Deleted member 23212

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Oct 28, 2017
Her design never really made since other than being a relic fro the 80s and early 90s.

I much prefer her Fiona costume

I like her twin braids though.

Deleted member 5853

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What the fuck does being liberal have to do with wanting Cammy's design to stay the same? Like brah.
Lets be real: her design is pure cheesecake. Its primary existence is to titillate.

Her design is a hallmark of the boys' club mentality of gaming. Think about how a woman would feel about her: she's supposed to be a talented fighter but her outfit wouldn't look out of place as a sexy Halloween outfit. It's just off-putting and contributes to this idea of gaming being a men-only space where women exist to be sexualized. I think there should be a redesign, something that stays true to the actual character without giving in to this desire to give dudes more characters to lust over.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
It will probably not be the default, but it will still be available for the player to choose.
Oct 25, 2017
User banned (1 month): Sexist concern trolling, misrepresenting criticism of sexism
can we please stop using "dressed like a stripper/hooker/etc" as a condemnation of character design? fucking gross.

Deleted member 22405

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Lets be real: her design is pure cheesecake. Its primary existence is to titillate.

Her design is a hallmark of the boys' club mentality of gaming. Think about how a woman would feel about her: she's supposed to be a talented fighter but dresses like a stripper. It's just off-putting and contributes to this idea of gaming being a men-only space where women exist to be sexualized. I think there should be a redesign, something that stays true to the actual character without giving in to this desire to give dudes more characters to lust over.

I'm not against a redesign. But frankly I'm still sitting on this line that I don't think her original design isn't allowed to exist. I think this is honestly more or less an overreaction. Being angry at people liking a sexy design and insinuating that they're not liberal is where I focused on your post. That is insanely silly. You are being amazingly presumptuous.

Also bro, "stripper"? Really?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not against a redesign. But frankly I'm still sitting on this line that I don't think her original design isn't allowed to exist. I think this is honestly more or less an overreaction. Being angry at people liking a sexy design and insinuating that they're not liberal is where I focused on your post. That is insanely silly. You are being amazingly presumptuous.

Also bro, "stripper"? Really?

People are literally saying her ass is an important part of her character.
That's incredibly reductive.

Deleted member 5853

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not against a redesign. But frankly I'm still sitting on this line that I don't think her original design isn't allowed to exist. I think this is honestly more or less an overreaction. Being angry at people liking a sexy design and insinuating that they're not liberal is where I focused on your post. That is insanely silly. You are being amazingly presumptuous.
Bruh, come on.

I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of this forum's status with nonsense like this. The fact people are literally spewing nonsense like "Oh, I think her ass is iconic" and "Uh actually, modern millenial women LOVE to show their ass" is such shallow garbage. If you like her ass, be honest about it and just say it.

And even if you do like her for her ass, if you can't see how casually misogynistic it is that the most iconic part of a character is her assets, then you've got to develop some more awareness. Her outfit exists for her to be leered over, like a piece of meat. She's a character designed by dudes for dudes to get horny over.

This article explains it much more eloquently.
This presents a stark and deeply depressing contrast to how women in fighting games have been treated. Not only do the women announced for Street Fighter V so far – Cammy, R. Mika, and Chun-Li – have all the same body types, they also are sexually objectified by the camera in a way that simply does not happen to the male characters. When Cammy performs her Special in Street Fighter V, her crotch is central during the slow-panning shot that happens in the middle of the move; this also happens to characters like Ken, but the difference is that Ken is wearing baggy pants, in contrast to Cammy's thong leotard, so the outline of his genitals cannot be clearly seen. It's not only that the women are wearing small outfits; it's that the camera lingers on their backsides and cleavage during the slow-motion sequences of their intros, outros, and special attacks. The result is that the fandom is encouraged to comment about R. Mika's looks (refer to the YouTube comments on her announcement video for examples). The game humanizes her by giving her funny lines and cool moves, but the camera dehumanizes her at every turn.
So, I hope I've made it clear that I'm not against the idea of "sexiness." But "sexual objectification" – the way that the camera treats Cammy and R. Mika – well, that I just can't abide. The presentation of their bodies as sexual objects that lack agency makes me feel uncomfortable. Looking at an image of boobs, without contextualizing them as belonging to a consenting person, or even contextualizing them as part of a human body doing regular human stuff (e.g. breastfeeding), can lead people to develop internalized body image issues, not to mention that it can lead to an inability to enjoy sex. It's not "empowering" to present bodies in this fashion – it's the opposite of empowering, because it removes agency from the person to whom those body parts are attached.


Oct 25, 2017
i can see them giving her pants in sf6 but only so they can sell the leotard costume as dlc. thirsty gamers will pay too.


Oct 27, 2017
ResetERA: We're the most liberal gaming forum on the Web.

Also ResetERA: Cammy's ass is her most defining feature. Also, women enjoy showing their ass, ever thought of that?

Y'all fucking suck. No wonder anyone not straight, white, and male is driven away.
Not sure how a butt from a character that is basically pop culture only appeals to white people, and straight and male is the same thing for the sake of this argument which implies no women could possibly be a cammy fan which is not the case. Maybe from a purely liberal view, but I don't believe this forum has taken a hard take like that since its inception and yet it is miles better than the ashes from which it rose from with inclusion and moderation.


Oct 27, 2017
Cosplayers have been putting on Pants with Cammy Cosplay for years with great results. If sexiness is the whole point then I think it can easily still be achieved.

It has to be more than just slapping on Pants and saying good job. Camera work and cinematography would have to go along with that as well. Would it matter if she wore more clothing but the camera still rides up her crotch during super animations? I'm not the right person to answer that question.


May 16, 2020
Rio de Janeiro
Holy shit I just caught up on this thread now and why the fuck 70% of the replies sounds like horny teenagers from Anime twitter.
''Her ass is part of the character''
She looses her ass putting pants? wtf

Deleted member 5853

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Not sure how a butt from a character that is basically pop culture only appeals to white people, and straight and male is the same thing for the sake of this argument which implies no women could possibly be a cammy fan which is not the case. Maybe from a purely liberal view, but I don't believe this forum has taken a hard take like that since its inception and yet it is miles better than the ashes from which it rose from with inclusion and moderation.
See, the thing is it isn't just this thread.

It is legions of threads like this that bitch about everything from easy modes in games to accessibility options to representation in video games. Anything that is not the default gets a 10-page long thread and tens of clowns racing to play devil's advocate. And the default is straight white male. This thread is merely one of many embarassing threads that shows the hypocrisy of this forum's supposed "progressiveness". This place is the most progressive gaming forum on the net because the mods actually ban people who use slurs. That doesn't change the fact that gaming as a whole is not hospitable to minorities. Threads like this reiterate that fact. Y'all want things in the abstract, but push back on any meaningful action to realize that, e.g. "Yes, games should be more accessible, but please don't add an easy mode to my Dark Souls".

And frankly speaking, while its great that Cammy has female fans, her design is meant to titilate first and appeal to women second. She deserves a redesign that puts her character first and her fanservice way in the back.


Oct 28, 2017
Probably a more safe to watch costume on SF6 while still keeping the leotard as optional costume. I don't mind drastic design change for characters really.

Like, SNK did one hell of a design change for Terry Bogard, and i think that one got good reception


Nov 6, 2017
I wouldnt care if they changed her default look, but i'd still like it as a nostalgia costume.


Oct 30, 2017
User Banned (3 Weeks): Trolling, hostility, dismissing concerns around objectification
How the fuck did Cammy's ass become political? Y'all nuts.

Deleted member 22405

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Bruh, come on.

I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of this forum's status with nonsense like this. The fact people are literally spewing nonsense like "Oh, I think her ass is iconic" and "Uh actually, modern millenial women LOVE to show their ass" is such shallow garbage. If you like her ass, be honest about it and just say it.

And even if you do like her for her ass, if you can't see how casually misogynistic it is that the most iconic part of a character is her assets, then you've got to develop some more awareness. Her outfit exists for her to be leered over, like a piece of meat. She's a character designed by dudes for dudes to get horny over.

Jesus Christ, dude. First you say its okay for people to be honest its about a sexy design then follow it up that its misogynistic. You've basically put people in a position where they have to say they like it BUT to defend their preference. I just don't agree with you and I don't think you're going to convince me otherwise. Why even have a discussion if that's the conclusion?

I'm just going to call it here and agree to disagree. I'm not against a redesign. I think that's more than enough as a compromise. As long as its an interesting redesign.


Oct 25, 2017
The fundamental problem is the default not-actually-cloth but painted-nude-skin outfit in addition to the undeniably gazey way in which it is presented. It's not just Cammy but a good chunk of the female cast. Nothing wrong with liking a nude body but the question in the OP is "should things change?" and if you're against change in both aspects maybe present something other than caveman lust as your reasoning.

Deleted member 5853

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Jesus Christ, dude. First you say its okay for people to be honest its about a sexy design then follow it up that its misogynistic. You've basically put people in a position where they have to say they like it BUT to defend their preference. I just don't agree with you and I don't think you're going to convince me otherwise. Why even have a discussion if that's the conclusion?
Again, if the only reason you like a character is because she is designed in a way to make you horny, then the character design is misogynistic. If the only reason for not wanting things to change is because of worry that pp might be soft at the new design, it's a shitty reason.

Like Gentlemen says:
if you're against change in both aspects maybe present something other than caveman lust as your reasoning.

I don't think the outfit should be banned, but it shouldn't be the default. If Cammy is as iconic as the people in here are claiming, then do justice to her character and give fanservice a back seat for once. If the whole reason for her "iconicness" is her butt, then she deserves a redesign if only to make her more memorable than "lol thick butt."


Oct 25, 2017
Been playing Cammy for 24 years (and whooping most asses out there/taking money with her), give her a new look. OG can always be an alt but it's pure 90s.

There's plenty of ways to stay true to the character while updating her look. Shit, look at Alpha Chun (which really should be her default look tbh) -- she got a HUGE upgrade imo and that was decades ago. I can only hope she gets something as dope as that.

The story costume from SFV, Bison Cammy from SF4 (add a cape to that mfer) and the Jill costume are all great starting points. The evening gown was ace too.

They should give her a nod to Kill Bill, a killer bee costume would be sick given it's Beatrix Kiddo/Cammy White's codename. Thinking her yellow motorcycle jumpsuit, Easter Egg could even be the helmet on. I mean, Cammy started as an assassin -- it's right there!


Jun 7, 2019
I hope they change it, it's quite boring. I personally really like this modded outfit, it's the outfit she has from Final fight Street wise and fits her well.



Oct 25, 2017
There's nothing wrong with gratuitously sexy characters as long as they do some men that way, too. Will they? That's another question.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm shocked at the poll result on this forum. I had thought for sure that this was a place where people weren't going to be in favor for crass sexualization of a character that not only undermines the personality she should be conveying but is just atrocious design from the start, but fuck me I guess.

One of the first things I did when getting SFV was download some character mods to tone down the cheesecake. Cammy in pants looks so much better than that fucking leotard.

I hope they change it, it's quite boring. I personally really like this modded outfit, it's the outfit she has from Final fight Street wise and fits her well.

This is the EXACT mod I use haha
Oct 28, 2017
I'm always a bit wary of voicing any opinion when it comes to threads such as this one because, being a heterosexual man and someone who's only a casual player of fighting games, I don't feel it's my place to say anything of value. Still, after reading so many bad takes that could be chalked up to "oh but her ass is iconic!" or "will someone please think of the asscheeks?", it would be nice to remind my male brethren that no one here's advocating for Capcom to tone down Cammy's physical attributes, but for dressing her in a way more adequate to her character.

Cammy is a character who attacks almost exclusively with her legs. She uses her legs for both of her grabs, and the same applies for all of her special moves. What that means is that her design should focus on her legs as these are her primary tools of combat. Capcom did that in a way that is as successful as it is cheap, and we can all agree that there are much more tasteful ways of making us pay attention to her legs and keeping her design alluring without resorting to putting her in a leotard and pretending it's okay. Personally, I'd rather they gave her pants on the tighter side of the scale, as a way of preserving her silhouette, and different kinds of braided hair for alternate skins, as a sort of character motif.

And please, PLEASE get rid of clothes that shape individually around each boob. For every female character in any game. It manages to be more ridiculous than boob armor, and that's saying a lot.

Also, the "she isn't a real person to choose to dress like that" is such a non-argument. No character is a real person to choose to dress in any way, it's just that some designs make more sense than others, and Cammy's simply doesn't. If she were a confident assassin who wanted to look attractive as a way to either mislead or confuse her targets, I'm sure she'd find much better outfits than a leotard and a beret.


Nov 4, 2017
Wouldn't mind an updated/new default look since I'm sure they'll still have the iconic design as an alt outfit.


Oct 25, 2017
We're currently at 2-1 for no change to Cammy? That sucks to see.

And now I just went back to read some of the replies and am unsurprised by the results.
Oct 28, 2017
Look...I love Street Fighter. Love it. But as it stands, it's hard to play the game around my wife and daughter due to the ridiculous t&a shots. (Cammy and Laura at the top of that list)

When MK11 is being more respectful of its female characters than Street Fighter, it's become a problem...
Oct 25, 2017
Kind of? I'd very much enjoy if they gave every returning character a considerable redesign for their default costumes, and while they're doing that, a very obvious way of giving Cammy a drastic change would be giving her pants. That mod picture everyone always post looks fantastic.

But I wouldn't want an ass filter. If they just give Cammy and Mika pants, but everyone else looks the same, then nah. Change Ryu's default costume, you cowards!

So I guess my view is: I'd appreciate it, but I also don't see it as a problem to be fixed. A redesign would be welcome, but I don't personally see it as a moral issue. I won't think less of the game if they don't do it.

Alternatively, though, if they do change most characters noticeably, except Cammy, then that will make me think less of the game.


May 31, 2019
As a straight white cis male, I'm super tired of overly sexualized designs, and reinforcing sexual objectification should be unacceptable on this forum and in general. I'm amazed by the number of people here defending it.


Oct 25, 2017
Look...I love Street Fighter. Love it. But as it stands, it's hard to play the game around my wife and daughter due to the ridiculous t&a shots. (Cammy and Laura at the top of that list)

When MK11 is being more respectful of its female characters than Street Fighter, it's become a problem...

MK really gets a 'most improved' award in design. It's incredible




Nov 9, 2017
Change Ryu's default costume, you cowards!

Reasonably speaking, Ryu's clothes should get rattier and more torn up with every game, as we all know that murder hobo doesn't take care of his kit.

Like "Hot Ryu" was the most sensible change in the world because of fucking course Ryu doesn't shave. He doesn't even wear shoes!
Oct 25, 2017
MK really gets a 'most improved' award in design. It's incredible
To be fair, the original one here isn't nearly as bad as what we got in the 3D games. The improvement is only as drastic as it is because the same people made it complete shit first. MK2 to MK11 is also an improvement, but not as wild as looking at some of the 3D stuff, especially 9, which isn't that old.

Reasonably speaking, Ryu's clothes should get rattier and more torn up with every game, as we all know that murder hobo doesn't take care of his kit.

Like "Hot Ryu" was the most sensible change in the world because of fucking course Ryu doesn't shave. He doesn't even wear shoes!
Hahahahaha, yeah, I loved Hot Ryu. Even a change as light as "no shirt, beard" would be enough for me. I do agree that they can't change Ryu THAT much.


Oct 27, 2017
east coast, usa
Lets be real: her design is pure cheesecake. Its primary existence is to titillate.

Her design is a hallmark of the boys' club mentality of gaming. Think about how a woman would feel about her: she's supposed to be a talented fighter but her outfit wouldn't look out of place as a sexy Halloween outfit. It's just off-putting and contributes to this idea of gaming being a men-only space where women exist to be sexualized. I think there should be a redesign, something that stays true to the actual character without giving in to this desire to give dudes more characters to lust over.

women love to cosplay see it at literally any and every convention

that being said, i would prefer if they just got rid of the thong bottom. i think a leotard that ended at her upper thigh would look really good and let her keep her agile assassin motif.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Always odd to see how much seemingly smug pride some men take in letting everyone know how little they care about things like this.