Deleted member 1852

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Oct 25, 2017
Well I mean if the Democrats want their base to stay home this year for crucial midterms which could potentially deny the Republicans continued control of Congress and the Presidency they can keep on doing stuff like this.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
I'd like to note the Democrats have not actually done anything yet... and y'all should absolutely be calling your Senators (and hell your congress folk too to get them to talk to their Senate counterparts)


Oct 25, 2017
Who do you think the base of the Democratic party is? Who do you think they're losing, who do you think they are gaining?
They are losing people who are for civil rights and eliminating economic inequality. I don't even think they are losing them though. They are just failing to cultivate that constituency. The people who want to use parliamentary procedures to fight for immigration are undermined by people who aren't as interested in the rights of immigrants. There is no clear message. The attitude seems to be poor people matter, immigrants matter, oppressed people matter, but only as far as they don't interfere with white suburban swing voters and the people who write the checks.

I think they're maintaining the current influence base of the Democratic Party, people who are okay with the status quo, who already have money and professional education, who at the same time can't associate themselves with the outright bigotry of the Republican Party.

The first stand-down was a little scary, but the trains must run on time. The shut-down must stop, because market research says people care more about the government operating than they do about the Dreamers.


Oct 25, 2017
They are losing people who are for civil rights and eliminating economic inequality. I don't even think they are losing them though. They are just failing to cultivate that constituency. The people who want to use parliamentary procedures to fight for immigration are undermined by people who aren't as interested in the rights of immigrants. There is no clear message. The attitude seems to be poor people matter, immigrants matter, oppressed people matter, but only as far as they don't interfere with white suburban swing voters and the people who write the checks.

I think they're maintaining the current influence base of the Democratic Party, people who are okay with the status quo, who already have money and professional education, who at the same time can't associate themselves with the outright bigotry of the Republican Party.

The first stand-down was a little scary, but the trains must run on time. The shut-down must stop, because market research says people care more about the government operating than they do about the Dreamers.
You misunderstand who the people you're picking up in the suburbs are. The party is effectively trading populists (Socially conservative, economically liberal) for libertarians (socially liberal, economically conservative.) Civil Rights changed everything, The parties have been realigning ever since as the Southern Strategy went national, and it's now the metro areas vs the rural ones. Hence the change in the makeup of the Democratic party.

There will never be a clear unified message because the party is a patchwork in a world where the white population of the media Senate seat is 83.8%.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Very true.

I was around before Nixon and HE was to the left of most of the current dems. Despite this almost continuous rightward shift and diminution of progressive forces, it never ceases to amaze me that most independents and dems I know/hear/read continue to preach an "its bound to get better" pollyannaish view of the dems. Its not gonna get better. In fact, buckle up.

I feel like we could actually get somewhere if we could actually start real nationwide conversations that were actually held on a huge platform. In America, the conversations are not happening about our priorities or what is happening around the world in general. Turn on the televised news and what do you see? Nothing about Climate change, nothing about war(outside of dont question the military or what they do), only a few key segments on net neutrality for a few days, nothing about US spending on shit we should not even be doing, nothing about domestic issues we have that need to be addressed immediately.

Its like a blackout for people on information who dont actively go out and seek it from specific areas. And its even more asinine because a lot of these "news" corps fashion themselves as being objective news outlets who right now are supposed to be "opposing trump", yet somehow we have more coverage on the damn whatever investigation(i dont care what you want to cover, but it should not dominate news every single news second of every single day) and his uncouth demeanor than the actual corrupt political shit in terms of policy he is actually doing either by executive order or in concert with the GOP in congress

its so frustrasting as a relatively young person getting talked down to by people like biden about how we arent struggling....


Oct 27, 2017
I feel like we could actually get somewhere if we could actually start real nationwide conversations that were actually held on a huge platform....

I and many I know in academia and government grew up feeling like this. Over the course of my life I and others have noticed that this belief in the persuasive power of fact based rational discourse has waned. You and some others may have noticed this in your own life, with relatives, colleagues, or acquaintances: rational discourse has been reduced to a duel of competing dotpoints.

If you believe in a general power of persuasive discourse, you live in a special environment where a limited form of it is still possible. We are in serious trouble because, for the average person, this power is all but gone. We're the frog people, and the water is boiling.