What do you think a Resident Evil 4 remake will utilize most?

  • More Action

  • More Horror

  • Experimental like RE 3.5

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Oct 27, 2017
I get it.

RE4 is the Back to the Future 1 of videogames. It's perfect and needs no remake.

But what if it looked even better than RE3 remake?

Just picture that and come back to me.


Jun 29, 2018
No QTE's, remove the over the top melee moves and moves in general and make them regular like a frantic push and front kick, more horror, no tank controls, and over the shoulder third person perspective.
This would ruin RE4 in the worst way possible. They need to keep the QTEs, suplexes, and backflips out of windows in the game.

the RE2 controls in a RE4 remake with everything else the same would be great.

-Le Monde-

Dec 8, 2017
I get it.

RE4 is the Back to the Future 1 of videogames. It's perfect and needs no remake.

But what if it looked even better than RE3 remake?

Just picture that and come back to me.
Del Lago on re engine. šŸ˜­

This remake needs to happen for next gen. I want to be terrorized by chainsaw wielding ganado. šŸ˜‹


Oct 26, 2017
It will be interesting if they turn it into a more horror game. Also get rid of enemies with guns and bazookas.


Oct 27, 2017
This would ruin RE4 in the worst way possible. They need to keep the QTEs, suplexes, and backflips out of windows in the game.

the RE2 controls in a RE4 remake with everything else the same would be great.
Sure to some people, to others they will like it. Those that don't can still play the original and easily have access to it on modern platforms.
It will be interesting if they turn it into a more horror game. Also get rid of enemies with guns and bazookas.


Oct 4, 2018
It would really only be small updates ideally. I think that the story should remain entirely unchanged. The voice lines could be expanded so that we don't keep hearing the same lines repeated over and over, however I think RE3 is going to show us that annoying repeated lines from enemies is a staple of the franchise with Nemesis constantly repeating "STARS....STARS..." I mean you can't remove the famous lines from the game that have become famous enough to be referenced in other games and series, but you can add some variety.

I would also like to see some updates to the escort missions, either make Ashley harder to save or harder to protect. I found when I played that game within the past 2 years it was very easy to keep her safe and secure, which in the end became tedious since there was no threat to the situation.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope the rumour about Resident Evil 8 being kinda-sorta a remake of RE4 is right because that would be the best solution.

That or a purely visual remake like SotC of course.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a perfect game so I would just update the graphics and maybe make more environmental interaction. The key is the constant stream of incredibly varied enemy encounters. Every single room is a different situation for about 14 hours, no game does that. The remake should just keep the design cause I don't know how you top it.


Oct 27, 2017
I finally beat RE4 for the first time since I first played it on the Gamecube all those years ago a couple days ago, and then beat it again a few more times for good measure (like on Professional a few times then more to farm for money).

I think they should take out the QTEs. Especially the mid-boss fight QTEs. I thought they kinda sucked back when, and I think they really suck now. The suplex and kicks I'm okay with and like, though. I do think they should take out the tank controls, too. Make it handle more like the RE2 remake. It freaking sucks having to pie-off every corner because the game likes to hide enemies around them and it takes so long for Leon to turn and be able to see so there are parts where you get a "cheap hit."

I think the game is still great and all, but I don't think it holds up as well as a lot of people seem to. For example, I think almost every boss fight is just terrible, and after the village part the game just drops off a cliff for me.

edit: Oh, a quick select mapped to the d-pad like how it is in RE7 would be great.
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Oct 25, 2017
More horror, specifically occult horror. RE4 didn't age nearly as gracefully for me as games like REmake and Silent Hill 2. Dial the action & camp way down, turn the anxiety & dread way up.
Apr 21, 2018
I'd imagine it would have to be an update in the vein of OOT3D and SOTC. An exact replica of the game with better graphics and QOL changes.

I'd imagine it controlling like RE2make will be nice, although it might make the game incredible easy, so maybe they'll limit the ammo amount to compensate?

Extra Sauce

Oct 27, 2017
step one: recreate the visual effects that have been missing from non-Gamecube/Wii versions of the game.

there is no step two.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
In the same way RE2make doesn't really replace RE2, but creates a new experience to play it. Maybe do something weird like VR.


Nov 3, 2017
I just want the same story but with playable controls, RE2R was perfect in that regard.
Oct 27, 2017
You know it would be enough to fix those REHD ports to not have shit lightning, bring back missing gamecube effects and touch up those textures a little. Oh and fix those dreadful thumbsticks deadzones too.
Completely remaking the game would be a error, because i'm SURE they would fuck up the feeling. I love how RE4 feels to play, the movement, the feeback from weapons and enemies... they would fuck it up for sure.


Oct 27, 2017
What Capcom should do is say that the Remake games are set in an alternate timeline where things played out in some different ways from the original games' timeline.

Boom, now they can have all the artistic freedom they want for the remakes while pissing off fans a little less.


Oct 30, 2017
It's a perfect game so I would just update the graphics and maybe make more environmental interaction. The key is the constant stream of incredibly varied enemy encounters. Every single room is a different situation for about 14 hours, no game does that. The remake should just keep the design cause I don't know how you top it.
This. I cannot see any meaningful way to improve it over the visual presentation given that everything else is basically perfect. I just played it and finished last night and was blown away by the fact a 15 year old game can hold up so well.

It did take me 22 hours and not 14, though. T__T


Oct 30, 2017
Do people really want to face Regenerators in RE2 remake's terrifying graphics?
Yes please! With EXTRA JIGGLY LEGS for added freakout.

Actually I would have loved to have the regenerators remain basically unkillable for longer than what they were in the game. So maybe that's something to improve upon if a remake gets made.


Oct 27, 2017
Lolol and now he's banned.... for shooting a dog in the head accidentally 5 times


Linked the Fire
Oct 25, 2017
I think updating the gameplay to REmake2 style would be fine. Accuracy is shit when you move, so not such a big move away from no move and shoot. Some balance tweaks for shotguns might be needed, IDK

I don't know if more action is needed, but definitely keep the melee moves

Some mixing up enemy and item placement would be needed, and probably at least one new enemy

Maybe more destructible stuff in the environments

Otherwise, it would just be great to see new RE Engine models of everybody and everything.

I think mercernaries would be an opportunity, too. Include characters, enemies, and settings from the other RE Engine games

-Le Monde-

Dec 8, 2017
Do people really want to face Regenerators in RE2 remake's terrifying graphics?
Absolutely! šŸ˜‹
And I want to be chased by a dual chainsaw wielding Dr. Salvador šŸ˜¦

I think updating the gameplay to REmake2 style would be fine. Accuracy is shit when you move, so not such a big move away from no move and shoot. Some balance tweaks for shotguns might be needed, IDK

I don't know if more action is needed, but definitely keep the melee moves

Some mixing up enemy and item placement would be needed, and probably at least one new enemy

Maybe more destructible stuff in the environments

Otherwise, it would just be great to see new RE Engine models of everybody and everything.

I think mercernaries would be an opportunity, too. Include characters, enemies, and settings from the other RE Engine games
They should do a sequel to Mercenaries 3d with the re engine.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
I'd like for it to be very faithful in the gameplay department. I'd also like to see Capcom add more new areas/rooms, and some new puzzles and improve the island.


Oct 28, 2017
I would want it to do it's own thing and have it's own identity while still staying true to the broad strokes of RE4, so basically what RE2 remake was for RE2.

I would not mind if they toned down all the wrestling moves and leon jumping out of 20 foot windows if they wanted to go for a more grounded and more survival horror take, but i also wouldn't mind if they leaned into those sillier elements instead. Regardless though, RE4 as it is now is a masterpiece, and it's not going anywhere, so a remake can deviate all it wants for all I care, you might end up with two masterpieces cut from the same cloth.

I mostly though just want to see what a really scary RE4 would look like, the feeling of being surrounded and having to retreat was the main source of dread and tension in the original, I'm curious how they could reinterpret that ebb and flow with modern sensibilities.

I think "It's perfect as it is, just update the graphics" is the most boring take imaginable, i don't just want the same game with better textures (I already have that anyway with the excellent HD texture mod) after seeing how they took RE1 and made it a far, far better game with Remake, and to see how they reinvented RE2 into a different game entirely yet still evocative of the original in every way, just slapping some new textures and animations and calling it a day is a clear regression from the exceptionally high quality we've come to expect from capcom regarding these remakes.
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Nov 1, 2017
The Rapscallion
I firmly believe nothing can be done that won't make the game worse. Upgrade the graphics and offer a modern control scheme option.

Thats it. Don't touch greatness


Oct 25, 2017
If they did anything other than re-do the graphics Colossus PS4-style, it would involve some hard choices that would make RE4 unrecognizable and potentially even alter the RE canon.

Adding modern controls to the game as-is breaks it, as the encounter design was built around not having strafe. At that point you're redesigning the whole game.

If you build a new game, I don't think you can reconcile the tone of the existing RE4 with the tone of the last couple remakes (and RE7). There's a clear difference in tone between the PS1 games and everything that came after them. RE was always at least a B horror movie, but after the PS1 games they got markedly more cheesy. Code Veronica is sort of anime. 4, 5, and 6 are straight-up Hollywood movies, with 4 basically being a Schwarzenegger/Stallone movie (specifically Commando). I don't think that tone would work with a remake that tries to bill itself along side the remakes of 2 and 3, which are a bit more serious, not without essentially rewriting 4.

The RE2Make didn't really upset the existing canon at all. It's safe to say RE3Make won't either. Capcom clearly intends to preserve the canon as-is, which means it would probably decide against a complete re-imagining of RE4.

Lastly, I think a big reason Capcom remade 2 and 3 specifically is because they were the last numbered RE games you can't play on modern platforms. 4 already has a remaster, it came out on Switch like last year. In any case any remake of RE4 would probably be next-gen at this point, probably next-gen-only and probably after RE8. We're talking 2022 at the earliest probably. The RE2 and 3 remakes are only happening in such rapid succession because they started development at the same time and were originally one project that got split up.


Son Altesse SƩrƩnissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
More action. The 3.5 stuff is so unlike RE4 that it cannot be used as a remake of that game.


Oct 28, 2017
Preferably it would just be the original game but with the controls of RE2 remake and the visual fidelity of RE2 remake. Obviously enemy AI and enemy spawns would have to be adjusted to account for Leon's increased mobility but in terms of story, structure, map design, audio, and gameplay mechanics just keep it all as it was.


Dec 28, 2017
The same goddamn near perfect game but with raytracing

Nobody in the industry is qualified to tinker with RE4. Just update the visuals and step the hell away

This. RE4 is too massive, and has too much in it to remake on the scale of RE1 or RE2 remakes. Plus, it still feels pretty close to "modern" so there's not as much of a generational gap since its release to see it boldly reimagined like RE1 and 2 were.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
If they did anything other than re-do the graphics Colossus PS4-style, it would involve some hard choices that would make RE4 unrecognizable and potentially even alter the RE canon.

Adding modern controls to the game as-is breaks it, as the encounter design was built around not having strafe. At that point you're redesigning the whole game.

If you build a new game, I don't think you can reconcile the tone of the existing RE4 with the tone of the last couple remakes (and RE7). There's a clear difference in tone between the PS1 games and everything that came after them. RE was always at least a B horror movie, but after the PS1 games they got markedly more cheesy. Code Veronica is sort of anime. 4, 5, and 6 are straight-up Hollywood movies, with 4 basically being a Schwarzenegger/Stallone movie (specifically Commando). I don't think that tone would work with a remake that tries to bill itself along side the remakes of 2 and 3, which are a bit more serious, not without essentially rewriting 4.

The RE2Make didn't really upset the existing canon at all. It's safe to say RE3Make won't either. Capcom clearly intends to preserve the canon as-is, which means it would probably decide against a complete re-imagining of RE4.

Lastly, I think a big reason Capcom remade 2 and 3 specifically is because they were the last numbered RE games you can't play on modern platforms. 4 already has a remaster, it came out on Switch like last year. In any case any remake of RE4 would probably be next-gen at this point, probably next-gen-only and probably after RE8. We're talking 2022 at the earliest probably. The RE2 and 3 remakes are only happening in such rapid succession because they started development at the same time and were originally one project that got split up.

The RE7 DLC of Not a Hero and End of Zoe are probably the best examples of what we can expect from a RE4make that would bill itself more seriously but still have the over the top expected moments from the original. Personally, I think stuff like Melee prompts for Leon wouldn't be out of the realm.

However, I could see stuff such as the Statue Chase and certain elements of the castle being toned down (mainly the odd cog platform that takes you to a random lava room inside the castle with statues that breath fire). Those would likely be the elements more needed to be toned down to bill it alongside RE2/3


ā–² Legend ā–²
Aug 28, 2019
The game shouldn't be remade. I know you explicitly said to discount that perspective but I can't. Every single bit of it hangs together in perfect balance. The frantic cumbersome stop, aim, shoot mechanic in particular is so fundamental to the game's design that it would just be a different game wearing re4s clothing if that were changed. It's intentionally a bit tough to get around in the same way that Death Stranding is. Just make a new game.

Toning down the wrestling moves and camp... Why would you want this? It's a silly campy game! Why would you want to take that away from it?


Feb 28, 2018
I dunno....RE4 is KINDA scary, but its barely a horror game even for its time. The tone of the game is kinda all over the place so it would be hard to nail it down to a consistency they could build a foundation from ala RE2.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, MD
Yeah...RE4 is the kind of game where the only thing I'd want is better graphics and perhaps getting the control scheme in line with 5's.

Maybe update Mercs mode to have more stages? I dunno! There's not much else I'd change about the game, because it's so great, as is.
Oct 27, 2017
Yes. We already have it in RE4. Which is perfect, right? No need to repeat it in the tone and style these remakes are trying to achieve. They look silly in this type of game now.

If you're going to remove those moves because they're silly then you're going to have to change a whole shitload of goofy shit in RE4. The whole game would basically need an overhaul apart from the opening and the Verdigo and U3 boss fights.

I never got that one being called a "horror masterpiece". It isn't. It's a great action game with some occasionally tense horror moments.
Oct 27, 2017
The game is so legendary and holds up so well, the only real way to do it that wouldn't alienate fans is just a Shadow of the Colossus style graphical overhaul.
Oct 27, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
I imagine a game that's much the same with a next gen visual overhaul and more modern controls like we get with RE2 - this would likely mean enemy behaviour needs to be adjusted a bit for the player's newfound mobility but I don't see the game becoming even more action-oriented. The game is action-packed enough as it is. If anything I'd like to see a little more horror, maybe expand upon the village a little? But really, they'd be best not touching the overall structure, level design and pacing much.

I know we all like to talk like RE4 is a perfect game but frankly to remake the game and not update things like the controls for modern audiences - particularly those who haven't played before (a large portion of which I'm sure won't have the patience to give the outdated controls time to click) would make the whole endeavour pointless.

Go all in, update the visuals and the controls and do whatever balancing you need to do to make those controls work within the game's design or don't do it at all.
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