
Oct 25, 2017

That being said, John Powell crushed it with the soundtrack for Solo. Hands down the best score for any of the Disney-era SW films so far. His Marauders theme was especially great imo.
The score didn't stand out much at all to me. Actually, where it did, when Enys' theme kicks in during the showdown with her, the score standing out was jarring to me. TLJ still has the best score--easily.


Oct 26, 2017
This movie was really busy but somehow really boring because of it. Talk about a drag. It would have been better being either a 1:30 duration story about Corellia or focusing on the heist. They tried to cram so much in.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
Yeah I believe AOTC and ROTS we're both shot digitally to varying degrees. But this is probably the first since those to be done so as well.

AOTC and ROTS were shot entirely digitally on Sony's bleeding edge 1080p (not even 2K) camera. George wanted to use it for TPM but the thing wasn't even out of concept stage at the time.
Oct 28, 2017
I don't even understand the score compliments. It just sounded like noise to me. Maybe it was the mix in my theater? What pieces of the score stood out to you guys?

The only time I became aware of the score was when the Tie Escape theme kicked in during the Kessel Run and that's when my eyes rolled into the back of my head.


Oct 27, 2017
There was nothing special about this movie, I have really liked Rogue One, enjoyed TFA... and think I put TLJ in my Top 3 Star Wars movie.

But there were no stakes in this movie... they wanted off the planet, she gets captured, he needs a way out and joins the Empire. And he needs to get money for a ship to get back to her.

I hated, hated the FN... the Finn... Han what? Oh, you are alone... OK, your name is now Han Solo.

Why couldn't he just be Han Solo and not a made up name? We learn he did not have a good relationship with his dad. Why not just say "Bill Solo, my dad was an ass... always thinking about himself"

There was no real threat, except from Vision. I really don't remember Jarvis' name in this movie... but he was no real threat. They kept saying he was going to kill Han, Woody and Chewie.

But it seemed like all you had to do was run... they kept fearing getting killed if they did not do the job... but they kept saying you could run away.

So, there was no real threat to anyone. The girl only had a tattoo holding her to Vision. They could have just knocked Lando's ass out and dumped him in the escape pod. Now they have a ship and can go anywhere.

And when the masks were pulled off to reveal kids... I was pulled into Thunderdome or Water World. It ruined the bad guys/good guys for me.
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Cup O' Tea?

Nov 2, 2017
I got free tickets to see this film.

It was a really dark, muddy sort of movie that evokes feelings that contradict the actual plot and tone of the film. The fan service is also way too condensed for my liking.

There were some good moments. I liked all the droid stuff. The film would have been better with Lando and L as the main characters.


Oct 27, 2017
...Becker straight up told him he would have killed him had he not shot first (some find it hammy. Others like myself grew up with Han shooting first so you can bite me. I loved it)...

How did I completely miss that this was a "Han shot first" moment? How!?

I liked the movie a lot. Good action. Good story. Good humor. Overall fun time at the movies.


Oct 27, 2017
You know.... this movie actually has me EXCITED about Star Wars again!! I LOVED R1 and TLJ, but it goes without saying that both ended on less than happy notes. And while R1 was certainly thrilling, it was always in a Dirty Dozen way where you were just waiting for everyone to die with that glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe they don't.

This was just fun. It was the heist movie. Fall into a situation where you need to make the score, come up with the impossible plan, everything falls into place until the big swerve.. they make it through but just barely.. Sure it's not mind blowing... but I don't see why it's bad that every once in a while Star Wars can't just be popcorn.

Really excited to see this again today. And it's been a while since saying that (actual excitement, not just going to catch more stuff or sort my thoughts out more). The first act is what it is.... fortunately the slow beginning is not nearly as long as many other movies that I love. And that goes for Star Wars movies. (Outside of the Tantive IV and Docking Bay shootout ANH is CRAZY slow for the first half of the movie)


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
Okay I gotta say, this movie was freaking fantastic and so far it's my favorite of the new movies. The locales are so GORGEOUS!

And MAUL! MAUL! I knew he was going to be in it but still! Everyone was freaking out in the theater! This movie rekindled something in me and my love for Star Wars like no other before!


Oct 25, 2017
As someone who didn't watch the cartoons, reading about Darth Maul's apparition makes me think that a lot of people were left confused at the end of the movie. Unless everybody else has seen the cartoons.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh god, I forgot that "Solo" is apparently just his made up last name. That was absolutely terrible.....I can't believe someone thought that was clever.

Funny how the Empire won't let you past an airport security checkpoint without ID tags, but you can sign up for their army without even having to provide a last name.
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The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Imagine being so caught up in hating Disney Star Wars on principle that you can't enjoy a fun movie like this. No its not perfect but the RT user reviews are once again calling it "KK SJW trash" and it reminds me how shitty the Star Wars community has always been and bums me out man.


Oct 25, 2017
Emilia Clarke's temporary tattoo of a stock symbol being the sole mark of her treachery is hilarious.


Oct 27, 2017
I also laughed hard at Chewie giving Han shit about 12 parsecs. More to the point that they've given Chewie a personality in the modern era of movies.

"Didn't you hear? I just made the Kessel run in 12 parsecs..."
"Not if you round down it isn't"


Oct 27, 2017
This really confuses the timeline for me. Is Han really old or did Maul survive being cut in half and falling 800 ft? Apologies for never seeing any of the cartoons.


Oct 27, 2017
This really confuses the timeline for me. Is Han really old or did Maul survive being cut in half and falling 800 ft? Apologies for never seeing any of the cartoons.
The latter. Maul survived, played a role in the Clone Wars, spent a bunch of Rebels trying to assemble a holocron only to see his future
of Obi-wan killing him again. This time permanently.


Oct 27, 2017
For people asking about Peter Seradinowizc as Maul, he gave this great interview about his role. Well worth a listen.



Oct 30, 2017
I really enjoyed it (but alas I LOVED Last Jedi), the wardrobe department had a field day. Everything looked so fly but\ those marauders/rebels reminded me of Destiny.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
I actually enjoyed the film. It wasn't amazing, but it was better than I initially expected.

I was a bit surprised that they acknowledged that Maul survived. Granted, Clone Wars & Rebels are canon, but I was just a bit shocked to see a direct reference to both of those in the movies. Would that place this movie around the time of the first 3 seasons of Rebels?


Oct 25, 2017
By the way, if anyone wants to catch up on the further canon adventures of Han, Lando, and Darth Maul (what a weird trifecta), these are the primary things to look for:

-Darth Maul (comic, set before TPM)
-The Clone Wars (Maul appears in the later seasons)
-Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir (post-TCW, pre-RotS comic)
-Most Wanted (Han and Qi'ra YA novel, just came out)
-Lando: Double or Nothing (Glover-era Lando comic, out soon)
-Rebels (Lando appears in first two seasons, Maul appears in seasons 2 and 3)
-Smuggler's Run (Han and Chewie YA book)
-Han Solo (comic)
-Lando (comic)
-Star Wars (comic)
-Last Shot (post-RotJ Han and Lando novel)

Deleted member 135

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I remember how people who were skeptical of this film because of its focus and it's production issues were shouted down as haters.

Well, I think it's safe to say we were right.

I hate TLJ but at least it had some cool memorable scenes.

This is the nature of character prequels, you have to tell a story really damn well to overcome the fact that you already know where characters end up. Solo (like the PT) failed at that.

Let's see how the Boba Fett and Obi-Wan films do. It would be interesting to see what Boba was doing during Episode 4 and the time between his appearance in 5 and his "death" in 6. Maybe relive those moments from his perspective.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I watched almost all of Rebels when the episodes aired (less so TCW).. and didn't see that coming. Like most others here I am glad they legitimized the TV shows into canon. People writing it off as fan service drivel don't seem to understand that the cartoons have been the place for some of the best Star Wars stories ever. Maul was more than just fan service. Especially using Sam Witwer. It was a declaration that the cartoons most definitely do have a place in the saga.

Amazingly the movies have been acknowledging the shows sense the force awakens, biggest one before this was saul guerrera being a character in rogue one, so I guess it was always in the back of my mind, but this was something next level, hell, he even has his lightsaber from rebels.


Oct 27, 2017
I actually enjoyed the film. It wasn't amazing, but it was better than I initially expected.

I was a bit surprised that they acknowledged that Maul survived. Granted, Clone Wars & Rebels are canon, but I was just a bit shocked to see a direct reference to both of those in the movies. Would that place this movie around the time of the first 3 seasons of Rebels?
My guess is between season 3 and 4.


Oct 25, 2017
I actually enjoyed the film. It wasn't amazing, but it was better than I initially expected.

I was a bit surprised that they acknowledged that Maul survived. Granted, Clone Wars & Rebels are canon, but I was just a bit shocked to see a direct reference to both of those in the movies. Would that place this movie around the time of the first 3 seasons of Rebels?

I believe it ends the same year that Rebels begins, 5 BBY. Maul still has 2 years to get stuck on Malachor.
Oct 26, 2017
This movie was really busy but somehow really boring because of it. Talk about a drag. It would have been better being either a 1:30 duration story about Corellia or focusing on the heist. They tried to cram so much in.

I really think the first fifteen minutes of the movie were highly unnecessary. Imagine if the movie began with Han, an Imperial Soldier, in the middle of battle. The pacing would have been so much better. There could have been plenty of opportunities to learn about a mystery girl left behind through exposition before her first appearance at the party.

Deleted member 22422

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Disappointed they took out the "Well, what do you know?" line after Han shows Chewie his cards, that was in the trailer.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I really think the first fifteen minutes of the movie were highly unnecessary. Imagine if the movie began with Han, an Imperial Soldier, in the middle of battle. The pacing would have been so much better. There could have been plenty of opportunities to learn about a mystery girl left behind through exposition before her first appearance at the party.
I'd agree the beginning of the film is the weakest part, but I don't think their reunion works as well without showing Han and Qi'ra get separated.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
actually I liked the first hour the most. it moves, lots of shit happening, rio, val, are great. the train heist was very cool,


SaGa Sage
Oct 25, 2017
I actually enjoyed the film. It wasn't amazing, but it was better than I initially expected.

I was a bit surprised that they acknowledged that Maul survived. Granted, Clone Wars & Rebels are canon, but I was just a bit shocked to see a direct reference to both of those in the movies. Would that place this movie around the time of the first 3 seasons of Rebels?
It's somewhere around 6 years before Rebels, iirc.