Ryo Hazuki

Oct 25, 2017
Looks like the Shenmue III PC trial version is coming near the end of September. This is for backers of the Kickstarter and Slacker Backer campaign who pledged at this tier or above. The announcement seems to say it will be a stand-alone act so it may be like the "What's Shenmue" demo from way back before Shenmue was released. Details:

- Scheduled release is late September
- An update will be made when a date has been finalized
- Takes place in first area of the game, Bailu Village
- 1 hour of content
- Replayable after objective is clear
- Lots of activities to experience
- Will include PDF players guide
- Playable using EGS

Hello Everyone,

Today we would like to make an announcement concerning the Kickstarter and Slacker Backer trial version of Shenmue III.

The trial version is scheduled for release during the second half of September. The elements and features to be included have almost all been pinned down, and we are now working to finalize a delivery date with our partners. Once a date has been confirmed, another announcement will be made here in the updates.

Trial Version Content

The trial version will feature a stand-alone act with objective that takes place in the first area of Shenmue III, Bailu Village. The game will be playable for an estimated 1 hours, and will be replayable after the objective has been cleared. There are lots of activities to experience and we hope you go back for more until the trial expires.

*The trial version will also come with a PDF play guide.

**Saves will not transfer over to the final version.

To Play Trial Version

Required PC specifications will be noted in the General Information section of the updates and can also be found on the FAQ.

The trial version will be for PC to be played on the Epic Games Store. An Epic Games account will be needed to play.

For information on creating an Epic Games account and on Epic Games' privacy policy, please visit the Epic Games Store.


Play Guide Sample Image

We understand this announcement for the trial version comes late and apologize for the long delay. Due to promotional planning circumstances, an early look was given to some game media outlets, however, we are also putting a lot of work into this backer trial version which will offer a good feel for the full game.

Further details concerning the trial version will be announced here in the updates, and we hope you will continue to look forward to the release.

Thank you always for your support.

Update August 15th: More details on the trial via email response to question about length and expiry.

Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
What about refunds though? Are they waiting until console codes are delivered so only PC backers can claim refunds?
Ryo Hazuki

Ryo Hazuki

Oct 25, 2017
What about refunds though? Are they waiting until console codes are delivered so only PC backers can claim refunds?

What? Why would PS4 backers get refunds? It's for people who backed for PC and wanted a Steam key. If you're expecting a refund from backing for PS4 then you're going to be disappointed.
Ryo Hazuki

Ryo Hazuki

Oct 25, 2017

Not saying it doesn't have issues but the outrage over "pre-order bonus items" is ridiculous. The items are literally just early unlocks for existing items in the game, like 25 capsule toy tickets. Just boosts for standard play. The retail exclusive costume is going to be available as DLC separately. It's literally a nothing issue and those bothered by it must not understand how publishers and retail works.


Oct 25, 2017
Another one from YS Net checked off the list. Cant wait to get my hands on. 1 hour demo will quickly turn into 10 for me.


Oct 27, 2017
Not saying it doesn't have issues but the outrage over "pre-order bonus items" is ridiculous. The items are literally just early unlocks for existing items in the game, like 25 capsule toy tickets. Just boosts for standard play. The retail exclusive costume is going to be available as DaLC separately. It's literally a nothing issue and those bothered by it must not understand how publishers and retail works.
I wouldn't have backed at the tier I did if I knew in advance I would get less in-game content compared to the retail release (regardless if it's just early unlocks), and I'm more than familiar with how publishers work with retailers.


Oct 25, 2017
Despite being excited for this, I think that they should not have offered this. I would have preferred them scrapping it in favour of giving the final game more polish and their full attention, rather than having to deliver a standalone trial which obviously differs from the final game, and takes some extra resources.
Ryo Hazuki

Ryo Hazuki

Oct 25, 2017
I wouldn't have backed at the tier I did if I knew in advance I would get less in-game content (regardless if it's just early unlocks), and I'm more than familiar with how publishers work with retailers.

So you want a refund on your PS4 copy because of booster items that are already in the game? Lmao!


Oct 25, 2017
Despite being excited for this, I think that they should not have offered this. I would have preferred them scrapping it in favour of giving the final game more polish and their full attention, rather than having to deliver a standalone trial which obviously differs from the final game, and takes some extra resources.

In fairness they did promise it, so I'm okay with them setting this up.

Mountain out of a tiny-ass molehill.
Ryo Hazuki

Ryo Hazuki

Oct 25, 2017
Despite being excited for this, I think that they should not have offered this. I would have preferred them scrapping it in favour of giving the final game more polish and their full attention, rather than having to deliver a standalone trial which obviously differs from the final game, and takes some extra resources.

I'm sure they would have done a few things differently than they did 4 years ago in a lot of aspects. Really good to see them confirm this in advance though as it was promised and people have been bringing it up in every thread thinking it was never coming despite it being confirmed numerous times.

I hope it ends like the demo for the original Shenmue


Hahaha I'm really happy this has a stand-alone formula like this did.


Oct 25, 2017
User banned (2 days): Antagonising other users, Backseat moderating.
What about refunds though? Are they waiting until console codes are delivered so only PC backers can claim refunds?
They are taking their sweet time with the god damned refunds.
I wouldn't have backed at the tier I did if I knew in advance I would get less in-game content compared to the retail release (regardless if it's just early unlocks), and I'm more than familiar with how publishers work with retailers.
The refunds? Their delaying is pretty inexcusable at this point.


You lot aren't even trying to hide the blatant stealth trolling of this game. None of you have posted anything remotely on topic. Disengenous posts like these are a plague on this forum and are the lowest tier of trolling. Take posts like these ELSEWHERE into threads where they are relevant (note: those threads are no longer relevant because the issues have been discussed to death).

I've reported all these posts, and while you probably won't catch a ban (another topic altogether), just know that you're not as clever as you all think. It's sad that you think your opinion is more important than letting those excited for this game, be excited.

Having said all that? Can't wait for this teaser even if it will only be an hour.


Oct 25, 2017
In fairness they did promise it, so I'm okay with them setting this up.
Yeah, I'm hyped but I'm thinking it may have been better to not promise it at all. I get how Kickstarter campaigns work though and you need perks like this plus there's always unforeseens. They're delivering on it and that's great, I just hope it doesn't take much away from the final few months of polish.


Oct 25, 2017

You lot aren't even trying to hide the blatant stealth trolling of this game. None of you have posted anything remotely on topic. Disengenous posts like these are a plague on this forum and are the lowest tier of trolling. Take posts like these ELSEWHERE into threads where they are relevant (note: those threads are no longer relevant because the issues have been discussed to death).

I've reported all these posts, and while you probably won't catch a ban (another topic altogether), just know that you're not as clever as you all think. It's sad that you think your opinion is more important than letting those excited for this game, be excited.

Having said all that? Can't wait for this teaser even if it will only be an hour.

I'm a backer, who the fuck are you to tell me I'm stealth trolling?
Every update Ys.net sends where they do not offer me the refund option is a legit concern for me.

Ryo Hazuki

Ryo Hazuki

Oct 25, 2017
Is the demo for PS4 as well? No mention of it being on there.

No, it was only for the PC version on the original Kickstarter. It would have been cool to see them include PS4 but it looks like it's sticking to the original pledges.

I'm a backer, who the fuck are you to tell me I'm stealth trolling?
Every update Ys.net sends where they do not offer me the refund option is a legit concern for me.


They literally mention refunds in every update though:

PS4 Region Selection and Refund Request Period

We are currently working on the necessary changes to the backer survey system. We ask for your patience as there will be a short wait while the preparations are made. Once the survey changes have been implemented, there will be an announcement here in the updates with details and notice of the survey response period. (Changes to your shipping address may still be made through the backer survey up until shipping begins.)

Refunds are coming. Sorry it's not at the speed you like but it's happening. They're not lying to you and they will be available soon as mentioned in every update they make.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm a backer, who the fuck are you to tell me I'm stealth trolling?
Every update Ys.net sends where they do not offer me the refund option is a legit concern for me.


How about you hit ctrl+f in that email and search for 'refund' ? Your "legit concern" has been addressed and the refund process is coming.
You seriously aren't even trying.


Oct 25, 2017
Birmingham, UK

You lot aren't even trying to hide the blatant stealth trolling of this game. None of you have posted anything remotely on topic. Disengenous posts like these are a plague on this forum and are the lowest tier of trolling. Take posts like these ELSEWHERE into threads where they are relevant (note: those threads are no longer relevant because the issues have been discussed to death).

I've reported all these posts, and while you probably won't catch a ban (another topic altogether), just know that you're not as clever as you all think. It's sad that you think your opinion is more important than letting those excited for this game, be excited.

Having said all that? Can't wait for this teaser even if it will only be an hour.

Stealth trolling? They promised refunds and they have yet to deliver them despite having time to do other things.

By the way, backseat moderating is also against the rules.


Oct 25, 2017
No, it was only for the PC version on the original Kickstarter. It would have been cool to see them include PS4 but it looks like it's sticking to the original pledges.

They literally mention refunds in every update though:

Refunds are coming. Sorry it's not at the speed you like but it's happening. They're not lying to you and they will be available soon as mentioned in every update they make.

I was the 100€ tier which included the Trial version. It was the minimum tier that included the Trial version.
They said they would not refund the full amounts of some rewards tiers due certain rewards having costs for them and having already fulfilled them.

I do not want them to even try refund me less money because they released this trial version as a justification.


Feb 21, 2018

You lot aren't even trying to hide the blatant stealth trolling of this game. None of you have posted anything remotely on topic. Disengenous posts like these are a plague on this forum and are the lowest tier of trolling. Take posts like these ELSEWHERE into threads where they are relevant (note: those threads are no longer relevant because the issues have been discussed to death).

I've reported all these posts, and while you probably won't catch a ban (another topic altogether), just know that you're not as clever as you all think. It's sad that you think your opinion is more important than letting those excited for this game, be excited.

Having said all that? Can't wait for this teaser even if it will only be an hour.

Honestly speaking, its a new Backer update from Ys and the PC refunds haven't been addressed in it in any way. Its not a small issue at all that can stay unaddressed. The backers have a right to complain about it because they pledged their money to help fund the actual game. These people are not just simple customers who want to just buy the game, they're backers, entitled to be informed about their backer queries.


Oct 31, 2017

You lot aren't even trying to hide the blatant stealth trolling of this game. None of you have posted anything remotely on topic. Disengenous posts like these are a plague on this forum and are the lowest tier of trolling. Take posts like these ELSEWHERE into threads where they are relevant (note: those threads are no longer relevant because the issues have been discussed to death).

I've reported all these posts, and while you probably won't catch a ban (another topic altogether), just know that you're not as clever as you all think. It's sad that you think your opinion is more important than letting those excited for this game, be excited.

Having said all that? Can't wait for this teaser even if it will only be an hour.
Thank you! Hope to see these attempts to derail any topic about Shenmue III taken care of.
Ryo Hazuki

Ryo Hazuki

Oct 25, 2017
Honestly speaking, its a new Backer update from Ys and the PC refunds haven't been addressed in it in any way. Its not a small issue at all that can stay unaddressed. The backers have a right to complain about it because they pledged their money to help fund the actual game. These people are not just simple customers who want to just buy the game, they're entitled to be informed about their backer queries.

They have been addressed though?

PS4 Region Selection and Refund Request Period

We are currently working on the necessary changes to the backer survey system. We ask for your patience as there will be a short wait while the preparations are made. Once the survey changes have been implemented, there will be an announcement here in the updates with details and notice of the survey response period. (Changes to your shipping address may still be made through the backer survey up until shipping begins.)
Ryo Hazuki

Ryo Hazuki

Oct 25, 2017
But isn't this for only those backers who backed this game and choose 'PS4' as their platform? If not then my bad.

No. The refunds only apply to PC backers. PS4 backers aren't entitled to refunds and won't get the option to. The PS4 region stuff is a completely different section as seen in the update email and page.

PS4 Region Selection

PS4 regions are automatically set based on the country information answered through your backer survey. However, there will be an option through the backer survey that will allow you to change your PS4 region during the survey resend response period.

If you would like to change your PS4 region, you will be able to select from four regions: US, EU, Japan and Asia. Region options are listed below. Please note should your home region and PS4 console region setting differ. An announcement will be made when the option is added to the survey.

SIEE: Europe / Middle East / Africa / Oceania

SIEA: North America / Middle America / South America

SIE Japan: Japan

SIE Asia: Asia (excl. Mainland China and Japan)

*Please note, if your region selection differs from the PS4 system region or the console setting, PlayStation™Network online services or DLC may not function properly.

**Also, please be aware that a PS4 "cross region" selection may incur a shipping delay.


Oct 27, 2017
I backed this game for PC in the beginnings. How can I ask for steam key? I don't care if i have to wait for another year.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Very exciting news! I'm actually excited to see it is more standalone than a slice of the game, as I was debating even playing it if that was the case (due to potential spoilers).
Jun 12, 2018
Great news. Looking forward to it. Hopefully the next update is for those who want a refund. Although, im certain once these ppl get a refund, they'll still be doing driveby posts in the Shenmue 3 threads.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
The trial version will feature a stand-alone act with objective that takes place in the first area of Shenmue III, Bailu Village. The game will be playable for an estimated 1 hours, and will be replayable after the objective has been cleared. There are lots of activities to experience and we hope you go back for more until the trial expires.
So if I'm understanding this correctly, the trial is playable for 1 hour, after which it will expire?

This just sounds weird and confusing. Because why would they say "an estimated 1 hour", if they've set an exact time limit?
Ryo Hazuki

Ryo Hazuki

Oct 25, 2017
I backed this game for PC in the beginnings. How can I ask for steam key? I don't care if i have to wait for another year.

When refunds are live you will be able to request a Steam key which you'll receive when it releases on that. You will get both a EGS at launch and a Steam key when that releases from my understanding.


Oct 25, 2017
When refunds are live you will be able to request a Steam key which you'll receive when it releases on that. You will get both a EGS at launch and a Steam key when that releases from my understanding.

The language wasn't very clear on that. They seemed to imply that, but I would bet only on the "Steam key 1 year later" for now.
Best case scenario though, yes, you get two keys: 1 EGS now and 1 Steam later on


Dec 2, 2017
They are taking their sweet time with the god damned refunds.
Forgive me if I'm wrong here pal, but haven't I seen you in other threads agitating about the backer trial information and now it's here you're all "but my refund" instead?

I'm sure we all wish the matter was closed sooner than later just to put it all behind us, but besides the fact that the parties involved (in different timezones, speaking different languages no less) have to carefully and precisely formulate the specifics and mechanisms to put the alternative arrangement and refunds system in place, there's also the matter of ensuring rewards are produced as promised and that the full game is ready to launch on time on November 19th.

There's unfortunately a sentiment in some backers I've noticed that Ys Net should just drop everything to get it done, when that actively throws other backers who don't want a refund or are willing to accept a free Steam key next year along with the EGS key this year - entirely under the bus. Some would happily fuck the people over waiting excitedly for this game and their rewards, just so you can get your money back a little quicker.

As has been pointed out in the thread already, Ys Net asks politely for time while they put the refund policy and mechanisms in place in the General Information section of every update. Yet nobody actually seems to read it, and instead engage in tinfoil hattery about delaying refunds for as along as possible or welching on the response policy? The world does not revolve around you.
Ryo Hazuki

Ryo Hazuki

Oct 25, 2017
So if I'm understanding this correctly, the trial is playable for 1 hour, after which it will expire?

This just sounds weird and confusing. Because why would they say "an estimated 1 hour", if they've set an exact time limit?

It is worded a little weird, might be down to translation phrasing. But the way it's worded does seem to suggest it's like Resident Evil 2 where the trial expires after an hour of play. That's what I'm expecting going by this anyway.