
Oct 27, 2017
...yes? Phone games do have a lower barrier of entry, but console games require you to have
1. A usually stable supply of electricity
2. A TV/Monitor
3. Enough money to buy both the TV, electricity and the console
This disqualifies quite a lot of people already
There is a big gap between being privileged and not being able to afford a TV lol.

Always doing too much. BLM caters to Black People in general and they are big portion of the (console) gaming audience.
Don't have to be rich or privileged to own a PlayStation, actually it's quite the opposite compared to far more expensive hobbies.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
That is more than most companies will do, hell is more than most people in this thread will do, and I am sure is more than what you will do, so STFU.
I want to curse you out so bad, but I'm going to be bigger than that right now. All I'm going to say is don't trust these companies they'll lie about anything to sell you shit.


Jun 29, 2018
There is a big gap between being privileged and not being able to afford a TV lol.

Always doing too much. BLM caters to Black People in general and they are big portion of the (console) gaming audience.
Don't have to be rich or privileged to own a PlayStation, actually it's quite the opposite compared to far more expensive hobbies.
Aren't there different levels of privilege?

~1 billion people in the world don't have access to electricity. Yes you are privileged to be able to play on a console, or even post here

Not arguing against your other points though


Jan 10, 2020
I don't think there are that many weeks in a year without major tragedies related to racism, sexism, homophobia, social injustice etc
For example Hong Kong riots could be considered a good reason not to have an event, if they wait for them to end we could see no news for a long time


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Pure bullshit from Sony as they had no problem in casting a white woman for the role of Nadine in Uncharted 4 and Lost legacy. How can you claim support Black lives if you aren't willing to cast them roles?
They also cast a black woman to play a white character in the same game you know.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
They are taking a risk with the initial tweets alone. This is a publicly traded company with way more than 100k employees. There is no "they" and "business as usual" is essential.
LMAO having your twitter person tweet about shit is not a risk. This is not going to affect them in any serious way, this will get them more exposure in fact.


Oct 27, 2017


Woke brands and all, but at the very least their Twitter guy needs a medal for popping off like this. That's the actual good shit there.


Oct 27, 2017
but if you look at it even from a cynical PR point of view, the riots in the US is global news. sony's event isn't just about relating information, it's also to create awareness around their product.

The riots in Hong Kong are also global news. The oppression of Rohingya in Burma is also global news. The biggest humanitarian crisis on the planet is occurring in Yemen right now, also global news.

None of that is to say Sony would be wrong to support Black Live Matter with affirmative action, but let's not pretend this is the only humanitarian cause they could attach themselves to.

Systemic racism against people of color is a worldwide thing. Even police brutality. The systemic killing of black people/poc by police, however, is not.


Oct 27, 2017
This is a little but of a dream but I would love for Sony to continue to have the date planned for Thursday to show the PS5 but when it actually starts, it's Jim saying they're moving the event to the following week but wanted to say that PlayStation supports the cause and what they're doing to help since it's likely to have millions of viewers. The reach would be incredible and hopefully drive more support.

Once you acknowledge the problem, you cant turn around and act like the problem is solved a week later. Its more insulting to do so. Its like "Is everything calm now? We cool? Ok check out these video games". Im not saying you feel this way and yeah it is a good dream to think Sony would actually bring a part in bring about real change.

For the record, i want the reveal stream to stay on the 4th. I dont need some mega corp pretending to REALLY care about solving these problems. Just do what you do best, and get the people hyped for some damn video games. It is a dream to think Sony as a company is even capable of acutally doing anyrhing. Just give the people their games. Even protesters/rioters/looters want games


Apr 6, 2018
Seeing more discussion here than in the EtcetEra thread, so I'm posting my response there in here.

Also probably worth posting this video once again:

Do Uighur Muslim lives matter, Sony?

Apple, Samsung and Sony among 83 global brands using Uighur Muslim 'forced labour' in factories, report finds

At least 80,000 Uighurs working across 27 Chinese factories that supply some of biggest brand names in the world

These hollow statements by multinational corporations don't mean shit.

Their care extends only as far as your continued ability to consume their products. Once you're in their factories though, no statements or 'woke' Twitter replies for you.

Yeah it sucks. As much as these posts should be appreciated, Sony (or any other corp) isn't going to truly hurt their bottom line to support social causes.

I guess it ain't worth the risk speaking up against China's concentration camps huh.


Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
The riots in Hong Kong are also global news. The oppression of Rohingya in Burma is also global news. The biggest humanitarian crisis on the planet is occurring in Yemen right now, also global news.

None of that is to say Sony would be wrong to support Black Live Matter with affirmative action, but let's not pretend this is the only humanitarian cause they could attach themselves to.
those are global news, but not to this scale. even when hong kong was it it's height it didn't have the same coverage globally as this does now. couple that with the fact that the US is a major market for sony that china and yemen aren't it's a strong case to postpone it


May 7, 2020
Seeing more discussion here than in the EtcetEra thread, so I'm posting my response there in here.

Also probably worth posting this video once again:

Do Uighur Muslim lives matter, Sony?

Apple, Samsung and Sony among 83 global brands using Uighur Muslim 'forced labour' in factories, report finds

At least 80,000 Uighurs working across 27 Chinese factories that supply some of biggest brand names in the world

These hollow statements by multinational corporations don't mean shit.

Their care extends only as far as your continued ability to consume their products. Once you're in their factories though, no statements or 'woke' Twitter replies for you.

Nope, those lives don't matter to Sony because they can't say anything relevativly negative about China. This comes off super shallow to me. I appreciate the support from Sony, but where is it for the enslaved Muslims?


Apr 6, 2018
Nope, those lives don't matter to Sony because they can't say anything relevativly negative about China. This comes off super shallow to me. I appreciate the support from Sony, but where is it for the enslaved Muslims?

I guess it's not a woke enough cause.

Haven't seen any of these companies dare to pipe up about that.


Dec 20, 2018
I guess it's not a woke enough cause.

Haven't seen any of these companies dare to pipe up about that.
Why would they? They're globalists and capitalists and that's exactly the sort of 'trim the cost' measures that big global corporations will deploy if it saves them money, without any thinking about human lives in modern day slavery

Night Hunter

Dec 5, 2017
The riots in Hong Kong are also global news. The oppression of Rohingya in Burma is also global news. The biggest humanitarian crisis on the planet is occurring in Yemen right now, also global news.

None of that is to say Sony would be wrong to support Black Live Matter with affirmative action, but let's not pretend this is the only humanitarian cause they could attach themselves to.

Ok, you quoted me but I don't see anything pertaining to my post?


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017
Seeing more discussion here than in the EtcetEra thread, so I'm posting my response there in here.

Also probably worth posting this video once again:

Do Uighur Muslim lives matter, Sony?

Apple, Samsung and Sony among 83 global brands using Uighur Muslim 'forced labour' in factories, report finds

At least 80,000 Uighurs working across 27 Chinese factories that supply some of biggest brand names in the world

These hollow statements by multinational corporations don't mean shit.

Their care extends only as far as your continued ability to consume their products. Once you're in their factories though, no statements or 'woke' Twitter replies for you.

Pretty much.

While I appreciate the gesture, it looks more like riding the current wave, rather than being brave.

Of course they can be replaced, at a fraction of the cost using slaves in China to do so.
Oct 28, 2017
Serious question. What's your definition of a risk to a Multi-Billion dollar Global Company?
I'd argue that directing this message at the people protesting in the US is taking a risk to due a) the pressure of a meaningful follow-up reaction and b) drawing resentment by both consumers from the US political right spectrum (for standing with the protesters or saying anything politcally decent in general) and the political left for feeling like a "woke" reaction and worse if not delivering. Both is US-centric.

I'm with the protesters by the way. The US has become a clown parody of a banana republic since Trump's election. Systemic racism an oppression of poc - always an immense problem not only in the US but also kind of especially in the US - has tremendously increased in the last 4 years by means of deliberate division. I'm sad when I see the status quo.

I'm sorry when I came off the wrong way. Also didn't mean to derail.

Wing Scarab

Nov 1, 2017
And you think attacking whatever or being violent is solving anything? Do you really believe that? All its doing is making noise and drawing attention. But I can promise you, it's not going to stop that racist bastard in his house right now not even paying any attention to all this shooting down one of us 3 years from now.

Like I don't get this at all...

You can not protest, riot, or burn away racism. The police guy in question has been charged and would no doubt be locked up, like any other offender. Do you really think these protests would stop another racist fuck from being racist in a couple of years?
How protesting peacefully and trying to be peaceful has helped black people so far?


What Are Ya' Selling?
Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
It's a great msg. Actually sounds really human and like they care when they're asking for us to help them with that third tweet, asking for links, resources etc.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
South Central Los Angeles
Seeing more discussion here than in the EtcetEra thread, so I'm posting my response there in here.

Also probably worth posting this video once again:

Do Uighur Muslim lives matter, Sony?

Apple, Samsung and Sony among 83 global brands using Uighur Muslim 'forced labour' in factories, report finds

At least 80,000 Uighurs working across 27 Chinese factories that supply some of biggest brand names in the world

These hollow statements by multinational corporations don't mean shit.

Their care extends only as far as your continued ability to consume their products. Once you're in their factories though, no statements or 'woke' Twitter replies for you.

I know you probably mean well, and the oppression and struggle of the Uighurs deserves way more attention, but this kind of whataboutism that pops up in response to statements against anti-blackness reeks of All Lives Matter.


Jan 6, 2018
Some of y'all expect way too much from these companies. The stuff that is going on in the States is systemic. No a tweet won't change things but every bit of support is good.


Oct 27, 2017
So many companies and people stepping forward with a statement of support that lacks any criticism of the Police. That alone should tell you how intimidating the police state in the US is. No one is willing to run afoul of them even when they murder someone in cold blood.

Death Penalty

Oct 27, 2017
Would really like to see Sony with a message like this on Thursday at the beginning of their stream. They have an absolutely massive platform through the PlayStation brand and gamers need this message more than most.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'd argue that directing this message at the people protesting in the US is taking a risk to due a) the pressure of a meaningful follow-up reaction and b) drawing resentment by both consumers from the US political right spectrum (for standing with the protesters or saying anything politcally decent in general) and the political left for feeling like a "woke" reaction and worse if not delivering. Both is US-centric.

I'm with the protesters by the way. The US has become a clown parody of a banana republic since Trump's election. Systemic racism an oppression of poc - always an immense problem not only in the US but also kind of especially in the US - has tremendously increased in the last 4 years by means of deliberate division. I'm sad when I see the status quo.

I'm sorry when I came off the wrong way. Also didn't mean to derail.
But that's not a risk because what they're doing isn't going to hurt their bottom line. Was Nike risking anything when they supported Kap? was Guillette at risk with their end toxic masculinity ad companies? No, because these types of decisions aren't made in a bubble, they understand they'll have backlash from a few people but the positivity they get as well as the signal boost out ways any backlash they'll get. It's no coincidence Sony released this statement now when they have an event this week promoting their new system, and I don't care if they cancel that event that still won't mean shit because it'll business as usual for them when this dies down.


self-requested temp ban
Oct 27, 2017
Some of y'all expect way too much from these companies. The stuff that is going on in the States is systemic. No a tweet won't change things but every bit of support is good.
came in to say this...

Sony did what they could, and are asking how to help more. Sure there's more, but I just can't vibe with bringing up other bogus stuff about the company (who of us don't have skeletons) instead of just taking the good gesture in stride. I mean, Sony can't stop something that's carried on from Jim crow laws all the way to the 70's down to our day.

Respect for the managers that approved the direction of those tweets.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Brands stating their support is helpful to some extent, but without action to back it up, those statements ring pretty hollow.
I do hope Sony is not just stating things when they're stating they're not just stating things.
May 7, 2020
They won't they'll donate some money and probably do some public event with some press, then go back to business as usual.
Even if they do. What matters is what sony and these other companies you know with millions of followers are bringing more awareness to this issue, at least will make this situation drag instead being forgotten by monday.
Instead of being cynical you should appreciate what they are doing here
Oct 28, 2017
But that's not a risk because what they're doing isn't going to hurt their bottom line. Was Nike risking anything when they supported Kap? was Guillette at risk with their end toxic masculinity ad companies? No, because these types of decisions aren't made in a bubble, they understand they'll have backlash from a few people but the positivity they get as well as the signal boost out ways any backlash they'll get. It's no coincidence Sony released this statement now when they have an event this week promoting their new system, and I don't care if they cancel that event that still won't mean shit because it'll business as usual for them when this dies down.
Good point, argument accepted.