
Nov 14, 2019
To me this is almost equally offensive as a swastika.



Oct 25, 2017
Am I out of the loop on this? I have never heard anyone who has an issue with a christmas hat considering the holiday itself has become so secular.
Dec 6, 2017
imagine being offended by a hat

Imagine taking that offense to this conclusion:

Christian-Schiffer commented 21 hours ago

The Santa Hat on vscode insiders and pushing of religion is very offensive to me, additionally xmas has cost millions of Jews their lives over the centuries, yet even if that was not the case, pushing religious symbols as part of a product update is completely unacceptable. Please remove it immediately and make it your top priority. To me this is almost equally offensive as a swastika.

LOL I mean they're clearly trolling.


Oct 27, 2017
Removing this is an attack on my religion. I suggest we sue Microsoft.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
This seems very mean spirited when the elves are the ones that do all the hard work of programming all the millions upon millions of toys at the North Pole and this is the only time of the year they get any recognition

The comment itself is clearly some alt-right war on christmas bullshit and never should have been taken seriously

Deleted member 58401

User requested account closure
Jul 7, 2019
Am I historically ignorant of some Christmas event involving killing masses of Jews? Like, what does that sentence refer to? Holocaust?


Oct 27, 2017
I mean... if this person is not trolling that is... what does he do every year at christmas? With all the decorations, products, people, shows, banners, ads, commercials, movies, books, etc.?
I honestly would like to know. I have never heard anything like this...
It's like being offended by the sun just because it can give people sunburns.
Oct 25, 2017
It should be removed because of its relation to capitalism and the denial of its victims with religion at best being its facilitator.

But not as a troll effort.


Oct 25, 2017
Weird battle to fight.

But I like the new snowflake icon better anyway so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

BTW: Doesn't VLC update its icon every year with a cone wearing a christmas hat?


Oct 26, 2017
Clemson, SC
What religion are Christmas Hats?

Christianity was not celebrated by American Christians for a very long time and it was even banned in parts of the US at one time.

Wasn't even a "Holiday" the 1870s?

Christian's considered being "merry" and partying wrong.....for a long time. Heck, they even consider "Santa Claus" to be the wrong "symbol" of Christmas (it's supposed to be Jesus).


Oct 25, 2017
I could see this being a person faking it to make Liberals look bad.

Or its an idiot making liberals look bad.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
The Santa Hat on vscode insiders and pushing of religion is very offensive to me, additionally xmas has cost millions of Jews their lives over the centuries, yet even if that was not the case, pushing religious symbols as part of a product update is completely unacceptable. Please remove it immediately and make it your top priority. To me this is almost equally offensive as a swastika.


- Xmas has not cost millions of Jews their lives over the centuries, linking the historical persecution of Jews to the existence of Christmas (a holiday originally celebrated by Jews) is a bizarre stretch.

- A Santa Hat is not a religious symbol, it is a secular symbol

The person who penned the issue links to this website which is ... not ... reliable with it's history at all, and has a lot of very bizarre statements linking Christmas and Hitler, notably likening Christmas to "Celebrating Hitlerday on April 20," and also declaring that the existence of Christmas is a "24 hour declaration that Judaism is not valid," and that Christmas is a celebration to "rescue mankind from the curse of the Torah."

The birth of Jesus as described in the Bible, as recorded by the 1st and 2nd century Jews was a fulfillment of the Torah. Some Jews chose not to believe that Jesus was the fulfillment of the scriptures, some Jews chose to believe that he was, and here, 2000 years later, both religions coexist happily. It is a strange type of religious extremism that believes that the existence of other religions are declarations that your's are invalid; you're entitled to believe what you want to believe, and because belief is a deeply personal thing, the beliefs of someone else are not delarations that your beliefs are invalid because they're you're beliefs.
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Oct 27, 2017

- Xmas has not cost millions of Jews their lives over the centuries, linking the historical persecution of Jews to the existence of Christmas (a holiday originally celebrated by Jews) is a bizarre stretch.

- A Santa Hat is not a religious symbol, it is a secular symbol

The person who penned the issue links to this website which is ... not ... reliable with it's history at all, and has a lot of very bizarre statements linking Christmas and Hitler, notably likening Christmas to "Celebrating Hitlerday on April 20," and also declaring that the existence of Christmas is a "24 hour declaration that Judaism is not valid," and that Christmas is a celebration to "rescue mankind from the curse of the Torah."

The birth of Jesus as described in the Bible, as recorded by the 1st and 2nd century Jews was a fulfillment of the Torah. Some Jews chose not to believe that Jesus was the fulfillment of the scriptures, some Jews chose to believe that he was, and here, 2000 years later, both religions coexist happily. It is a strange type of religious extremism that believes that the existence of other religions are declarations that your's are invalid; you're entitled to believe what you want to believe, and because belief is a deeply personal thing, the beliefs of someone else are not delarations that your beliefs are invalid because they're you're beliefs.
I mean it's clearly a troll.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I mean it's clearly a troll.

Is it though? This website is a lot of effort just to troll.

Rest of this guy's profile checks out, doesn't have any history of trolling issues, I went to his site despite the expired certificate (doin gods work for ya'll) and it checks out as legitimate, found his 8 year old Stack Overflow profile and similarly, no trollish behavior on there. I legit think he got the early alpha release of VSCode and felt offended by the santa hat and legitimately believes the things he shared.
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Modest Mauser

Jan 12, 2018
The article the guy links is absolutely unhinged. It claims Christmas is analogous to celebrating Hitler because the Nazis celebrated Christmas, and that's just the first paragraph.

Also claiming Christmas is a 24-hour celebration of saying "Judaism is no longer valid" as if the point of EVERY religion isn't that other religions are wrong? By the same logic every Jewish holiday is insulting Christians and Muslims and every other religion as well...


Oct 29, 2017
Glasgow, Scotland
Is this some false flag nonsense to push hatred of Jewish people? Reminds me of all the uproar in the UK (and elsewhere) over changing the name of Christmas in shopping centres to something non religious to appease the Muslim community when I don't think anyone in the Muslim community gave two fucks, and it fuelled all the gammon "PC nonsense" idiots and gave them something to rant about.


Oct 25, 2017
Tree, mistletoe etc are not modern incarnations, my pagan ancestors in this country would like a word.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly even if the guy is "trolling," removing the hat hurts no one, and you do have to consider the fact that it's putting something Christmas-themed into a tool that a lot of people use who don't celebrate that holiday.


Oct 25, 2017
The article the guy links is absolutely unhinged. It claims Christmas is analogous to celebrating Hitler because the Nazis celebrated Christmas, and that's just the first paragraph.

Also claiming Christmas is a 24-hour celebration of saying "Judaism is no longer valid" as if the point of EVERY religion isn't that other religions are wrong? By the same logic every Jewish holiday is insulting Christians and Muslims and every other religion as well...

I thought he was saying Hitler day was near Christmas or something, its in April. I don't know what to make of that stuff.