
Oct 27, 2017
I Like to rib the guys in the back as much as the next guy, but this crosses into sexual harassment/assault. Orton is a known dickhead, so I can believe this easily.

Sadly yeah, WWE is rather big to just have one booker running multiple shows a week, so they hire "writers". However, none of them know how to book a fucking competent pro wrestling show. There is a reason people are jumping ship to New Japan the last couple of years.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Sadly yeah, WWE is rather big to just have one booker running multiple shows a week, so they hire "writers". However, none of them know how to book a fucking competent pro wrestling show. There is a reason people are jumping ship to New Japan the last couple of years.

WWE has one writer

His name is Vince

Vince has a lot of writer's assistants though that come up with scripts and ideas to tear apart and replace with his own


Oct 25, 2017
I'd be surprised if anything happened to Orton. As fucked up it is we know how this company works. Yall know for a fact that if they went through the entirety of WWE history with allegations then shit, anyone pre-Kofi debut gonna be heavily looked into. This new generation's fine but that Orton/Cena/Batista/Lesnar class and those prior? Lord, too much time.

Randy's probably gonna get pushed tbh.

EDIT: Actually F4W is reporting that WWE is looking into it. Don't be surprised if Orton sits out for a month and comes back with more heat. Knowing this company Orto's gonna do something crazy to Jeff and get suspended for a month and then come back in a better position.
Last edited:


Oct 29, 2017
I Like to rib the guys in the back as much as the next guy, but this crosses into sexual harassment/assault. Orton is a known dickhead, so I can believe this easily.

Sadly yeah, WWE is rather big to just have one booker running multiple shows a week, so they hire "writers". However, none of them know how to book a fucking competent pro wrestling show. There is a reason people are jumping ship to New Japan the last couple of years.

It was just a "is wrestling fake?" joke.


Oct 27, 2017
With the way modern culture is, I doubt anything is as brazen as this nowadays

I'm pretty sure they still bully people. And I'm pretty sure I'd have an issue if I told Randall to put his dick up and wash his fucking hands. Shit, there are people on ERA that will get in arguments with you about washing their hands after touching their dicks so they probably don't even think there's anything wrong with this lmao.

I'd be surprised if anything happened to Orton. As fucked up it is we know how this company works. Yall know for a fact that if they went through the entirety of WWE history with allegations then shit, anyone pre-Kofi debut gonna be heavily looked into. This new generation's fine but that Orton/Cena/Batista/Lesnar class and those prior? Lord, too much time.

Randy's probably gonna get pushed tbh.

EDIT: Actually WON is reporting that WWE is looking into it. Don't be surprised if Orton sits out for a month and comes back with more heat.

He was in the middle of a push already lol.


Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (2 Weeks): Downplaying sexual assault allegations.
I don't know that people are "getting aggro", it's a fucked up thing that got a pass before and times are changing and it's being looked at in a new light.

So this is some kind of big karmic do over?
I was not outraged before but since everyone is getting outraged I will too this time?
It was not enough to bother the lot of you before but it is now?
If anyone gave a damn enough to get all bent out of shape about wrestlers being scum most likely they already knew about this and walked on.
Real slippery slope here and I just want to say it is a warm fuzzy feeling to be among so many angels and saints.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
I remember RVD pretty much getting stripped of the WWE title because he was caught smoking pot, and I think when Orton was caught doing the same thing, he got a slap on the wrist at most. Vince won't do a damn thing about it.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
I was not outraged before but since everyone is getting outraged I will too this time?
I mean, is there outrage? This is posts on a forum, I don't think anyone is smashing their keyboards, and if they are, why is that a problem? Is sexual assault not a good reason to be mad in your opinion?
It was not enough to bother the lot of you before but it is now?
I worked in wrestling for years, I always knew he was a shit, at least when he was younger, no idea what he's like now.
If anyone gave a damn enough to get all bent out of shape about wrestlers being scum most likely they already knew about this and walked on.
I'm sure there's a lot of people who didn't know, or who just never said anything, or who have spoken out about the guy
Real slippery slope here and I just want to say it is a warm fuzzy feeling to be among so many angels and saints.
Can you explain exactly what the slippery slope is? And look, I'm no angel but I haven't sexually assaulted anyone, it's a pretty low bar to clear. Stop downplaying assault, thanks.


Oct 30, 2017
Well yeah, this stuff was well known that until 2012 or so Orton was an immature prick who picked on people. There hasn't been alot of news since then, maybe beecbec of his rehab stints.


Oct 25, 2017
Vince absolutely doesn't give a single solitary fuck about this. Unless advertisers start pressuring him about dirt sheet stuff, he will continue to not give a fuck.


Oct 25, 2017
No doubt this is true, but the wrestling industry (of which WWE dominates) is still so insulated, and so dependent on weird insider codes and rules, that I have a hard time thinking there will be any kind of crackdown any time soon.
This. That's the whole industry and the fans are so stuck in the bubble that taking it down as a whole? Probably not going to happen within the next 10 years given the industry and the fans. It's the weirdest industry out there IMO.

Deleted member 9838

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
No doubt this is true, but the wrestling industry (of which WWE dominates) is still so insulated, and so dependent on weird insider codes and rules, that I have a hard time thinking there will be any kind of crackdown any time soon.
I'm just wondering if it could go viral if allegations come out across the board against different wrestlers. Could see a diva or divas expsoing Vince. God, Vince has to have so many skeletons in his closet.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm just wondering if it could go viral if allegations come out across the board against different wrestlers. Could see a diva or divas expsoing Vince. God, Vince has to have so many skeletons in his closet.

Vince has too much power that most people are forced to tow the line. Very few are willing to burn that bridge in an industry where a steady income ain't that easy to come by.


Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Wasn't this dismissed after people saying that the original report came from a site that always create bullshit stories, or it has gained more traction from more credible sources?

If true, I'm curious on how the WWE would handle this, for some reason the WWE forgives ANYTHING that Randy Orton does


Oct 25, 2017
Wasn't this dismissed after people saying that the original report came from a site that always create bullshit stories, or it has gained more traction from more credible sources?

If true, I'm curious on how the WWE would handle this, for some reason the WWE forgives ANYTHING that Randy Orton does

Court Bauer is trustworthy and was a witness to an attempt at it when he started.


Oct 26, 2017
I'd be surprised if anything happened to Orton. As fucked up it is we know how this company works. Yall know for a fact that if they went through the entirety of WWE history with allegations then shit, anyone pre-Kofi debut gonna be heavily looked into. This new generation's fine but that Orton/Cena/Batista/Lesnar class and those prior? Lord, too much time.

Randy's probably gonna get pushed tbh.

EDIT: Actually WON or which one is reporting that WWE is looking into it. Don't be surprised if Orton sits out for a month and comes back with more heat. Knowing this company Orto's gonna do something crazy to Jeff and get suspended for a month and then come back in a better position.

EDIT 2: Actually don't listen to that. isn't trustworthy and I doubt WON said anything.
It's on the front page:
WWE released a brief statement to that they are "looking into the matter."

This is fucked but I doubt Orton will get much more than a slap on the wrist. WWE are far more aware of their public image these days but it's still being run by a carny family run by a super carny old man.

Not as much as some would like to think, it seems
These allegations are from over a decade ago, Court Bauer quit WWE in 2007.


Oct 25, 2017
It's on the front page:

This is fucked but I doubt Orton will get much more than a slap on the wrist. WWE are far more aware of their public image these days but it's still being run by a carny family run by a super carny old man.

These allegations are from over a decade ago, Court Bauer quit WWE in 2007.
Oh great source, I couldn't find it. I'll edit my post now.

But yeah you're right about that. Orton will get a slap on the wrist (or will sit out for a few months or something) and then pop back up.


Oct 29, 2017
Not surprising. He shits in people's bags too right? Or maybe that's some other douche.
It was self-tanning lotion and baby oil. XPac was one of the notorious asshats who did stuff with shit and others I can't remember at the moment, Randy has had a whole lot of other issues though and this wouldn't surprise me.

I believe he would do this to John Cena too. Except Cena refused to sell it.
Yup, I'd say more but it's already been covered. This story sounds right up Randy's alley, especially from back during that time.

Professor Beef

Official ResetEra™ Chao Puncher
Oct 25, 2017
The Digital World
I highly doubt anything will come of this, sadly.

I couldn't find a date of when it happened though, can someone fill me in? The f4w link didn't have a date, unless I missed it.


Oct 25, 2017
This made me happy that at least temporarily he will dropped from current Jeff Hardy and Nakamura story.

I hope.

Randy can fuck off.


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Celle, Germany
Huh? He is one of the most upstanding WWE talent.






Nov 4, 2017
I'm sorry I'm just gonna say that I think it's really disgusting that people were making a bunch of jokes about this, had this been a movie star or musician o people would be livid. It's really messed up, this should be taken more seriously, I don't care what culture wwe has in the past this is beyond messed up. Can you imagine being that writer? It wouldn't be very funny if you were in that position


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
He spent 15 years, almost completely unchecked by the company, being an the world's biggest shit head. I would be surprised if there aren't other stories like this about Orton that would also be considered sexual harassment/assault.