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Khaos Prime

Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): Trolling Regarding Race; Prior Severe Bans for Homophobia and Misogyny

President Trump gets support from 32% of black male voters against Democrat opponent in the 2020 presidential election, that's about three times the support he had in 2016, according to the findings of a new Hill-HarrisX poll.

The survey, which was released on Monday, Oct. 14, and broadcasted on The Hill TV, reported that "an overwhelming majority of black voters—85 percent—would choose any Democratic presidential candidate over President Trump." However, the host seemed to intentionally ignore the impressive figure that the president received from black male voters in the poll.

According to the statics, among 210 black voters between Sept. 18 and Sept. 23 that took part, 32 percent of black males showed their support for the president against a Democratic challenger, while only 7 percent of black females would. For a Republican contender, this is an impressive level of support.

Interesting. I wonder what could be the reasoning for the surge from 2016.


Oct 27, 2017
dunno what the standard sample size is for these kind of polls... but 210 people from "Hill-HarrisX". eh


Oct 28, 2017
210 people on an online 5-day poll.

This wouldn't even fly in a high school statistics class.


Oct 25, 2017
Kanye, Candice Owens.

People who look down on other black people because they didn't "make it" like they did, and are afraid they could lose the position/status they already have achieved.


bork bork
Oct 25, 2017
The news outlet cited in the OP is questionable, so the thread is locked. Also:
As you dig into a survey's crosstabs — looking at college-educated white men, for example, or Hispanics 65 years or older — you're sacrificing sample size for specificity. The margins of error of subsamples can get huge.
Margin of error and sample size matter less than who's in the sample, though be wary if the sample size is smaller than 400.
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