
Oct 27, 2017
Denver, CO
If last night was a referendum on Trump, Dems aren't going to win in 2020 regardless of the candidate. That said, I'd vote Beto in heartbeat.


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Will white women vote for a woman of color?


I support Beto over Kamala. Not because I like Beto more. Kamala is my girl and from my state and amazing and awesome and I love her. I wish we lived in a country that would accept her as President.

But we don't. & I want to win. & a half-win is better than nothing at all.

Beto is more likely to win than Kamala. It's not our fault if the majority of Americans in those key states are so goddamn stupid, racist, and sexist, but it is our fault if we ignore this.


Oct 27, 2017
I want Dems to win 2020 so I think Be o is a great choice for President or VP. He did incredible well in a red state like Texas and we need that type of appeal to win the election.

Deleted member 47843

User Requested Account Closure
Sep 16, 2018
Beto is more likely to win than Kamala. It's not our fault if the majority of Americans in those key states are so goddamn stupid, racist, and sexist, but it is our fault if we ignore this.

Yep. She is way more electable than Warren though as she'd get out more of the poor, urban black vote. Just wouldn't get enough of the white women and men who voted for Obama and then Trump to come back, sadly.


Oct 26, 2017
Dracula Georgia
I want Dems to win 2020 so I think Be o is a great choice for President or VP. He did incredible well in a red state like Texas and we need that type of appeal to win the election.
Dude lost to a person who might be the single most unlikable person currently in US politics. I get that Texas always goes Republican but I still don't see how losing to Ted is some great accomplishment.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
If last night was a referendum on Trump, Dems aren't going to win in 2020 regardless of the candidate. That said, I'd vote Beto in heartbeat.

The republicans were trounced in most of the states that actually matter for the electoral college. Don't know what results you're reading. All it really showed is that Florida pre-amendment 4 is stilll garbage.


Nov 6, 2017
Where the Fenians Sleep
Dude lost to a person who might be the single most unlikable person currently in US politics. I get that Texas always goes Republican but I still don't see how losing to Ted is some great accomplishment.

Because the fact that it was Texas means more than the fact that it was against Cruz. Who once again is hardly as unpopular in Texas as people here are making him out to be.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Dude lost to a person who might be the single most unlikable person currently in US politics. I get that Texas always goes Republican but I still don't see how losing to Ted is some great accomplishment.

I keep seeing this reading through this thread, y'all forget that Trump also got smashed in Texas by Cruz? By a much larger margin than this as well. You're taking all the context out of what the close result means and where it happened.


Jun 28, 2018
O'Rourke has more charisma than any other well known 2020 Democratic hopeful today, other than maybe Joe Biden.

I don't think he should be disqualified because he lost the Senate race. Last night on Twitter, a lot of pundits were trying hard to think of a politician who had won the presidency despite previously losing his last major election, and they all went back to Abraham Lincoln. Sure, that's true, but... I think it's a stretch. You don't have to go that far back. You don't have to go back before 2016


Ex Lion Tamer

Oct 25, 2017
The first Trump Beto debate would just be Trump talking about what a loser Ted Cruz is and how weak must Beto be to lose to such a terrible person. I am sure Trump could talk for hours about how much Ted Cruz sucks. I would love to see Trump versus Warren, even though I don't think she is a great candidate, because I think Trump couldn't help himself and would say horrible racist stuff that would turn ON a lot of voters.



Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Dude lost to a person who might be the single most unlikable person currently in US politics. I get that Texas always goes Republican but I still don't see how losing to Ted is some great accomplishment.
Getting that close to beating Ted in a state this red is an accomplishment. Texas != the entire country. No matter what democrat is running for president, Texas will still be red.


Oct 25, 2017
They must have meant winning the next presidential election after losing a major race. He lost in 1960 and then won in 1968 (and 1972).

Nixon lost the governors race in '62. That was the famous concession speech concluding with "you won't have Nixon to kick around anymore." Nixon declared that he quit politics.

Deleted member 47843

User Requested Account Closure
Sep 16, 2018
Nixon lost the governors race in '62. That was the famous concession speech concluding with "you won't have Nixon to kick around anymore."

Ah, I forgot that one. Still didn't run win in the first presidential election after the defeat though, which I think is what was being referenced about no one winning after a major defeat.

Mr Clutch

Oct 27, 2017
I can't remember the last time people from out of State were campaigning and rooting for someone in another State. Beto had people in California rocking Beto for Senate shirts. Celebrities, athletes, etc all campaigning and supporting Beto even though none of them even live in Texas. Beto has that special thing a Presidential candidate needs. In 2004, I said that some newly elected Senator from Illinois was going to be President in the next 10 years, it only took him 4. I'm making that same claim for Beto.
Nov 1, 2017
I think Beto should focus on Texas for the time being. He has a massive following that's capable of getting out younger voters and he seems like he'd help massively at a local level and eventually be ready for he national stage. I feel like Dems right now in a primary would shout him down with a "lack of experience this and that" mantra.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jul 2, 2018
Why elect a failure who couldn't even win a Senate seat in his own state, to run the country?
Beto's a cooler figure than most of the incompetent old bags put forth by the GOP, but he's not the articulate, Harvard-graduate that Obama was.

Get someone better, and please, no Kamala either, even though I'm from CA.
Mar 10, 2018
How have you not produced a clear candidate to beat Donald Fucking Trump in a presidential election yet?


Donald Fucking Trump is your fucking president and you don't have anyone who you feel could comfortably beat him yet?

Fucking Jesus Christ.
It's only Era that's this pessimistic about beating Trump. They make him sound as if he's invincible.

Even if Beto won there'd still be a bunch of posters saying he has no chance against Trump. There is some serious underlying stockholm syndrome going on here or something.


Oct 27, 2017
He needs to hire people to follow Cornyn around for the next two years yelling "Beeeeeeeeetooooooooooo Beeeeeeeeetooooooooo".


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Longwood, FL
Anything could happen in 2020, but I tend to believe that Beto's and Gillum's chances at larger stages died last night.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
If last night was a referendum on Trump, Dems aren't going to win in 2020 regardless of the candidate. That said, I'd vote Beto in heartbeat.
+9.4% in the popular. Hillary would've won with half of those margins.

Anything could happen in 2020, but I tend to believe that Beto's and Gillum's chances at larger stages died last night.
Gilums? Yeah. Can't be president without winning a swing state on home territory. Beto? He made a close race out of a red. He has a shot.


Oct 26, 2017
Texas hasn't elected a Democratic Senator since the 90s. Beto came to within 3 points (last I saw) of winning in a solid red state, and he undoubtably did push some downballet candidates onward to victory, including House candidates.


Oct 25, 2017
Why elect a failure who couldn't even win a Senate seat in his own state, to run the country?
Beto's a cooler figure than most of the incompetent old bags put forth by the GOP, but he's not the articulate, Harvard-graduate that Obama was.

Get someone better, and please, no Kamala either, even though I'm from CA.
Lincoln won presidency after failing senate race.
HW Bush won vice president and then president after failing senate race in.... Texas.


Nov 2, 2017
The Left
How tall is he?



Judging by these pictures he would be taller than the fat orange right?


Oct 25, 2017
(In chronological order)
Percentage vote difference between George W. Bush and Al Gore in Texas: 21.32%
Between Senator John Cornyn and Ron Kirk: 12%
Between George W. Bush and John Kerry: 22.87%
Between Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and Barbara Ann Radnofsky: 25.7%
Between John McCain and Barack Obama: 11.77%
Between Senator John Cornyn and Rick Noriega: 12%
Between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama: 15.79%
Between Ted Cruz and Paul Sadler: 16%
Between Senator John Cornyn and David Alameel: 27.2%
Between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton: 8.99%
Between Ted Cruz and Beto O'Rourke: 2.7%

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
He already has a pefect comeback if Trump would go at him for losing to Cruz.

You know who else lost to Ted Cruz in Texas? Donald Trump.

Cruz beat Trump in the Texas GOP Primary. And by a bigger margin than Beto lost by.


Oct 30, 2017
Well he's becoming well known internationally and he's so charismatic. If I could vote for him, I would

Someone mentioned he's very popular with women and that's very true ;)

Deleted member 3038

Oct 25, 2017
An endorsement based on "personal brand", "energy", "speeches" and "command of the room" with nary a mention of policy, experience or action in sight.

Yep, sounds like American politics in 2018!

Yeah I've seen this whole "Beto should run!!" But I've seen zilch about his policies or experience.


Oct 25, 2017
(In chronological order)
Percentage vote difference between George W. Bush and Al Gore in Texas: 21.32%
Between Senator John Cornyn and Ron Kirk: 12%
Between George W. Bush and John Kerry: 22.87%
Between Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison and Barbara Ann Radnofsky: 25.7%
Between John McCain and Barack Obama: 11.77%
Between Senator John Cornyn and Rick Noriega: 12%
Between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama: 15.79%
Between Ted Cruz and Paul Sadler: 16%
Between Senator John Cornyn and David Alameel: 27.2%
Between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton: 8.99%
Between Ted Cruz and Beto O'Rourke: 2.7%
*looks at cruzs last margin*
*looks at hillarys margin*
*look at betos margin*

....could he actually flip the state if trump gets more unpopular?


Oct 25, 2017
He could still lose Texas again but what the numbers show and fundraising is that he can have cult type following which is how u win a presidential election. Someone that's exciting


Oct 28, 2017
Raleigh, NC
Yeah I've seen this whole "Beto should run!!" But I've seen zilch about his policies or experience.
'Experience' is a tired argument that I don't think actually matters.

O'Rourke's policies aren't hard to find. For me, these are all reasons I'd vote for him and why my family would donate to his campaign (plus he probably gives the Dems the best chance to win and that's far and away the most important thing to me right now)
  • Supporting measures like the Equality Act, proposed legislation that would provide the same nondiscrimination protections to LGBTQIA Americans as any other protected class under federal law.
  • Guaranteeing that same-sex couples are entitled to access the same federal benefits as any other Texas family. Repealing the Defense of Marriage (DOMA) Act entirely and ensuring same sex couples equal access to benefits like social security, regardless of the state in which they live.
  • Ensuring that all Americans are paid equally and treated fairly, regardless of their gender. It is critical that we support policies that end wage discrimination and close the gender pay gap.
  • No public tax dollars should be given to private schools.
  • Increase public funding for low income and underserved communities.
  • Public school teachers should have their retirements protected by ensuring that we do away with
  • We should continue to take steps towards moving control to the classroom and empowering teachers to fulfill their calling by having autonomy to teach their students and reduce the emphasis on arbitrary, high-stakes tests.
  • Strike down toxic legislation like Senate Bill 6 and any regulation that discriminates against a student based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • Improving the Affordable Care Act (ACA) by stabilizing our insurance markets. Guaranteeing continued payments for ACA subsidies that reduce enrollees' cost-sharing and reimbursing insurers for high-cost individuals.
  • Incentivizing insurers to participate in the exchanges, especially in underserved counties.
  • Expanding Medicaid to cover more Texans and protecting the Medicaid guarantee for vulnerable children, the disabled, and the elderly.
  • Lowering premiums and prescription drug costs by using the government's purchasing power to make healthcare more affordable for everyone.
  • Creating a public option on the exchanges so that Americans are guaranteed affordable coverage.
  • Achieving universal healthcare coverage— whether it be through a single payer system, a dual system, or otherwise – so that we can ensure everyone is able to see a provider when it will do the most good and will deliver healthcare in the most affordable, effective way possible.
  • End the militarization of our immigration enforcement system, and close private immigration prisons and detention centers that profit from locking up families.
  • Pass the DREAM Act and ensure that undocumented immigrants who were brought here as children, known as 'Dreamers', find a permanent home and citizenship in the U.S.
  • Ensure that those who come to our borders seeking refuge from violence and persecution are given a fair opportunity to present their claims and guaranteed due process under our laws.
  • Improve the immigration system to encourage and facilitate family reunification, education, and the investment of talent in our country.
  • Modernize the visa system to allow U.S. employers to find workers for jobs that American workers can't fill.
  • Reform our immigration laws to legalize the status of millions of immigrants already in our country and ensure a fair path to citizenship for those inspired by the opportunity and ideals that we present to the rest of the world.
  • End the U.S. government's war on drugs and encourage comprehensive reforms in drug control policies that have had a devastating effect on communities of color.
  • End the federal prohibition on marijuana.
  • End the practice of private and for-profit prisons that cost more, have the perverse incentive to send more people to jail, and have demonstrably higher levels of violence. According to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, prisons owned by for-profit companies held nearly three-quarters of federal immigration detainees in 2016.
  • Find ways for nonviolent offenders to be held accountable for their crimes outside of the prison system and support programs that help rehabilitate them.
  • Improve access to mental health services within our prison systems to help diagnose and address offenders with existing mental health issues and drive down rates of recidivism.
  • End the current system of bail bonds that punishes people for being poor. The current system allows bail for those who can afford it, instead of ensuring that a person's release won't result in harm to someone else. Reforming the bail system will refocus public dollars on community safety and ensure that we no longer waste resources on incarcerating those who are not a public safety risk.
  • Require background checks for all gun sales to ensure that firearms only get into the hands of responsible, law-abiding individuals. This means finally closing the gun show, online, and boyfriend loopholes.
  • Stop selling weapons of war and high-capacity magazines to ensure that firearms designed to kill as effectively and efficiently as possible on the battlefield aren't used in our schools, our streets, our churches, and our concerts.
  • Ensuring that a woman's right to choose is not compromised by limited access to safe and legal abortion services or family planning help.
  • Expanding Medicaid and funding family planning centers in order to prevent another mother dying needlessly due to complications before or after childbirth.
  • Supporting policies that guarantee a woman's access to birth control and emergency contraception.
  • Protecting the Title X Family Planning Program that ensure millions of low-income Americans can afford access to reproductive health services, such as cervical and breast cancer screenings and well-woman exams.
He ran a Texas campaign but almost everything he is for can work on a national stage and speaks to a wide range of people.


Nov 5, 2017
I think for the longer term planning of the party something like Kamala Harris as President in 2020 with Sherrod Brown as Vice. Beto runs for TX senator in 2020. If 2020 follows trends, Democrats should have even higher turnout in 2020 than 2018. I also expect Trump to have much lower approval ratings 2 years from now. In addition to that Democrats have a solid infrastructure developing in TX after the 2018 election cycle. All of these factors could lead to a Beto victory but even if he loses I think he will have made outstanding progress towards turning TX purple.

2028 could be Beto's time. Although one could argue that Beto should strike while the iron is hot.

Deleted member 3038

Oct 25, 2017
'Experience' is a tired argument that I don't think actually matters.

O'Rourke's policies aren't hard to find. For me, these are all reasons I'd vote for him and why my family would donate to his campaign (plus he probably gives the Dems the best chance to win and that's far and away the most important thing to me right now)
  • Supporting measures like the Equality Act, proposed legislation that would provide the same nondiscrimination protections to LGBTQIA Americans as any other protected class under federal law.
  • Guaranteeing that same-sex couples are entitled to access the same federal benefits as any other Texas family. Repealing the Defense of Marriage (DOMA) Act entirely and ensuring same sex couples equal access to benefits like social security, regardless of the state in which they live.
  • Ensuring that all Americans are paid equally and treated fairly, regardless of their gender. It is critical that we support policies that end wage discrimination and close the gender pay gap.
  • No public tax dollars should be given to private schools.
  • Increase public funding for low income and underserved communities.
  • Public school teachers should have their retirements protected by ensuring that we do away with
  • We should continue to take steps towards moving control to the classroom and empowering teachers to fulfill their calling by having autonomy to teach their students and reduce the emphasis on arbitrary, high-stakes tests.
  • Strike down toxic legislation like Senate Bill 6 and any regulation that discriminates against a student based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • Improving the Affordable Care Act (ACA) by stabilizing our insurance markets. Guaranteeing continued payments for ACA subsidies that reduce enrollees' cost-sharing and reimbursing insurers for high-cost individuals.
  • Incentivizing insurers to participate in the exchanges, especially in underserved counties.
  • Expanding Medicaid to cover more Texans and protecting the Medicaid guarantee for vulnerable children, the disabled, and the elderly.
  • Lowering premiums and prescription drug costs by using the government's purchasing power to make healthcare more affordable for everyone.
  • Creating a public option on the exchanges so that Americans are guaranteed affordable coverage.
  • Achieving universal healthcare coverage— whether it be through a single payer system, a dual system, or otherwise – so that we can ensure everyone is able to see a provider when it will do the most good and will deliver healthcare in the most affordable, effective way possible.
  • End the militarization of our immigration enforcement system, and close private immigration prisons and detention centers that profit from locking up families.
  • Pass the DREAM Act and ensure that undocumented immigrants who were brought here as children, known as 'Dreamers', find a permanent home and citizenship in the U.S.
  • Ensure that those who come to our borders seeking refuge from violence and persecution are given a fair opportunity to present their claims and guaranteed due process under our laws.
  • Improve the immigration system to encourage and facilitate family reunification, education, and the investment of talent in our country.
  • Modernize the visa system to allow U.S. employers to find workers for jobs that American workers can't fill.
  • Reform our immigration laws to legalize the status of millions of immigrants already in our country and ensure a fair path to citizenship for those inspired by the opportunity and ideals that we present to the rest of the world.
  • End the U.S. government's war on drugs and encourage comprehensive reforms in drug control policies that have had a devastating effect on communities of color.
  • End the federal prohibition on marijuana.
  • End the practice of private and for-profit prisons that cost more, have the perverse incentive to send more people to jail, and have demonstrably higher levels of violence. According to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, prisons owned by for-profit companies held nearly three-quarters of federal immigration detainees in 2016.
  • Find ways for nonviolent offenders to be held accountable for their crimes outside of the prison system and support programs that help rehabilitate them.
  • Improve access to mental health services within our prison systems to help diagnose and address offenders with existing mental health issues and drive down rates of recidivism.
  • End the current system of bail bonds that punishes people for being poor. The current system allows bail for those who can afford it, instead of ensuring that a person's release won't result in harm to someone else. Reforming the bail system will refocus public dollars on community safety and ensure that we no longer waste resources on incarcerating those who are not a public safety risk.
  • Require background checks for all gun sales to ensure that firearms only get into the hands of responsible, law-abiding individuals. This means finally closing the gun show, online, and boyfriend loopholes.
  • Stop selling weapons of war and high-capacity magazines to ensure that firearms designed to kill as effectively and efficiently as possible on the battlefield aren't used in our schools, our streets, our churches, and our concerts.
  • Ensuring that a woman's right to choose is not compromised by limited access to safe and legal abortion services or family planning help.
  • Expanding Medicaid and funding family planning centers in order to prevent another mother dying needlessly due to complications before or after childbirth.
  • Supporting policies that guarantee a woman's access to birth control and emergency contraception.
  • Protecting the Title X Family Planning Program that ensure millions of low-income Americans can afford access to reproductive health services, such as cervical and breast cancer screenings and well-woman exams.
He ran a Texas campaign but almost everything he is for can work on a national stage and speaks to a wide range of people.

This is what I like to see. Not "He has charisma and great speech work!" You can only go so far before a lack of policies hurts.

Thanks for that list by the way, reading through that makes me see why other would want him.


Oct 26, 2017
Oct 27, 2017
Biden with VP Beto. Biden pledges to be a one term president to bring normalcy and civility back to America then ride off into the sunset.