Well…? 🤨 🎤

  • Morning + Evening/Night

    Votes: 133 14.9%
  • Mornings only

    Votes: 376 42.1%
  • Night/Evening Only

    Votes: 230 25.7%
  • Villain Arc : I don’t shower everyday đź‘ą

    Votes: 150 16.8%
  • Bonus Option : Shower every morning and bath every night

    Votes: 5 0.6%

  • Total voters
Mar 3, 2018
Inspired by this TikTok;

View: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMx3o6tD/

Basically, she is saying in the video how and why evening/night showers are superior and the only correct choice if you have to decide between morning or evening/night showers. Since you're back home, done for the day and not leaving again. She status that it just makes more sense to shower at night since you're done school, work, hanging out with people, running errands etc etc

Obviously there's a debate in the comments with some saying how not showering in the morning is unimaginable to them as they can't leave the house in the morning without showering. Others saying the opposite, and then you have folk who are just blissfully cackling in their two shower a day golden thrones.

So era, what say you?


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Every morning. I can't actually be a person if I haven't washed my hair. Like I can't even leave the house if my hair is messed up, the sensory triggers of my hair feeling "wrong" will lock my brain up and give me anxiety attacks.

I will sometimes shower again in the evening if I get particularly sweaty or if I'm super stressed out and need a brain reset, but generally I just shower every morning.
Oct 27, 2017
Morning showers for me.

I don't want to go to bed with wet hair, and my hair gets super oily if I don't wash it in the morning anyway.
Liquid Plejades
Mar 3, 2018
Every morning. I can't actually be a person if I haven't washed my hair. Like I can't even leave the house if my hair is messed up, the sensory triggers of my hair feeling "wrong" will lock my brain up and give me anxiety attacks.

You put it into words so well. I feel exactly the same. Its such a crucial part of my day for the reasons you mentioned.

Ashes of Dreams

Fallen Guardian of Unshakable Resolve
May 22, 2020
Nah, morning showers here. I clean up to leave the house. Like I get the argument but tbh it doesn't bother me, but some people are sweatier than others. I can understand why someone who gets sweaty would want to do night showers.


Oct 28, 2017
Morning showers usually, but nothing beats showering just before getting in bed. (Preferably with freshly washed blankets and stuff. Thats heaven. )


Apr 8, 2024
i work from home and like to sleep under a lot of blankets + have a very warm cat that wants to sleep basically on top of me, so morning showers are best for me. back when i actually had to physically go to work and was pressed for time in the morning though, i had to settle for evening showers and a quick pit wash before leaving.

Derbel McDillet

â–˛ Legend â–˛
Nov 23, 2022
I work from home now, so I'm more likely to shower at night before I go out or have people over. Weekends whenever. Might skip a Sunday depending if I did nothing on Saturday.

Mostly being home does make it easier to not feel the need to, there are days where it's literally wake up, walk three feet to my computer and then go back to bed, so that is a very slippery slope. So I am trying to be more active with workouts and social stuff.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
Depending on my day I'll also shower at night, but generally I shower in the morning.

During/after my shower is when I do my hair and skincare, which just makes more sense in the morning before I walk out the door.


Oct 27, 2017
I can understand showering in the morning even if you have showered at night. Some people are just sweatier like that. But a whole day out, accumulating sweat, dust, and general grime? Then to get home and go to bed like that? Are you those people that wear shoes in the house and in bed too?


Oct 27, 2017
Usually mornings only, but sometimes a 2nd in the afternoon/evening if I've been working in the yard or doing some other kind of outdoor/strenuous activity. I'm not going to bed sweaty and gross.


Oct 27, 2017
I work a desk job so I'm not getting all sweaty and dirty from that, and just running basic errands shouldn't get you all dirty unless you live in a high density metro area and walk/bike everywhere. I do exercise most every morning so I need to shower after that before I can leave the house.

There's no right answer to this other than at least once a day. The when part will vary depending on your life style/schedule.


Jul 15, 2019
I don't feel awake until I've showered. Sometimes there may be a second shower if I need it, but it's absolutely every morning.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I understand the argument about showering at night and not wanting to go to bed with all that sweat/grime for the day, but I really need that shower first thing in the morning. Especially for my face and my hair, and to wake me up. Others can do what they like, but that's what I need.


Shinra Employee
Sep 15, 2022
Colorado, USA
My job entails physical labor. I shower when I get home.

If you work in an office chilling in AC typing on your computer all day I could see taking morning showers, but that is about it.

No one who gets dirty/sweaty at work should be going home and sitting around their furniture and going to bed at night covered in grime. Fucking gross.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Depends. If I'm going somewhere it's in the morning (or about an hour after whenever I wake up), and if I was doing something grimy then I'll shower again before bed.

Could also be in the middle of the day after I exercise, though I do love the clean feeling of hopping into bed right after a shower


Oct 25, 2017
Usually after a workout, which is afternoon/night.
Sometimes, I just need a morning shower to get my ass awake.
But these days, with a toddler, I shower whenever I can, and it's not always up to me!


Nov 6, 2017
Quick rinse first thing in the morning because it helps me wake up. A real shower after I work out. Another rinse right before bed. Yes, I know I'm weird.


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Night, I absolutely HATE getting into bed without showering. Plus doing so in the morning means I have to wake up earlier and I am absolutely not a morning person.

For a minute I thought this thread was going to be related to that Yu-Gi-Oh tournament.


Oct 27, 2017
I shower at night. Every day during the summer, but in winter/fall, I'll often skip one day and just shower every other day. I usually work from home and don't really go anywhere or do anything physical, and I don't really sweat at all in the cold months. AFAIK, it's not really healthy for your hair to wash it every day anyway. I still wash my face every day though.


Dec 12, 2018
In a perfect world, when life is going well and I'm feeling good, I shower in the morning and then at night or really at any other point during the day if it comes up. Either because I worked out, or I've done a lot of physical labor that day, or if it's particular hot and I walked a lot, or sometimes just because I like taking a shower. Basically if I feel like I need another shower at night I'll take one. I also try to wash my face two times a day independent of showering, wash, moisturize, retinol at night, just the basic keepy uppy.

If I'm depressed, it's less.


Oct 28, 2017
If I'm going out, I shower Morning (Before Leaving) and Night (before bed)
If I'm staying home all day or not expecting company I'll shower once in the afternoon.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
In the morning - I sweat a lot at night, so I'm pretty gross in the morning, and wouldn't want to go outside without washing my face and hair and other smelly parts.

I'll take another shower in the afternoon/evening if I'm particularly dirty or sweaty, because I like showering, but I don't see a reason to on a normal day, because I don't feel unclean after a normal day? I'm going to take off my clothes, wash my face and stuff before bed... like, you've still got your body's sweat and oils and what have you, but as mentioned, I'm sweatiest and oiliest in the morning after sleeping, so it's not like my bed is some pristine paradise and I'm just going to get yesterday's bodily secretions on me anyways.


Oct 30, 2017
I shower in the morning to wake up and after I'm done at the gym in the evening.

Looking forward to the inevitable gross-os who insist they don't stink.


Mar 1, 2022
There's nothing better than a nighttime shower. I only shower once a day, and I don't really count the "jump under the water for a sec because you feel gross" as a shower.


Dec 21, 2017
We put the kids to sleep around 7-8 pm then take turns showering. So it's not the last thing I do on a day but I hate going to bed dirty and greasy. In the morning I wash my face and moisturize. It's not like people who don't shower in the morning don't wash at all.


Oct 28, 2017
I work out on weekday mornings, so mornings typically. But even I didn't, still mornings because I get fairly hot and sweaty while I sleep, making evening showers kinda pointless. Also, morning showers have the added bonus of helping wake my ass up.


Oct 25, 2017
This scientist here, didn't shower for 5 years!
He got pretty gross for the first few months, then saw that the body pretty much took care of itself after that.


Soap dodger: meet the doctor who says we have been showering wrong

Hand-washing aside, James Hamblin has not used soap for five years. He warns that our obsession with being clean is harming the microbiome that keeps us healthy

Hand-washing aside, James Hamblin has not used soap for five years.
He warns that our obsession with being clean is harming the microbiome that keeps us healthy