2 people. Heck, you can do it solo, though everything takes a bit longer and you have less margin for error.

I found that a coordinated two person sloop can absolutely wreck an unorganized galleon crew, which was the majority of encounters.

Does the sloop still move faster against the wind than a galleon? I recall using that trick to get away from galleons, while having one of us jump off to board them and anchor them. Then turn the sloop while in a blind spot of theirs and start unloading cannonballs.

Once they are scattered having to repair then have someone board to keep them occupied.


Oct 10, 2018
I found that a coordinated two person sloop can absolutely wreck an unorganized galleon crew, which was the majority of encounters.

Does the sloop still move faster against the wind than a galleon? I recall using that trick to get away from galleons, while having one of us jump off to board them and further slow them down.
Yes, it does still sail faster going into the wind. Usually my go-to tactic while solo slooping to try to get someone to give up the chase.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Can you no longer pay with real money directly in the Pirate Emporium without first buying Coins? When i checked last week the Option was still there.


Oct 26, 2017
The Rare of Nintendo's era could never dream of making a game this good. I hope it keeps going strong for another generation at least.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Looks really fun, fine I'll install on PC. Played a ton and got to Pirate Legend a while back, these changes since I last played look really exciting.


Oct 25, 2017
I know this has been asked a million times, so apologies in advance, but is SoT solid with only two players?

My bro and I are looking for a new game to play together that we can rotate woth Fortnite