
Oct 27, 2017
I still don't understand what companies would do with DNA other than tailor advertisements. I haven't seen any actually scary examples about what could happen. Like, say they're making money selling my DNA. Okay? Is there more to worry about than that?

I realize this is an argument from personal incredulity, but I really can't conceive of what might happen. And the articles concerned by it that I've read haven't offered any possible scenarios either. Just warnings. I'd really like to know what the danger is.


Oct 25, 2017
Not so sure about that chief.

People get wrongly convicted of stuff because of DNA all the time. DNA especially amongst families isn't conclusive. That cousin you said who commited a murder? They can feign ignorance and all of a sudden you're in prison for life for a crime you didn't commit.


Oct 27, 2017
I still don't understand what companies would do with DNA other than tailor advertisements. I haven't seen any actually scary examples about what could happen. Like, say they're making money selling my DNA. Okay? Is there more to worry about than that?

I realize this is an argument from personal incredulity, but I really can't conceive of what might happen. And the articles concerned by it that I've read haven't offered any possible scenarios either. Just warnings. I'd really like to know what the danger is.

For one, increasing insurance rates due to genetic markers.

Deleted member 6511

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I was actually thinking about doing 23andMe. I remember that Gizmodo article from last year and I'm not really concerned about anything in it. I'm fine with companies using my DNA for research purposes, especially if you have to consent to it first and are made aware of exactly what you're consenting to.
The only part I am really concerned is about health insurance. This is a real concern because they may say you have a pre existing condition and deny coverage or change higher premium, idk. This thing is so expensive in US, that it's not worth my curiosity about my genes.


Oct 26, 2017
Hell no. The State already got my finger prints on bullshit that we all knew was going to get dropped, like hell I'm going to give them my DNA.


Oct 27, 2017
lmao at thinking a place like ERA would ever put trust in a company or the man.

OP nice try though I think your heart is in the right place.


Dec 16, 2018
Imagine Hitler getting access to a DNA database. I bet he worried about running out of jews, his much needed common enemy - with this database he could be sure to find new common enemies forever and ever.

So... Republican party+companies with access to your DNA probably is a bad combo.


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder what else the powers that be will decide to do with all that DNA data that they will own...


Oct 25, 2017
You must be out your mind if you think my Black ass is giving United States Government my DNA.


Oct 28, 2017
lol - gonna have to give a hard no on that one.

Why give my DNA when the only change it makes for me is give police some random chance of linking me to a crime? Especially when that connection can come via error?

Every element of my DNA says no thanks.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Dec 9, 2018
No thank you!

On top of the privacy concerns, there is a fairly limited number of crimes that i would be comfortable helping to jail family members for. Probably only sexual crimes. But the DNA record could be used for anything.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey OP, we actually have a lot of discussions here on this forum about justice, and how many police officers contribute to abuses of power and other injustices through their silence. How often do you talk to the police officers in your family about stuff like that? What state do you live in? Maybe give us your last name, so we can look up any misuse of force or arrest data that might be publicly available on your relatives?

You wouldn't want any abstract privacy concerns to interfere with the material pursuit of justice, right?
Whew. This was a harsh, but good, response.


Oct 25, 2017
Lol wtf does this mean
Mate we weren't even allowed to drink when the corporate police state was established.

The 4th person on that list (Zuckerberg) is a Millennial. The average age of a google employee is 29 (Millennial). Millenials gotta hustle and think (or not care) about the repercussions after the fact, just like GenX and their CO2 emissions.

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
I still don't understand what companies would do with DNA other than tailor advertisements. I haven't seen any actually scary examples about what could happen. Like, say they're making money selling my DNA. Okay? Is there more to worry about than that?

I realize this is an argument from personal incredulity, but I really can't conceive of what might happen. And the articles concerned by it that I've read haven't offered any possible scenarios either. Just warnings. I'd really like to know what the danger is.

Denying you insurance based on the possibility of you having conditions due to your genetic profile. Denying you a job because your genetic profile isn't likely to be as healthy or performant as another candidate. Racists being able to target you based on your background. Being wrongly convicted of a crime since DNA matching is not a perfect science. I've posted an article earlier in the thread about copyright/patent implications. You've seen how companies can misuse random demographic data about you in the past few years. Imagine if they had much more specific and detailed information about you.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I still don't understand what companies would do with DNA other than tailor advertisements. I haven't seen any actually scary examples about what could happen. Like, say they're making money selling my DNA. Okay? Is there more to worry about than that?

I realize this is an argument from personal incredulity, but I really can't conceive of what might happen. And the articles concerned by it that I've read haven't offered any possible scenarios either. Just warnings. I'd really like to know what the danger is.
people mentioned health insurance, and another possibility is employers may buy the data to screen job applicants for certain genetic ailments


Oct 28, 2017
people mentioned health insurance, and another possibility is employers may buy the data to screen job applicants for certain genetic ailments
A lot if this seems so far fetched to be honest.

I gave away my dna to be checked, but honestly don't care too much. I'm confident it'll have no affect on me in my lifetime but was just really curious about my racial background since my family is so mixed. And yes I realize it's not exact/perfect.

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
A lot if this seems so far fetched to be honest.

I gave away my dna to be checked, but honestly don't care too much. I'm confident it'll have no affect on me in my lifetime but was just really curious about my racial background since my family is so mixed. And yes I realize it's not exact/perfect.

It seemed far fetched like 15 years ago that the government could use your social media pages to deny you entry into the country (yes this is a thing they can and will do). That elections would be manipulated by targeting people with ads based on their hyper-specific social media profiles, that people would create bot and troll farms to create fake pro-social-justice groups to incite racial hatred. That people would lose jobs over 10 year old tweets. Never spuriously give away data if you can avoid it just because the implications seem far fetched.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely terrible idea. Also, insurance companies are going to try to use those DNA results to both discriminate against you and drug companies trying to use it to sell you meds.


Oct 28, 2017
It seemed far fetched like 15 years ago that the government could use your social media pages to deny you entry into the country (yes this is a thing they can and will do). That elections would be manipulated by targeting people with ads based on their hyper-specific social media profiles, that people would create bot and troll farms to create fake pro-social-justice groups to incite racial hatred. That people would lose jobs over 10 year old tweets. Never spuriously give away data if you can avoid it just because the implications seem far fetched.
That didn't seem far fetched to me. Public data you're posting like that can definitely come back to haunt you and is a reason I never really had a real profile like that.

I understand what you're saying though.


Self requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I'm definitely listening to you OP. While at it, I'd like to sell my family's information, as well as, giving our souls and bodies too. You're welcome OP


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Companies cant be trusted with not giving away private messages and photos and you want us to give away our genetic code....lol hell no.


Oct 25, 2017
Why is your username "Trust the process"
Is this a joke on that concept?
OP's name is TrustTheProcess. Is this a joke?
"Trust the process" is a motto used by some 76'ers fan that someone who worked with the 76'ers made originally. I can't remember if it was someone on the team or a coach or something.

See OP's avatar for a connection to it since he has the 76'er logo there.

For those who don't know, they are the Philadelphia basketball team.

However, the thread topic really plays off the name in such a hilarious way that I bet OP didn't see it coming that people would say no to this AND call out how ironic his name is. Lol


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Speeding is the worst crime I've committed since I was about 12 (I stole a few comics and candy bars at that age), but there's no way in hell I'm going to volunteer to put my DNA into a database to increase the chances of being pegged for a crime that I didn't do.


Oct 27, 2017
I swear it feels like threads more and more are for marketing, astroturfing, and consensus testing. Would happen at the old place too.
Oct 26, 2017
Are you kidding me? If ever there was a time for a slippery slope argument. But in this case the slope is made from teflon, with grease on top.

If the OP isn't astroturfing I am truly losing hope for mankind.


Dec 16, 2018
I didn't read that one but this thread has me worried about the OP. How does someone think this is a good idea?
This thread has to be propaganda. I don't remember the exact title of the sexual harassment thread but OP was upset about his friend getting a telling off by HR after signaling towards a new employee that "was an obvious ten" OP started with something similar ti "I'm all for metoo but..."