Oct 25, 2017
Toronto, ON

Bad post.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't think he's a bad guy, but he definitely comes off as a man child and even a bit of a bully sometimes.

Still though, I will forever be amused by "JAVEEEEELE MCGEE!"

Even if it is pretty mean.

Last edited:
Dec 23, 2017
He can be an ass also. He is just human. I would rather everyone do good than bad though. Whatever good he does in the world is good by me.


Oct 27, 2017
I've seen other NBA players mention he is extremely giving/charitable so I do have to give him props. Doesn't seem like its just for the cameras.

No point in bringing up little things he has done. We're all human and have made some mistakes. As of now, there is nothing super nasty about him so w/e.


Nov 2, 2017
I don't think he'd a bad guy, but he definitely comes off as a man child and even a bit of a a bulky sometimes.

Yeah, Shaq can be a bit of a man child both in the good aspects (laughs a lot, has a lot of fun, isn't afraid of doing things just to entertain people) aaand he can get pissy when he's wrong or when someone contradicts him.

But you see him talking about so many people with respect and love. When Kobe died he did seem destroyed, and one of the worst things too was that at some point some people were saying that Rick Fox was on the helicopter too and he was panicked thinking Rick had died as well. Seeing that big man that's always happy for us on camera and always trying to bring smiles in other people cry hurt a lot.

Oct 25, 2017
My man regularly just straight buys strangers in line at Walmart's groceries, like the whole line of randos he doesnt even know

but I guesssince he went to joe exotic once, he's trash lmao


The Fallen
Nov 16, 2017
He strikes me as someone who does a lot of objectively great and charitable things, but some of his interactions make him seem annoyingly troll-ish to certain people. In particular, I remember being very put off with him during his Hot Ones interview and particularly how he came across as very bully-ish to Sean.

This doesn't negate all the great stuff he's done for other people, of course.

Truly Gargantuan

Still doesn't have a tag :'(
Oct 25, 2017
Era works a lot like my inner monologue/anxiety does sometimes. In that anytime someone praises me my mind comes up with 50 reasons why they're wrong and I'm actually a piece of shit.
Oct 25, 2017
He strikes me as someone who does a lot of objectively great and charitable things, but some of his interactions make him seem annoyingly troll-ish to certain people. In particular, I remember being very put off with him during his Hot Ones interview and particularly how he came across as very bully-ish to Sean.

This doesn't negate all the great stuff he's done for other people, of course.
Haha I watched that, alot of these athletes have such a competitive streak he got his hackles up once he was getting close to the end of the wings


Oct 25, 2017
He can be an ass also. He is just human. I would rather everyone do good than bad though. Whatever good he does in the world is good by me.

yeah he can be petty and insecure sometimes in his public persona (his ongoing "feuds" with Javale and Dwight were not the best looks) but you cannot don't the dude does a ton of good with all of his fame and money.


Nov 6, 2017
Didn't he plant child porn on some guys computer? Also isn't he a blue lives matter type? Not trying to join the negativity train because I enjoy Shaq, but that aspect was always disappointing.


Nov 2, 2017
Okay, people are aware of the people who do that constantly. This is the first in a while I've seen anyone called on it so it felt like I was taking crazy pills.

It's crazy the amount of inconsistency I see for this kind of thing here sometimes. Got my first "Drive-by" warning the other day for writing "ok" in a post as a reply to a thread I thought was ridiculous. I think the warning was fair, but after that I've started to notice more and more cases where these "drive-by" actually happen too and the vast majority are ignored. See some of them by mods too. And a lot of these drive-by posts are these kinds of posts, where someone says something positive and then you're just bombarded by negative shit people post out of context.

But at the end of the day, mods can't see everything so in this inconsistency, there's also a fair amount of the posts that are just simply not seen by a mod or not reported I guess. We can't do much else than call them out and report them, I don't do it as often as I should either so I'm not blaming anyone. They're not huge offenses, so I feel like there's a lot. So reporting them all would likely end up with being called out for reporting too much unimportant stuff ... but if we don't do it, mods can't act on it unless they happen to see it.

It's just sad that we can't have a thread without people just being plain negative without context or explaining what they're talking about. It's a discussion forum, we're supposed to discuss so no one will bitch if you don't agree that Shaq is a good guy. But at least take the time to explain why, instead of just posting out of place pictures ...

TLDR : Please report people that do it, it helps mods and it helps us :)


Oct 25, 2017
He seems pretty nice.

His episode of Hot Ones was one of the most awkward episodes I've seen. He had to like prove he was a "real man" and ended up cheating to win a dumb game he made up during the show and as a result didn't lose his bet and donate to charity. It was pretty odd overall lol.

Again, he seems like a great guy but man that was weird to watch.
Yeah, I love Shaq but dude can be a real asshole. lol

There's so many funny moments in Inside of the NBA 'cus of him just being an ass.
Oct 25, 2017
Thats not this forum. Thats human nature.

It is annoying though. Especially with how predictable these things have become.
I get the urge to call out bad people, I really do, it's this low effort self righteous crap over nothing that annoys me. Or if they do want to put in effort you have the people walking around with pre written lectures thinking give me a reason to go off on nothing.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think it makes him a bad guy or anything, but he seems to have this annoying ass character trait where he'll go in hard making fun of someone else but the second someone takes a jab at him he gets real defensive and pissy.


Nov 2, 2017
I don't think it makes him a bad guy or anything, but he seems to have this annoying ass character trait where he'll go in hard making fun of someone else but the second someone takes a jab at him he gets real defensive and pissy.

Like when he got roasted by an esport analyst lol

Love him


Nov 2, 2017
"How many rings you got, Chuck?"

I would recommend Inside the NBA to someone who doesn't even like basketball. It's the greatest.

It is the best.

The guys have great chemistry, Shaq always going on about how Ernie is black, Charles with his legendary rants, being egged on by Shaq who's the best public ever.

Kenny is also pretty good at egging Chuck on.



Oct 28, 2017
Shaq's got a lot of issues but overall he's a nice guy with an engaging personality. This video of him singing about Vlade to the cheers theme is still one of my fav things

Shaq we're on live..I know I don't give a shit


Oct 25, 2017
I get the urge to call out bad people, I really do, it's this low effort self righteous crap over nothing that annoys me. Or if they do want to put in effort you have the people walking around with pre written lectures thinking give me a reason to go off on nothing.
Yeah but thats what some people are like even IRL. And remember even in this thread most people are keeping it positive or just trying to crack a joke.

You just have to learn to ignore the assholes. Its the only way.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think it makes him a bad guy or anything, but he seems to have this annoying ass character trait where he'll go in hard making fun of someone else but the second someone takes a jab at him he gets real defensive and pissy.

he seems thin skinned. Phil Jackson iirc has talked about how on those old Laker teams they had to be super careful around Shaq and basically coddle him and not be too hard on him about missing FTs or staying in shape whereas he was harder on Kobe because he knew Kobe could take it.
Oct 27, 2017

Okay, people are aware of the people who do that constantly. This is the first in a while I've seen anyone called on it so it felt like I was taking crazy pills.
Nah. You're definitely not. There's always quite a few users here who like to remind us how shitty everyone else is. They get a kick out of thinking they're above everyone else because they're shut isn't out there for everyone to see like a celebrity.


Oct 25, 2017
Even though I don't follow the NBA as closely as I used to and Reggie White is my favorite NFL player of all time, Shaquille O'Neal is probably my favorite athlete of all time.

I remember being around 12 years old, listening to Shaq Diesel, wearing his Orlando Magic jersey, and trying to drink an entire "Big Slam" Pepsi in one go just like he did in the commercials. I still have an autographed basketball from him on display in my living room. I also have all of his rookie cards except for the Upper Deck Beam Team and the NBA Hoops redemption one. It's hard to explain the way Shaq came onto the sports scene and the crazy hype and how impressionable that was for a 11-12 year old.

Weirdly enough because of those incredibly strong memories in my youth I mostly think of Shaq as someone who played for the Magic even though he was successful with the Lakers.

Favorite Shaq Diesel song: