
Oct 24, 2017
Wild read. A lot more in the link:

Senior Trump Official: We Were Wrong, He’s a ‘Fascist’

“The legacy of the Trump administration is going to be that the president sparked an insurrection and people died.”

On Friday afternoon, 48 hours after the U.S. Capitol was stormed by violent insurrectionists encouraged by Donald Trump in an attempt to overthrow the government in protest of his election loss, a senior member of his administration spoke to me while he was driving to work.

"This is confirmation of so much that everyone has said for years now — things that a lot of us thought were hyperbolic. We'd say, 'Trump's not a fascist,' or 'He's not a wannabe dictator.' Now, it's like, 'Well, what do you even say in response to that now?'

For four years, people like this official — lifelong Republican operatives — have convinced themselves that Trump's obvious faults were worth tolerating if it meant implementing a conservative policy agenda. These officials believed the benefits of remaking the courts with conservative justices, or passing tax reform, outweighed the risks that a Trump presidency posed to democracy and to the reputation of the country in the world. Now, at the eleventh hour, with twelve days left before Joe Biden is sworn into office, it's clear to some that it was always a delusion.

"This is like a plot straight out of the later, sucky seasons of House of Cards where they just go full evil and say, 'Let's spark mass protests and start wars and whatever,'" the senior administration official said.

"I went through Access Hollywood, Charlottesville — all of these insane things. There's some degree of growing accustomed to the craziness. It's not like my heart is racing, like, Oh, God, how am I supposed to react to this? It's just more that I'm depressed. For people who devoted years of their lives to dealing with the insanity in an attempt to advance a policy agenda that you believe in, all of that has been wiped out. The legacy of the Trump administration is going to be that the president sparked an insurrection and people died because he tried his best to not abide by the Constitution and the tradition of a peaceful transition of power that's been the norm since our founding. Nothing else is even going to be a side note."
This adviser, who spoke to Trump on Wednesday amid the siege, said Trump watched the events on television intently. CNN reported that he was so excited by the action, it "freaked out" some staffers around him. The adviser told me that Trump expressed disgust on aesthetic grounds over how "low class" his supporters looked. "He doesn't like low class things," the adviser said, explaining that Trump had a similar reaction over the summer to a video of Brad Parscale, his former campaign manager, shirtless and drinking a beer in his driveway during a mental health emergency in which police tackled him and seized his weapons. "He kept mentioning, 'Oh, did you see him in his beer shirt?' He was annoyed. To him, it's just low class, in other words."

The adviser said that Trump recently offered them a pardon, although they have not been charged with any crime. The adviser "politely declined." Others are taking Trump's pardon offers more seriously, whether they've been investigated or are at risk of jail time or not. "He's just talking up a storm about giving pardons to allies: His kids, and their significant others, and staffers. He's pretty generous with the offers. When you're offered one, it's like, Should I take it? Is it like insurance?"

One person close to Trump's legal team told me that the lawyers have struggled to get his attention. "He's sort of turning on everybody. The president is so visceral, he just can't hear people unless he can respect them. And he thinks everybody's a traitor, even the people who got him through impeachment. It's just nuts."


Dec 15, 2018
"oh god he's so bad after four years literally days before this is all over we see now"

Fuck off


Oct 26, 2017
"Golly, you guys were right. I shouldn't have opened the bear cage in front of those children. Well, see ya later!"

Domino Theory

Ripple Effect Studios
Nov 6, 2017
Cool thanks for letting a domestic terrorist attack occur on the capitol while almost 400,000 Americans have died of a deadly disease. So insightful of you.


Jan 31, 2019
congrats your name/face is pretty much everywhere because you worked for the white house. I hope it was worth it because you're definitely going to need it


Oct 27, 2017
Trump's pathological need to appear classy despite the fact that he's terrible at it will never not be hilarious to me


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
This person let 370000+ people die to advance their conservative policy agenda.
I wish nothing but the worst for them.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
They knew and approved of it, he just blew the plan of trying to be low key about it.

Like what the fuck else do you think that kind of rhetoric and behavior leads to and inspires??? When the fuck have you ever seen a real good guy say and do the things Donald Trump did?


Oct 29, 2017
It took them 4 years to make this conclusion. 4 fucking years.
Taking bets on whether this is one of the officials from the other story having a come to Jesus moment simply because they don't have a job lined up and are realizing they are not employable.

Setting the line in favor of that opinion at -1,000,000.


Oct 25, 2017
They're just realizing they need to play defence to save what's left of their careers.

They knew he was a fascist.

Now he's just a loser fascist who is useless, failed in his insurrection and has served his purpose.

When the next wannabe fascist comes along in 2024 they'll fall in line again.

Fascism is the only way they could implement their "conservative agenda".
May 19, 2020
But many others are keeping their heads down and keeping their jobs, citing, among other self-serving interests, a desire to remain on their health care plans, according to my interviews with staffers. Others justify their continued employment by citing the demands of the continuity of government.

fuck these snakes


Oct 25, 2017
You know what, I can understand how it took years to realize this. When you think about it, it's entirely possible for someone toJUST KIDDING FUCK OFF


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
No, he's *your* fascist. You're all to blame for enabling him and working in his cabinet in the first place!

They could have stopped him years ago, but didn't. Fuck them.


Dec 10, 2018
Taking bets on whether this is one of the officials from the other story having a come to Jesus moment simply because they don't have a job lined up and are realizing they are not employable.

Setting the line in favor of that opinion at -1,000,000.

Saving-face is the new employment card for these clowns.


Oct 27, 2017
Literally fucking quoting people that still work for Trump saying they don't want to quit because they fear for losing their healthcare plan.

Morher fuckers what do you think progressives have been trying to do? I can't with these people.


Oct 26, 2017

No, they DO NOT get to whitewash their involvement and complicity in his fascism.

Everyone could see this coming a mile away. We all knew that the snakes around him would slither away and try to reinvent themselves.



User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
When I voted for the Face Eating Leopards party I never assumed the leopards would eat my face!


Oct 25, 2017
".....a senior member of his administration spoke to me while he was driving to work. "

So brave to come forward with your identity.

Deleted member 64666

User requested account closure
Mar 20, 2020
As unfortunate as it may sound, they will likely sink with this boat... Good luck finding a job and building a life after supporting a Nazi.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It's like Hitler yelling at his generals in the bunker during his last days, except his generals only realizing in that moment "ah, maybe this Hitler guy was a little fascist, we're in a bad spot aren't we."
Oct 28, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Of course he was preoccupied with what his supporters were wearing as they violently committed acts of terrorism in his name. Fucking of course.


▲ Legend ▲
Aug 31, 2019
How brave of them to finally say what the rest of us have been saying since 2015..

Fuck these enablers. They are only coming out now to save their own asses and make themselves feel better about themselves.
Oct 30, 2017
How do these senior political people always arrive to obvious conclusions so late?

The Koch brothers acting astounded they were fueling fascists was quite something, too. Like how do you old billionaires not realize that lmao


Oct 29, 2017
Midwest USA
You didn't notice the very similar speeches that straight up reminded me of Hitler? The constant sucking up to dictators, including ignoring when one had his men attack Americans? The comments of wanting to have a leader like China being president for life?

Shit has been in front of you for years.


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
The sincerity in some of these people's reactions is just baffling to me. Many are just psychopaths putting on a show now that the fires starting to burn them too, but there's way too many people that are legitimately shocked by these events like they had no idea they were coming.

Colluding with foreign governments - "We good"
Kids in cages - "We good"
Too many racist events to fully recount - "We good"
Out of control pandemic that's caused 400k deaths and untold economic damage - "We good"
Abusing the office of the Pres for personal and political gain, including trying to coerce a foreign government to damage a US citizen and political rival - "We good"
More lies than anyone could ever process on literally every subject imaginable - "We good"
Undermining and questioning the very foundations of the US election system for years and months on end - "We good"
Worlds most embarrassing and blatant coup anyone with a brain could see coming for miles away - "Are we the baddies?"


Oct 25, 2017
lol the 'later' seasons of house of cards where they're full evil? Says a lot about what it takes for them to consider someone evil.
Oct 28, 2017
In 2015 I was progressive, but very naive, and pretty under-engaged politically.

And even I was able to tell what he was selling was fascism.

To just be realizing that now, really goes to show you how few braincells these people have between them. Christ...