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Oct 25, 2017
Both candidates hold similar political views and probably have enough potential voter overlap to ruin each other's chances in the primary. Right now, I'm worried that Biden is going to siphon up enough votes from both of them to clinch the nomination. If that happens, say hello to Hillary V2 and a nail biter election where Trump has a real chance of getting re-elected.

Is this just dumb speculation? Or should Sanders and Warren start thinking tactically?


Oct 26, 2017
He really is male Hillary and I agree he will cause the same rift in the democratic party. It's a very difficult one to predict, hopefully the DNC learned from what happened last time


Oct 25, 2017
Probably been the plan all along, but it's a good ticket because Warren can deal with Biden


Oct 25, 2017
He really is male Hillary and I agree he will cause the same rift in the democratic party. It's a very difficult one to predict, hopefully the DNC learned from what happened last time

Biden has the history of being wrong on a lot of critical things over the last 30 years than Hillary.

He's worse than Hillary. In every facet.


Oct 25, 2017
He really is male Hillary and I agree he will cause the same rift in the democratic party. It's a very difficult one to predict, hopefully the DNC learned from what happened last time
He's not the male Hillary, he's the actual version of what people pretended Hillary was. Biden's far, far more conservative than she is

And "the DNC" isn't causing his polling lead. Why on earth would you think they have anything to do with that?


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Apr 19, 2018
How would she help Bernie? Warren's poll numbers have her as basically irrelevant in terms of a presidental candidate.


Oct 29, 2017
Anything to prevent Biden from giving us a conservative HIllary2.0 shitbot3000. Fuck that guy and the DNC if they push him through. Glad I finally get to vote in the primaries this time around tho.


Oct 27, 2017
Sanders is in it for the long haul. His polling numbers will only increase as liberal candidates start dropping out


Oct 25, 2017
They all should. Eliminate the actual "Centrist" and not the ones people pretend that anybody but Bernie and Warren isn't, and then they can focus on each other.
Oct 27, 2017
We just need Obama to endorse someone else. Right now non-white voters are 50+ percent in favor of Biden. For him to lose , that needs to change.
Oct 25, 2017
He really is male Hillary and I agree he will cause the same rift in the democratic party. It's a very difficult one to predict, hopefully the DNC learned from what happened last time

I'd like to hear your detailed theories on what exactly the DNC did that made Hillary a massively popular figure (for decades) among the type of people that show up to vote in Democratic primaries.
Oct 25, 2017
He's not the male Hillary, he's the actual version of what people pretended Hillary was. Biden's far, far more conservative than she is

And "the DNC" isn't causing his polling lead. Why on earth would you think they have anything to do with that?

We don't agree on much but this is bang on. There isn't a clearer example of the soft sexism of "liberal" society then the disparate standards and lack of nuance in how Biden and Hillary are treated.

Hillary may have been folded into the muck of american power politics but Biden is an uncritical product of it.


Oct 25, 2017
Biden is awful and I'm hoping he flames out/ gaffes himself out of the race through the debates but this is a RIDICULOUS statement. Dude's not a Republican.
Well in the idea that Republicans are now the Trump party I agree. But I think Biden has more in common with what the Republicans pretend they are than what Democrats want to be. In other words, Biden is what Republicans would be in an ideal world instead of the party of White supremacists, fear, and disregard for Democracy.

So yeah, he's obviously not a Republican because shit is THAT bad right now.


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
The problem with that is the natural assumption would be Bernie, as the leader, would offer Warren VP, and office I really don't think she wants. If she's not president, she'd rather be in the Senate pushing all these bills she's writing. Her every incentive is to hope Bernie and Biden wreck each other and she can step into the vacuum.

Also, I think an angry, divided Dem electorate is unavoidable at this point. Bernie is still distrusted by lots, but also the only acceptable candidate to lots. I also really don't think a Biden nomination actually increases the odds of a Trump re-election. I don't think there are enough leftists ready to stay home against Trump to make the difference. It just means for years of boring attempts to restore the status quo ante Trump, rather than a president trying to actually push forward to any sort of new politics.
Apr 9, 2019
I just wanna clarify, btw, that whether it's Sanders, Warren, Beto, Buttigieg or Biden no one is gonna defeat Trump in a landslide. It's just not going to happen. People didn't get excited about radical centrism last cycle, they won't this time, and most polling indicates Trump voters from the previous election have not by-and-large shifted their allegiances.


Oct 27, 2017
But Bernie is one of us!! /s
Sanders age alone should be a disqualifying factor. I dont understand why he needs to claim the spotlight, he should have just handed over the reigns to someone else when he lost to Hilary in 2016. Tired of seeing all these old white men run for the presidency, Sanders and Biden included.


Oct 26, 2017
in most recent polls warren + bernie still had lower numbers than biden, i think?

Warren seems to really hate biden, and i assume that she'll be the one willing to talk with the goal of taking him out. as one of the few people in the race who wouldn't want to be his VP, she'll have no reason to hold back.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
Biden is worse than Hillary. This is a huge stepdown if he wins the nomination and it hurts seeing the party regress.

I can't wait for the "How Joe Biden is just like an early 20th Century Sharecropper" ads.


Oct 25, 2017


Dec 7, 2017
If Sanders and Warren are candidates, they will not have a strong support from independents and centre Democrats. If Biden is the candidate, he will lose support from far-left and socialists.

Either way, DNC has to come up with some solution that will not alienate voters.


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Mar 25, 2019
Sanders age alone should be a disqualifying factor. I dont understand why he needs to claim the spotlight, he should have just handed over the reigns to someone else when he lost to Hilary in 2016. Tired of seeing all these old white men run for the presidency, Sanders and Biden included.

Yep! Agreed. Bernie and many of his supporters see him as the savior, the only one that can help us. It's crazy. Give me a woman or a POC who is strong, capable and not old news. Warren on policy or Harris. Those are my top two.


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Apr 19, 2018
If Sanders and Warren are candidates, they will not have a strong support from independents and centre Democrats. If Biden is the candidate, he will lose support from far-left and socialists.

Either way, DNC has to come up with some solution that will not alienate voters.
The difference is the far left will still vote democrat. Moderates and independents are who sway elections.


▲ Legend ▲
May 1, 2018
While I'd like to be wrong, I believe 2020 is going to be Biden Vs. Trump, which leads me to an important question. If it comes down to that, will you guys vote Biden anyways? Abstain from voting? Vote third party?

I think it'd take a truly atrocious candidate to not vote for the Democratic nominee this election, but I'm curious about you guys.


Oct 25, 2017
in most recent polls warren + bernie still had lower numbers than biden, i think?

Warren seems to really hate biden, and i assume that she'll be the one willing to talk with the goal of taking him out. as one of the few people in the race who wouldn't want to be his VP, she'll have no reason to hold back.
This is correct. He's a massive frontrunner at this point, but that doesn't mean he's inevitable.
If Sanders and Warren are candidates, they will not have a strong support from independents and centre Democrats. If Biden is the candidate, he will lose support from far-left and socialists.

Either way, DNC has to come up with some solution that will not alienate voters.
The "DNC" will do nothing. They're party organizers, they don't determine election outcomes.
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