
Oct 27, 2017
I'm sorry I shat in your mouth when you were tied down on the floor.

I know you begged me not to do it, and told me that only excrement would come out of my anus, but I thought it was going to be candy this one time. Even after my farts most definitely didn't smell of candy :(

But it was shit. And that shit was real fascist, huh? Sorrayyy...

...We good tho?



Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
Maybe your head of state being friendlier and more forgiving to Erdoğan, Putin, Jair Bolsonaro, Kim Jong-un, Mohammed bin Salman, Duterte, Jinping, Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi than ANY allied leader of a free country should have been a clue.


Oct 27, 2017
This. Except these people knew

Obi Wan Jabroni

alt account
Dec 14, 2020
Let's get something straight:

They knew from Day One what this man was. They simply did not care.

Their declaration of some half-assed mea culpa is because shit finally went so incredibly south that their boy incited an attempted violent coup of the Capitol.

These people are genuinely scared of what happens next, especially if the Democrats get serious about launching investigations into who might have known this revolt was coming, including staff, politicians, law enforcement, etc.

It's cover your ass time, nothing more.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
It's a white supremacy feedback loop.

Some are 100% in on it because an ethnostate where monied white people rule again are what they want pseudodemocratic or fascist don't make a difference.

Some like Hope Hicks* surely don't think he would go that far because he's a rich old white man so racism comes with the territory and obviously would do no wrong (to white people).

*I chose hicks only because the periodic nytimes puff pieces shows saying she's one of the 'good ones' in his circle means she's got some PR going for a post Trump career. She could be Klan member too.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Some (most) are, but I do believe some really were that stupid. Like the Wolf Eating People's faces meme, some people just do not care until it personally effects them somehow.
The members of the Wolf Eating Faces party are smart enough to know there is a wolf eating faces. Their white privilege simply makes them think they are immune to the threat. These are some of the most well-educated people on the planet. They just don't mind a good tablespoon full of racism, xenophobia, other-ism, and bold lies in their daily morning coffee.

Keeps their teeth white.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
It's funny reading so many people saying stuff like this but what about Trumps actions have actually changed? It's his supporters who stormed the capitol. He has been spouting this sort of dangerous rhetoric since the election (and lets be real since he got into office really). This incident brought to light how dangerous his words can be but nothing about Trumps behaviour has changed to suddenly make people see the light.


Oct 25, 2017
This adviser, who spoke to Trump on Wednesday amid the siege, said Trump watched the events on television intently. CNN reported that he was so excited by the action, it "freaked out" some staffers around him. The adviser told me that Trump expressed disgust on aesthetic grounds over how "low class" his supporters looked. "He doesn't like low class things," the adviser said, explaining that Trump had a similar reaction over the summer to a video of Brad Parscale, his former campaign manager, shirtless and drinking a beer in his driveway during a mental health emergency in which police tackled him and seized his weapons. "He kept mentioning, 'Oh, did you see him in his beer shirt?' He was annoyed. To him, it's just low class, in other words."
This is my favorite part, he loathes his supporters. I was talking to some friends last night on how 90% of Republican elected officials absolutely would never hang out with the majority of their own base voters.
May 19, 2020
This is my favorite part, he loathes his supporters. I was talking to some friends last night on how 90% of Republican elected officials absolutely would never hang out with the majority of their own base voters.
it has always been like this. republicans want to convey the "have a beer with me" guy while being privately disgusted with their own base. most centrist liberals probably feel similarly about general left contingent and actual leftists.


Oct 28, 2017
Republicans 2020 : Donald Trump is the best President we ever had.
Republicans 2021 : Donald who ? oh ... that one ? He wasn't even THAT great.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
it has always been like this. republicans want to convey the "have a beer with me" guy while being privately disgusted with their own base. most centrist liberals probably feel similarly about general left contingent and actual leftists.

Nah. There's a huge difference. Dems don't like leftists but lets not get it twisted, the GOP loathes their base, they took their job to literally kill them off. Almost genocidal imho...their whole platform is to starve them out "Free food for hungry kids? lolz. Fuck that"

Love Machine

Oct 29, 2017
Tokyo, Japan
Ah, the sounds of slithering in the grass...

The sincerity in some of these people's reactions is just baffling to me. Many are just psychopaths putting on a show now that the fires starting to burn them too, but there's way too many people that are legitimately shocked by these events like they had no idea they were coming.

Colluding with foreign governments - "We good"
Kids in cages - "We good"
Too many racist events to fully recount - "We good"
Out of control pandemic that's caused 400k deaths and untold economic damage - "We good"
Abusing the office of the Pres for personal and political gain, including trying to coerce a foreign government to damage a US citizen and political rival - "We good"
More lies than anyone could ever process on literally every subject imaginable - "We good"
Undermining and questioning the very foundations of the US election system for years and months on end - "We good"
Worlds most embarrassing and blatant coup anyone with a brain could see coming for miles away - "Are we the baddies?"
This is so perfect and hilarious.

Admiral Woofington

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
You can't enable him for 4 fucking years. 4 fucking years. And then all of a sudden have a change of heart. Nobody should believe your horse shit. Fuck off with that.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Congrats! You'll be remembered in the history books as the idiot that empowered a fascist for personal power!

The FBI interogating BLM protesters last year to find out if any of them are anti fascist should've been the most obvious sign

Senior Trump official, you are too



Oct 25, 2017
Delusional or dishonest. Surprised there are staff members who would claim to fall into the former category. Feels a tad opportunistic.


Oct 27, 2017
I'd imagine that SOME were in denial, which can be a strong thing.
But I'd say that MOST knew what he is; a wannabe dictator, but wanted their rubber stamp for shitty laws.
But, 4 years in close proximity to him should have been more than enough for even the people in denial to see him for what he is.


Oct 25, 2017
these people get zero brownie points.

they're fascist themselves who want to distance themselves from a dumpster fire they cant put out.


Oct 25, 2017
Some will distance themselves and some will stay the party of Trump. The party is fractured.
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, England
I remember people on here saying months ago that this is what would happen that if Trump lost the election, that his lackeys would start to disown him and act like they never really agreed with him just so they could keep their jobs or get another job.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
I admit I wasn't expecting anyone on his side to turn around at this point. After stuff like Trump praising Kim Jong-un and being jealous of the "respect" he commands, I assumed people handwaving it had already made their peace with the fact they're serving a literal dictator, and just wanted a piece of the cake.

Of course that's probably actually the case, and these people are just leaving the sinking ship while trying to accrue as much plausible deniability as they can for later. One can't help but think the only actual difference now is Trump's utterly vanishing power.


Oct 25, 2017

Senator Ben Sasse On Impeachment and Transition, the GOP in Minority - The Hugh Hewitt Show

Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE) joined me this morning:

GOP Sen Sasse per his conversations with GOP White House officials: Trump was wandering around the White House confused why no one else was excited as he was as the US Capitol was being over-run. Says Trump was "delighted." Audio of the interview in the link.
Hugh Hewitt turning on Trump is something I never expected to see. The rats are truly fleeing.


Nov 12, 2017
Let's get something straight:

They knew from Day One what this man was. They simply did not care.

Their declaration of some half-assed mea culpa is because shit finally went so incredibly south that their boy incited an attempted violent coup of the Capitol.

These people are genuinely scared of what happens next, especially if the Democrats get serious about launching investigations into who might have known this revolt was coming, including staff, politicians, law enforcement, etc.

It's cover your ass time, nothing more.

Yep. It's all right here. Just craven scum. They want to amass unearned wealth, and force their supposed inferiors beneath their boots, and they'll do anything that gets them there. Trump was that, now he isn't.

Also, it honestly amazes me that Trump hates "low class" shit as if he isn't the epitome of it. Being born into insane wealth doesn't make you high class.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow.. he thinks? It's not like people have been warning this for *years* and there has been plenty of red flags and the fact Trump and many of the GOP are going by the fascist playbook. It's nice to know there is a line for this person but that line is way over the line it should have been.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone with a fucking brain could have told you this a long time ago. All these people acting like they are just finding this out just to try and cover their ass


Oct 25, 2017
Let's also just bear in mind for clarity's sake...Fascism does not mean literally just one person acts as a Fascist dictator and rules over everything. This isn't Black Panther, where one guy beats one other guy in ritual combat (thanks Rudy!) and suddenly gets to run the entire country solo. Trump couldn't and didn't get to this point alone, and he would have been crushed out of the race early if he truly tried to do it that way.
So yeah, congrats anonymous senior staffer, if you're realizing that Trump is a fascist then it means that you too are, literally, also a fascist. A man who wildly fires a machine gun into a house he knows is occupied doesn't get to skate away from murder charges just because he didn't know at the time who specifically might get hit or die. Trump was that machine gun and you knowingly pointed it at the country, disabled the safety, and pulled the trigger. You don't get to act shocked only now that a few of those bullets actually hit.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
Heres the truth. Yes you figured it out. Hes a fascist. He was that from day one. This isn't the revalation here. What they're actually saying is that they're comfortable with a Fascist who can win elections, not a loser fascist. It also makes you someone who supports fascism.


Oct 25, 2017
Far too much self awareness for Miller. I've read up on him. He's fully devoted to his fascist cause and has been since he was a teenager.

I took it as faked self awareness. They knew what they were getting into. They just didn't think it would fail and there would be consequences.
Miller should be 100% unemployable when Trump is gone. If anyone needs to desperately come up with excuses to save their career it's him.
There would be Nuremberg style trials if Democrats had the balls to deal with these fascists like Mussolini was dealt with.