
Banned for use of an alt-account
Oct 27, 2017
Loved Sicario, but thought Benicio was the worst part of it by far. A lawyer-turned-superhero-killing-machine just did not fit into that gritty story for me.



Oct 25, 2017
Eh, it looks like a decent action flick but it is NOTHING like the original movie. Spoiler, Del Toro's character is not a hero. He's not someone to be worshipped. He's the villain.

This is like a sequel to Apocalypse Now where Wilard goes back into 'Nam, fully loaded, to get justice for Kurtz who was driven mad by the VC.
I was gonna write more or less the same thing.

Just because someone's the protagonist doesn't make them the hero. A protagonist doesn't have to good or likable, following a character as a protagonist doesn't mean we're meant to approve of the protagonist's actions
I 100% agree and yet, from the trailer, it seems like we are are meant to approve. That said, I don't think Sheridan would write a script in which that was the case, so the film hopefully won't have that same vibe.


Oct 26, 2017
Well shit, that was a great trailer. Loved the first one, I'm definitely not expecting something as good (or even very similar tbh), but this should still be solid.


Oct 25, 2017
Eh, it looks like a decent action flick but it is NOTHING like the original movie. Spoiler, Del Toro's character is not a hero. He's not someone to be worshipped. He's the villain.

This is like a sequel to Apocalypse Now where Wilard goes back into 'Nam, fully loaded, to get justice for Kurtz who was driven mad by the VC.

This is currently my hesitation with this film but I guess we'll see once it comes out. Trailers could be purposefully misleading.


Oct 27, 2017
How much money did Sicario 1 make? Is the brand that strong that they couldn't name it something better? Name is as stupid as The Dark Knight Rises.


Oct 25, 2017
I was gonna write more or less the same thing.

I 100% agree and yet, from the trailer, it seems like we are are meant to approve. That said, I don't think Sheridan would write a script in which that was the case, so the film hopefully won't have that same vibe.
Even in Sicario, Benicio's cool actions had a tragic and uneasy undertone. Violence begets violence, the brutality and ruthlessness of his methods, etc. Sure, he stole the show but his actions weren't portrayed as good or heroic. I expect that to be brought to the forefront here now that he is protagonist
Oct 27, 2017
Loved Sicario, but thought Benicio was the worst part of it by far. A lawyer-turned-superhero-killing-machine just did not fit into that gritty story for me.

I agree about Benicio's part. After the movie ended it felt like I had watched a very pulpy and kinda silly story wrapped up in the style of a prestige film. The dissonance didn't sit well with me. The movie took itself too seriously.


Oct 27, 2017
Eh, it looks like a decent action flick but it is NOTHING like the original movie. Spoiler, Del Toro's character is not a hero. He's not someone to be worshipped. He's the villain.

This is like a sequel to Apocalypse Now where Wilard goes back into 'Nam, fully loaded, to get justice for Kurtz who was driven mad by the VC.

The trailer seems like it's painting Del Toro and Brolin's characters as bad people though. Brolin outright says he's going to get dirty, and tells Del Toro he needs him to help foment a war.

Maybe it's just from all the press stuff I've read about this movie, but I know Brolin has repeatedly talked about how much darker and uglier this movie will be compared to the first one. So I have the opposite reaction you do: I'm not worried about Del Toro, et al. being portrayed as 'the good guys', I'm more worried about the movie being so overly bleak that it just feels like too much.


Oct 30, 2017
It might be a decent well made movie, but they should have named it something else.

They did. Sheridan wrote it specifically as "Soldado" and has been on record saying it isn't a sequel to Sicario, because Sicario doesn't need a sequel, and that Soldado was constructed as a different movie with different ambitions. The "Sicario 2" addition is recent.


Oct 25, 2017
Taylor Sheridan was the real MVP of Sicario (along with Hell Or High Water and Wind River), so absolutely I'm there day one for anything this man writes. 3/3 flawless so far.

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Oct 25, 2017
This has to be the most random thing ever. Sicario was a fantastic movie that didn't need a sequel, much less one without Villeneuve. Having said that, it looks interesting, and I don't mind exploring that world and see those characters again. So yeah, I'll definitely see it, hopefully it's still good enough.


Oct 27, 2017
Loved Sicario, but thought Benicio was the worst part of it by far. A lawyer-turned-superhero-killing-machine just did not fit into that gritty story for me.

I can understand this sentiment although there's nothing mystical about what he was able to do. A motivated person with money, time, and resolve can pick up the skills portrayed in Sicario with or without formal military experience. Some veterans offer those services independently or through PMCs. There was nothing in the film to indicate just how much time had passed between his family being slaughtered and the "present day" in that universe. Given his age, it could've been decades.


Oct 25, 2017
Meh, there goes all the subtle brilliance that the first one had, the atmosphere and that dialog looks nothing like what the original Sicario had. It might be a decent well made movie, but they should have named it something else.

Dude it's written by the same guy (who might be the best new writer in the game) and while it's not Villeneuve, the director is no slouch.

Man though, "Sicario 2" is such an atrocious, studio mandated title. Soldado was much better.


Oct 25, 2017
They did. Sheridan wrote it specifically as "Soldado" and has been on record saying it isn't a sequel to Sicario, because Sicario doesn't need a sequel, and that Soldado was constructed as a different movie with different ambitions. The "Sicario 2" addition is recent.
It's such a blatant studio thing. Calling it Sicario 2 isn't going to do the movie any favors


Oct 30, 2017
It's not a sequel guys, despite what the name now suggests. Taylor Sheridan is on record saying Sicario doesn't need a sequel, but that he wanted to write a new story, a different story, with some of those characters. To the writer of this movie (who also wrote Sicario), this movie is its own thing, called Soldado.


Nov 15, 2017
Loved the first one. Damn, this one is looking good too. People also judging the whole movie by the trailer i see. I bet there are quieter tones in there like in the first and not just action.
No Villeneuve is a bummer though since i really like his cinematography / style.
Oct 25, 2017
Eh, it looks like a decent action flick but it is NOTHING like the original movie. Spoiler, Del Toro's character is not a hero. He's not someone to be worshipped. He's the villain.

This is like a sequel to Apocalypse Now where Wilard goes back into 'Nam, fully loaded, to get justice for Kurtz who was driven mad by the VC.

I was worried until I saw it was the guy who directed the Gomorrah TV series. The series is really great and filled with a lot of the style of cinematography from the first Sicario movie. I think it will be ok. Unless you're speaking to Del Toro's portrayal in the trailer


Oct 25, 2017
Yup. It's a shame really. Imagine if back in the Sixties we had "A Fistful Of Dollars III: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly".
Exactly. I'd be pissed if I was writing this with a different tone and intent, only for the studio to panic and now put certain expectations in audience's heads
Oct 25, 2017
This looks like someone just tried to make a whole movie out of the "badass" scenes from the first film. Maybe it'll be a decent action movie? I don't know.


Oct 27, 2017
I agree about Benicio's part. After the movie ended it felt like I had watched a very pulpy and kinda silly story wrapped up in the style of a prestige film. The dissonance didn't sit well with me. The movie took itself too seriously.

I wouldn't go that far, I loved the seriousness of it. The problem was in the last quarter it turned from a "do the ends justify the means" / "loss of innocence of a cop who just wants to do good" into a straight-to-video action movie starring a generic Seagal-like superman. A guy who can sit at a dinner table and kill 4 people sitting around the table in under a second with four headshots from a pistol, without aiming or even turning his head, just seemed wildly out of place in that movie (much less in reality), and the fact that a couple years before he had just been some lawyer made it even more silly.

Extra Sauce

Oct 27, 2017
The first one was pulp disguised as thought-provoking drama so I'm okay with a sequel dropping the pretense.


Oct 25, 2017
I had no idea that they were making a Sicario 2, but that seems extremely unnecessary, especially without Villeneuve.
The writer and director are making Soldado, calling it Sicario 2 is clearly some late game studio choice

Between Wind River, Hell or High Water, and Sicari, Sheridan has proven his talent at writing these kinds of stories. And between Suburra and Gomorra, Stefano has a knack for brutal tense crime thriller/drama


Oct 25, 2017
I've been excited for this movie since the day it was announced. The first is such a classic thriller and Sheridan deserves the lions share of the credit for it before Denis. The director of the sequel has done some pretty great work on Gomorrah which is a pretty fucking bleak show and his "action" is often moments of quiet punctuated by quick bursts of extreme violence which is a pretty sicario way of handling it. I have little doubt brolin and co are still going to be awful human beings and while we may get a little more complexity and sympathy for benicio hell be far from a hero protagonist