Uzumaki Goku

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
So.... Return of the Jedi was overall a decent conclusion to the original trilogy, and a great conclusion to the Star Wars saga as a whole.... I was pretty content with the story being over... but then, the inevitable sequel trilogy happened and what did they mean?

They undid the happy ending of ROTJ... pretty sadistically, I might add though that's what you have to do when it comes to making sequels. I honestly always had mixed feelings about there being more Star Wars films because ROTJ was pretty much the perfect way to end the saga but of course, money talks. In fact, the writers of the new films seem to take pleasure in undoing the happy endings for the original heroes.

Luke was a failed Jedi master whose temple was destroyed. Han and Leia didn't get to live happily ever after and lost their son to the dark side (and Han is murdered by said son). Was that really the best way to go?

I'm not slamming the new films at all, there really was no other way around it but I was content with the story ending with ROTJ because now that these new films exist, what is ROTJ now? It's not even the ending anymore. It's just the sixth film I guess. I suppose if you want to pretend the story ended with ROTJ, I can't blame you. (I do that with Terminator 2, there never was anything after Terminator 2, don't make me hurt you)


Oct 26, 2017
So.... Return of the Jedi was overall a decent conclusion to the original trilogy, and a great conclusion to the Star Wars saga as a whole.... I was pretty content with the story being over... but then, the inevitable sequel trilogy happened and what did they mean?

They undid the happy ending of ROTJ... pretty sadistically, I might add though that's what you have to do when it comes to making sequels. I honestly always had mixed feelings about there being more Star Wars films because ROTJ was pretty much the perfect way to end the saga but of course, money talks. In fact, the writers of the new films seem to take pleasure in undoing the happy endings for the original heroes.

Even before the new trilogy, Return was not the end. There was a lot of books and comics talking about all that.

Leia and Han even had twins and Chewbacca a son that were able to wield the Force

(I do that with Terminator 2, there never was anything after Terminator 2, don't make me hurt you)

Also, after Terminator 2, there is the Sarah Connor Chronicles, they are awesome.
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Oct 25, 2017
I mean, I don't take it too seriously anymore. The new Star Wars movies are just fun popcorn action movies. If Lucas were to write and direct these new sequels, I would watch them with much more interest in how the stories play out for the main characters...just because it is his world that he invented. Now they are just money-making Disney movies, so I watch them for fun and don't worry about the plotlines as much since they are being written and directed by people who had nothing to do with the creation of Star Wars.
And they've been fun to watch....that's all, just fun movies.

at this point for me, it basically did, i dont really take any of the new stuff as being a true continuation of 4,5,6. which is the same thing i do with the Terminator and Alien franchises past the first 2

Exactly, I don't consider these Star Wars movies to be true continuations of the story. They are just a fun sci-fi movies to watch with great special effects, etc.


Oct 30, 2017
at this point for me, it basically did, i dont really take any of the new stuff as being a true continuation of 4,5,6. which is the same thing i do with the Terminator and Alien franchises past the first 2

Froyo Love

Oct 28, 2017
They undid the happy ending of ROTJ... pretty sadistically, I might add though that's what you have to do when it comes to making sequels. I honestly always had mixed feelings about there being more Star Wars films because ROTJ was pretty much the perfect way to end the saga but of course, money talks. In fact, the writers of the new films seem to take pleasure in undoing the happy endings for the original heroes.

Luke was a failed Jedi master whose temple was destroyed. Han and Leia didn't get to live happily ever after and lost their son to the dark side (and Han is murdered by said son). Was that really the best way to go?
This is a funny objection to have. Happy endings are always just the happy ending to that one slice of time. People don't live blissfully and without incident for the rest of their days, but it doesn't make the good times meaningless.


Oct 25, 2017


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
I'm going to wait until Episode 9 before I make a final judgement on the trilogy, but right now I feel like this was the perfect ending to the series



Oct 27, 2017
No, The Phantom Menace was the perfect ending. When that giant frog thingy held up the glowing orb of power I thought to myself "this is the perfect bookend to ANH".


Jan 8, 2018
I think some of you fail to realize Star Wars is not meant to be a happy ending. These are war heroes, they live and they die.

At least be happy Han lived to 73, and Luke to's not like they died young.


Nov 13, 2017
No, you should revel in the fact that those new movies were made for the new generation to enjoy while shitting on the endings of the old ones cause MONEY FOR THE MONEY GOD.


Oct 25, 2017

I do wish ROTJ had a lot of the stuff that was originally supposed to be in there, and as much as I love the ending, it tied things up a little too neatly. It ended the story completely. I kinda wish they left even a slight possibility of there being another thread somewhere.

That said, I love what TFA and TLJ have both accomplished, even if they're not, in my mind, as good as ANH and ESB. I'd definitely put both of them on par or even better than ROTJ. And I love ROTJ.

The story that they're currently telling feels fresh and I'm glad there are more movies for us to enjoy.

If your headcanon ends SW with EP6, that's your decision.


Oct 27, 2017
Might as well be because now that Luke's gone I don't care about anything that comes next.


Oct 25, 2017
If there were no prequels and no sequels, I would have been more than fine with that. I don't think we have gained much of anything by witnessing the ultimate fate of Han, Luke, and Leia. And we sure as hell gained nothing from the prequels. Except Across the Stars.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm gonna enjoy the effects of time as TLJ ages and people start to slowly realize that it was actually a great Star Wars movie that complimented the ideals of the OT, while pushing and expanding on those ideas by challenging the audience a little with their expectations. I'm gonna really enjoy watching this movie age.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
No, you can ignore stuff you don't like. It doesn't retroactively change the previous movies, and all you're doing is denying enjoyment from people who do like the new stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
Despite the dancing Ewoks, I never really felt the ending was completely happy. It always seemed like Luke, Leia and Han were very pensive that final scene. They acted like sad people trying to join a party.

If you really wanted the franchise to end on a truly happy note, they should have stopped after ANH

Salty Rice

Oct 25, 2017
Pancake City
Either that or just leave it after Revenge of the Sith.

There was no real need to bring it back just to ruin the great ending of Return of the Jedi.

Thanks Disney.


Oct 25, 2017
There's no more need for an Empire vs Rebels reboot conflict so I want to agree.

But I couldn't say no to the further adventures of Luke Skywalker and friends. If they want new characters then have Luke retire happily, not.... you know.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 15, 2017
I must be the only person in the world that loves RotJ but hates its ending. So no, I'm glad we're getting new films. Star Wars is built to be an ongoing saga, while each trilogy can still stand on its own. Plus, TLJ is my favorite Star Wars film (up there as one of my favorites of all time), so if they'd stopped, I wouldn't have that.


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
This implication that the prequels are better than the sequels is something else.


Oct 27, 2017
As someone who wasn't even much of a fan of TLJ, no, because just like real life, Wars and Terroism still happen to this day.

Do you think we should have ended Wars after World War 2? That was a Happy Ending but look Vietnam Happened etc well you know the rest


Oct 27, 2017
Might as well be because now that Luke's gone I don't care about anything that comes next.
Dude, obi wan died in ANH and was on screen not 5 minutes into ESB. I don't get why people have forgotten that force ghosts are a thing in this universe.

Luke being gone does not equate him disappearing from the scene. Considering how strong in the force Rey is, I wouldn't be shocked to see him pop up in IX to talk to her.
Oct 25, 2017
I must be the only person in the world that loves RotJ but hates its ending. So no, I'm glad we're getting new films. Star Wars is built to be an ongoing saga, while each trilogy can still stand on its own. Plus, TLJ is my favorite Star Wars film (up there as one of my favorites of all time), so if they'd stopped, I wouldn't have that.

It never was.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
I think of ROTJ as the ending of a chapter. The story goes on and evil simply doesn't cease to exist.

The next chapter is on stage now. Then the next. Then the next.
Oct 26, 2017
Hell no.

Things are a little too peaceful at the end of ROTJ that it makes me a little uneasy. Cool, Vader and the Emperor are dead; what about everyone else that held a position of power in The Empire? The "there is another" line? There were still stories to be told.

That said, I do think ROTJ would've felt less like a hard end had it been Lynch's "Revenge Of The Jedi" and had Lucas' original ending of Han dying and Luke becoming a wanderer (I really want to live in this alternate universe).


Oct 25, 2017
Dude, obi wan died in ANH and was on screen not 5 minutes into ESB. I don't get why people have forgotten that force ghosts are a thing in this universe.

Luke being gone does not equate him disappearing from the scene. Considering how strong in the force Rey is, I wouldn't be shocked to see him pop up in IX to talk to her.
If Luke comes back as a ghost, his death in TLJ loses all impact and finality.


Oct 25, 2017
Might as well be because now that Luke's gone I don't care about anything that comes next.

Exactly. And we know that Leia won't be in ep. IX either, so this trilogy added nothing to the Skywalker saga. I was onboard with it after TFA but TLJ completely ruined it for me. Disney should have just created an entirely new trilogy that had nothing to do with the Skywalkers.