
Oct 27, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
The bigger issue to me is that from everything we've gathered from this shift in policy the standards and process seems to be very different for the little guys than it does for devs that have the backing of big publishers, which gives me flashbacks to 2005 when they single-handedly killed Working Designs by not letting them release the quality-but-dated-looking games they wanted to localize for PS2 while letting the big publishers put whatever garbage they wanted to on the platform.

That said, the industry's in a very different place now than it was in 2005 when Playstation was basically the only game in town- the downstream effect here will probably just be that smaller otaku game devs (even the ones who *don't* make games with this sort of content) and their audiences start favoring PC/Switch more.


Oct 25, 2017
I only ask they have actual guidelines so we know what they're looking for. I'm fine with them cracking down on the creepy underage shit and molestation mini games, but the lack of actual guidelines is just going to add more situations like DMC5 in the future.

Also people's perception on what looks underage when it comes to anime art styles has always been inconsistent. Like the obvious loli shit is obvious, but each of these threads have people arguing about if a character is underage or not.

When people have to argue to determine the age, it's most likely because the age has been obfuscated in the design, which is the main problem, imo.


Oct 25, 2017
If Capcom's being wary, it only comes down to the lack of guidelines. There's a huge difference between "Sony's requiring even scenes of adult characters to be changed" vs "we just thought they might have us change it".

As I've been saying, they should address this and make the policies much clearer. But if they didn't require it, it is incorrect to point to DMC as an example of a required change and therefore there's no real examples of them not targeting anything other than what they've indicated. Which means there is no reason for concern for Cyberpunk or whatever other game people are worried about, barring the people making those games making some particularly gross decisions.
Cyberpunk and other games wouldn't be affected anyway, since those policies only seem to apply to japanese/asian developers.
That doesn't change the fact that there's no actual guidelines, and that devs are doing things and hoping that Sony won't tell them it's not enough and that they need to spend more money on making a different version of a game they can't release without any issues on other platforms (since rating boards approved it and deemed it lawful).
Once again, there's censorship in other scenes on other platforms. Which means that the censorship not being present is a glitch. In fact, the ESRB backs this up
"Some female characters are depicted partially nude, with their breasts and buttocks minimally covered by blood, light, or clothing. "
Day 1 patch added censorship that should have been there in the first place. Trish scene getting censored was probably an accident.
Yeah. And that doesn't change what I've said. It's singled out, because that was only on PS4.
There's no "accident" when it happens on only one platform.
Is the only qualifier whether someone looks underage their bust size? lmao, you might need help then.

Ah, put double the words in my mouth.
No. Again, learn to read full sentences. I'll repeat it since it seems hard:
The setting is not about underage characters. The characters are not underage. The characters don't look underage.
The only thing that seems to matter to you, is that those characters look underage to you (but not to other people, not to devs, not to rating boards).


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Let's go on record:
  1. Characters having sex: OK
  2. Both male and female Characters equally showing skin in a sexualized manner: OK
  3. Nonsexualized nudity that makes sense in context: OK
  4. Only female characters being sexualized: Not OK
  5. Characters sexualizing themselves as a part of their character(e.g. Bayonetta): OK
  6. Only female characters being sexualized in a way that's out of their agency in the context of the game(e.g. male gaze): Fuck No OK
  7. Children being sexualized: Call the Police
Are you saying that's how it should be or how it is?

Because let me too you brother, that ain't how it is.

What's wrong with California?

That's an SJW dogwhistle.


Oct 25, 2017
So far, but the unclear DMC 5 case might have been a possible instance of it.
Even the DMC5 case is a matter that 1) was reversed at apparently no tremendous cost 2) still involves a cutscene scene where a helpless naked damsel is rescued by the player, which is exactly the type of content that I would want Capcom to maybe reconsider putting into their games once in a while, guidelines or no guidelines.

So far the gnashing of teeth over the boogeyman of guidelines not explicitly put before consumers seems to be over nothing.
I'm never quite sure what to think when it comes to Senran Kagura. My gut reaction is about the same as a show or movie that cast a bunch of hot 24 year old models to play highschool kids. It's an over the top pervy game, but a far cry from the pedo-bait lolis in a lot of other games.
I only mention that one since it's the most talked-about game in these discussions due to how many there have been over its lifetime. It's also a series that my youngest brother is into and he's been frustrated with the hold-ups on future installments as a result of these new guidelines and the creator's stubbornness on making sure they release on Sony hardware first and foremost, as he enjoys playing them and digs their stories. From what I've seen of him playing the water gun installment, there's definitely a more flippant and carefree vibe compared to the VNs that have been receiving much harsher edits, so I apologize to any fans for equating them, even as they're in the same pot now.

Personally, I do think that the groping minigames that have cropped up in that series and elsewhere, even the relatively benign implementation that Fire Emblem Fates had for the Japanese release, is going way too far, especially with some of the types that they're catering to with some of the characters. It's not pornographic, but it is definitely straddling a line that has already been crossed over to very uncomfortable material, and it's especially noticeable for something like Senran Kagura that, as I said, seems otherwise goofy and lighthearted.

Deleted member 35077

Self-requested ban
Dec 1, 2017
Reading through it, and I don't see the Sony Spokesman mentioning anthing about underage characters, and looks to be more the author's thoughts. I really hate this, as it makes it so the developers and audience don't know what is allowed allowed, and what is not.


Alt account
Mar 14, 2019
I read the treadmark and it's not clear at all that it refers to underage sexualisation. In fact it seems to be talking more about the MeToo movement and Twitch. The underage bit seems to be added by the writer.

Don't know why mods chose this thread title, I came to this thread thinking that they had finally made their position clear but that's obviously not the case.

Ok, so it's not just me then.

Hell, that threadmark has a specific quote from a developer saying that something Sony said was ok just a few days earlier may not be ok when they go to submit something to them again (and it's a costly process to then go back and change get stuff).

Sony needs to make these guidelines CLEAR for developers, because right now it isn't.

Thankfully the Switch, Xbox, and PC are open platforms without restrictions.


Oct 25, 2017
When people have to argue to determine the age, it's most likely because the age has been obfuscated in the design, which is the main problem, imo.
What about the designs make them look underage though? Like I said before, the obvious little girl shit (Tiki/Nowi from Fire Emblem) is obvious, but after that, what design details makes a female anime appear underage? The size of the eyes? Body proportions? Small/barely there noses? Face length? The answers I get are so inconsistent that I can't even say if it's purposely being obfuscated or not or just people not being a fan or certain styles/aspects of anime art.


Nov 6, 2017
It is the kind of content that when further away from the platform is better. It only takes one incident with large press coverage to sink a brand and take years to fix.

For those who want these loli content and objectified women, I believe that the PC will be the alternative.

I'm hoping that Xbox Live, Nintendo eShop and Steam clean their stores of it. It's the kind of thing that only worsens society.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
This is solid. Japan needs to stop making sexually explicit content with underaged characters and this is one way to do it. If they want to risque video game content they should age up their characters so its obvious they're adults.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Are you saying that's how it should be or how it is?

Because let me too you brother, that ain't how it is.

That's an SJW dogwhistle.
I think he's inferring that California is a liberal place and that's why they're trying to censor pedo / loli content.

Maybe I'm wrong.

Oh, I'm aware what's going on. Certain groups of people are indeed blaming this on their HQ being in California now, because they see San Francisco and such as being this "SJW" hub. One of GG's more simple yet bizarre ideas lingering even now.

Just was hoping they'd get things over with and openly say that if pushed to explain, so they could be moderated as they deserve.


Oct 25, 2017
Even the DMC5 case is a matter that 1) was reversed at apparently no tremendous cost 2) still involves a cutscene scene where a helpless naked damsel is rescued by the player, which is exactly the type of content that I would want Capcom to maybe reconsider putting into their games once in a while, guidelines or no guidelines.

So far the gnashing of teeth over the boogeyman of guidelines not explicitly put before consumers seems to be over nothing.

Absolutely, I can agree the real problem with DMC 5 was how some of the women were portrayed as weak and ineffective damsels. Which might have only been tangentially affected by any particular guidelines, unless they also covered having a better representation of women in general.

I guess another kind of example would be those visual novel images where a random beam of light is added to cover up content that, frankly, should not have been drawn in the first place. Clearly the developers added that beam after they had drawn the offending content as a response to feedback. My position is they should be told right out of the gate, in no uncertain terms, that such things should not be there at all.

Perhaps then various characters won't even be designed to look underage, nor would they be depicted in any kind of remotely questionable situations in the first place.

Some us might think this shouldn't really need to be said, frankly, but unfortunately the world - and especially some parts of the Japanese industry- isn't like that.


Oct 25, 2017
When I saw the thread title I figured I'd come to see a clearly defined policy about what is and isn't acceptable. But that's not what's actually here? I feel pretty confident that 99% of people are on the "anime loli bullshit is gross and Sony, as a private company, has the ability/right to turn that stuff away if they please" train. I'm on board as well. But like there are a lot of good faith arguments against what is going on here:

  • Guidelines are vague/absent. So vague that developers often aren't sure what to do. We've already seen this manifest in games like DMC5.
  • What does "anime loli trash" have to do with #MeToo (which is about sexual harassment)?
  • If your argument is "we gotta protect the kids", not only does that give me 90's era flashbacks, but I think opens you up to "what about MK?" rebuttals.
  • Also at the same time they're basically arguing "these sorts of games embarrass us"? So what's the real issue? Also why still let them on your platform but censored? Are you fooling anyone this way? Are these games less embarrassing to you if they are still on your platform but censored?

I only ask they have actual guidelines so we know what they're looking for. I'm fine with them cracking down on the creepy underage shit and molestation mini games, but the lack of actual guidelines is just going to add more situations like DMC5 in the future.

Also people's perception on what looks underage when it comes to anime art styles has always been inconsistent. Like the obvious loli shit is obvious, but each of these threads have people arguing about if a character is underage or not.

There's also this element here. Lots of times loli shit is obvious but way too often I've seen people on ERA scream "loli" when talking about obviously of age women in "anime style". Like devs could avoid a lot of trouble if they would stop skirting the fucking line (seriously, some devs need to stop doing that!) but that clearly isn't good enough with some people. Also more than a few people in here are going beyond "ban the loli filth" which, if that were to ever be what this new Sony policy would entail, could be an issue. When I see the below:

Let's go on record:
  1. Characters having sex: OK
  2. Both male and female Characters equally showing skin in a sexualized manner: OK
  3. Nonsexualized nudity that makes sense in context: OK
  4. Only female characters being sexualized: Not OK
  5. Characters sexualizing themselves as a part of their character(e.g. Bayonetta): OK
  6. Only female characters being sexualized in a way that's out of their agency in the context of the game(e.g. male gaze): Fuck No OK
  7. Children being sexualized: Call the Police

Like I can respect this as one's personal sentiment (and I'd say I mostly share it, especially on point #7) but if this post is a call for Sony to use this new policy to push say #3 or #6 off their platform entirely, that could easily turn into a problem.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jan 10, 2018
It's fine as long as only sexualized underage characters are censored/removed.
In a 18+ game naked men/women shouldn't be an issue imo (The oversexualization of women is another matter)


Oct 25, 2017
Cyberpunk and other games wouldn't be affected anyway, since those policies only seem to apply to japanese/asian developers.
That doesn't change the fact that there's no actual guidelines, and that devs are doing things and hoping that Sony won't tell them it's not enough and that they need to spend more money on making a different version of a game they can't release without any issues on other platforms (since rating boards approved it and deemed it lawful).

Yeah. And that doesn't change what I've said. It's singled out, because that was only on PS4.
There's no "accident" when it happens on only one platform.
It's almost like platform specific bugs can exist. And without capcom commenting on it, we'll never know for sure
No. Again, learn to read full sentences. I'll repeat it since it seems hard:
The setting is not about underage characters. The characters are not underage. The characters don't look underage.
The only thing that seems to matter to you, is that those characters look underage to you (but not to other people, not to devs, not to rating boards).
There's no greater irony (hypocrisy) than you calling out a series for using 1000 year old demons, then literally using a thermian argument for another game to argue they're adults because of the setting/lore. Sorry, giving someone childlike eyes, nose, etc and then slapping huge boobs on them does not make them look older (her face literally does not change from when she was a child)

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
As I said in the other thread we had on this topic, this is mainly a ratings board issue that Sony has only half-heartedly tried to solve. Pretty much all of their attempts to cull this have only marginally improved the affected games. Their use of light rays and steam doesn't really hide the nature of these games. They clearly want smut on their platform but it cannot be too smutty. If this was actually important to them, they'd demand more radical cuts, ban those games altogether or use their clout to influence the ratings boards to affect real change. This is just weak shit.


Oct 30, 2017
So any examples of what got nuked by this? Kinda important to see what they find problematic and what not to really judge the move.

Deleted member 15395

Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
Maybe this will drive JP devs to finally start having some adult looking characters for games that have large amounts of fan service. Either that or it will drive them all to the switch.


Oct 27, 2017
So any examples of what got nuked by this? Kinda important to see what they find problematic and what not to really judge the move.
It's just pervy anime games so far. Anything with clearly adults have had no problems (I mean, Sony has published those kinds of games themselves).


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It's disgusting to me that many in this thread are defending this sick disgusting content. If it gets removed and we have much less of it then I'm all for it. Hopefully they can tackle the issue of oversexualization well but somehow I dont see that happening considering most of their games are sexualized.


Oct 27, 2017
I am all for removing sexual depictions of children within in games. Sadly, Sony's approach of altering the images censors the image but doesn't remove the context. A sexual depiction of a child is still a sexual depiction of a child whether you have light rays going over the body or not. They should ask for the complete removal entirely or not allow the game on their system at all.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The big problem here is the fact that as quoted in the article these guidelines are all arbitrary and developers literally don't know whether they meet them until Sony gets back to them.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm kinda irritated when it's a policy that causes authors to hold back and not their own wish.

That said, I hardly care in most affected content because it wasn't worth defending anyway.

I did think the DMC5 censoring was kinda lame though. I played it on pc and when I heard of the blue light stuff on PS4 I was pretty flabbergasted. It can be taken as sexualization but I think it's a little over-protective.
Oct 25, 2017
My main problem continues to be the vague guidelines developers are still given in regards to what content Sony will bar from the PS4. It remains telling that devs have to gamble with what could or couldn't be allowed and still end up having to spend additional time reworking content when they could've been told the actual restrictions to begin with.

Cause moreover if it took them this long to make a full statement since the implementation, then I doubt developers have been told much anything on why this is happening.


Oct 27, 2017
Ok, so it's not just me then.

Hell, that threadmark has a specific quote from a developer saying that something Sony said was ok just a few days earlier may not be ok when they go to submit something to them again (and it's a costly process to then go back and change get stuff).

Sony needs to make these guidelines CLEAR for developers, because right now it isn't.

Thankfully the Switch, Xbox, and PC are open platforms without restrictions.

I will add this quote:

Executives and developers at game makers that make sexually explicit games say Sony used to praise them as an important part of the PlayStation business strategy because their offerings added to the variety of PlayStation games. But they don't get much attention from Sony anymore, they said, and were told to go find other platforms if they want to keep making such games.

"What they're saying to us is basically go find a niche somewhere else," said a top executive at a Japanese software company that makes sexually explicit games.

The Sony spokeswoman declined to comment on the outside developer's comment, saying Sony maintains "responsibility to our users as a platform holder."

The article is pretty much focused on "software sold in the company's home market of Japan", but does not state the guidelines. Whether it the guidelines are clear or not doesn't matter when the subject is about the "games from Japan that had more tolerance for near-nudity and images of young women who might appear underage." Also, I'd argue that Microsoft doesn't have these "types" of games because none of them released on that platform before and they also declined to comment on the subject.

Since people want to say that Sony is lazy, I will add this as a bonus:

U.S. ratings established by the Entertainment Software Rating Board range from "AO" for adults only to "E" for everyone, while Japan has a similar system by the Computer Entertainment Rating Organization. Sony's game reviews go beyond those ratings, similar to the way app-store operators require advance review before apps get published.
The big problem here is the fact that as quoted in the article these guidelines are all arbitrary and developers literally don't know whether they meet them until Sony gets back to them.
It reminds me a lot of what the MPAA used to be like prior to the policy changes that happened as a result of the documentary This Film is Not Yet Rated. No one should evoke the spirit of the MPAA prior to that documentary.


Oct 27, 2017
It's disgusting to me that many in this thread are defending this sick disgusting content. If it gets removed and we have much less of it then I'm all for it. Hopefully they can tackle the issue of oversexualization well but somehow I dont see that happening considering most of their games are sexualized.

If this issue was literally defined as Loli anime games being shut down, I think everyone would support that. No right minded person wants to see or support underage sexualization of children even in anime form. keyword: underage. example: Most anime games

However it's vague and there are some people who enjoy more raunchy video games with adult people showing skin. Keyword, Adult. Example: DOA volleyball series.

I've only read the surface so maybe I'm wrong but Sony needs to be more specific here I think. Either way, I'm glad they are moving in the right direction on this.


Oct 25, 2017
Sony officials said executives at the company have grown concerned that its global reputation could take a hit from sexually explicit content sold only in a few markets

Some niche game sold on various platforms isn't going to affect its reputation whatsoever.

Nintendo said it doesn't regulate sexual content beyond requiring game makers to obtain a rating from national bodies. It said its game systems allow parents to restrict content based on the rating.

As it should be. We have rating boards.

"You don't know what they will say until you complete the work and submit it for review," said the chief executive of a small game developer in Japan. "And if they are not happy, even if they allowed the same degree of sexuality a few days before, we need to take it back and ask our staff to make adjustments. That's very costly."

Fucked up situation and this Sony policy is so damn stupid. How can there still not be absolute 100% clear guidelines instead of a vague policy that has been all over the place in how it is applied

" and gaming "does not inhibit the sound growth and development" of young people.

Only if it is Japanese game though.

This whole thing couldn't be any more bad American stereotype of sex is bad violence is good. Talk about these guidelines while Sony's biggest upcoming title has shown to have one of the most uncomfortable realistic depictions of violence with LoU2
Last edited:


Alt Account
Feb 6, 2019
I will add this quote:

The article is pretty much focused on "software sold in the company's home market of Japan", but does not state the guidelines. Whether it the guidelines are clear or not doesn't matter when the subject is about the "games from Japan that had more tolerance for near-nudity and images of young women who might appear underage." Also, I'd argue that Microsoft doesn't have these "types" of games because none of them released on that platform before and they also declined to comment on the subject.

Since people want to say that Sony is lazy, I will add this as a bonus:
so basically SONY is on the "to big to fail" mentality??
"oh, you dont like our platform? well, Fk u, go find somewhere else to publish your game".
tho they are on their right, this same controller attitude is what earner Nintendo lots of scorn during their Iron Claw era


Nov 1, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): History of Defending/Dismissing the sexualization of minors.
Most of censorship boils down to emotional arguments. "Disgust" and "Wrong" are often used by the right wing to attempt to ban things, and we've seen this countless times from conservative religious groups, but it's really disappointing to see many in the US left wing succumb to the same emotional argumentation without coherent logical basis in anything. These content guidelines are never explicitly stated, they just make it up as they go depending on how much they need to address potential social media outrage. If some games don't fit their concept of fitting for "young minds", make it M-rated. Why Sony thinks it needs to overrule ratings systems that are already in place is beyond me.


Nov 6, 2017
Some visual novels (even no underage looking characters) and uncofirmed but most likely sure, DMC V

if Nintendo didnt have a monopoly of hte Japanese market, they will now

What monopoly? Do you even know what that word means? Does the switch have Monster Hunter world, RE2:Remake, DMCV, Kingdom Hearts 3, Street fighter V, Tekken 5... Should I go on?


Alt Account
Feb 6, 2019
What monopoly? Do you even know what that word means? Does the switch have Monster Hunter world, RE2:Remake, DMCV, Kingdom Hearts 3, Street fighter V, Tekken 5... Should I go on?
Oct 25, 2017
Most of censorship boils down to emotional arguments. "Disgust" and "Wrong" are often used by the right wing to attempt to ban things, and we've seen this countless times from conservative religious groups, but it's really disappointing to see many in the US left wing succumb to the same emotional argumentation without coherent logical basis in anything. These content guidelines are never explicitly stated, they just make it up as they go depending on how much they need to address potential social media outrage. If some games don't fit their concept of fitting for "young minds", make it R18. Why Sony thinks it needs to overrule ratings systems that are already in place is beyond me.

Interesting usage of wording here. Really. Fascinating stuff. And by interesting, I mean completely fucking stupid.

Sony feels the need to overrule ratings systems because those ratings systems have perpetuated sexist garbage for too long and haven't done anything to curb the issue?

If anything, Sony isn't going far enough. The shit needs to be banned outright.


Nov 21, 2018
It's good that they are applying restrictions to possible pedophelia content. but...i dont understand the light streak covering up the woman's butt in dmc4.


Oct 27, 2017
Even if we're not talking about depiction of underage girls - which it's pretty clear this does and which zero users should be defending in any form whatsoever - the typical depictions of female sexuality in games is largely directly still playing to male gaze. I can think of few examples where there has been genuine expression of sexuality in games... and if we're talking about action games, it's zero. And yes that's includes Bayonetta, sorry to say. It's a great action game, and it's also creepy.

A great test of these things is always: can I play this game in a room with my mother/wife/girlfriend? If the answer is no, it's probably problematic.