Oct 26, 2017
Found by brutaka3 at Install Base; developer INSIDE SYSTEM, the dev of the Legend of Dark Witch games:

View: https://twitter.com/INSIDE_SYSTEM/status/1787751781017215466

魔神少女シリーズの新作はNintendo Switchの後継機に出すことを念頭に制作をしていこうと思います。
DeepL: I will be working on a new version of the Majin Shoujo series with the intention of releasing it on the successor to the Nintendo Switch.

And publisher EastAsiaSoft, who've localized and possibly commissioned Switch ports of Compile Heart games like both Mugen Souls, Seven Pirates, and Moero Crystal (err, NSFW warning if you wish to look these up) and are localizing Idea Factory Otomate games now with a 2-pack of the original Hakuoki games for Switch.

View: https://twitter.com/eastasiasoft/status/1787826508876112035

While there may not be any upcoming eastasiasoft titles in the announced June 2024 Nintendo Direct, rest assured that we fully intend to support the Nintendo Switch successor hardware in the future!

Only two I've seen so far. Hopefully the floodgates are indeed opening. Find anymore? Send them here!


Oct 27, 2017
Good to hear.
Probably a lot of devs/pubs wants to be there at launch this time before it gets too crowded.


Oct 25, 2017
No one wants to miss getting on the Switch train this time round …

I wonder if many developers will still be ideologically opposed to the idea of having their games on a Nintendo system lol (if not a bullshit excuse)


Like A Dragon Producer Is Hesistant To Bring Yakuza Games To Nintendo Switch

The wholesome image that the Switch currently projects clashes with the underground attitude of the Yakuza series according to executive producer Masayoshi Yokoyama.

"Do we want to put a title like this where we're going around and picking a fight with the world and doing all this Yakuza stuff, on a Switch," Yokoyama explained. According to the producer, the family-friendly image of the Switch in its home ground of Japan clashes with the "underground feeling" that Yakuza games project.

"We still kind of think of ourselves as people of the night world, right? We don't want to be like walking around the day with everybody else," Yokoyama said. "Like for us, it's kind of showing this kind of underground feeling. I think the underground kind of feeling is what we want to do."

I'm looking forward to playing Bayonetta 3 with the new Naive Angel Mode turned off on my Nintendo Switch family-friendly system.


Oct 27, 2017
This makes me wonder if in the direct they'll announce coming to the next console as well for some titles.

I can hope right.


Oct 29, 2017
After the success of Nintendo Switch, I just hope Nintendo really takes into account the importance to have the best hardware as possible to make multiplatform easier, I'm sure this time the third parties will be on board day one. This next console have the potential to be a another big hit.


Apr 22, 2019
Biggest lot of dumb dumb stuff from RGG.. Still salty about the (rubbish) Wii U ports of 1+2 HD remake..

The fanbase for RGG and Switch has a lot of crossover and the latest ones lend themselves very very well to handheld play. Easy slam dunk you would think. Hoping SEGA pushes them into it - I'll buy every single game again just to have them on Switch 2


Oct 25, 2017
Hopefully this next system breaks the curse that every other Nintendo system is a flop to its predecessor 😂

St. Eam the 3rd

▲ Legend ▲
Aug 18, 2022
Oh wow that was fast, even more 3rd party on the succ. people want to enter the ecosystem of course:).
exiting time ahead