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Oct 27, 2017
Yup I agree.

GAF bans were 'personal vendettas' by the mod team. Say they didnt like you, they kept tabs on your account and banned you for the smallest infractions and to top it off, they would give you a smart ass reason to spite you.

So far, this is not the case here so its progress.

Well it could be the same mod banning you here over and over because you don't know which mod is doing the modding. They're hardly going to write "vendetta" as the ban reason.


Oct 25, 2017
Strong Island NY
Well it could be the same mod banning you here over and over because you don't know which mod is doing the modding. They're hardly going to write "vendetta" as the ban reason.
On GAF, the wording gave it away it was someone that disliked you. Someone "famous" wouldn't get banned for x. But if you said x, you got banned. There was alot of favoritism or select bans handed out.

I'm not familiar with the recent stuff going on with mods but the few times I've been banned here I recognize my mistake and error. There was only 1 time it was questionable but whatever. It comes with the territory I guess.


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't been able to make threads for like two years and was originally told my privelages would only be revoked for a month or so.

I have tried to appeal to admin but I'm ignored. I've just accepted it.
Oct 25, 2017
I was banned one time on gaf, for a month, because I referenced Tropic Thunder as a joke. I was a member there for years. I did not get into trouble a single time before that. Then wham, 1 month ban because the pic I used said never go full r*. I do not even think the joke is particularly funny, it was meant to be a roll your eyes moment kind of joke. But yeah, 1 month ban. It was not in some general gaming thread either. And I get it, it is a joke that can offend, but a 1 month ban for that was bullshit and I think the mod who did it had a grudge.

I recall this experience being super frustrating. My experience here was equally though, even for 1 week long was excessive as hell for a first time. Literally 1 warning before for something completely unrelated like 2 years ago.
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
It's frustrating when I PM a mod, they read the message and just never respond.

Also, does anyone know what accumulation of infraction points specifically entails?


Oct 25, 2017
My only ban was lengthed for one more day, from 2 to 3, after I wrote a courteous email explaining why I didn't think the ban was fair.

That struck me as very odd.
I've had ban lengths extended an entire week right as I finish up the original times they give me of two weeks. No emails, just because.

Very fair and very cool. Thank you Kanye!


Oct 25, 2017
I was banned one time on gaf, for a month, because I referenced Tropic Thunder as a joke. I was a member there for years. I did not get into trouble a single time before that. Then wham, 1 month ban because the pic I used said never go full r*. I do not even think the joke is particularly funny, it was meant to be a roll your eyes moment kind of joke. But yeah, 1 month ban. It was not in some general gaming thread either. And I get it, it is a joke that can offend, but a 1 month ban for that was bullshit and I think the mod who did it had a grudge.

I recall this experience being super frustrating. My experience here was equally though, even for 1 week long was excessive as hell for a first time. Literally 1 warning before for something completely unrelated like 2 years ago.

That's an extremely good ban and I hope you learned a valuable lesson


Oct 27, 2017
I'm curious - how does era compare to any other comparable forum on the internet in terms of moderation? I don't even use reddit so I'm completely in a bubble here.

I have to say, I've really appreciated the generally progressive moderation here that punishes toxicity. Warnings, knowing the reason for the ban and staff posts guiding the discussions contribute positively to the discourse. I did miss the recent controversies regarding LGBT issues though, so I can't really comment on that.


Oct 25, 2017
Actually, in game preservation circles, this is currently a huge topic, because one of the pillars of the community, AssemblerGames (which is like 20 years old) is shutting down for this very reason.

I used to love going there (haven't been for a few year) So that's really depressing to hear. šŸ˜ž
It'd be so fun if we could post receipts for everyone complaining here, huh xD
I have no problem with my receipts being shown. As it's (mostly) just me getting banned for yelling a bigots, and calling people cunts. LOL.
The best deterrent is still no dark mode when in incognito mode
Oct 25, 2017
That's an extremely good ban and I hope you learned a valuable lesson

A 1 month ban for a first time infraction is an extremely good ban? Seen plenty of people use the same joke before and after with no ban even with mods present in the threads. Whatever. My issue is the degree of punishment, which a warning would have been enough to tell me not to post the joke again. And yes I learned not to use the joke on the site, obviously, even though I had seen it used before and after.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm curious - how does era compare to any other comparable forum on the internet in terms of moderation? I don't even use reddit so I'm completely in a bubble here.

I have to say, I've really appreciated the generally progressive moderation here that punishes toxicity. Warnings, knowing the reason for the ban and staff posts guiding the discussions contribute positively to the discourse. I did miss the recent controversies regarding LGBT issues though, so I can't really comment on that.

reddit varies by community (wHy WoUlD pEoPle Do UnPaId WoRk FoR a FoR-pRoFiT eNtItY????), but the actual employees of reddit dot com ignored the existence of subreddits run by literal pedophiles who were posting pictures of young children they'd stolen from facebook/etc alongside sexually explicit captions for literal years despite it constantly being brought to their attention.

what i'm saying is that it isn't really a model to emulate


Oct 26, 2017
I don't get these posts saying they don't use Warnings enough and ban too often. I see Warnings all the time on here, even for stuff I would judge as worthy of a temp ban. The mods do seem to give you some leeway before they take action, maybe people just aren't listening to the warning.

All in all I'd say they've done a pretty good job over the 2 years, but there are some big disappointments like what happened to Steam-era and what happened to Trans-era recently. At least the latter seems like some things are being done to end up with a positive future, but the former ended up with real damage to the community that's lasted so long now that I doubt it will be undone.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, I am not really familiar with Shy so that post wasn't really warranted on my part. I figured anyone getting banned that much must be doing something wrong, but recent events should have made it clear to me that kind of assumption should not be taken for granted. Apologies, Shy
Nothing to apologise for. šŸ‘šŸ˜„
Jun 14, 2019
It is not our (or any of your) job to "educate" users on what they did wrong. The ban/warning message is the "hint" they get as to what was wrong, but it is ultimately on the individual poster to change their behavior.

just gonnna quote this message from a prior admin

If you're part of the ResetEra community and it bothers you that the discussion in threads is so toxic as to turn good people away (and it should), you need to realize that the onus is on you, the community, to try and make things better.


Alt Account
Oct 27, 2017
do you still need a work email that basically forces you to doxx yourself? (since work/student mails use your name) and do all mods knows your email(so your name)? because I'm having regrets...I don't want those people to know my info.


Dec 18, 2017
I was banned here once because a post of mine was misread to mean something I didn't mean, but it was immediately overturned. It was in a thread regarding a sensitive subject and my post was pretty short so maybe that's why. I didn't have much to say so my post was pretty brief. I would have appreciated having had the opportunity to explain my "problematic" post rather than just outright banning me. On the other hand, I do appreciate the fact that my ban was reviewed by other mods.
Jun 14, 2019
You excuse death threats and harassment against Era mods.

Just in case you think you're fooling anybody about how much you sincerely care about the toxicity around here.

you mean the person who single handely annihilated pc era ? and actively went out of his way to gut a community on here and when people spoke out he posted troly images in reply. and when people quoted him he would reply with dont quote me again.

proper top tier mod behaviour right there and was clearly fighting against toxicity at the time


Oct 27, 2017
I got banned for insinuating that citizens of a certain country do certain things to certain non-human beings. Seemed harsh.


Oct 25, 2017
you mean the person who single handely annihilated pc era ? and actively went out of his way to gut a community on here and when people spoke out he posted troly images in reply. and when people quoted him he would reply with dont quote me again.

proper top tier mod behaviour right there and was clearly fighting against toxicity at the time
You are still excusing death threats. So there should be no mistaking where you stand as a member of this community.


Oct 25, 2017
A 1 month ban for a first time infraction is an extremely good ban? Seen plenty of people use the same joke before and after with no ban even with mods present in the threads. Whatever. My issue is the degree of punishment, which a warning would have been enough to tell me not to post the joke again. And yes I learned not to use the joke on the site, obviously, even though I had seen it used before and after.
You obviously didn't learn the right lesson here. Your ban seems super justified to me considering you're fine using that slur and the only thing you see wrong with using it is that it will get you banned here.

Also the mods and admins have said like a million times they can't possibly view every single post. If you see a post with that word in it and it bothers you that it hasn't been actioned, report it. Even if it's for a petty reason (you're upset you got banned and this person slipped through) and not the right reason (it's a slur), the person using a slur will get punished so fair game imo.
Jun 14, 2019
User banned (permanent): Posting inflammatory misinformation
You are still excusing death threats. So there should be no mistaking where you stand as a member of this community.

i mean it doesnt excuse the owner of this site saying gay slurs to someone in public and had a case about it. which you can actively find the report online if you search for the resetera llc owner name in google. there should be no mistake where the owner stands as the owner of this community i guess then ?


Oct 25, 2017
i mean it doesnt excuse the owner of this site saying gay slurs to someone in public and had a case about it. which you can actively find the report online if you search for the resetera llc owner name in google. there should be no mistake where the owner stands as the owner of this community i guess then ?
"everyone else's behavior is bad but mine, but yeah some death threats are okay if they're over where people buy video games."
Oct 27, 2017
I got banned for insinuating that citizens of a certain country do certain things to certain non-human beings. Seemed harsh.
Uhhhhhh.... can't tell if this is a sarcastic post, but generalized xenophobia deserves to get you banned.

This thread has a weird amount of people saying "I only said (very offensive thing), can you believe they banned me for that?!"

Like... no shit.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Uhhhhhh.... can't tell if this is a sarcastic post, but generalized xenophobia deserves to get you banned.

This thread has a weird amount of people saying "I only said (very offensive thing), can you believe they banned me for that?!"

Like... no shit.

Also people being surprised that some offenses are more serious than others.
Oct 25, 2017
You obviously didn't learn the right lesson here. Your ban seems super justified to me considering you're fine using that slur and the only thing you see wrong with using it is that it will get you banned here.

Also the mods and admins have said like a million times they can't possibly view every single post. If you see a post with that word in it and it bothers you that it hasn't been actioned, report it. Even if it's for a petty reason (you're upset you got banned and this person slipped through) and not the right reason (it's a slur), the person using a slur will get punished so fair game imo.

The lesson I should have and did learn, and would have from a warning too, is not to use the word/meme. Forum rules are not about dictating morality or trying to teach people a set of values predetermined or subject to your whim. I don't even know where people get this idea that rules should teach people a moral lesson and that lesson needs to be drilled with punishment. It is honestly baffling how high and mighty people can act over the net.

Had I known it was an unacceptable meme I would not have used it. I do not find the meme offensive but I accept that it was not acceptable to that mod on that site. Whether I find use of the word immoral or unacceptable is irrelevant.


And before you pull this honestly bullshit excuse about mods not seeing it, I am talking about gaf where it is used I would say fairly often. Only individual mods appeared to inconsistently do something about it. You know they call resetera users by that name right?


Oct 29, 2017
Yup I agree.

GAF bans were 'personal vendettas' by the mod team. Say they didnt like you, they kept tabs on your account and banned you for the smallest infractions and to top it off, they would give you a smart ass reason to spite you.

So far, this is not the case here so its progress.

As a very inactive member of the mod team at the old place, that was not the case. I mean, there were people who were definitely waiting to catch a ban, but that was because of a history of consistent bad behavior that had not reached ban-worthy yet.

The system that was used allowed you to note if a member had previous infractions that were not ban worthy or had multiple temp bans. When we saw or were alerted to a particular infraction we would pull up the ban or non-ban history and make a decision if there had been a pattern of behavior. A pattern of bans or warnings tended to be used to weigh in on ban-length. Usually length decisions were made as a group in slack and all bans were reviewed by admins in a stickied thread daily.

From the outside some bans seemed harsh, but that was because we had access to information others did not. Like perma'd accounts where we let someone get away with a new account after a period of time, but had them on an insta-perma list if they were up to their old ways.

We got snarky as hell and the ban-reasons were usually sarcastic, partially because the mod team and modbot became weird little celebrities and that probably was an issue. I mean there were entire memes generated about the mods showing up in threads. It definitely took on a cult of personality thing which got to be a bigger and bigger issue.

Modbot (a common hated thing) was a response to Gamer Gate where mods were routinely being doxxed or called out by gaters. There was an entire sub-reddit dedicated to doxxing the mod staff, we (and by we, I mean more active members) were legit afraid and targets of GG. It was originally a way to not put attention on a single member, then he moved to a useful tool because using modbot would automatically record stuff that had to be done manually otherwise. Him being anonymous probably led to overuse.

There was also a pretty strong splintering and there were people who were "protected" but most of that was not coming from the volunteer staff but ownership, and without getting too much into things, ownership and the mod team were very often at loggerheads with one another about certain subjects and posters being off-limits.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Syracuse, NY
I'm curious - how does era compare to any other comparable forum on the internet in terms of moderation? I don't even use reddit so I'm completely in a bubble here.

I have to say, I've really appreciated the generally progressive moderation here that punishes toxicity. Warnings, knowing the reason for the ban and staff posts guiding the discussions contribute positively to the discourse. I did miss the recent controversies regarding LGBT issues though, so I can't really comment on that.

I've seen some heavy handed ban lengths for some innocuous stuff, but I have no idea if those people have just built up a ban list that eventually resulted in those lengths.

Professor Beef

Official ResetEraā„¢ Chao Puncher
Oct 25, 2017
The Digital World
i see that this thread is on the "can't believe i got banned for ___" part of the cycle

because all of your dumb edgy jokes were just that, i'm sure


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
do you still need a work email that basically forces you to doxx yourself? (since work/student mails use your name) and do all mods knows your email(so your name)? because I'm having regrets...I don't want those people to know my info.

I can only speak from my own experience but I don't believe most mods have access to that info, and even the few admins/mods that do would only see it in your email correspondence as they help deal with emails. Again, this is my own experience. I've never gone looking for that information so I can't be sure it's not visible somewhere.


Oct 25, 2017
The lesson I should have and did learn, and would have from a warning too, is not to use the word/meme. Forum rules are not about dictating morality or trying to teach people a set of values predetermined or subject to your whim. I don't even know where people get this idea that rules should teach people a moral lesson and that lesson needs to be drilled with punishment. It is honestly baffling how high and mighty people can act over the net.

Had I known it was an unacceptable meme I would not have used it. I do not find the meme offensive but I accept that it was not acceptable to that mod on that site. Whether I find use of the word immoral or unacceptable is irrelevant.


And before you pull this honestly bullshit excuse about mods not seeing it, I am talking about gaf where it is used I would say fairly often. Only individual mods appeared to inconsistently do something about it. You know they call resetera users by that name right?
Simply yikes, bro.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I don't think there was ever any transparency and I think the moderating system is pretty similar to that of NeoGaf back in the day. People left NeoGaf not because of disagreements with mod behavior, but because the owner of the site was accused of sexual misconduct that he wouldn't own up to and wanted buried.

I always had my differences with how NeoGaf was moderated, and this website, but this website never promised anything different. My biggest frustration is with locked threads, OPs requesting their threads to get locked when they get clowned on (and Mods locking them), and then the use of bans instead of warnings. I think warnings are more effective than bans, but w/e.

It's not enough for me to care really. I haven't followed what the latest disagreements are over, but I don't think that there was ever the promise of transparency; this site was, seemingly, less transparent than NeoGaf by the very nature of it: It started as an invite-only Discord chat group and if you didn't "know someone," you wouldn't get invited, and then you were unlikely to make the jump over here early on. That's the antithesis of transparency.

FWIW, I think the mods at NeoGaf were slightly more power-trippy than the mods here, but I dunno if that's entirely true. I'd imagine there's a fair amount of crossover between NeoGaf mods and mods at this site, and the culture carried over. I say this mostly in that I don't think I've ever gotten a ban here, maybe a short one or a warning, but usually it was for going to far arguing with someone where I probably was being an ass. I used to not be able to let arguments go, and I'm better at just not caring anymore.

Professor Beef

Official ResetEraā„¢ Chao Puncher
Oct 25, 2017
The Digital World
I can only speak from my own experience but I don't believe most mods have access to that info, and even the few admins/mods that do would only see it in your email correspondence as they help deal with emails. Again, this is my own experience. I've never gone looking for that information so I can't be sure it's not visible somewhere.
pretty sure it's an admin-only thing because i've never seen anyone's email address when checking their profiles while i was modding


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
you mean the person who single handely annihilated pc era ? and actively went out of his way to gut a community on here and when people spoke out he posted troly images in reply. and when people quoted him he would reply with dont quote me again.

proper top tier mod behaviour right there and was clearly fighting against toxicity at the time


Oct 27, 2017
Uhhhhhh.... can't tell if this is a sarcastic post, but generalized xenophobia deserves to get you banned.

This thread has a weird amount of people saying "I only said (very offensive thing), can you believe they banned me for that?!"

Like... no shit.

I was joking. I'm not at all surprised I was banned for that.
Oct 27, 2017
I was joking. I'm not at all surprised I was banned for that.
Oh ok, good. That's why I included that first part, cause some of these posts in this thread man.... you can't be sure.

People having full back and forths about how moderation is too strict and then revealing a sugar-coated version of the reason they got banned, only for it to be really obvious they were in the wrong.

Sorry I didn't pick up on your sarcasm about it.


The Former
Oct 23, 2017
i mean it doesnt excuse the owner of this site saying gay slurs to someone in public and had a case about it. which you can actively find the report online if you search for the resetera llc owner name in google. there should be no mistake where the owner stands as the owner of this community i guess then ?
I'm aware that this is something alt-right sites have been trying to make hay over. I never expected to see it here, but I don't want to leave any doubts about what actually happened.

When I was in high school, I along with several other students were part of a complaint against a school librarian named Christopher Asch because he wouldn't keep his hands to himself. I'd rather not get into a lot of detail about that as it's a painful subject for me, but his defense at the time was that we were targeting him because he was gay. That was never true, the accusations of slurs were never true. What is true is that some years later he made the news for this:

So, yeah, that's the story. Not something I ever expected to have to talk about in public but there it is.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
I'm aware that this is something alt-right sites have been trying to make hay over. I never expected to see it here, but I don't want to leave any doubts about what actually happened.

When I was in high school, I along with several other students were part of a complaint against a school librarian named Christopher Asch because he wouldn't keep his hands to himself. I'd rather not get into a lot of detail about that as it's a painful subject for me, but his defense at the time was that we were targeting him because he was gay. That was never true, the accusations of slurs were never true. What is true is that some years later he made the news for this:

So, yeah, that's the story. Not something I ever expected to have to talk about in public but there it is.

Damn Ceri, I'm sorry you had to go through that.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh ok, good. That's why I included that first part, cause some of these posts in this thread man.... you can't be sure.

People having full back and forths about how moderation is too strict and then revealing a sugar-coated version of the reason they got banned, only for it to be really obvious they were in the wrong.

Sorry I didn't pick up on your sarcasm about it.

Easy to do on here!
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